Pirate Kingship

Chapter 525: Heavy-duty cruiser, challenging the impossible

Seeing the strange-looking soldier on the opposite side, other people on the boat also expressed surprise.

They have been traveling overseas all year round and have seen many kinds of bear-men, eagle-men, shark-men, and frog-men, but this is the first time they have seen this kind of ethnic group that seems to be pure human beings, but their skin is as black as charcoal.

"Devil! These are indeed the devil's dependents!"

"Fortunately it's still daytime. If they launch a night attack, we will definitely suffer a big loss."

"That's right, this kind of family has a 100% night fighting bonus, and it is born for night fighting.

If you go to rob at night, no one will notice at all.

Even the [Psychic Profile] that the [Painter] could complete in one tenth of a second could not capture their figures, let alone distinguish who was who. "

"We pirates have encountered a natural enemy."

Whether they are pirate officers or ordinary pirates, many people think that this is the skin color of the devil's family.

Of course, the moment Byron was successfully crowned king, they had completely taken off their pirate hats and became the legal navy of the Kingdom of Hattings, but they had not yet adapted.

It was their cousin [Sea Mage] Salant who also came from the Eastern Continent who answered their doubts.

He habitually confirmed in his mind that this piece of information did not violate any taboos, nor did it involve the existence of a certain high-level person. Then he coughed lightly and explained:

“Among the three continents surrounding the Sea of ​​Monsters, the Old Continent [Dragon King’s Court] has the highest terrain, and the Eastern Continent [Corridor of Truth] has the lowest terrain.

When blue holes are randomly generated around the world, they will send 'immigrants' and endemic species from all over the world to the Eastern Continent.

Therefore, the [Corridor of Truth] can be called the human museum of the material world.

White-skinned, red-skinned, yellow-skinned, dark-skinned, all kinds of aliens, old gods’ dependents, whatever you can imagine, you can find almost there.

I also heard that the exiled princesses of the last royal family of the ancient Silver Empire all took root in a certain country in the [Corridor of Truth] and married the king of the other party. It is not an exaggeration to say that the empire's orthodoxy is in the Eastern Continent. "

"As for these dark-skinned soldiers, they are an ethnic group living in the southern tropics of the continent. They call themselves: Black Iron People, and they are considered one of the native aborigines of the Eastern Continent.

But hundreds of years ago, they were conquered, ruled, and enslaved by more and more outsiders. Most of them were stuffed into plantations as slaves, and a few were trained as soldiers.

Oh, by the way, they also have a nickname that seems to be: ‘Biological Fully Automatic Cotton Harvester’. I accidentally heard some cotton farmers in the southern coastal areas talking about it.

However, after so many years, it is normal for a considerable number of people to leave their slave status and climb to the top, accounting for about 15% of all races.

After all, in the eyes of many activated 'knowledge', they don't care about the race of the ruled, they are all just their own 'reserve food'.

We in the Mermaid Kingdom live in the water. Although we have heard that in addition to the Black Iron Tribe, there seems to be a Black Mermaid Kingdom in the southern seas.

It was probably because when slaves were being transported by sea, Black Iron slaves were being dropped into the water every day, that the underwater kingdom was transformed into a black fish.

The ancestors were worried that the children would have nightmares and never contacted each other. "

Violet asked strangely:

"Didn't the Eastern Continent already have whale oil technology? Why are they still using inefficient slaves for hundreds of years?"

Salant shook his head:

"Whale Oil Technology takes the rare item route, which can only be used by dark wizards and is insulated from ordinary people.

Many ordinary people at the bottom don't even know that the supernatural world exists.

Even though whale oil technology can be regarded as a standard rare item with a wide range of applications, it is still too costly for agricultural production and is far less expensive than using slaves.

Besides, since there is countless cheap labor available, the 'knowledge' people who rule the Corridor of Truth have little interest in expanding the field of people's livelihood and developing agricultural machinery.

Instead, the technology tree was all focused on the military field, and many weapons and equipment such as whale oil-powered sentries, whale oil saw swords, siege engines, bombs, tanks, and electro-optical towers were born. "

Next to him, Byron looked at the "Black Iron Tribe" soldiers on the opposite side, feeling a strong sense of déjà vu and the absurdity of time and space.

The Echidna Triangular Gyre is known to rotate counterclockwise.

As the source material tide rose and the sea route was opened, these black-skinned colonists rode the ocean current from the "Third Circulation Zone" to the Dragon King's Court.

Capture the white slaves and then send them along the "First Circulation Belt" to the Beast Paradise Colony, which has a large area of ​​fertile land, and sell them to the major Old God Church and Familia forces on the east coast.

Then, they will return to the Eastern Continent along the "Second Circulation Belt" loaded with all kinds of gold, silver, spices, and herbs that are specialties of the Southern Continent.

Provide the upper class among them with enjoyment, or develop their own extraordinary versions of whale oil technology and various military technologies.

"Isn't this the legendary triangular trade?

It’s just that in this world, what the colonists arrived at along the ocean currents was not ‘Black Africa’, but ‘White Europe’.

A part of the Black Iron tribe that developed first served as the main force of the colonists, hunting what they saw as the white-skinned slaves of the Dragon King's Court in the New World.

A non-chief is not a non-chief, and the European emperor is not the European emperor. It is simply contrary to Tiangang. "

Byron suddenly seemed to have seen the black tide coming continuously from the other side of the sea, breaking through all order, and a subtle feeling of being hit by a boomerang arose in his heart.

"If I and Hastings, who are on the front line, can't stop it, this situation will most likely become a reality.

However, slavery"

He couldn't help but think of a series of social changes surrounding slavery in his previous life.

Normal people actually have a misunderstanding that since slaves are slaves, their lives must be extremely miserable.

But they don't realize that since slaves, who are sold at a price of about the annual salary of ordinary people and much more expensive than a beast of burden, are the private property of slave owners, just like cattle and horses, it is unlikely that they will be over-exploited beyond the limit.

In addition to public donkeys, who has ever seen anyone deliberately abuse their own cattle and horses?

Slave owners need to solve their survival, health, medical care, and even marriage and childbirth of the next generation of slaves, so as to ensure their own maximum interests.

Some absurd things are.

Only when the wage labor system is implemented and the personal ownership of workers does not belong to the owners of the means of production, can the latter exploit their labor without limit without psychological burden.

Recruiting underage child laborers, increasing working hours, assigning high-load and high-intensity work, and asking them to work or not work, etc. Even if they have time to fall in love, get married and have children, what does it have to do with me?

After gaining freedom, the hired laborers in the civilized world are treated worse than slaves to some extent. For a moment, it is hard to tell who is the beast of burden.

This emotion in Byron's heart was just a flash, and he threw it behind his mind in a blink of an eye.

As long as we win the war of founding the country, we can prevent this situation from happening and replan the future of the country according to our own will.

[Blue Dragon King] regrouped with our ghost ship and was responsible for holding the line.

[Golden Deer] went forward alone to face the devil fleet, which made the observers and intelligence officers from various countries who had just recovered from the strong change of the throne of Hastings sweat.

In particular, the admiral from Iris next door reacted the most strongly.

"Just now, His Majesty Saint Byron, the King of the Wild Hunt, said that these black and smudged weirdos were actually colonists coming from the East Continent?

If the Kingdom of Hastings can't stop them, wouldn't Iris be the next to suffer?

No, I have to report it to His Majesty immediately!"

All intelligence personnel from various countries unanimously sent back to their countries the information about the change of ownership of the Kingdom of Hastings and the White Rose colluding with foreign forces to attract powerful foreign enemies.

You know, even if it is just a simple battleship fleet, the total number of more than 70 ships is enough to crush most maritime powers.

Not to mention that this is a ghost fleet with ship spirits, and its combat power is far beyond that of ordinary battleships!

The captured sailors under the Royal Party and the Earl's Party are closest to those ghost ships and feel them most directly.

With the cold wind blowing through their bones, their teeth were chattering:

"It's over, it's over, we're all done."

"The three York brothers of the White Rose are all troubles, they really made us suffer!"

"If we are defeated by these outsiders, I'm afraid the first step will be to militarize the Kingdom of Hastings.

Sooner or later, the soldiers of the First to Seventh Fleets will be given to others as sacrifices by the Duke George who laughs last."

"I don't want to die, Creator, please bless His Majesty [King of the Wild Hunt] to win!"

"Nonsense, His Majesty Saint Byron is the 'Holy Spirit', the 'Creator', and he will definitely be invincible!"

In the crisis of life and death, chains of faith were quietly generated in Byron's spiritual world.

The strong prayers of the soldiers in the Strait of Dover echoed repeatedly in his ears along the chains of faith.

"Win! Win!"

This time, Byron is no longer the mortal who can only hear prayers but cannot respond, but a real god!

Slowly raising the two swords in his hands, he said in a deep voice:

"Since you have sincerely prayed to me, I will do as you wish!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As soon as the voice fell, the afterimages of the [Golden Deer] flashed behind him, and a series of heavy cruisers with strange shapes and some too low in the eyes of the onlookers emerged one after another.

They did not hide in the "border maze" like the pirate fleet, but jumped directly here from the assembly point outside the Strait of Dover.

In fact, this "destroying commerce fleet" composed of all heavy cruisers had already obtained the special effect of the legion title: [Unlimited Wolf Pack] on the day when the first batch of five heavy cruisers were launched.

Also called: [Heavy Cruisers Less Than 100, Invincible if More Than 100].

"The basic attribute of a heavy cruiser is: invincible in single combat.

Those who can beat it cannot outrun it, those who can outrun it cannot beat it, and more often, they can neither beat it nor outrun it.

It can cooperate with the "ship maneuvering tactics" to break the enemy into pieces and pull it to the battlefield where it is best.

It can also rely on the full heavy artillery configuration to act as a battleship and go head-to-head with the fleet of any country.

The special effect [Unlimited Wolf Pack] can build an exclusive wolf pack network in the entire commerce-breaking fleet. In addition to communication, it can also summon companions to provide fire support in a certain range.

Using itself as a positioning, it can teleport other friendly ships to its side, forming a tightly organized bloodthirsty wolf pack.

This is called poking the wolf's den. If you beat one, two will come. If you beat two, four will come.

If a country finds a heavy cruiser on its sea transportation line, it means that countless heavy cruisers may appear at any time to crawl all over its home!"

In the future, "breaking engagement" may become one of the main forms of naval warfare.

The main purpose is to cut off or hinder the transportation of enemy combat materials and the replenishment of troops, restrict the mobility of its maritime forces, and weaken a country's combat capabilities.

Achieve strategic goals by attacking enemy transport ships and escort convoys, destroying enemy loading and unloading ports, and blocking enemy ship channels.

During World War I, Hanscat practiced unrestricted submarine warfare and adopted single-boat attack tactics, destroying the Allied maritime lines of communication and sinking approximately 11 million tons of ships.

In World War II, the scale of maritime warfare expanded, and Hanscat once again implemented unrestricted submarine warfare. It developed to the use of submarines, surface ships and aviation in groups, sinking approximately 21 million tons of Allied ships.

With this example in mind, today's heavily armed cruisers are similar to them.

Even if Hattings and the Gulf states around the North Sea fall one after another, Byron loses his territory, and eventually the triangular trade in the Echidna Triangle Gyre appears, it is not completely unsolvable.

As long as he controls the Great Maritime Wall on the main shipping routes, he can manipulate the international market and even influence the political tendencies of various interest groups in various countries, thereby controlling the rise and fall of one country or even many countries in a "non-violent" manner.

Control the sea lanes!

Control world trade!

Gain world domination!

Be crowned the overlord of sea power!

At that time, Byron was the uncrowned king of the entire Echidna Triangle. He was not a pirate emperor, but the King of the Seven Seas, or even the King of the Sea!

The breakup fleet has regrouped.

Including the holy relic prototype ship [Golden Deer], the total number of this heavily armed cruiser fleet reached fifty-two, exceeding the total number of battleships in the seven fleets of Hattings.

In the past, due to the principle of "too advanced to be displayed", even if it was engaged in actual combat training at sea, the enemy would be completely wiped out without leaving any witnesses.

This final appearance is the first time he has appeared publicly in front of the whole world.

The legal network from the [Iron Law of Royal Power: Magna Carta] covers the entire fleet, and a branch command system is constructed with one battleship as a unit, instantly integrating the fleet into a whole.

Byron gave the order:

"The break-up fleet, with the [Golden Deer] as the lead ship, form a single column and launch a battle line!"


Facing the northeast wind, more than fifty warships moved according to the order without any lag, as accurately as if they were using the same brain.

The sails were full and soon the group soared to a high speed of 13 knots.

The break-up fleet that turned on the group battle mode was like a galloping heavily armored knight, heading straight for the ghost fleet on the opposite side.

A blood-red tentacle shot out from the Ghost Fleet's flagship quasi-legendary battleship [Marie Joa Theater], grabbing the ecstatic Duke of Clarence George early and pulling him to his ship.

It fell to the deck with a "plop".

Looking up, he saw [Devil King] and [Death Pianist] Lorena sitting in front of a piano, surrounded by a group of devils, family members, and undead sailors.

Wearing a crown, red hair like fire, skin as white as snow, and wearing a black evening dress, she is noble and beautiful, as dazzling as the sun.

It seems that she is not here to fight a colonial war that will destroy the country, but to attend a grand concert, which shows how arrogant she is.

Just like Warwick, who never dared to resist his father-in-law [Kingmaker], George did not dare to show any dissatisfaction with his new backer.

Regardless of his body becoming as weak as Edward IV, he got up from the ground immediately, with a flattering smile on his face, nodded and bowed to the Devil Lord:

"Your Majesty Lorena.

Your will will be the order of the Kingdom of Hetings in the future, and I and the 7 million citizens will be your most loyal servants. "

But because the movement was too big, he couldn't help but cover his waist again:


Seeing his funny look, the devil king, who had lived for who knows how many years, remained unsmiling, but the devils and undead sailors around him burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, he looks like a dog."

George's face twitched and he wanted to scold these damn barbarians, but when he saw the "noble" black skin on some of them, he lost all courage and continued to lower his head and said with a smile:

"You laugh at you, you laugh at you, this laughter is so hearty, hahaha."

I felt cruel in my heart:

"You have only been a member of the family for a few days longer than me, so how dare you look down on others? Sooner or later, I will find a way to please Her Majesty Lorena and ride on all of you!

At this time, no one knows better than me how to be a brother, son-in-law, grandson, and puppet to a strong man! "

The [Devil King] didn't even bother to take a serious look at this kind of "opinion leader" who used to dismantle political power from within the indigenous people.

She just kept staring at Byron, who had seized the throne at the speed of light beyond her expectation and successfully promoted to the fifth level [Dark Demon King], with her red lips slightly raised:


He raised his hand and pressed a key on the piano next to him.

The entire fleet immediately formed a very strict battle line under the control of Yin Yin, and faced the approaching break-up fleet head-on.

She had seen the opponent's "ship maneuvering tactics" of dismembering the battle line through the eyes of the lower-ranking family members, but she was not worried at all that she would be defeated by this move.

The ship spirits in the ghost fleet are 100% obedient to her command of death. If they dare to use ship maneuvers again, they will definitely lose everything.

Soon, the fleets of both sides started the "Death Waltz" together, facing the wind and slowly approaching each other.

Although the spectators watching the battle nearby instinctively hoped that Byron would win, they all felt a little pessimistic about this battle.

"Previously, His Majesty the King of the Wild Hunt was able to use tactics to separate the second and third fleets of the two main fleets because the two battle lines had been bombing each other for a long time and suffered heavy casualties.

How could a group of low-profile cruisers break the battleships that were ready for battle? No matter how fast they were, they couldn't hit them.

This was simply impossible.

If he could accomplish such a feat, the entire history of navigation and naval warfare in the Old World would be completely rewritten by him."

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to one kilometer, a turbulent surge suddenly appeared on the sea.

George immediately became the chief military advisor for the devil:

"Your Majesty, the wind is getting stronger. This is not a normal natural phenomenon in the Strait of Dover.

It is the power of Lancaster!"

The current in the Strait of Dover usually flows from southwest to northeast along the strait, but the continuous northeast wind may reverse the current, so the sailing conditions may change rapidly when fighting a naval battle here.

But at least there are rules to follow. It is still a bit unusual to suddenly change from the original seaworthy conditions of wind force 5 to high sea conditions with waves exceeding two meters.

The next moment, the action of the commerce-breaking fleet confirmed his guess.

The entire commerce-breaking fleet, which was still abiding by the standard naval battle rules and seizing the upper hand, suddenly went against the trend and took the initiative to give the upper wind position to the ghost fleet, and came to the leeward position.

Then the two went in the same direction, and opened the gun ports one after another while rapidly approaching the effective range of 100 meters.

"Load your guns!"

The heavy cruiser is equipped with 30 32-pound cannons on the lower deck and 26 42-pound carronades on the upper deck.

The main third-level ship has 28 32-pound cannons on the lower deck, 30 24-pound cannons on the upper deck, and 16 9-pound cannons on the open deck. The latter is inferior to the former in terms of the projection quality of 9 32-pound heavy guns.

A cry of surprise suddenly caused chaos in the ghost fleet.

"It's bad, report to the captain that the main gun gun port can't be opened!"

"We are the same."

Except for a few fourth-level ships, all third-level ships and above reported a bad news.

The reason is simple, because the third-level battleships and above have too deep drafts, and the main gun gun port is too close to the water surface.

The 32-pound heavy guns on the lowest level are located in the middle of the hull, and the lower frame of the gun port is only about 1.2 meters away from the sea surface. If the sea condition is slightly higher, waves will come up from the gun port.

Now the waves are over two meters high. When the leeward side of the ship is tilted into the water when the waves are rising, if you want to prevent the warship from taking in water, you must close the main gun gun ports and only keep the 30 24-pound secondary guns and 16 9-pound guns on the upper deck.

Ghost ships have their own ship spirits, which are much stronger and more flexible than ordinary warships, but it does not mean that they will not sink again.

They are not as fast and powerful as heavy cruisers, and now the main guns cannot be used, which is simply a disaster.

Byron's eyes are calm.

The last time he tricked the pirate Edward Redbeard and the [Goddess of Vengeance], he had to rely on the time.

But today, in this area of ​​water that his power can cover, his will is... time!

With a wave of his hand:

"Send them back to the bottomless pit! Fire!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The orange-red cannon flames flashed, and thousands of blazing fire lines rushed directly to the ghost fleet covered with barnacles on the opposite surface.

The audience thought that this battle would turn into a battleship slaughtering a cruiser, but in fact it turned into a heavily armored cruiser head-on exploding a battleship!

Everyone gasped.

However, at this moment.

Dozens of white water lines suddenly appeared under the ghost fleet, and the head was slightly flashing with the blue light of whale oil, and it rushed straight to the commerce-breaking fleet at a speed of 15 knots.

The sharp-eyed lookout of the commerce-breaking ship saw that there were dozens of strange oval metal spheres, and behind each metal sphere there was a very burly black-skinned undead soldier who tirelessly stepped on the water to adjust the course.

These were actually dozens of carbon-based guided whale oil torpedoes!

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