Pirate Kingship

Chapter 524 Wild Hunt: The Bloodthirsty Storm King!

Legend or false god? Storm King or Night Stalker?

This is undoubtedly a happy trouble for Byron.

The "pirate kingship" requirement of the fifth-level legend is to steal a country, while the "usurpation of power" requirement is to obtain substantial power through a coup.

Although the ceremony is common, taking over Hetings, an offshore country with a land area of ​​240,000 square kilometers and a population of 7 million, is obviously not influential enough for Byron to have both cake and eat it, so he can only choose to improve one of the paths first.

[Ladder of Glory] and [Original Code of Bloodline] each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

This choice will also determine the development direction of him and his country for a long time to come.

Byron knew that there was not much time left for him to weigh. Fortunately, he had already considered this issue in advance and distinguished the pros and cons:

“After setting foot on the high sequence, what both of them have in common is that they will achieve further spiritual sublimation.

And every fifth-level legend in the [Ladder of Glory] sequence will obtain a unique and powerful [Thumbology] based on their own ability system and individual knowledge differences.

This is also the biggest difference between level 5 legends and level 4 heroes.

The Sail Collector's [Virtual Ship Spirit], the Puppet King's [Flesh and Blood is Useless], and the Throne of the Ocean's [Contracted Sea King] are all abilities of this type.

According to the main breakthrough contributions I made in the profession of lighthouse sequence [Storm Knight].

The thaumaturgy that can be obtained by advancing to [Storm King] should mainly fall into two directions:

The first one may be to greatly strengthen the "Gun Fighting Technique" and develop some kind of ability similar to carbon-based guided missiles. If you throw it into your hand from eight hundred miles away, you can kill the enemy's head with one shot.

In the future, combined with Violet's [Mass-Energy Equation], it will be given powerful airdrop carrying capabilities.

The combination of the two swords can allow the enemy country in the target area to maintain ultra-high quality under a high temperature of 6,000 degrees, and will not say a word when facing acquaintances on the street.

If you are more courageous, you can perform a Mach 31 falling palm move from the sky from 380,000 kilometers away, and add a semi-ballistic jump in the middle. No matter what kind of bully you are, you must be able to sing and dance, and you will not dare to be the first to use hot weapons.

The other is electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces.

Because in the macroscopic world visible to the naked eye, except for gravity, almost all natural phenomena are related to electromagnetic force. The upper limit is too high. It is impossible for a mere fifth-level legend to fully master it. Even if it is promoted to a seventh-level true god, it may not be possible.

But using coins to shoot a railgun, kicking others in the head at the speed of light, manipulating steel, electric furnace heating, or a castrated version of magnetic field rotation, etc. should not be a big problem.

If you are lucky, relying on this ability, you can expect to create a new profession [electrical engineer] in the future and start the second industrial revolution. "

But under normal circumstances, promotion in the [Ladder of Glory] sequence ends here.

If you want to continue to advance, you can only find a way to build your own country and formulate the iron law of royal power.

Based on the high-sequence legendary realm that has reached the pinnacle of this profession, we can further achieve the trinity of king, law, and country, and obtain our own [King Title]!

Even if you reach this point, you have completely reached the pinnacle of the mass gathering route. It is also the most perfect answer that an ordinary extraordinary person can theoretically hand over.

Because the subsequent [Crown] and [Triple Crown] are unique, no one in the entire Silver Age could replicate the miracle from scratch.

Even the most promising pirate emperor of the North Sea Empire, Blue Dragon King Reinhardt, fell short in the end even though he had the divine blood of the [God of Wild Hunt].

Reaching this point is no longer a test of ability, but reincarnation technology.

As for the fact that Ladder of Glory cannot strengthen the body and extend lifespan, it is always a shortcoming of mortals, and it is not a big problem for Byron.

He is already a mythical creature [Night Demon Prince] who has obtained immortality. Even if the level of immortality is relatively low and he needs to replenish the blood of transformation at any time, he does not feel anxious.

"The most important benefit of taking another [Bloodline Original Code] route to become a fifth-level false god is to anchor the ladder of immortality, sublimate the essence of life, and completely bid farewell to the birth, old age, illness, and death of mortal beings.

It is immune to almost all diseases and toxins in the material world, and all kinds of magic abilities under this system can be at your fingertips.

It can also use its own unique ladder of immortality and secret spells as the basis to condense [God's Name] and specific authority, and the effect will never be inferior to any thaumaturgy.

In addition, the fifth-level false gods and slave gods have become individuals initially independent of the main god by jumping out of the immortal ladder beyond forbidden knowledge.

Even if you face the Old God's ontology, which is the source of knowledge, you can still gain a considerable degree of autonomy (Chapter 436).

What's more, the current old gods themselves are just a group of sixth-level demigods who are still sleeping. If they are properly operated, it is not impossible to replace them with the lower ones.

The later the time goes on, the less likely this is. "

When Byron reached this step, he found that at the fifth level of the high sequence, the two routes gradually began to feel like they were different roads leading to the same destination.

The Ladder of Glory uses institutions and laws to anchor others, connecting many islands floating in the sea of ​​the collective subconscious into a landmass that together resists the tide;

The Bloodline Principle anchors the world itself and the believers he cultivated at the fourth level at the same time, making his island taller and stronger.

When you reach the sixth level of demigods, you need to enrich your divine domain, build a divine kingdom on earth, and absorb your own dependents to establish a system.

At this point, the two routes are completely merged into one, and there are no longer any shortcomings.

And the Glory Ladder system established by the Creator is obviously not completely self-created, but deconstructed and castrated from the power system of ancient gods.

The most typical prayer is: "May your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

The disadvantage of the original bloodline is that the power belongs to itself, the anchor point is too isolated, and the stability is not as good as the former. Once the old god wakes up early, it may be more dangerous than the former.

Byron has nearly 20 million people from the Holy Golden Empire and Hettings as anchors, and also refers to the extraordinary knowledge of using believers as anchors in the "Book of Beasts (Volume 2)".

The [Anchor] on his body is stable enough, far beyond ordinary legends and a large group of [Kings], so there is no need to worry about this shortcoming.

Just consider which of [Anchor], [Sail], and [Rudder] can bring greater benefits.

Byron raised his hand and the [Sword of Dedication], one of the seven sacred artifacts of the kingship, fell into his hand.

Feeling the power added by the complete [King's Title] and countless citizens, he finally made up his mind:

"If I didn't have the Kingdom of Hettings and the Holy Golden Empire, I must first take the safest and most orthodox path of gathering people through legends and kings. Only by not making mistakes can I go further.

But the problem is that I am the Nth generation of the king. I just won the war for the throne and have inherited the country and king's title passed down to me by my ancestors.

You can directly enjoy the top treatment without being promoted to legend first and then starting the country from scratch.

The hardships I need to endure were all eaten up by my grandfather and my grandfather's grandfather.

The accumulation of hundreds of generations has saved me thirty years of detours, which is very beaver!

The [King's Title] of Hettings can be used right away. After it is complete, the ability to gather people, the left hand and the right hand, and the king's army are all available.

Even because of the ability of the telekinetic loom [Gathering the Bone into a Fur Coat], I don't have to worry about no signal even if I kill into the sea of ​​monsters.

With this prerequisite, except Besides the [Thaumaturge], which is worth looking forward to, the legends that are somewhat repetitive with the existing king title do not increase my power much.

Moreover, only by obtaining the position of God can I legitimately establish the state religion and start the scheduled plan of annexing the church by "backdoor listing".

By using the three-stage honorific name to respond to the prayers of believers at least within the scope of one country, the claim of "Holy Spirit" will gradually become true to its name, and use the false to cultivate the true.

Then try to touch the 1% of "All Things Return to One", communicate with the Messiah Angel split from the [Creator], and make the third leg of "Spiritual Realm" as long as the other two.

This represents an opportunity for rapid growth in strength and power. Once missed, there will be a chance only after taking down the Kalma Alliance. "

After making up his mind in a flash, he decisively shouted:

"God-ascending long steps, open!!!"

A golden beam of light rushed out from the top of his head and went straight up to the sky, like an anchor chain, or a ladder, trying to anchor the "immortality" in the dark.

Byron's Immortal Ladder has been selected since he was promoted to the fourth level and obtained the mythical form of "∞", including the secret spell [Blood River], which is extended from this core.

"My mythical form [Mobius Ring·Ouroboros] itself represents "infinite cycle" and "reproduction and rebirth".

There is more than one kind of Immortal Ladder to choose from.

For example: The genetic code revealed in "Genetics" is the commonality connecting all carbon-based organisms in this world, and the original gene is still being passed down from generation to generation in all organisms.

However, a single biological diversity is far from representing a complete "change".

If I stop here, it would be too narrow, and I will never be able to jump out of the knowledge system of [Mother of Creation·Lilith] .

He may have autonomy in front of her, but it is just autonomy. It is almost impossible to defeat Him with this.

If you want the python to swallow the elephant, the purpose of the Immortal Stairs must be higher than Him. "

Byron looked up at the long stairway to the gods, and a trace of cultural confidence appeared in his eyes:

"One of the foundations of mysticism is: 'Three gives birth to all things, and every seven must change', but there should be another sentence before it: 'One gives birth to two, and two gives birth to three'.

For me, seven is the all-encompassing seven-layer golden law, three is the trinity of the golden triangle,

two is the life of the blood source river and the wild hunting legion. Death is the opposite.

And I am the ‘one’ that created all changes, all things return to one, the ‘one’ that gives birth to all things, and the unified ‘one’!

From unity to binary opposition to world differentiation, it represents the foundation of this world’s extraordinary system.

The meaning is just like when the Creator created the world, on the first day he said: ‘Let there be light!’ So there was light, symbolizing the beginning of everything.

When I reach the highest realm of ‘all things return to one’ in the future, the whole world will become a part of me.

Therefore, the only thing that never changes in the world is change, and my ladder to immortality is ‘change’ itself.

It is not like other people’s reproductive cells or vampire stars. If this world disappears, immortality will also cease to exist.

And ‘change’ itself, even if it is placed in the heavens outside the world, will not change its lofty nature! ”

Byron once heard someone say: “When a scientist climbs to the top of the mountain, he finds that the philosopher is already waiting for him there.”

As a pragmatist, although he thinks that this sentence is purely a big talk by liberal arts philosophers to gild themselves, it does not prevent him from launching the doctrine of taking things.

With the birth of this new concept, the other end of the long steps to the gods suddenly stabilized, anchoring something indestructible and eternal.

At this moment, a paragraph of handwriting that appeared two years ago on the first page of the [Logbook] suddenly lit up with golden light.

"Enthusiasm for life, desire for freedom, courage to never retreat even in the face of a strong enemy, and an [anchor] from the 'correct history'!

Conditions met! The log is restarted and a new history is about to be recorded (Chapter 2)!"

Byron immediately realized that the anchor chain just connected to not only "one", but also the so-called "correct history".

Before he could figure out what the correct history was?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The distant bell sounded, and the overwhelming aura fell on him along the long steps to the gods.

Byron's body gradually became transparent, emitting golden red aura from the inside out.

Dignity, immortality, eternity. The strong concepts seemed to condense into substance, forcibly infusing the onlookers' brains through vision.

The spiritual whirlwind blew up, and Byron could not help but reveal the mythical form of the Ouroboros again, and his body expanded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it became a huge monster with its head and tail connected, hundreds of meters long, and the shadow cast from the sky covered several flagships that formed the core battlefield.

The size was not inferior to the Ocean Throne, the Sea Dragon [Deep Sea Hades], and the original Leviathan whale [Father of Sharks] Ponape, and the power was the same.

It was just that the texture of the creature was increasingly stripped away, and it was difficult for mortal eyes and brains to tell whether he was still in the three-dimensional world.

Gradually, the abdomen was still blood red as always, but the back turned into a darker black than the night.

The authority of the fifth-level [False God] also began to condense in Byron's body, and the innate extraordinary characters emerged from his body surface one after another.

Core powers: [Change], [Underworld], [Creation], [Storm], [Royal Power]. Powers vary in level, but they encompass all the abilities that Byron possesses.

When people see him, it is clear that there is already a three-point indescribable and unspeakable taste.

The combatants on the battlefield could not help but worship him and convert to him after just one look, saying:

"Saint Byron!"

It was at this time.

The three [Underworld Powers] that Byron had collected bit by bit: the [Lord of Heaven] of the Taino natives, the [King of the Wild Hunt] of the Bay People, and the [Funeral God] of the countries of the Old Continent also quietly merged into one.

It is equivalent to the Underworld power in the collective subconscious of all races in the Old Continent, Bantaan, and the Southern Continent, this known world.

Even if you search through several continents, no one can have more complete Underworld power than him.

At the moment when he successfully promoted to the fifth-level [False God], the Underworld power that had been dormant was finally realized.

This unique and complete authority obviously brought him unexpected and huge benefits.

In an instant, half of the mythical form was dyed black. Looking from above, a river of blood turned into a rushing black [River of Styx].

[Authority of the Underworld] and the secret spell [River of Blood] merged to give birth to Byron's exclusive authority, which can also be called divine magic: [River of Styx].

The power of creation symbolized by the River of Blood still exists, but new abilities have been added.

The content read out from the logbook is more intuitive:

"【River Styx】, also known as the River of Oath Keeping, symbolizes the infinite cycle between life and death, and the most extreme "change".

Not only can it transform itself into various living and dead things, but it can also turn a mouse into a cup, a cockroach into milk, and a slug into a candy bar to truly achieve a myriad of changes!

In addition, the authority of the underworld represents the interference with the collective subconscious sea and even the dark side of the world, the "Sea of ​​Element".

This river Styx runs through the material world, the edge of the world, and the Sea of ​​Element, breaking the boundary between life and death, and seems to connect to other isolated islands on the Sea of ​​Element outside the world.

Its nature and periodic floods Very close, even if the gods are washed by this river, their divinity will be washed away and they will fall from status.

They may even be completely digested by the master of the [River of Styx] and transformed into their own power.

So, if you swear to this river, even gods of the same level as you cannot violate it, otherwise they will be taken away by the River of Styx. "

After reading this information, Byron's eyes were full of strangeness in his dragon pupils:

"Then I am now equivalent to the head of the River of Styx?

Combined with the inherent attribute of witnessing "integrity", it already has a bit of the flavor of "young man, did you drop a golden axe, a silver axe, or an iron axe?"

Soon, his life essence completed the transition and he returned to human form.

He smiled at the two fiancées who came up to him and calmed their emotions that were more excited than him.

Holding the [Sword of Dedication], the [Iron Law of Kingship·Magna Carta] resonated with him, the new god and King of Hastings, with a stronger amplitude.

After inheriting the crown passed down by his ancestors.

The collective subconscious ocean of mankind wants to give Byron the same titles it gave to Henry VI, the Mad King, Enrique IV, the Incompetent, and Margaret I, the Queen of Eternal Night.

Thinking of the tragic experiences of his predecessors, his heart could not help but rise to his throat.

He was afraid that because of the dark history of the past, there would be titles such as Tentacle Lover, Squid Butcher, Squid Master, Tentacle King, King of the Outsiders, etc.

The next moment, the crown on his head stretched and deformed, gradually becoming as sharp as a halberd blade.

In the circles of golden light, a grand chant of millions of people sounded:

"Traversing the battlefield, the cannons of the ships roared;

Wherever we go, we kill all the enemies.

The Wild Hunt Legion, lawless lunatics;

The storm passed, and it was a mess.

The king has a thousand faces, both a night demon and a holy spirit.

The wind is music, the sea and sky are the score; the warship is the harp, and the black sail is the string.

The warship is a treasure, freedom is heaven; force is the law, and the sea is home."

In the chant that echoed throughout the Strait of Dover, the two titles of [Wild Hunt] and [Sea Hunter] with more than 30 legendary points completed the fusion.

It condensed into his exclusive king title [Wild Hunt: Bloodthirsty Storm King], abbreviated as [King of the Wild Hunt].

This is not only the [king title], but also the [god name] of his pseudo-god, which is equivalent to inheriting part of the legendary degree of [kingship, prophecy and wild hunt god] Woden in the mythological era.

At this point, he finally became a complete existence with both individual power and collective power reaching the peak.


His whole body burst out with violent domineering aura as if it were real, stirring up the wind and clouds above his head.

He clenched his fist lightly and felt that he could cut off a small warship with one sword. If he fought the puppet king again, he would never let him have a chance to escape.

Moreover, the Holy Golden Empire has now reached the prerequisite of the trinity of king, law (Golden Code), and country.

As long as he continues to brew for a while, once he is promoted to Legend, he may be able to condense the [King Title] of the Emperor of the Empire and wear the second crown.

Perhaps others can no longer see the way forward after being promoted to the fifth level, but for Byron, the extraordinary journey has just begun!

Turning his head, he found that the vitality of [Devil Duke] Richard was really tenacious. Edward IV was so angry that he was alive, but he was still holding on.

He was crawling towards the shadow emerging from the sea little by little, leaving a long bloodstain behind him, which shows how strong his desire to survive was.

Byron could not help but be moved by his tenacity and snapped his fingers.


A [River of Styx] broke through the air and swept him in with just one roll.

He instinctively realized that he could cleanse him, insert memories into him, or divide him into three parts, with the golden axe being human, divine, and beast, and assign each of them a body, etc.

As long as it is within the scope of power, he can do whatever he wants with almost no consumption.

And as long as the River of Styx is not empty, Byron will not die.

He did not continue the experiment, but melted the ambitious [Devil Duke] with a thought in his mind, and the transmuted blood, extraordinary abilities, the fifth element, etc. were not wasted at all.

At the same time, he also discovered another shortcut to achieve "all things return to one":

"As long as the Styx can grow to its limit and swallow the material world, it will definitely reach the realm of the Creator.

And after digestion, the traces of the original owner are washed away, and there will be no backlash."

Turning around, he took Catherine and Violet to jump on the [Golden Deer], and joined his mother Hathaway, mother-in-law Vanessa, uncle Henry VI, succubus Therese and a group of fourth-level people on his side, as well as a group of [King's Right Hand].

He went forward to meet the enemy with the [Blue Dragon King] commanded by his father himself.

Not long after, a green light suddenly lit up in the sea in front of them, indicating that the edge of the world and the material world had a large-scale intersection.


The sound of water exploded, and one after another, large ghost ships of huge size jumped from the edge of the world to the Strait of Dover.

Unlike the ghost fleet under the [Blue Dragon King], most of them were cruisers pulled out of the belly of the sleeping god Kraken.

This ghost fleet under the command of the devil is composed of battleships of level 4 or above.

It is unknown when they sank into the sea in a naval battle, and were eventually transformed into ghost ships by the devil lord.

It seems that they all have severe coral disease, with barnacles, corals, and seaweed all over their bodies.

And there is no trace of whale oil technology at all.

Instead, a large number of undead soldiers holding knives and guns rushed onto the deck, roaring at them in an incomprehensible way.

Gus, the [Phantom Blade] who had just completed the assassination mission with the Storm Cloak, subconsciously rubbed his eyes:

"Hiss! Why do so many of the undead colonists on these ghost ships look dark?

Is this some special race of people from the East Continent?"

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