Pirate Kingship

Chapter 54 The beginning of subversion

It wasn't until daybreak that the privateering captains, who had received their respective missions, left the "Nemesis" with deep thoughts.

Edward the Redbeard was the only one left in the huge war conference room.

He clasped his hands and put them on the table, looking out the window at the port city that was gradually getting busier. There was no love that a congressman should have in his eyes.

There is only endless indifference and ambition.

“No matter how hard you struggle, it’s useless, Iron Anchor Bay will soon become a thing of the past!

Plan No. 1: seize the position of warlord, cooperate with internal and external forces to capture Iron Anchor Bay, eliminate free pirates in the North Sea, and seize the great secret treasure guarded by the people of the bay.

Plan No. 2: If Plan No. 1 encounters obstacles, all stubborn Beidiwan residents who adhere to tradition will be directly destroyed! "

Even in the eyes of Edward Redbeard, a veteran pirate with a long history of crimes, the Northland Bay residents of Iron Anchor Bay who have always adhered to their traditions have violated too many taboos.

As the most stubborn pirate group on the east coast, they have violated the interests of all maritime powers in the Age of Discovery;

When all the big pirates, including the Barbary pirates, gradually left the Old World, they still clung to Iron Anchor Bay, slapping the navies of various countries in the face;

They do not accept the church’s belief reform and stubbornly worship Woden, the [god of prophecy, kingship and wild hunting] who has long had no miracles;

Finally, and most importantly, is the prophecy said to have been made by Worden himself.

——The glory of the people of Beidiwan will be reawakened by blood and flames, and they will rule this continent!

"If I were one of those high-ranking bishops and kings, I wouldn't be able to tolerate the existence of such a group of people.

Even if I drive you away and you won't leave, I have no choice but to pull out this nail! "

Until this time, only Redbeard knew the preliminary plan of the Hattings Admiralty.

Every winter, huge storms blow inexplicably throughout the North Sea.

The duration is from November to January of the following year, and the peak is in December.

During this period, most sailing ships on the North Sea will follow tradition and try not to go out.

Because strong winds and high waves would cause the bottom gunports to rise due to waves, they were afraid to use them. It was not unheard of for an entire fleet to be ruined in extremely bad and extreme weather.

It is now November 2, 1471, Silver Age.

Unless they brave the rough waves and cross the North Sea, the pirates meeting at Anchor Bay will be trapped here for the next two to three months.

At that time, the entire Anchor Bay will become a huge secret room and cage!

It is also the time when the plan actually begins to be executed.

As a trump card, York will bring a "natural disaster" to Anchor Bay that has been proven by the Red and White Rose War and is absolutely irresistible to mortals and will harvest everything.

How does Anchor Bay compare to Lancaster?

There is no way to lose this battle!

But before that, in addition to gaining legal control, he and the privateer captains also needed to start preparations in advance.

——Collect the flesh, blood and souls of the people of the North Bay.

“Not sure why group-specific elements are needed though.

But you can guess that the orthodox extraordinary series will definitely not use these things, they are just used to display some kind of [forbidden knowledge].

By the way, less than twenty years have passed since the dark millennium of the church's high-pressure rule, and now even the royal family has begun to fall?

The attitude of the church, at least the bishop of the Diocese of Hattings, is also somewhat intriguing. "

Thinking of this, Redbeard's face turned a little gloomy:

“I had just summoned the privateer captain to prepare for action when I encountered a fatal attack.

Could it be that the fact that I summoned [Ripper] and [Faceless Man] to collect information about Bay residents and tested the life and death of the warlord [Child Guardian] Dennis was exposed?

It shouldn't be. "

Well, a group of assassins who have suddenly become famous in Anchor Bay recently:

[Gunpowder Artist], [Ripper], [Faceless Man], [Wild Hunt]. Surprisingly, most of them have origins.

[Wild Hunt] is Byron's vest; [Gunpowder Artist] is the indigenous force of the Bay people; and the rest are unknown to the swords thrust out by careerists.

These guys, who are pirates by profession, don't play their cards according to the normal routine at all, and there is no fuel-saving light at all.

Even elections that symbolize civilization are inevitably stained with blood.

Of course, this is also related to the disappearance of the Pirate King, the unclear physical condition of the warlord, and the severe decline of the [Pirate Code].

The people of the Bay finally declined.

Redbeard rang the bell and called the first mate who was standing outside the door to come in.

“Whether there is exposure or not, we have to move faster.

Those privateer captains have already set off with the sacrifices to prepare for the summoning ceremony. The arrows are ready, and they will also be fully launched here.

Two tasks are now assigned to you.

First, in addition to the privateering alliance, continue to recruit free pirates to help me. The bigger the momentum, the better.

Secondly, didn’t those losers want me to help trap and kill the assassin hiding in the dark?

Let Ripper and the Faceless Man take action, find the [Wild Hunt] and kill him!

I suspect today's attacker may be the [Gunpowder Artist].

The two of them appeared in Anchor Bay at about the same time, and they were all targeting us. Maybe they were in the same group. "

The first mate bowed in response.

"Yes, Captain!

The Ripper and the Faceless Man should really prove with their actions that we are not wasting resources by giving them two [Strange Item Octopus Silver Coins] that can counter divination.

【Wild Hunt】is just a first-class attendant. Even if he is the best among the first-class, it would take three people to siege the fallen second-class.

I believe they will not let you down. ”

The first mate confidently responded to the order.

Behind him, Edward the Redbeard nodded slowly, with a bit of piety in his eyes:

“I have committed murder and arson, but I have always been a devout believer!

God has given human rights and souls are equal, but only the church has the right to define who is a human in this world.

【Creator】will bear my sins and forgive my mistakes.

Please bless me to open up for you and create great achievements! ”

“What? Before that stormy night, the York family issued an order to massacre the nobles against the Lancaster captives? "

After watching the excitement, Byron just returned to Bruch's room and found that he had regained consciousness as his injuries improved rapidly.

The appearance that was destroyed by himself was completely restored, and he became a tough guy as solid and reliable as marble.

It was hard to say, but his eyes were full of surprise after almost being separated forever.

Some time ago, although this [Guardian Knight] was seriously injured, he had always retained a clear consciousness and knew what was happening outside.

After waking up, the two brothers were not fussy, and the process of expressing their feelings to each other was directly omitted.

With the qualities of a [Guardian Knight] and a professional soldier, he immediately shared the intelligence he had with Byron, the lord.

"Yes, when I was caught and tortured by those traitors, I accidentally heard them say a piece of news.

The day before the stormy night, that is, October 11, Edward IV of the House of York issued an order to massacre the nobles.

Kill all our captives.

Now it seems more like a blood sacrifice of unknown meaning."

After Bruch's narration, a mystery that had been lingering in his heart for a long time was finally slowly solved.

That is why, under the influence of an unknown existence that night, only Lancaster lined up to jump into the sea in the entire fleet?

No one else was affected?

On October 11, the ruler of the York family and the current King Edward IV suddenly issued an order that was completely inconsistent with the rules of war.

"Forgive the ordinary soldiers and kill all Lancasters captured in the war. "

And when the soldiers buried the bodies, they found that they were like dried by the wind, without a trace of moisture.

Byron, who had personally performed the black magic ceremony, thought of the sacrifice at the first time!

Using the blood and soul of some members of the same family to lock an entire family, no matter whether it was in the naval battlefield at the time, it is probably impossible to escape.

Then the question is.

What level of existence can use this blood sacrifice positioning to easily break through the extremely high-level [Silver Law] protection of the royal family?

When Byron thought of that terrifying thing, perhaps cruising on the bottom of the North Sea, his heartbeat accelerated.

At the same time.

[Secret: The conspiracy of the Admiralty (historical influence 20, decryption density 35%)] The decryption density of 35% instantly jumped to 56%.

[Secret: The shadow of the Red and White Rose War (historical influence 31, decryption density 20%)] The decryption density also increased to 30%.

"The connection between these two events is obvious.

Could it be that York wants to repeat everything that happened in the Strait of Dover in Anchor Bay? "

Byron immediately thought of the huge lighthouse near him that was dragged down to the Sea of ​​​​Source by an unknown object on the day he was promoted to [Storm Knight].

Is it possible that the sight of that thing has already fallen here?

Instinct told him to run quickly, but reason told him that he couldn't run away at all.

Finally, his eyes flashed with murderous light.

"I must know their plans at any time. There is no time to lose. I will find a poor guy from the Privateer Alliance to replace him tonight!"

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