Pirate Kingship

Chapter 55: Faceless Man, Spirit Behind Him

The attacker [Gunpowder Artist], who belongs to a third party, still sat far away on the beach at the end of the prostitute street, without moving.

It seemed that the wonderful fireworks show just now had nothing to do with her.

The expression under the mask was similar to Byron's.

"I was almost fooled by this old fox.

The pirates I assassinated before were obviously small minions who were deliberately pushed out to fool people. This one is the real big fish.

Red Beard is stronger than I thought.

He has been a senator for two terms, but he still has a trump card that no one knows.

These old pirates are indeed old sea dogs who have experienced countless big waves. It may be more difficult to target him next time."

In the group of pirates, just by looking at the wanted order, you can roughly estimate a person's strength and danger.

[Low Sequence]: First-level attendant, third-level wanted criminal, 0-3,000 pounds; second-level occupation, second-level wanted criminal, 3,000-10,000 pounds;

[Middle Sequence]: Third-level elite, first-level wanted criminal, 10,000 to 50,000 pounds; fourth-level hero, special wanted criminal, more than 50,000 pounds.

There are almost no high-sequence pirates who will be wanted.

At that level, you are already qualified to sit at the table and get a share of the spoils from the rulers of various countries.

So, when the overlord wants to deal with you because you have a big killer, you'd better really have it!

Iron Anchor Bay knows best that there are no fourth-level extraordinary pirates in the North Sea, and a group of parliamentarians are all third-level pirates.

It may be hard to say how powerful [Red Beard] Edward is.

But the amount of bounty equivalent to the fourth level, even if it is only the fourth level floor price, is enough to show from the side how cruel this scourge is.

"The situation in Anchor Bay is not good.

If this murderer becomes the commander-in-chief, it will definitely not be a blessing for the people of the Bay."

The gunpowder artist turned and left, preparing to recheck the control rights of hundreds of fortress cannons and gunners in the port.

As a third-level [Craftsman], she firmly believes that in this world, range is the truth and firepower is the power.

If they can't solve the problem, it must be because the equivalent of gunpowder is not enough!

It's a pity that she obviously underestimated the enemy's determination and ruthlessness, and didn't understand what she and Anchor Bay were about to face.

The short day passed in an instant.

In a corner of the port city, in the area where the Bay people live, a faint light shone through the window of a house.

Two children, one big and one small, were lying by the window, looking out from time to time through the glass that was obviously not well made.

"Sister, I'm hungry. Why hasn't mom come back yet?"

But the sisters' expectations again and again were only exchanged for disappointment again and again.

In the dark night, the familiar gentle figure never appeared.

At this time in the past, the mother who worked in the bakery had returned home and would definitely bring them fragrant white bread.

Sometimes she would also bring them sweet honey bread and endless jam bread.

That little surprise was the best memory of their childhood.

"Little Amy, hold on a little longer. Mom must have been delayed by something and will be back soon.

If you are really hungry, drink some mushroom soup left over from lunch."

The elder sister, who was no more than ten years old, suppressed her worries and did not forget to comfort her younger sister.

In this way, the two sisters waited for another half an hour, added firewood to the fireplace at home, and were about to fall asleep on the windowsill.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Mom is back!"

The two sisters jumped up happily and rushed to the door like two little butterflies.

But when they opened the door together and were about to jump into the arms of their long-awaited mother, they stopped at the same time.

"Mom, what happened to you?!"

It was indeed their mother outside the door.

But it seemed that she had fallen down, her clothes were stained with mud, her skirt was torn, and there was a faint smell of blood on her body.

The woman with a strangely pale face raised the basket in her arms and explained in a somewhat awkward tone:

"I accidentally fell down on the road and sprained my foot.

I didn't meet any acquaintances, and it was hard for me to walk back alone. Children, help me in."

The two sisters' original doubts about why their mother came back so late suddenly disappeared.

They hurriedly stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right, holding the woman's hands and carefully helping her into the house.

They were so concerned that they didn't realize that their mother's hands were cold, like two ice cubes.

And there was a footprint left at the door, like a headless fly pacing back and forth.

Before they opened their mouths to invite their mother in, the other's feet never touched the threshold!

The two little girls helped the woman sit on the chair, one of them found her some medicinal wine, and the other poured her a cup of hot water.

"Mom, I'm so hungry, what are we going to eat tonight?"

The little sister, whose stomach had been rumbling for a long time, couldn't help but act coquettishly to her mother.

When she looked up, she saw that what her mother slowly took out from the basket was not the sweet white bread she had imagined.

Instead, it was a pile of bloodstained knives, forks, axes and saws!

Then I saw my mother, no, that unknown thing, with a pair of eyes that were green and a creepy smile on the corner of her lips.

"What are you still standing there for? Come here, mom is going to eat."


My hair suddenly exploded.

The two sisters had heard all kinds of bizarre stories about the sea in this pirate port since they were young. They were not simple girls who knew nothing in a remote area.

I immediately realized that something was wrong.

Just as they were about to turn around and escape from the house, they were shocked to find that the shadow of "mother" suddenly stretched out, connecting all their shadows together.

For a moment, they couldn't even move their fingers, and the expression of fear froze on their faces.

Then, they saw "mother" grab a bloody axe on the table and move step by step in front of them.

Looking left and right, it seemed that she was seriously considering which one to eat first.

The two sisters wanted to escape but couldn't, wanted to scream but couldn't, and only clear tears slowly passed from the corners of their eyes.

They were sad not only because they were about to die, but also because their real mother might never come back.

Seeing the axe in the "mother's" hand raised high, she was about to swing it hard at the younger sister who was more tender.

But the action suddenly froze.

The two sisters widened their eyes and saw a faceless pale figure emerging from behind the "mother", with the toes under her heels.

A blood-red rune on the forehead flashed with a rapid light.

"It's so noisy, even eating dinner makes people uneasy.

Hurry, hurry, isn't it just to kill a mere [Wild Hunt]? How can I kill it if I can't meet it?

What does it have to do with me whether the bait you sent out dies or not? Isn't there [Ripper]?"

In front of the delicious food, he was about to continue swinging the axe.

It seemed that the person on the other side of the contract used some kind of coercive means, and the pale figure flickered.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a rope was pulled by the back of the head, floating in the air, and then disappeared into the air.

The soul and vitality in the "mother" were also pulled out by the Faceless Man when he struggled, and sank into a silver coin with an octopus pattern embedded in his chest.

That was the element of the Bay ethnic group.

Only a roar echoed in the room:

"Damn Red Beard, I will eat you sooner or later!"

The "mother" also collapsed to the ground.

After a long time.

The suppressed and helpless cries of the two sisters gradually came out of the house.

An originally happy family was shattered in an instant.

And this was just the beginning of many tragedies in Anchor Bay.

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