Pirate Kingship

Chapter 552: Soup of Life, the Queen Returns

Woo woo woo.

To the northeast of the mainland, the northeasterly winds that prevail throughout the year in the North Sea and nearby seas are still noisy.

Deep in the Sea of ​​Monsters south of the third gyre zone, a thick milky fog enveloped hundreds of kilometers of sea, showing no sign of dissipating whether it was blown by wind or rain.

When the lighting conditions are good, you can still vaguely see the outline of a tall ship like a mountain in the deepest part of the fog.

Whether it is a first-class ship known as the largest ship in mankind, or a legendary battleship that cannot be measured by common sense, it is no different from a small dwarf in front of it.

But the ship and the mist were like phantoms that did not exist in the material world at all, appearing and disappearing suddenly on the sea, with their traces erratic.

Sometimes it is very close to the relatively safe "third gyre zone", which makes fishermen who venture to fish nearby think they have encountered a mirage.

Sometimes they go deep into the pitch-black sea of ​​monsters, and even the flying beasts released by the trainer can only see a faint white mist.

More often than not, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and its shadow cannot be found anywhere, whetting the appetite of the residents of the Old World.

Fortunately, although it is difficult to capture the whereabouts, the overall movement trajectory is still regular.

This large ship shrouded in fog sailed slowly from south to north, getting closer to the North Sea at the end of the third circulation zone every time it appeared.

Wherever it passes, there are more and more fishing boats, merchant ships, warships and adventure ships, and the number of sightings is naturally increasing.

Occasionally, brave sailors want to take a closer look. If they get a little closer to the fog, they can hear the roars of various beasts coming from the big ship.

Not just sea monsters in the water, but also various animals and insects on land.

Suddenly, I remembered all the taboos that need to be observed when sailing, and thought that there was some kind of terrifying monster or weird thing hidden in that ship.

I was scared to death on the spot, and after returning to the shore, I added more details and sold it to the reporters and intelligence dealers who came after hearing the news, adding another layer of mystery to the mysterious legend in the sea.

Until the church issued a ban, no one dared to continue talking about the big ship in the sea, and no one dared to follow its traces.

But there are exceptions to everything, and there are always people who are not afraid of "excommunication" from the church.

Things that ordinary civilians dare not do are commonplace for some people.

"Reef the mainsail and slow down."

A strange warship from the Kingdom of Castile, before Noah's Ark arrived at the location marked in the intelligence, took the lead to ignore the church's ban, ventured deep into the Sea of ​​Monsters, and rushed into it as if it was a desperate act. The film spans hundreds of kilometers in the fog.

There is a warhorse skull inlaid on the bow of this battleship, an ancient shield hangs on the left bulwark, a rusty iron gun on the bow girder, and a pair of knights tied to the mainmast. Armor.

This peculiar decoration is very recognizable, and it is clearly the [Horse Horse Rare] that once fought against Byron in the "Treasure Fleet"!

And its captain is none other than Queen Isabella's direct confidant, the contemporary [Don Quixote] Jeanne Don Quixote who "since ancient times, the luck of a spearman is E, and the bust is also E."

After being redeemed by Queen Isabella of [The Unsullied], he went through a series of large and small naval battles with the Puppet King and the Star-Moon Empire, and always fought bravely.

This time, when the two kings of Castile obtained information about Noah's Ark and convened the king's right hand and a group of confidants for discussion, she took the initiative to ask Ying to confirm the authenticity of the information for Queen Isabella.

The horse galloped all the way and found the target earlier than the men sent by the Puppet King.

The beautiful female knight with an explosive figure stood on the bow of the ship holding the holy relic knight's gun, facing the milky white mist wall and swallowing the entire battleship bit by bit.

As soon as they entered the fog range, the lookout on the main mast exclaimed in a low voice:

"Quick, look into the sea."

The crew members, who were selected from various adventure ships and were very experienced, and had explored various dangerous areas, looked outside the ship.

I found that the seawater, which was originally black because the seabed was too deep, turned into a strange orange-red color. It did not look like the color of normal blood, but it clearly exuded a faint smell of blood.

Experienced crew members can also smell the smell of amniotic fluid, which seems a bit hard to describe when mixed together.

"Don't worry about it, be careful, don't stare at the water for too long, and move on."

Although the sea water is a bit strange, their mission is to collect intelligence with all their lives. In order to protect the high-sequence extraordinary beings who will come to seize the ship later, they certainly cannot back down because of this situation.

Jeanne Don Quixote waved her hand, and the adventure ship slowed down slightly and continued forward.

Just after entering a hundred meters, the [Navigator] on the ship reported another bad news to her:

"Captain, the legal signal has been lost, real-time remote communication has been interrupted, and we have lost contact with Her Majesty the Queen.

Compared with the material world, this place is closer to a relatively closed forbidden land and secret realm, and it is extremely mysterious and cannot be broken through based on our rank.

Now I can only capture the light of the [Lighthouse Matrix], which can achieve ship positioning.

This is because the [St. Byron Lens] enhances the signals of the Faros Lighthouse and the coastal lighthouses by 300%, otherwise we would have lost our way now. "

They needed to pass the collected intelligence back through the whale oil lamp and the law network, but they encountered trouble as soon as they entered the fog.

Not only the law network, but also the fog blocked the external light source at the real level and the mystical level. The deeper you go, the darker the light is.

Gradually, everyone's heart seemed to be covered with a layer of black and yellow shadow.

The navigator's whale oil lamp also seemed to be under substantial pressure. The illumination range was getting smaller and smaller, and something seemed to be stirring under the orange-red water.

However, Jeanna was not too surprised by this situation.

How could the mission of chasing [Noah's Ark] not be dangerous?

The crisis-ridden Sea of ​​Monsters has been like this since ancient times. Any adventurer who dared to go deep into it did not come back alive.

Even [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold, the strongest man who was a legend, a king, and a pseudo-god, never thought of crossing the Sea of ​​Monsters, but chose to honestly open up the first, second, and third circulation belts.

The lost [Noah's Ark] for thousands of years has probably been soaking in the sea of ​​monsters.

After so many years, you can guess what it will experience even if you think about it with your heels.

There is only a difference in the degree of danger. It would be completely abnormal if it was clean.

Before they set off, they had already received a full amount of resettlement fees. They dared to take risks here with their heads on their waists, and they had long disregarded their own lives.

It was purely because the value of [Noah's Ark] was too huge. Even if there was a seventh-level true god hidden in it, they had to send back how long the other party's blood bar was before they could die in peace.

Shouldn't it be a matter of course that high returns are accompanied by high risks?

No one can curb the ambitions of the upper class of the continent without killing a group of fifth-level legends and letting them feel the pain personally.

Even if Byron showed them the strongly contaminated memory in Hathaway's head, no one would give up the idea of ​​taking risks. At most, they would wait until they were more fully prepared before taking action.

Those high-ranking officials who had been preparing for the search for [Noah's Ark] long ago had obviously anticipated this situation and prepared a plan in advance.

"Bring up the 'torch'."

At Jeanna's command, two sailors carried up a poor guy.

This was a wooden puppet, but the jaw, arms, and legs were removed, leaving only a torso like a human stick.

Judging from his appearance, he should be a person from the Star-Moon Empire.

His eyes still showed the aura of humanity, as well as the lingering deep hatred.

It was obvious that he was a living puppet made of a transcendent of the Lighthouse sequence, with a large number of 'useless' organs removed by [Magical Art·Uselessness of Flesh and Blood], leaving only a small amount of flesh and blood and a wooden body.

At the beginning, the church cooperated with the Puppet King and the Remit slave trader to make this "artificial lantern man", which can also be used as a "torch" to illuminate the Sea of ​​Monsters.

The "torch" of Queen Isabella's line was a gift from the Orthodox Church.

Moreover, they are all "pure versions" without the puppet king's puppet threads, without any backdoors, and will never suddenly "blue screen".

Now in the eyes of the saints and the pope of the Orthodox Church, Isabella, who is a Templar Sequence Extraordinary, has a significantly higher status.

On the contrary, the puppet king Louis, who has reached a cooperation with the heretical Star Moon Empire, has seriously lost points, and a new support trend has emerged within the country.

It is no wonder that [Puppet King] Louis is anxious to win over [Blood Sail] Mihawk to change the status quo.


The "torch" was directly ignited by the spiritual flame.

The blazing pure white flame immediately illuminated a large area of ​​thick fog, and also made the things lurking in the orange-red sea water begin to hesitate, as if they were particularly disgusted with this light.

Torches burned out one after another, and then continued to be lit. After a few hours, [Ruma Nandan] finally arrived in front of the ship-shaped black shadow.

At this point, the sailors can finally see the true face of the Ark.

The old wooden ship as tall as a mountain, with no open deck and no sails, looked like a lifeless coffin.

The roars of the beasts that could be clearly heard suddenly disappeared.

There were many cracks wider than a person on the weathered and tattered hull, from which orange-red liquid slowly flowed into the sea below the ship.

"Full left rudder, boarding."

After discovering that the seagull messenger sent by the [Beast Tamer] would lose contact as soon as it entered the hull, Jeanne Don Quixote had no choice but to give an order for the [Ruma Natan] to slowly approach the side of the ark.


"Legend has it that there is a huge secret realm in Noah's Ark that is comparable to the Kingdom of God, which has enough space to carry all the species in the world at that time.

And as a mythical warship, there must be a mythical ship spirit that manages everything.

Our mission is to explore the secret realm in the ship and find out its operating rules.

It would be best if we can find the hiding place of the mythical ship spirit, or even take away the opponent's most critical warship key and present it to Her Majesty the Queen.

The minimum mission goal is to establish a stable outpost camp in the secret realm to prepare for the subsequent arrival of high-sequence support personnel.

Order: The Night Owl Death Squadron will follow me in, and the others will be responsible for staying behind to meet."

"Yes, Captain."

A group of six figures dressed in black and wearing owl masks on their faces came to her side silently.

They are the unique assassin profession of the Kingdom of Castile [Night Owl Death Soldiers], and like the [Phantom Blade] of the Kingdom of Hastings, they evolved from the Eagle Nest Assassins.

The Puppet King even used this profession to establish the secret force "Night Owl Court" to do dirty work, and Isabella was obviously not far behind.


"1." "2." "6."

When they acted, they called each other by code names and obeyed orders.

A total of six [Night Owl Death Soldiers] followed behind Jeanna Don Quixote and drilled into the Ark through a wide crack.

The other remaining personnel held muskets and focused on guarding against the enemy, in case adventurers from other forces caught them off guard.

But only five minutes had passed, and it seemed that because of the intrusion of Jeanna and her group, the originally lifeless Ark suddenly woke up.

"Moo Moo"

"Baa Baa Baa"


The sounds of various animals that had disappeared suddenly filled the ears of all the crew members.

Everyone looked up in panic and was shocked to find that the surface of the tattered ark was full of cracks that were constantly oozing out strange orange-red liquids, and pairs of blood-red eyes opened one after another.

Among them were round pupils of humans, square pupils of sheep, vertical pupils of eagles, elliptical pupils of dogs, and compound eyes of insects. It seemed that the eyes of all creatures in the world could be found here.

What was even more frightening was that each pair of eyes was completely different.

It seemed that the owner of the eyes looked "messy" and even more chaotic than the pictures of sea monsters seen in the newspaper.

This ark did not seem to be a refuge that saved the gods, humans and various creatures, but rather a biological laboratory after genetic information went out of control.

And at this time, all the strange eyes looked at the crew on the [Ruma Natan].

At the same time, something also fell into their bodies along with countless cold eyes.

This time was far more direct than the scene that Byron and Violet indirectly saw from Hathaway's memory, and the pollution was also more intense.

Regardless of the rank of these crew members, they did not have Byron's [Surgical Table] to help them cut off the connection in mysticism. Once their eyes were fixed on each other, they could no longer move away.

The pupils could not help but enlarge and deform a little bit, becoming exactly the same as the eyes that were looking at themselves.

Tick! Tick!

Some people found that they had started to bleed from the nose inexplicably, and reached out to wipe it, but they saw that the back of their hands was not red blood, but orange-red liquid like the sea water under the ship.

It exuded a strong smell of rust and amniotic fluid.

"What on earth is this? Gurgle Gurgle"

Someone subconsciously uttered a question, but found that his throat and mouth had long been filled with the same liquid.

Turning his head and looking around, all the companions around him had orange-red liquid gushing out of their body orifices.

Not only that, everyone's body was rapidly melting from the inside out.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of elite soldiers on the ship disappeared, and only their clothes and weapons fell to the deck.

The orange-red liquid that finally gathered together flowed into the sea.

The mystery of where the orange-red sea water came from was solved, but no one here could see the answer.

Jeanna Don Quixote, who had already entered the ark, knew nothing about what was happening behind her, and was still shocked by the vastness of the secret world in front of her.

"It's so big, is this the mythical warship?"

The high sky, the misty clouds, and the endless primeval forest in front of her, all kinds of unnamed vegetation are so huge, as if people have returned to the Paleozoic era at a glance.

Except that there is no sun and moon in the sky, this place is simply another miniature material world.

However, all kinds of huge creatures here, whether flowers, trees, animals or insects, are mixed together in a mess by an unknown force.

It seems that a creature has dozens of mothers and fathers at the same time, and each one is hard to describe.

The ligers that are hybrids of tigers and lions, the whales that are hybrids of killer whales and dolphins, and the mules that are hybrids of donkeys and horses in the outside world would be a breath of fresh air if they were placed here.

Jeanna withdrew her gaze from a plant that looked like corn, but each corn kernel was a fruit: peach, apple, and plow.

Feeling a little dizzy, she shook her head before she came back to her senses and ordered her exploration team to count again.

"1." "2." "6." "7."

"Very good, not one less, keep the formation, let's go in and take a look, No. 3 and No. 7 are responsible for drawing the map."

Jeanna waved her hand, and the eight people walked into the huge primeval forest.

In the outside world, in addition to the [Ruma Nadari] where all the sailors on the ship had turned into liquid, the vanguards of various forces also arrived one after another.

The Ark was like a cunning hunter, and there was nothing abnormal at the beginning.

Once the elite of the middle sequence entered the Ark through the cracks, the weaker personnel outside, mostly low-sequence or mortals, basically did not even need five minutes to fall into the same fate as the [Numa Nandan].

In the end, only a few empty ships were left, drifting away in the orange-red sea.

A corner of the orange-red ocean.

But there was a large ship with brilliant aura, no less impressive than any legendary warship in the world, quietly following behind [Noah's Ark].

This ship was completely different from any ship in the Old World.

There were no sails on the ship, the surface of the hull was covered with bone plates and chitinous shells, and hundreds of thick tentacles and flagella on the stern were gently swaying.

It didn't look like a man-made thing, but rather like a biological warship that was born to grow like this.

A burly figure in a cloak stood at the bow, admiring from afar the scene of a group of ambitious people from the Old World lining up to give their heads around [Noah's Ark].

The other illusory projection beside him, whose face could not be seen clearly, and who could only vaguely see a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face, exclaimed:

"Mr. Mysterious Man, your plan really works.

Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is.

Humans have always thought that they are the masters of this world, but they don't know that it is just a ridiculous illusion.

The real masters of this world are about to return after 1,500 years, and will no longer allow a group of small insects to continue to steal the crown. They should return to their original position."

This man has a burly figure and speaks like thunder, but his voice seems to be composed of countless tones, with men, women, old and young, and mixed with the roar of wild beasts, which seems particularly strange.

[The One Whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned] just smiled:

"It's just what was expected.

Sir [Chaos Beasts], to what extent can your Blood Beast Lair control [Noah's Ark]? Anyone who enters will never come out again, right?"

The burly figure called [Chaos Beasts] is obviously a fifth-level pseudo-god of the Blood Beast Lair. Hearing this, he patted his chest and said confidently in a unique tone:

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem.

[Noah's Ark] itself is the top-level zero-level holy relic. Thousands of years ago, the gods of the Paleozoic period relied on it to survive the flood.

If it weren't for the [Bound Creator] who acted too quickly during the Ragnarok and robbed all the gods of their divinity and anchoring, this ship might have saved some gods from the second disaster.

Even if it was severely damaged after experiencing two major floods and was not repaired in time, it is no worse than any demigod.

Given by my Lord [Mother of Monsters] Echidna After Fu, the entire ecosystem of the material world is contained inside.

The operating rules are beyond anyone's control, and it will only exercise its authority according to the established taboos. In essence, it is no different from natural disasters such as storms, floods, and tsunamis.

Now it has only one purpose.

Seize the life codes of various creatures, preserve the life seeds of this world, and then copy the same "seeds" to mix into the populations of various creatures, and then spread them all over the world.

Take root, sprout, and eventually grow into the Lord's family [Tree of Life].

By the way, seize the divinity and humanity of mankind and speed up the pace of the Lord's recovery.

Therefore, even if the fifth-level legend on the Silver Continent enters the hull, it is impossible to leave there before being polluted and assimilated into the family.

Unless, like the Ark, it also has the genetic information of the entire biosphere, otherwise the bloodline is a cage that binds them tightly. "

Said, pointing to the orange-red ocean under his feet.

"For thousands of years, the Sea of ​​Monsters has devoured countless lives, and [Noah's Ark] has almost eaten up the citizens of the ten major underwater kingdoms in the Eastern Continent.

This soup of life has been accumulated.

As long as we continue to collect the life codes of the current humans and various creatures on the Silver Continent and extract the commonalities among them, we can turn the North Sea into the original ocean that gave birth to all things in the Paleozoic Era according to the plan.

The commonalities of human nature and life are integrated in the soup of life. My Lord [Mother of Monsters] has regained her sober human incarnation and will descend into the material world amid the silence of all beasts and the cheers of all people!

In conjunction with the chains anchored by various sects, one end is pulled and the other end is pushed, which is enough to drag the collective subconscious of the Bay residents who have already entered the intertidal zone into the Sea of ​​Source and turn them into a clan.

By the way, completely tear apart the [Silver Law] and open the channel for the return of the main body."

The mysterious man nodded slowly:

"Enough. The legendary soup of life where all creatures in the world are born? I will wait and see."

At the same time, [Queen of Eternal Night], who had been away from her homeland for more than half a year, also returned to the Kalma Alliance.

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