Pirate Kingship

Chapter 556 Thunderbird Zephyr, Aircraft Carrier

Above the battlefield, the wind was rolling up the dark clouds, and the heavy rain turned the sea and sky upside down.

The dark bottom of the cloud seemed to be pierced by a big hole.

Countless lightning bolts poured down from the hole marked by the storm giant like a flood, and climbed on the surface of the sea like a snake.


Prawns, crabs, sea cucumbers, abalones, jellyfish, scallops, geoducks, conches, cod. Every sea monster was flashing with lightning, steaming, and filled with burnt aroma.

Some unlucky people were directly struck by lightning, and even exploded into "teppanyaki" on the spot.

The largest giant wolffish strip, which looked like a snake ball, was hit by several lightning bolts mixed with spherical lightning flying around.

Even though he instinctively activated his extraordinary ability and rolled up dozens of waterspouts in the sea to try to fight against the lightning, he was still blown to pieces on the spot.

He turned into countless "charcoal-grilled eel slices".

Other large sea monsters with slightly stronger resistance wanted to dive back into the deep sea, but they were strongly resisted by the power of law supported by tens of millions of people, and could only wail in the lightning.

Whether it was the sea monster in the lightning or the group of pseudo-gods who were sitting on pins and needles outside the territorial waters, they all felt that every second was like a year.

The large-scale concentrated discharge of this thunderstorm cloud lasted for more than ten seconds, and the longest arc even exceeded 300 kilometers.

Even Byron didn't know how much energy his "sky-piercing" shot released.

But if the unit of measurement is 100,000 volts, it is at least equivalent to hundreds of thousands of "skins".

Among them, the power consumed by Byron himself is negligible, almost 100% from the world itself, or it can be said that the world retains the energy of the sun in the form of electric charge.

This vividly illustrates why the sun and storms are the mortal enemies of the deep sea.

The co-occurrence of stormy weather and large-scale sea monsters is regarded as a very common natural phenomenon, and no one has ever studied the principle behind it.

When sporadic sea monsters appear, they are accompanied by fog at most. Once there are a large number of sea monsters, especially those polluted outside the world cracks, there will definitely be lightning, thunder and heavy rain.

In the past, naturalists generally believed that this was the clustering effect of sea monsters, and they would actively create a natural environment suitable for counterattacking the land.

But Byron, who had just launched "All Things Return to One" and merged his spirit with the cumulonimbus, could clearly feel the vague but firm hatred of the material world for those who were polluted!

It is speculated that the "lightning storm" provides assistance to sea monsters on the surface, but in essence it is the stress response and immune system used by this world to remove "toxins".

The world not only rejects those old gods who fell into the deep sea, but also wants to kill those clans who go in and out of their bodies.

However, due to the universal existence of the skin effect, the current tends to flow on the surface of the conductor and not deep into the interior.

Seawater is a good conductor, so when lightning strikes, it will only be distributed on the surface of the ocean, making it difficult to harm underwater sea monsters, and it will decay rapidly as the distance increases.

Therefore, the mechanical immune system of the world itself is not a big threat to degraded sea monsters and their families.

Only when the power of the world itself cooperates with Byron, the "agent" who can flexibly formulate tactics, can the power of the lightning storm finally erupt completely.

When the dazzling light of the lightning and the rising white mist in front of the eyes completely dissipated, the vast sea surface had turned into a big pot of steaming seafood stew.

The whole sea area was filled with the word "fresh".

Most sea monsters turned upside down and died on the spot with their bodies charred.

The few large sea monsters that were not struck by lightning were at least three-quarters rare.

For gourmets who pursue extreme freshness, the heat is just right. You can just pick it up and eat it directly. The meat is full of myoglobin, which is absolutely amazing.

What's even more amazing is Byron's cooking skills.

Using the sea as a soup pot, the sky as a stove, and thunder as a furnace, this is the cooking method of the gods.

Unfortunately, no one, whether the enemy or the enemy, cared about whether the seafood cooked in this way was delicious or not. They all opened their mouths wide, shocked by this terrifying power of heaven, and could not recover for a long time.

The same picture was projected to the entire empire through coastal lighthouses, allowing all citizens to see this awe-inspiring power.

After being shocked, everyone was so excited that their faces turned red and they shouted "King of the Wild Hunt" and "Messiah" until their voices were hoarse.

Now it is no longer popular for the people of Taiwan to shout "Long live", for an immortal god, this word is not very auspicious.

Byron patted his palms lightly, and was very satisfied with the effect of this attack:

"The charge in thunderstorm clouds usually comes from friction. The positive charge is in the upper part of the cumulonimbus cloud, the negative charge is in the middle and lower part, and there is a positive charge area at the bottom.

When the charges of different polarities reach a certain number, the cloud and the ground form a strong electric field, which will break through the air, which is originally an insulator, causing discharge.

The discharge between the cloud and the ground is called "ground flash", and the discharge inside the cloud is called "cloud flash". This is the authority of the [Storm King]!"

It is obvious that Byron, who has a deep understanding of natural science knowledge, holds not only the new energy fishing rod of Zuo Ling You Huo in his hand, but also a destructive new power-[Weather Weapon]!

The pale-faced people just came back to their senses from this devastating blow.


A cry that pierces gold and cracks rocks suddenly came from the place where the lightning disappeared.

After the lightning flashed again, a pure white bird with a wingspan of more than ten meters suddenly appeared in the sky. It was shining with lightning and illuminated the dark sea under the rain curtain.

Byron's right hand, the native [Gun Master] Wyandot exclaimed:

"That is... a mature thunderbird!

This elemental mythical creature that can rival dragons has extremely strict requirements for the environment to be born, and is much rarer than dragons.

Has the tidal activity in the Old World risen to this level?"

In most cases, the thunderbird, which only appears in legends, has three pairs of pure white wings shining with blue light and two long tail feathers.

When it flaps its wings and flies high, wind and thunder suddenly rise, and golden lightning will be released between its eyelids. It is the spirit of thunder, lightning and rain that appears in the image of a giant bird.

Usually storm spirits are born and die, and cannot survive a storm. Only the lucky ones who happen to hide in a suitable environment can transform into a real thunderbird.

A mature thunderbird can fight against a dragon, and it is also the first-class existence among all mythical creatures.

Byron had seen a live thunderbird before. The seventh floor of Valhalla Hall of Valhalla in the collective subconscious of the Bay people, "Alfheim", is the kingdom of natural elves.

Among them, the largest number are storm elves and light elves, and there are many elemental thunderbirds that are rarely seen in the outside world.

But most of them are limited to the degree of survival, and the best development is only level three, far inferior to this level four existence, which did not make him have any desire to capture it.

This elemental monster should have been attracted from the depths of the Sea of ​​Monsters by this wave of meteorological weapons.

I don't know how many evil beings have fought in the depths of the sea. Looking around, it seems like a king who looks down on all living things. It should be not far from the fifth level.

If it is successfully promoted to the fifth level, the monster can also make up for its own defects and gain wisdom. The monsters and gods at the beginning of the Paleozoic era basically came in this way.

Byron was happy to see the prey, and the [Guaranteed Gun Gungnir] in his hand lit up again.

The head of this holy spear has two sides, one is the most commonly used [Hunting Spear], and the other is the [Taming Spear] which has only been used once so far:

"It is limited to use on non-human creatures. After hitting the target, it will enter the spiritual world by itself. Only by using one's own will to subdue the prey can the opponent be truly subdued.

If the opponent forcibly breaks free or subdues it in the opposite direction, it may cause mental trauma.

The more objects you tame, the heavier the burden. Please do it according to your ability."


A long line of bright blue rainbow broke through the air. Thunderbird sensed the danger and was dozens of kilometers away with a flash of lightning on its body.

But no matter how fast it was, it could not escape the hit of the inevitable gun.

Just after flashing twice, it was pierced through the chest by [Gungnir], and was instantly subdued by Byron's domineering and strong willpower.

It flew back to Byron with the holy spear.

Before, he had only tamed a small snail that was about to evolve into a giant species. With the dual fifth-level divine essence, it was more than enough to carry an additional fourth-level thunderbird.

Raising his left arm, the huge thunderbird folded its wings and landed on it, bowing its head deeply to him.

When the officers and soldiers of his side, especially the berserkers, saw this majestic thunderbird joining them, they immediately cheered earth-shakingly:

"Thor! Thor! Thor!"

It meant the same as Byron's ancient shouting: "Wind, strong wind" and Da Mao's shouting: "Ula", which were all a kind of war cry.

The morale of the warriors has reached the extreme.

The god of thunder and power of the Bay People, in charge of thunder, power, storms, war, and agriculture, is the first combat force in the Bay People's pantheon except for the God King.

The God King Woden is a symbol of patriarchy, and Thor, the God of Thunder, is the most worshipped by the warriors.

Just as Woden uses the raven as his sacred bird, the sacred bird of Thor is the thunderbird.

Byron accidentally gathered the powers of this father and son, as well as a sworn brother of Woden.

When he is promoted to the sixth-level demigod, it is possible to condense his series of powers into [Divine Office], and even actively distribute the power to his descendants, so that they can be born as gods!

Byron was also in a good mood and said to Thunderbird:

"Since my magic is called [Electromagnetic Slingshot], it will sooner or later evolve into 'More Blowing, Stars Like Rain', but we are in the Western Continent, so let's call you West Wind.

From now on, you will be the mascot and sacred bird of 'West Wind Express Company'."


Although Thunderbird's wisdom is simple, it is very satisfied with this name.

Then it flapped its wings and rushed into the thunderstorm cloud, and drove more electric charges to the battlefield together with eight storm giants and a group of storm elves surrounding it.

Compared with the high morale of the Bay People, the faces of the coalition forces of the Old God Church outside the border maze looked particularly ugly.

Every one of them, the filthy divine auras on their bodies were very afraid of positive energies such as holy light and thunder.

Especially the [Baron Saturday] of Voodoo, as a spiritual god symbolizing death, the soul fire in his head is still buzzing and trembling.

I don’t know if I could survive if I had just taken that blow.

Not only them, but also many degraded sea monsters under the water mostly shrank back, with a natural fear of this magnificent natural power.

After a while, the commander [Chaos Beasts] forced an order to the sea monster army:

"Don't be afraid, he has the power of thunder, and we also have the power of the deep sea.

The second echelon, divided into two groups, broke through the flank of the Faroe Islands, using tidal waves! Killer waves! "

The two hundred degraded sea monsters of the second echelon, each led by a giant sea monster equivalent to a first-class ship, pierced the hinterland of the North Sea behind the first island chain like two sharp arrows.

One of the two giant species is a fiddler crab and the other is an archerfish, both of which have the innate ability to control rapids.

Together with the sea monster army under their command, they exerted their abilities, and the huge amount of sea water under them suddenly rose several meters high.

The sea monsters roared and rushed to the top of the waves, rushing towards the land.

And just like a tsunami, it may only be one or two meters in the deep sea area, but once it approaches the continental shelf and land, the wave crest immediately rises to a raging wave of more than ten meters.

Not to mention letting the sea monster land, just a tsunami can destroy all coastal fire defense artillery and defenders.

And these two tidal waves are advancing in a "V" shape, just covering the main position of the Faroe Islands in the middle.

When the two When the crests of the tide gradually overlap, a terrifying "killer wave" that can reach up to 30 meters and destroy everything can be formed!

If a warship encounters such a wave on the sea, it has no way to save itself except to close its eyes and wait for death.

Even if thunder can kill sea monsters, it can never kill this killer wave that also comes from the power of nature.


Seeing two white lines rushing into the foggy 12-mile territorial waters and approaching the Faroe Islands at a rapid speed, the huge sound of water filled the eardrums.

Everyone on the battlefield swallowed their saliva and subconsciously looked at Byron.

Obviously, before the [King of the Wild Hunt] personally admitted that he was not good enough, the officers and soldiers who were accustomed to victory again and again would not really despair.

Even when facing a notorious natural disaster, it was the same.

"This foreign invasion is not entirely a bad thing.

Only a war with a high enough intensity can allow the Gulf ethnic group that has been sinking for thousands of years to put down their barriers and be reborn from the ashes. "

Byron clearly saw through the [Power of Hades] that the collective subconscious of the five countries of the Bay People, after thousands of years of disintegration, was reuniting into a whole at an unprecedented speed.

In most cases, war is not a good thing, but sometimes it is a shortcut to reshape national character and build consensus.

Especially when the truth of evil creatures and their families is revealed to the people of the empire, they can understand why "loyalty" itself is the greatest reward!

At this time, as long as you can lead your people from one victory to another like the emperor, the will of the king will soon become the will of the entire nation.

Some people are just a brick of the times, Some people can only be a paperhanger all their lives, while others are the backbone of the entire nation just by standing there.

Of course, it is not without flaws.

When this consensus is not strong enough, and they lose the invincible man, the once Gallic rooster, no matter how strong and great it was, is doomed to collapse.

There is even a so-called correct way to use the national flag:

"If a war breaks out, please cut along the dotted line. If you support the restoration of the royal family, use the blue flag on the left;

If it is a revolutionary war, use the red flag on the right to save your life;

If a foreign war breaks out, use the white flag in the middle, and surrender directly with the white flag, without any hesitation. ”

What a great invention! It fits perfectly with the new national character of the Gauls, male, er, female? White? Black? Whatever.

Byron sighed and decided to do his own thing in front of his own people.

This time, the "killer wave" tactics used by the enemy were not difficult for him either.

"The principle of the bulbous bow in the era of steel ships is to use the underwater bulbous nose to generate wave fluctuations opposite to the hull, so that the crests and troughs of the two waves overlap, eliminating the original strong pitching of the hull.

So if you want to eliminate the killer wave, you just need to stagger the crests of the two waves, which is a piece of cake. "

Raise your hand, and the power of the law will roar.

"Law: sensory dislocation. "

The two sea monster armies that broke through from the flanks had been moving in a straight line.

But just like the pirate ship could not successfully enter the Anchor Bay without the guidance of the [Navigator].

The King's Iron Law, which was supplemented by the [Golden Law], is more powerful.

At first, they could still move in a straight line, but soon they alternated between fast and slow without noticing, and the crest of one side fell into the trough of the other side.

The terrifying and monstrous waves disappeared in an instant, and even the small boats that had not been evacuated on the shore were not overturned.

Under normal circumstances, the sea monster army that should have rushed over from both sides of the Faroe Islands also gathered together again because of sensory shielding, which was exactly where the pot of fresh fish soup was just now.

Byron shot the holy spear again.

"One more time, thunder, one billion volts! "

Boom boom boom.

The halo in the sky flashed, and the second huge wave of lightning struck again, electrocuting the 200 sea monsters to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

But the second discharge was obviously not as powerful as the first.

It lasted for a shorter time, and many sea monsters were just stunned by the electric shock, twitching and wailing miserably on the sea.

On the surface, it looked even more tragic than the first wave of electric shock, which was more powerful.

Byron was kind-hearted and could not bear to see this tragic situation. He waved his hand, and the legendary battleship [Golden Deer] immediately led the large fleet to replenish the guns.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of main battleships lined up in a row. After three rounds of salvos with all heavy artillery, all the sea monsters that were still suffering were completely relieved by the small ship girl's fire control system.

According to the scale of the previous three beast tides, the killing to this extent is almost over.

However, this time the real main force has not yet entered the field.

The coalition forces of the Old God Church took the opportunity to see through the weakness of the [Weather Weapon]. Although their offensive was still easily resolved by the defenders, the accumulated charge per unit time was limited.

If you want to have another large-scale lightning strike, it should take a long cooling period.

The mysterious "traitor" reminded the Chaos Beast Group:

"Sir, tricky tactics are useless. The key is to destroy the border maze that can cooperate with the use of the "Law".

If the border maze is not broken, no matter where you attack on this line, you will face the opponent's strongest point.

Once this nail is pulled out, the law node of the entire North Sea Empire can be broken, allowing the sea monster to regain its original power.

Now the interval between thunderstorms is the best time to attack."

The Chaos Beast Group nodded in agreement with him, and the roar of neither male nor female, neither human nor beast resounded throughout the legion.

"The colonial fleet will attack, the sea monster will guard the flank, and the divine domain [Chaos Beast Nest] will be deployed to merge the biological force field!

No need to play any tactics anymore, we have the advantage in strength, and force a breakthrough to the Faroe Islands for me."


The colonial fleet under the Blood Beast Nest is exactly the same as the style of this Old God Church.

The main body seemed to be built directly from the huge skeleton of a sea monster, with the middle filled with disgusting internal organs and flesh filled with strange hyperplasia. It was not powered by wind or oars, but by huge tentacles that were tens of meters long.

The outermost layer was a solid armor made of layers of parasitic shells, and the shadows of barnacles, corals and oysters could be seen.


With the legendary battleship [Flying Beast Man] as the core, a circle of scarlet divine domain penetrated the hull and overflowed, covering hundreds of colonial battleships and the remaining hundreds of degraded sea monsters.

Every time a living combat unit was linked and their life force field was activated, the power of the divine domain [Chaos Beast Nest] would be strengthened by one point.

The next moment, with the legendary battleship as the lead ship, the scarlet force field divine domain was constrained into the shape of an arrow and crashed into the border maze.

Swish! Swish!

A sharp noise that made people's teeth ache sounded, and a huge hexagonal force field structure appeared at the front of the [Flying Beast Man].

It broke through the national border maze bit by bit.

In this divine domain supported by many giant monsters, various targeted [Laws] can no longer take effect.

The senses will not be confused, and they will kill directly to the Faroe Islands.

The corners of the mouth of the [Chaos Beast] under the cloak raised a cruel smile:

"Air Force, attack!"

In order to fight against the dragon, humans have maxed out all kinds of no-fly abilities. In that mythological era, a single dragon would definitely not be able to fight against the human army.

But now, 1,500 years later, the enemies of mankind have not been complacent, but have come up with corresponding countermeasures.

Use the higher-level divine domain to combine the life force field, simulate the collective power of humans, and create an independent domain to hedge against the no-fly area.

As long as this divine domain cannot be broken, the dominance of the air force must not be ignored.

Even though it is not universal among the clans and can only be used by the Old God Church on the corresponding forbidden route, it is enough to turn the tide of the battle unexpectedly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The bone plates on the surface of the hull covered by the shell flipped open, and suddenly hundreds of holes opened like petals, expanding and shrinking, and strange-shaped flying units were launched.

This is a half-human, half-beast creature with the characteristics of bats, birds, and insects, with a segmented body, bat-like wings and bird claws.

There are dozens of bloody follicles hanging on the shriveled belly, and you can tell at a glance that it is not a good thing.

In just a few breaths, the [Flying Beast] ejected hundreds of flying units, forming a "buzzing" black cloud around the head.

As the God's Domain [Chaos Beast Nest] expanded, their flight range also expanded, approaching the Faroe Islands little by little.

This biological warship is not a conventional artillery battleship, but an aircraft carrier with its own "carrier-based aircraft"!

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