Pirate Kingship

Chapter 586 Striptease? Wait, this is not the car to the kindergarten

"A fourth-level dancer in the intelligence actually has a broken zero-level holy relic? It has the characteristic of keeping secrets.

No wonder I can't read more information."

Byron has two beautiful queens, Catherine and Violet, who squeezed Elizabeth Woodville, the first beauty in the Channel Islands, off the throne.

In addition, there are four divine incarnations of the same level and each with its own characteristics, so he has a strong resistance to the so-called beauties.

The surprise in his eyes because of the other party's graceful dance was only a flash and returned to normal.

Although he couldn't help but feel a "headache", he felt from the bottom of his heart that if his two sisters put on this outfit, they would definitely be brighter than her.

Looking at her with a normal mind, her interest in the holy relic is much stronger than that of the [Elf of Love] Salome.

There is only one piece of information directly read - Ishtar.

Byron remembered that [Goddess of Venus] Ishtar and [Mother of Creation] Lilith both came from the "Two Rivers God System" on the west bank of the Sea in the mythological era.

Their names were all absorbed by the Church of the Victorious Creator into the "Gospel of Creation". There is no doubt that they are all villains that set off the greatness of the Creator.

Now, 1,500 years later, it is difficult to verify their true appearance in a hurry.

It can only be vaguely inferred that [Goddess of Venus] Ishtar is the goddess of war and lust in the Two Rivers God System.

The Remites called her Astarte, the Mesopotamian civilization also called her Inanna, and the Gospel of Creation called her "the great whore of Babylon".

The corresponding image in the "Gospel of Heaven" is [Fallen Angel] Astaroth.

Possessing the priesthoods of [Venus], [War], [Love], [Rain], [Thunderstorm], [Fertility], etc.

Byron knew that the Remitians had two Level 0 holy relics passed down from the true God: the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Key of Solomon.

The Remitians were always rich, so it was reasonable for them to get another incomplete Level 0 holy relic for Salome.

If the previous suspicion was true, this treasure might also come from the Joker.

Unfortunately, the original plan to use the logbook to see through the other party at a glance and then determine the enemy and friend is now somewhat unworkable.

Abandoning morality and principles, the fleet will fire a salvo to send the other party to the sky if there is any abnormality. In the long run, it will not be far from the degenerate beast.

At the same time, Byron can easily resist the other party's enchanting dance, but the others on the ship do not have his determination.

Don't say that the Chameleon changes color when seeing a beautiful girl.

Even those soldiers who have replaced most of the steel parts on their bodies feel that the springs in their bodies are instantly softened by three points when they see the dancer's smile.

This is also very normal. What is "no desire"? Yes, only when you are full can you have nothing to ask for.

As the Golden Deer continued to approach, more fearless crab slaves rushed onto the deck. The first batch of soldiers who had undergone the transformation surgery on the ship subconsciously used more force when they attacked.

Just like the flamboyant male peacock, they instinctively wanted to show off in front of the beautiful opposite sex.


A soldier of [Death Wing] replaced his right arm and spine with an artificial body. At this moment, the gunpowder equipped on his elbow exploded, and his iron fist was like a cannonball in the rolling flames, and he punched through the belly of a crab.

Even the crab slave hiding inside, which was like a neural network, was blown to pieces.

The main source of the soldier's power was special whale oil gunpowder.

When the cartridge embedded in the artificial body exploded, it could generate huge propulsion, and they used this propulsion to carry out superhuman attacks and high-speed movements.

Correspondingly, once the cartridge storage was zero, they would become ordinary people. To avoid this, the use of each bullet must be carefully calculated.

In order to show off in front of the beauty, many people forgot this point.

They only thought: "Beautiful girl, do you think the sparks I made are big? Is it fierce?"

The [Shipwright] Little Hans next to him also had flames bursting under his feet, and he easily kicked a crab slave bigger than a cow to pieces.

Little Hans and his father Old Hans were the first old sailors to follow Byron, and Byron did not forget them after he became rich.

This third-level shipwright changed his job to become a whale oil mechanic early on.

And it was because he envied Violet's power of "art is explosion" that he took the [craftsman] profession, and naturally he was unwilling to always be a logistics production staff.

After changing his job, he took the initiative to use [alchemy] and [artificial body transformation] to replace most of his flesh and bones, becoming the first person in the field of orthodox artificial body transformation.

This time he also went to sea with Byron.

Although he was also obsessed with the dancer's dancing, he paid more attention to the crab slave himself, whose style was very curious.

"[Soldiers] and our whale oil mechanics use their own biological signals and spirituality as their nervous system, and can manipulate powerful artificial bodies.

These crab slaves are similar to us, except that one is made of steel and the other is made of flesh and blood, and both use external objects to make up for the lack of their own life essence.

If we can also use whale oil steam engines and mechanical knowledge to create a strong shell like crabs or similar combat machines, and let people ride in them, maybe we can open up a new career branch.

When the captain taught us the simplified breathing method [Storm King Seal], he also said something that people couldn't understand, such as 'If you are a man, you should drive a Zaku'.

This 'Zaku' is probably something similar, right?"

Little Hans's brain was running at a high speed, and he was even a little distracted.

However, the body of the prosthetic skeleton, which has the highest degree of transformation in the entire empire, seems to have its own consciousness, easily dodging the attack of the giant claws of the crab.

There is a red light flashing in the right eye, which clearly records the physiological structure of the crab slave.

There is also a mechanical structure in the eyeball that keeps rotating, making a pleasant sound similar to the "balls" when the differential engine and analytical engine are running.

This is a standard rare item [Type 1473 auxiliary prosthetic eye].

It can be used as a medium to borrow computing power from supercomputing centers in places covered by legal networks to speed up thinking and assist in controlling the body.

Relying on this gadget, the spiritual realm can simulate 50% of the power of the mechanical mind in the state of [God Descending Saint] without having to reach the level of awakening the God of Self!

It is also Babbage's invention, even if it is a curiosity rather than an industrial product that can be mass-produced, it is already very remarkable.

Of course, without the net, this is just a piece of scrap metal.

A purely mechanical structure with "KB" as the storage unit does not support eye-catching auxiliary functions.

Fortunately, another set of holy relics, the Jenny Machine and the loom, were combined to form a [Psychic Loom], and the ability to [gather an arm into a fur] was obtained (Chapter 517):

“Every piece of cloth is woven with countless threads, and each thread is spun from fiber, which best represents the power of the crowd.

Thousands of thoughts are woven into a divine robe in the most primitive way of gathering, and draped on the owner, it is equivalent to a local area network independent of the [Silver Law].

No matter where you go in the world, you don’t have to worry about not having a legal network around you.

Even if you achieve the status of a god, you don't have to be afraid that it will be distorted into the shape of other people's minds due to the wishes of countless people.

This treasure allows faith to transcend the original concept of country and parish and rise to the category of all beneficiaries, building a 'Shadow Demon Network'.

The signal coverage range is 100 kilometers in radius around itself! "

At this time, Byron was like carrying a signal base station with him.

Before expanding the colony, building a lighthouse matrix, and connecting the legal network, we can provide a wide range of network services for soldiers and whale oil mechanics.

In other words, even if Byron leaves the Golden Deer, which has the ability of "the empire is the navy, and the navy is the empire", and goes to the inland areas, the abilities of the Jizhong and the King will not be affected in the slightest.

This is a convenience that no other colonial empire has.

There are also side effects. When the North Sea Empire and the Golden Empire still had the [Destiny] of the Industrial Revolution, they were naturally unfavorable.

If deindustrialization loses its destiny, there will be a series of tragic consequences at the national level:

"The genders have slowly increased to 97 types, the social tearing index has increased to 40%, and there is a high probability of being parasitized by an alien ethnic group.

The probability of the disintegration of the federation increases by 50%; the probability of a colonial native becoming prime minister increases by 60%; the probability of purchasing for zero dollars increases by 99%; the probability of a 'son' becoming a 'biological father' increases by 100%. "

Therefore, the whale oil mechanics and the industrialization of the empire both prospered and suffered losses. The interests of the upper and lower parties were completely consistent, but there was no fear that they would not be careful.

“The soldiers changed the powder cartridges, and the musketeers came on top.

The pilot detects hydrology and prevents stranding. "

The closer the [Golden Deer] got to the stranded [Yingge], the more turbulent the water flow became, and the fish poison was quickly washed away.

No wonder Yinggehao couldn't hold on.

Moreover, this kind of monster creature has special habits. It originally fights in the water. Even if the water flow is gentle, it will not be able to last long with dragon dung potion to protect it.

Once here, the crew members who had reloaded their ammunition were working harder and harder.

"Mystery: Fireworks Fan·Screw Cannon!"

Little Hans pushed his feet on the ground, turned his waist, shouldered, pushed his elbows, rotated his wrists, and punched, coordinating the entire mechanical mechanism of his body to form a whole. His wrists rotated like drills, and he punched through the giant crab slave that jumped onto the deck. .

He also shouted out the name of the move very accurately.

He jumped up again and kicked the three-headed crab slave with his feet wrapped in fireworks. In an instant, he kicked the three-headed crab slave into the air.

"Mystery: Black Sky Wind·Tornado Kicks!"

Other soldiers also followed suit.

Every move in the battle carries huge firelight, and the pure violent output also fills the ship with the smell of gunpowder.

"Mystery: Black Sky Wind Stab Step!"

"Mysterious meaning: Fireworks Fan·Heaven-blasting Cannon!"

This is a combat technique tailor-made for soldiers by Violet, the legendary mechanic.

The three kicking techniques are collectively called Heitianfeng; the three boxing techniques are collectively called Fireworks Fan; they are combined together into: "Mobile Secrets·Army Six Postures".

Other conventional tricks include: knee cannon, elbow cannon, chest cannon, and the most difficult to guard against: mouth cannon.

During combat, you can fire by opening your mouth. It can fire shotguns, acid bombs, poison bombs, broken glass, quicklime bombs and other types of special shells, making it difficult for people to guard against.

But it can only be used by those who have undergone full-body transformation. It is also called [Mass Projection] or [St. Byron’s Traditional Arts].

Through [1473-style prosthetic eyes] and card programming, auxiliary algorithms are implanted into the bodies of soldiers and whale oil mechanics. Even scientific researchers can exert stronger combat effectiveness than elite soldiers.

If this trend continues, until there is no fancy witchcraft in the material world, there will only be "steam" that has reached its peak.

If soldiers fight against each other, it may be a test of who has stronger hardware, more sophisticated algorithms, and faster artificial eyes.

It is even possible to develop various extraordinary abilities and mysteries by relying on more and more whale oil mechanics to innovate.

[Soul Capture] to invade the opponent's auxiliary artificial eye, [Momentum Pressure] to compete in computing power without any fancy tricks, [Eagle Eye] to upgrade the artificial eye to make oneself a sharpshooter, [Bone Breaking Hand] that can instantly remove the parts of the opponent's body. And so on.

When meeting, show off: "I have a profound computing power of up to 500M!" "I have a G, why don't you step down, little junior?" "I am a T-level ancestor, why don't you kneel to welcome me?"

It's quite funny to think about it.

Whale oil mechanics are deeply bound to industrialization. The higher the degree of industrialization and the higher the degree of development of the steam age, the stronger their power will be.

And they are born with mechanical minds, and are also the most suitable troops to be stationed in the Eastern Continent.

Byron's idea at the beginning was to establish contact with those wizard schools on the continent that are still considered orthodox humans if possible, and try to integrate the remaining humans on this continent.

It would be best to formulate adaptive laws to complement the [Silver Law] of the Old World and the [Golden Law] of the Southern Continent.

Under the strong performance of the crew, the [Golden Deer] continued to push forward, and the crabs could not stop their attack.

At the same time, three adventure ships of the Ferdinand family appeared in the surging waves of the crab tide on the other side.

The sailors and family members on it also saw the [Elf of Love] Salome, but their reaction was more enthusiastic than that of the crew of the Golden Deer.

"It's Miss Salome! I saw her performance at the Florence Theater last year. Her dancing and her appearance are still memorable."

"Your Excellency, after rescuing Miss Salome this time, how about our family fund a dance troupe and invite Miss Salome to live in Florence?

Overseas adventures are really not suitable for a dancer. We are enough."

"Second! The love elves are worthy of being love elves. They work part-time as adventurers on the sea, but they are still so beautiful.

The ambition to collect various folk dances from all over the world is also admirable.

The sails are long and fast. If you hurt Miss Salome's fingers, I will throw you into the sea to feed crabs."

Many people in the Ferdinand family have wild thoughts and want to take this opportunity to get close to her.

In addition to the large number of crab slaves in the sea, the individual strength is not too strong. There are very few mid-sequence ones. If the [Yingge] had not been stranded, there would not be such a big trouble.

They are naturally relaxed.

When he saw the famous legendary warship [Golden Deer] coming from the opposite side, he was completely relieved.

Florence is just a city-state and has no conflict of interest with the people of the Bay.

Such a big family will not bet on the Orthodox Church or the Protestant Church all at once, and multi-betting is the norm.

Some members of the family work for one force, and some work for another force, spreading the risk. In the end, no matter who comes to power, the family can be guaranteed to prosper.

Byron is now the most popular figure in the Old Continent, equivalent to the goalkeeper and barrier of the entire Silver Continent.

If he hadn't won two colonial wars, it is unknown how many countries on the continent have fallen.

Unless there is an irreconcilable conflict of interest, such as competing for the position of "captain" in the material world, no one else would take the initiative to provoke him.

Even if the other party really likes the beautiful fourth-level dancer, they can also contribute money and effort to make good things happen.

Beautiful dancer? No matter how beautiful she is, she is just a plaything, how can it be more important than interests?

When they are praised, everyone is like a star, but when they are not praised, their treatment immediately plummets.

Like in some stories, no matter how powerful the protagonist is, no matter how many great things he has done, he will be slapped in the face by a fool as soon as he goes out. It is really too low.

At their level, the rules of the game have long changed.

On the flagship, Mercurius, who deceived everyone and treated the thousand-year-old wealthy family as a pawn, did not show any strange color on his face.

Seeing that only the Golden Deer was coming, he couldn't help but feel happy:

"The intelligence said that Saint Byron had a fleet of twelve warships when he set out from Kingston.

Now there is only one left. It must have been affected by the battle that caused a tsunami just now, or it has been lost or separated from the flagship.

The target has lost a large number of guards and only has three or four hundred elite soldiers on a ship. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Act immediately."

Then, like an admirer of the [Elf of Love], he waved his hands at her vigorously and shouted loudly:

"Don't panic, Miss Salome, we are here to save you."

Then he moved forward with the Golden Deer, and gradually formed an equilateral triangle between the three.

Byron saw the performance of the Ferdinand family and instantly concluded that these people were 100% unaware that their Grand Duke had been replaced and was being used as a gun.

"But the 'traitor''s move of using Ferdinand as a shield is indeed powerful.

Don't say that he thought I didn't know his disguised identity yet. Even if I knew it, it would be difficult for me to make up my mind to kill this family with huge influence on the spot.

As long as he hesitated, his chance would come.

In this way, the suspicion on the dancer became more and more serious. It is uncertain whether the 'traitor' will take action now, or take the opportunity to go with him and then take action secretly.

I also need to find the right time to catch them all in one fell swoop."

Just when Byron was hesitating, a smile suddenly appeared on his face:

“But who doesn’t have a zero-level holy relic by their side when they go out to explore?

When in doubt, ask the Sun Calendar. "

The zero-level holy relic Huashan Heavenly Kingdom has only one ability [Sun Stone Calendar]:

"This is the first calendar born in this world. From then on, intelligent creatures got rid of the hazy state of the Paleozoic Era, and for the first time they had a concept of time.

It can be said that it is the concrete history itself!

The ancient years have allowed the [Sun Stone Calendar] to stand at the source of the long river of history, overlooking almost all living things in this world.

When those key historical figures make different choices, different timelines often result. This is a historical turning point.

In this world, all beings born later than the calendar will leave their reflections in this long river of history and be controlled by the Sun Stone Calendar.

Assist this calendar to create the most accurate prediction of the direction of history by creating a virtual timeline.

As long as the stone disk is turned hard, the owner of the calendar can enter different virtual timelines and determine the choice that is most beneficial to him.

Note: If you don’t want to be backlashed by history, you need to consume your accumulated historical influence that is beneficial to mankind just like activating the [History of Time]. "

Since Byron used his own historical influence to activate the "History of Time" and changed himself into the Holy Spirit, he has successively promoted huge historical changes.

Recapture the throne of Hattings, unify the five nations of the Gulf, withstand two colonial wars between the Abaddon Secret Cult and the six Old God Churches, solve the two major troubles of Kraken's Touch and Noah's Ark at once, and send another [Unlucky guy] Raymond clears the seeds of the Tree of Life along the coast.

There is also the most intuitive one, which is to solve [Secret: the trigger of religious wars, historical influence 65].

According to the weighted correction of the logbook, the total historical influence accumulated is about 120.

From the [Solar Stone Calendar], we know that the consumption this time is approximately equivalent to Byron's current spirituality of 23 points, which is still within his acceptable range.

So, he mobilized his will and pushed hard towards the round solar calendar stone in Huashan Heavenly Kingdom.


Countless symbols on the stone plate lit up one after another, converging into the center of the stone plate and suddenly emitting a bright light, making Byron's left eye light up.

I saw several completely different virtual timelines born under different choices.

He stretched out his hand, and for the first time he appeared as the "historical corrector who changed the latitude and longitude of the times" in the three-part honorary name.

The real time then stopped, and Byron's consciousness suddenly accelerated into one of the timelines.

The two worlds are exactly the same.

In this timeline, the Golden Deer continued to move forward, and when it was only a hundred meters away from the [Yingge] and the Ferdinand fleet, forming an equilateral triangle, they were about to meet.

Salome, the [Spirit of Love] who was concentrating on dancing to fend off enemies, suddenly took off the sacred relic veil on her face, revealing her stunning face, and smiled charmingly at Byron.

It actually revealed the aura of the fifth-level legendary level.

At the same time, with her as the center, a magnificent stage quickly emerged.

Everyone in the audience disappeared, leaving only one spectator, Byron, and one dancer, Salome.

The dancer turned slightly, and the accessories and clothes on her perfect body were scattered one by one, and she performed a dance and fifth-level thaumaturgy - [Dance of the Seven-layered Veil].

Byron suddenly realized that the seven-layered veil did not refer to the seven veils on the face, but the seven layers of clothing on the head, ears, neck, breasts, buttocks, feet, and inner garments.

"Inner" refers to the last layer of underwear.

Having just taken off two pieces of clothing, the energetic young man could not help but subconsciously widen his eyes:

"These earrings are really round, no, this necklace is really white. Wait, I want to get off!"

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