Pirate Kingship

Chapter 587: The second round begins: You are as ridiculous as your cover!

Regardless of whether this car was going to kindergarten, Byron obviously couldn't get out.

According to the data, the dancer Salome was originally only a fourth-level dancer. After the veil was removed, the strength of a fifth-level legendary dancer was revealed.

Even among all the palace-sequence extraordinary beings in the Old Continent, it is a powerful existence that can definitely be ranked high.

Under normal circumstances, once a transcendent person is promoted, no one will hide it.

A transcendent of this level represents huge benefits and strategic deterrence to any country.

Unless there are major problems with the promotion method that are absolutely unforgivable, or there are some ulterior secrets hidden in them.

"According to the [Life-haunting Clown]'s usual style of bringing fear to the world, this dancer probably didn't do anything good when she held the 'Alluring Dance' ceremony in order to be promoted.

Then I hid my head and tail, secretly ran to the sea, and ambushed me with the 'traitor'.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the opportunity is just right, and the person who is meant to eat by pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger may not be me.

Every legend has an unshakable obsession, and every thaumaturgy has the possibility of creating miracles. If it weren't for the Sun Stone Calendar, it might really be overturned. "

After Byron watched Salome dance the "Dance of the Seven Veils" with his own eyes, he found that his feet were like nails on the ground, and he couldn't even close his eyes and not watch the other party's performance.

This should not only be the ability of thaumaturgy itself, but also the zero-level holy relic left by [Venus Goddess] Ishtar that greatly increases the power of thaumaturgy.

He could only stare at the beautiful and enchanting dancer Salome, who was dancing and taking off her clothes with affectionate expressions on her face.

First there was the shining gold crown on her head, and her long black hair with big waves flowing down like a waterfall, then there were the sparkling crystal earrings on her earlobes, and then there was the necklace around her neck.

Sometimes the dance looks like a pure deer in the forest, sometimes like a charming fairy, stepping on the heart of a man with every dance step.

The beaded chain jingled, she frowned and smiled, from the tip of her hair to the tips of her toes painted in charming black, she was full of intoxicating aura, extremely enchanting and gorgeous.

Even between life and death, people can hardly help but want to hold her in their arms and take good care of her.

And every time this [Elf of Love] takes off an accessory from his body, he will take a step closer to Byron.

Three steps later, in addition to the wonderful and moving dance, even the warm and fragrant body fragrance continued to penetrate Byron's body through his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and even the pores on his body.

It made him feel as if he were in the clouds, a little floating.

All the senses in the body were easily captured by the opponent. The most basic ability of the dancer profession [body rhythm] had already been mastered by this legendary dancer.

It rivals Byron's [Deception] power of controlling all other people's senses.

As time went by, Byron was just in a daze and discovered that Salome's appearance had undergone subtle changes, becoming more in line with his own aesthetics.

Originally, beauties above 90% have their own characteristics. It’s just that everyone has different tastes and preferences.

Celebrities with the widest audience and recognized by the public may be far inferior to unpopular beauties with less fame in the eyes of some people.

Just like this, when targeting Byron alone, this [Elf of Love] seemed to have smoothed away the last flaw in his body and made it custom-made.

Every part of it just happened to be on his heart.

Even if Louis XI, who was disgusted by the sight of women, came, he would never escape the fate of being fascinated by him.


Byron looked at it, suddenly feeling alert.

Although this is a virtual timeline, nothing can be brought back to the real world except the information seen and heard, let alone injury or death.

As a result, Byron, who originally wanted to see the opponent's methods and find flaws, naturally did not have much psychological resistance.

But when Salome took three steps closer, she suddenly realized that it wasn't that she didn't forcefully break free, but that her strength had weakened significantly for some unknown reason, and she couldn't break free even if she wanted to.

When Salome took off her three layers of jewelry, she found that her seven layers of divine aura were also stripped off at the same time!

On the other hand, the dancer opposite her had taken off three layers of jewelry, but she still had three layers of aura that belonged to Byron. She was moisturized from the inside out, like a ripe, sweet fruit. .

At the same time, Salome straightened her white feet and took the fourth step towards Byron.

In an extremely graceful spin, she untied her chest wrap, and the purple coat and the last two tasseled breast ornaments all left her body.

Suddenly the color of jade was fragrant, and the whole room was bright.

Not only did Salome's eyes not show the shyness of being naked in front of a strange man, but her cheeks were as red as if she had drunk fine wine, and the charm in her blue eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

Another layer of Byron's divinity was peeled off, four out of seven. Even though his essence was far richer than ordinary fifth-level legends or false gods, his fifth-level personality began to falter.

Fortunately, at this time, because Salome lifted the information blockade of the zero-level holy relic, the [Logbook] finally successfully activated the echo of history.

Cooperating with the [Sun Stone Calendar], I saw what kind of history the [Zero-Level Holy Relic: The Seven-layered Veil of the Venus Goddess Ishtar (Incomplete)] has.

He even saw the source of the thaumaturgy [Dance of the Seven-layered Veil], and couldn't help but open his mouth slightly:

"This kind of ancient myth. Even if you are a pervert, you will feel perverted after reading it, right?"

The root cause was an internal struggle of the Mesopotamian pantheon:

In order to save her husband, [Venus Goddess] Ishtar broke into the underworld ruled by her sister, the Queen of the Underworld, Elishkiga, and eventually died miserably here.

Even a goddess of the same pantheon must abide by the rules of other gods when entering the kingdom of other gods.

Just like passing through the Styx ruled by Byron, you need to deposit valuables with him, and when you are in the mood, you have to perform the integrity drama of golden axe, silver axe, and iron axe.

When Ishtar passed the first major gate of the underworld, the [gatekeeper] of the underworld, Namuta, stepped forward, opened the door for her with his own hands, and said respectfully:

"Please come in, my mistress, Kuta will cheer for you, and the palace of the land of no return will be happy for your presence."

But while welcoming her, he stripped off the dazzling golden crown on her head.

Ishtar exclaimed: "Gatekeeper, why did you take off the crown on my head?"

The gatekeeper replied: "Come in, my mistress, the rules of the Queen of the Underworld are like this."

When he opened the second door for Ishtar, he took away the pendant on her ear.

The goddess exclaimed again: "Gatekeeper, why did you take my pendant?"

The gatekeeper replied: "Come in, my mistress, the rules of the Queen of the Underworld are like this."

When passing through the third door, the gatekeeper took off the jewel necklace around her white neck.

When passing through the fourth door, the gatekeeper took away the sparkling breast ornament from her breasts.

When passing through the fifth door, the gatekeeper took off and took away the jade belt and long skirt tied around her hips.

When passing through the sixth door, the gatekeeper took off and took away her bracelets and anklets.

When passing through the last seventh door, the gatekeeper stripped off and took away her last underwear.

In this way, every time she passed through the gate of the underworld, [Gatekeeper] Namuta took an ornament or piece of clothing from Ishtar.

And told her that this was in accordance with the rules of the code of the underworld, which was completely different from the code of the aboveworld that Ishtar mastered.

So, after passing through the last major gate, all the items on Inanna's body were stripped off, and she stood naked in front of her sister, the Queen of the Underworld, Elishkiga.

However, for a god, it is not only the clothes and jewelry that are stripped, but also the powerful divinity in her body!

Every time a layer of ornaments is taken off, a layer of divinity will be stripped off. After the "seven layers of veil" are stripped off, Ishtar has completely fallen from a god to a mortal.

This rule is somewhat similar to the power of [Styx] to digest divinity to replenish itself, or many underworlds have more or less dabbled in similar authority.

At this point, the powerful and war-powerful [Venus Goddess] Ishtar not only failed to save her husband, but also faced the stares of the seven Hades judges.

After becoming a mortal, she could not even bear their gazes and died on the spot and turned into a corpse.

Then her sister, the Queen of the Underworld, Elishkiga, hung her naked body on a hook and used it as a leather bag to hold water.

Ishtar's experience warned the gods that the Kingdom of God is the last and strongest fortress of a god. If you rush into it rashly, you may be easily killed by the master of the Kingdom of God even if you are stronger.

And the magic that Salome obtained was obviously from this dark myth of sister infighting, one living and one dead.


The beautiful dancer took the fifth step towards Byron, and the smile on her face became more charming, without any pleasure or ridicule in the face of the enemy.

The rule on the stage is that once you start dancing, you must dance to the end.

The slender and beautiful hands touched the waist, and the golden bead necklace and tulle dance skirt hanging on the waist and hips also slipped off quietly.

In addition to the bracelets and anklets, there was only a pair of small pants made of black pearls on the whole body, which was as small as it could be.

Byron only had the last two layers of divinity left, and his rank and power level plummeted. At this time, any ordinary legend could kill him.

It was indeed "possible".

Because even if all the divinity and power were lost, no one could take away his 3% spiritual realm of "all things return to oneness". Even if he was just a mortal, he was still a great swordsman with superb swordsmanship.

Simple skills were enough to cut off the cloud waterfall in the sky.

And the dancer in this virtual timeline was exactly the same as the body in the main timeline of the outside world.

Another glorious victory was just around the corner, and she couldn't help but feel a little excited, dancing more happily:

"I held my own promotion ceremony in the city-state of Galilee in the Holy Silver Empire, and exchanged the promise of "all requests can be met" from King Herod with the [Dance of the Seven Veils].

I asked for the head of the Orthodox Archbishop [John the Baptist], and danced the dance of destruction at the highest point of the palace, causing chaos in the city and countless people killing each other.

Finally, I achieved the achievement of "overthrowing a city" and was successfully promoted.

To If it weren't for the Night Watch and the Inquisition finding clues and coming to me, I would have already returned to the Netherlands and taken down this maritime power known as the "Sea Coachman" with my father.

Kick the Queen out and let me take this position, even the Queen can be easily replaced.

This time I came out to avoid disaster and obeyed the order of [The Clown] to help [The One Who Must Not Be Named], but I didn't expect to get an unexpected surprise.

The King of the Wild Hunt, the Favored One of the Holy Spirit, the Messiah, just thinking about it makes me tremble with excitement. "

The ritual of a dancer's enchanting dance can be a positive way to dazzle the whole city, or it can overturn the whole city.

Her ritual was to dance a song for the king of the city-state in the city-state of the Holy Silver Empire, triggering a conflict between the two major factions.

It directly led to the destruction of the city-state, and no living person could escape.

The current Holy Silver Empire is already in chaos.

Others thought that the whole city died from a military disaster, or from weird and evil spirits causing chaos, but they didn't know that under the cover of [Level Zero Holy Relic·Seven-layered Veil], a dancer killed everyone in the city.

Are dancers just the playthings of the powerful?

When she reaches the legendary level, she will make all the once high-ranking dignitaries and kings surrender under her dance skirt and be proud to kiss her toes.

[King] Conquer the world, and they only need to conquer men!

Did we come to this world just to be a beloved concubine? Or lover?

She wants all other Sequence Transcendents and mortals to look up at her back.

Prove that dancer is the strongest profession in the world.

This is where this powerful magic comes from.

Low-cost version: Using seven pieces of clothing and accessories such as head, ears, neck, breasts, buttocks, feet, and underwear as the medium, [Dance of the Seven Veils] is actually the ultimate striptease that can only be seen once in a lifetime.

The effect of this thaumaturgy is naturally extremely powerful:

“Can strip away the divinity and power of another person and perfectly wear it on yourself or someone else.

You can also use the captured divinity to restrain the other party and make the other party your slave.

Even relying on the powerful amplification of the zero-level holy relics, she might be able to try to peel off the demigod relics that have no resistance. "

clang clang clang.

The bracelet and anklet fell to the ground. The dancer was only one step away from Byron, and she was only wearing the last piece of clothing.

Looking at Byron's stiff face, Salome reached out and touched his handsome face, feeling extremely happy:

"[The person who cannot even be named] said that when he was searching the world and beyond, he discovered a collapsed divine kingdom in the Sea of ​​Sesame.

There is also an old god's corpse that, due to bad luck, has not been able to gradually regain its sanity and strength through cannibalism and blood sacrifices over the past fifteen hundred years.

He suspected that the person buried there was [Venus Goddess] Ishtar.

This is my reward for helping.

But I really can’t bear to kill this [King of the Wild Hunt]. "

The most important thing for Mercurius is not the mission of the life-haunting clown and the old god, but the removal of the constraints of his "divine side" and his complete recovery as before.

The method he came up with was to use Salome's [Dance of the Seven Veils] to help him peel off the divine aspect from his body, and then use the demigod's corpse to perfectly inject the divinity of a demigod into him.

Not only can he solve his own troubles, but he may also be able to go one step further and achieve the prerequisite for promotion to a demigod.

Salome's ability is of great significance even to the life-haunting clown, and is the most important secret weapon in his hand.

If the "traitor" hadn't asked Him for help, He would never have been exposed so early.

But the ambitious dancer clearly had her own ideas.

At this time, Byron wanted to continue admiring the stripping. Well, he was just looking to see what other plots the other party had up his sleeve. However, he was a little surprised as to why the dancer lingered and stopped taking off her clothes. She never took the last step.

Salome looked at the handsome and majestic pirate emperor of the North Sea Empire, whose figure was more perfect than a marble sculpture, with a faint feeling of wetness in her heart.

As if she had made up her mind, she hooked her slender jade fingers around her pearl pants and seemed to be taking them off. She gently rubbed Byron's body and breathed softly into his ear:

"Everyone who has seen me dance the Dance of the Seven Veils is dead.

But, Your Majesty, King of the Wild Hunt, you can be an exception.

Now you have two choices, one is to die, the other is to surrender to me. "

When the hero rescue mission is settled, two situations usually occur:

"Option 1. The hero is not good-looking. I have nothing to repay. I can only repay this great kindness by working as a cow or a horse in the next life."

"Option two, the hero is good-looking, and I have nothing to repay. I can only repay the hero's great kindness by giving me my life."

If you are handsome enough, even if you accidentally fall into the hands of your enemy, your treatment may be completely different.

This face-based world is so cold and cruel.

Of course, the premise is that it must not fall into the hands of Louis XI.

The more handsome you are, the more miserable your ending will be.

Byron happened to be not only handsome, but also very delicious as a symbol of "change". He also had two empires in his hands. Conquering him was far more profitable than killing him.

A person can tell whether a meal is full or not.

At the same time, the small island where the [Yingge] ran aground suddenly began to tremble, revealing two eye stalks, and slowly raised its giant pincers as thick as mountain ridges.

But it is a giant sea monster [Giant Claw Ironclad Crab], and the rocks and trees on its back are just its crab shell.

The big crab is obviously with the dancer, and the crew members on the ship who love her to death are just necessary sacrifices to hunt Byron.

The two clowns who robbed the "Gospel of the Kingdom" also emerged from under the big crab's belly and looked at Byron with a sinister look.

Salome smiled brightly and said the cruelest words in the gentlest tone:

"Your Majesty, I'll give you one last chance to think about it carefully. Should you choose one or two?"

Byron has now finally seen all the trump cards of the "rape" side.

A legendary dancer who is impossible to guard against, a giant sea monster, a fifth-level and fourth-level clown, and the last insurance, Merculius himself.

Really powerful.


Byron raised his head and smiled at Salome, showing eight white teeth:

"I choose three!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the scenery in front of him and Salome's beautiful face were stained with a layer of hazy yellow from old photos, and then disappeared like a phantom.

Byron also returned to the moment when he activated the [Sunstone Calendar].

Apart from consuming 23 points of historical influence, nothing else has changed, and the divinity on his body seems to have never left.

Not caring about feeling sorry for what I had finally saved, and preparing to use it to activate the historical influence of the second [History of Time], the second round of the project started.

But this time, it was like getting a pass guide. No matter how tough the opponent was, there were no secrets left in front of him.

The Golden Deer continued to move forward as if nothing had happened, while Byron silently recited "three, two, one" in his heart.

At the moment when the three ships re-formed an equilateral triangle, Salome reached out and took off her veil.


[Styx Styx], which had been arranged by Byron to the bottom of the sea in advance, suddenly appeared at the bottom of the ship [Yingge] and swallowed it together with the unprepared [Erotic Spirit] Salome. .

As long as no spiritual being is allowed to see her dancing, the seven-layered veil will not take effect.

If she still wants to struggle to the death, she can compete with the water of the Styx to see who can strip and dissolve the divinity better.

After the giant crab couldn't sense the breath of its owner, it became furious instantly. Without waiting for the "human rape" reaction from the other side, it suddenly stood up from the sea.

The dark rock armor looks as good as cast iron.

At the same time, Violet, who had already received Byron's signal, opened her palm and threw out a thaumaturgy that looked like a cube of brass cubes - [Mechanical Fortress].

Click, click, click

Amidst the sound of mechanical transmission of gears turning, the mechanical fortress rose in the wind, rapidly rising trapezoidal steel ramps from six sides, forming a total array of more than forty turrets.

"Alpha plugs into the fire control system."

"A base whale oil bomb is ready."

"Breech-loading rifled gun firing calibration, wind rating."


Amidst the gush of snow-white steam, forty turrets rotated slowly, aiming their muzzles at the giant crab in front of them that looked like lumps of iron. The ferocious aura that destroyed everything instantly spread out.

The exciting roar of machines, pistons, levers, and gears combined with each other resounded from inside the mechanical fortress.

In the intertwining of flames and steam, a huge sound echoed in everyone's skulls, forming a solemn hymn:

"Holy! How many rivets are there, and the turret is huge!

Billions of stars, billions of turrets!

More rivets and steam, the turret is supreme!

Billions of turrets, billions of glory.”

This kind of scene is no longer a false fantasy. After years of hard work by Byron and Violet, it has become a reality.

Facing the big crab, Violet smiled coldly:

“You are as ridiculous as your bunker.

Fire me up! "

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The next moment, the all-round supersaturation bombing from the turret array covered the giant species crab, as well as the two clowns who had just emerged from under its belly and then crawled back in again.

They didn't care when they got back:

"There is no way for a mere solid bullet to break through the defense of the [Giant-Clawed Iron Crab]."

Boom——! ! !

But then a series of loud noises, tragic screams, and hot fragments interrupted their sneers.

Because this time it is completely different from the previous solid bullets.

These shells exploded!

The mushroom cloud of flames rising into the sky illuminated the eyes of everyone present.

Everyone, including Byron, had the same idea:

"Whatever swordsmanship or witchcraft is, it's all Mrs. Niu. The one in front of you is my little sweetheart.

Coach, I must learn this! "

The golden light of the legal network fell, and the breech-loaded rifled cannon and whale oil shells were instantly dyed with a layer of brilliant gold.

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