Pirate Kingship

Chapter 588 Byron: You were slapped by Louis XI!

The golden light converged slightly, and the turret array and shrapnel shells placed in the [Mechanical Fortress] were reorganized and optimized, and a sharp light that was enough to hurt people's eyes bloomed from the inside out.

The two treasures were combined into the [First-level Holy Relic·Constructed Turret]:

"More is beautiful, bigger is better, caliber is justice, and turret is truth!

The steam-constructed turret composed of breech-loading rifled guns and shrapnel shells is destined to usher in the era of cannons and giant ships of maritime powers.

This is its destiny.

Just like the bolt-action rifle crushed the flintlock rifle and the line-up shooting tactics, the future naval battle pattern will be completely changed from now on."

Ability: Contradictory in one.

1. It is a spear when attacking, with a range of 12 nautical miles and an error of 388 nautical miles.

The only use of the cannon is to measure the country.

12 nautical miles, or about 22 kilometers, is the current territorial waters of the North Sea Empire. The territorial waters of other countries are only 3 nautical miles, precisely because the largest caliber coastal defense guns can only shoot 3 nautical miles at most.

With the emergence of this kind of artillery, the 12-mile sea border of the North Sea Empire finally became worthy of its name.

When the enemy attacks, although the territorial waters are only 12 nautical miles, I just happen to have a 400-mile-long sword for you to appreciate.

As long as it is within the range of 400 nautical miles, the 388-mile error of the "mysticism" can be used to make up for it and achieve automatic calibration.

Even if the hit rate gradually decreases with the increase of distance, it has achieved a terrifying beyond-visual-range strike. Only I hit people, no one hits me.

Second, it is a shield when defending, which can accurately defend against the opponent's long-range attack.

The basic interception rate of a shell with fragments is 70%, and the interception rate of three shells is 210% of the total, 97.3%.

There is both attack and defense, which makes up for the defect of the battleship's strong attack and weak defense.

Note: The corresponding mechanical programming can be extracted by inserting the card and injected into the control system of the ordinary turret to obtain half of the defense capability. The more turrets there are, the stronger the ability increase.


"More is beautiful, bigger is better, caliber is justice, turret is truth. Under normal circumstances, the turret array in your hand is the embodiment of justice and truth!

Even if what you do is not so just and not so true, you can force the other party to accept it through "physical persuasion".

If they still don't accept it, you can use "physical purification" to make only your justice and truth remain in this world.

It proves the truth: critical weapons cannot replace the criticism of weapons!

But when you have fewer barrels and turrets than the enemy, and your size and caliber are smaller than the enemy, you will immediately lose your justice and truth.

The effect of the holy relic is lost immediately!"

Byron and Violet are very satisfied with the new weapons.

The ability of the holy relic [Constructed Turret] is already strong enough, and the small side effects are nothing at all.

The ship-borne breech-loading rifled guns and the matching shrapnel shells will soon change the situation of the war, sweeping all the wooden sailing warships that are still sailing on the sea in this era into the garbage dump.

Unless other countries light up the ironclad ships.

With the development of artillery technology, ironclad ships will soon be eliminated, and generations of steel steam battleships will also begin to iterate.

Byron is not afraid of competition. His experience in the previous life tells him that most of the previous technological explosions are due to military purposes.

Computers, antibiotics, stainless steel, telegraphs, telephones, canned food, etc. are countless.

Thanks to the existence of the tower sequence of "using knowledge to drive out ignorance" in this world, whether it is learning ability, creativity, collaboration ability, or hands-on ability, it crushes the scientific researchers in the magic-free world.

Under his leadership, the technological advancement of the countries in the material world will also enter the fast lane. Every increase in human strength will increase the possibility of surviving the flood in the future.

Among all the remaining key technologies, the first one is to surpass ordinary paddle steamers and invent large steam turbines that drive propellers.

Alpha and the entire whale oil mechanic team are working hard to tackle the problem.

During this period, at most one paddle steamer will be built as a footprint in the history of steamship development, occupying a pit of [holy relic].

A ship that can't even be a battleship is not worth wasting too much effort on. According to the evaluation of innovation and practicality, it is not likely that a paddle steamer will become a very powerful holy relic.


Under Alpha's control, after a round of salvos, the turret array powered by the whale oil steam engine completed the second round of loading and entered the activation state through the mechanical transmission device again.

The ammunition unit "base" varies according to different weapons, different eras and different countries.

In the artillery manual currently formulated by Byron and Violet, a base is 160 rounds, which is enough for a turret array composed of 40 guns to fire four rounds in a row.

After issuing the order, you don't have to worry about it, and it will be automatically completed in the shortest time.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The muzzle spewed flames, and the Golden Deer set off a blazing wind. The sea surface on one side was pressed down by the shock wave into a circle of fan-shaped depressions, and the conical shells carried red fire lines and flew towards the giant claw ironclad crab.

Although the distance was too close to demonstrate the full power of the holy relic, the firepower of the close-range attack was even more shocking.

The moment the shell head touched the body of the big crab, the firing pin was activated, igniting the whale oil primer, and the high explosive filled in the shell exploded.

During the first round of shelling, the dark reef armor of the island on the crab's back had been completely flattened.

During the second round of bombardment, the flame storm and the hot shrapnel violently tore apart the last layer of crab shells on the crabs, and the flesh, flesh, and carapace exploded everywhere.

A shrill scream hurt the eardrum.

Before the Giant Claw Iron Crab could even take two steps and cut off the Golden Deer with one claw, it fell to the ground like a landslide.

In the past, the era of small, large, and giant sea monsters corresponding to the deck length of level 6 battleships, and then evaluating the corresponding combat effectiveness, is gone forever.

The giant armored crab, which is so huge that it has long surpassed the first-class ship level, can't even withstand two salvoes of forty new artillery pieces?

The crew on the ship burst into cheers, this sea is destined to change its owner again!

Countless works of art have obviously underestimated the power of thermal weapons. The zombie tide and the python disaster are all insufficient in the face of real modern thermal weapons.

Hold the truth in hand, make rules, construct turrets and teach the strange things in the deep sea how to sing and dance!

"It's a pity that the crab roe is so big."

[Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred looked at the completely opened carapace, which was covered with flesh, glands, and countless twitching nerve endings.

And the lump in the middle of the belly looks like crab roe, but in fact it is the body of the crab slave that has begun to look like a human. He shook his head regretfully.

This kind of curious shape is not impossible even for him.

"If you use this topping to make a bowl of crab roe noodles, steam a thousand crab roe buns, and add a little bit of crab vinegar, the taste will be amazing. Suck!"

At this time, two figures took advantage of the gap in the firepower to quickly emerge from under the belly of the crab corpse, jumped in the air, and landed on the deck of the Golden Deer like cannonballs.

"Stop! Give me back my Lord's [Love Spirit]."

The one in front is a fifth-level [Barbarian Clown] who looks like a dwarf, but can cripple [Storm Angel] Andrea with one strike from the front.

The burly fat man at the back trampled Andrea's fourth-level [Bomb Clown] to death.

"I've been waiting for you."

Byron waved his hand, and a brilliant holy light fell behind him.

Archangel Andrea, who had already adapted to her new power, stepped out wearing silver armor.

"For offending my lord, you deserve to die!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. The Archangel held the brand new blunderbuss made for her by Violet, and with a flash of lightning on her body, she struck in front of [Bomb Clown].

With the impact, the gun butt hit the opponent's chin at a speed that prevented the opponent from reacting at all.


The latter suddenly fell towards the sea like a stone, and Andrea transformed into lightning and chased after him.

On the other side, Violet raised her hand.

The gears of the [Mechanical Fortress] above her head, composed of Thaumatology and Golden Mist Palace, turned and quickly transformed into a long-handled power hammer that fell into her palm.

The square hammer head is as big as a small house, and white mist spurts out, making a huge rumble and roar.

He also switched to a body of steel in the blink of an eye, and geometric light patterns like electrical circuits appeared on the skin of his cheeks and neck.

Violet does not use the simple whale oil gunpowder that soldiers use, but two energy supply systems of gunpowder and steam.

[Mechanical Fortress] is equipped with a high-power whale oil-powered steam engine that is enough to drive large battleships. It has up to 10,000 horsepower and is enough to drive a 20,000-ton ship.

The air ring under his feet exploded and rose into the sky.

Carrying a roaring sound like a meteor streaking across the horizon, the steam power core emits red light, and in the gush of snow-white steam, the huge power hammer in his hand slams into the [Barbarian Clown] who is right in front of him with the momentum of overturning the world.

[Barbarian Clown] felt this pure and extreme violence, and his face was blown away with ripples.

Biting his thumb and blowing hard, his body really inflated like a balloon, and in an instant he turned into a giant no smaller than a hammerhead.

The arm twisted freely, compressed to the limit like a spring, and then struck out violently. The fist edge collided with the power hammer, and a huge fire broke out.


But his whole body was also shot down from the sky, and a huge splash exploded in the sea water.

Before she could regain her balance, Violet's power hammer struck her head again.

Suddenly, the fifth-level clown, who was so majestic and domineering that even the night watchmen had no power to fight back, could only parry.

This is the benefit of lighting up the mechanical technology tree.

Even if the user is just a mortal, relying on the power advantage of the cutting-edge invention, he can crush mythical creatures and even legends with absolute power.

What's more, Violet herself is far stronger than the [Barbarian Clown] who was promoted through the pollution of a golden ghost card.

The girl danced the giant hammer as if dancing a straw, with ease and ease.

There is no doubt that if you ask who uses the "Sixth Army Style" best, it is definitely Violet, the creator.

The skeletons of other people are far from comparable to her, the legendary mechanic who holds the Gate of Truth and can switch between flesh and steel at will.

[Secret meaning: Fireworks Fan·Twelve consecutive blasts of the cannon hammer] It is also called "Steam Engine Elephant Boxing".

The steam is sent into the cylinder through the pipe. The valve controls the time when the steam reaches the cylinder. It enters the slide valve chamber through the main steam valve and the throttle valve. It is controlled by the slide valve and alternately enters the left or right side of the cylinder to push the piston to move.

The current steam engine can reach about 300 revolutions per minute, and Violet's hammer blow is about the same, hitting the [Skeleton Clown] five times in one second.

The flames rising up into the sky turned into fire fans, and a series of roars sounded, but there were only twelve of them?

clang! clang! clang!

There was a loud roar like iron being struck on the sea, and the skeletal clown, who was known for his powerful strength, felt that his whole body was groaning under the weight of his body.

It didn't take long for the bones and flesh to be separated and beaten into a pile of flesh.

A pair of eyes full of panic subconsciously looked at the Ferdinand family, who had no idea what was going on, and the whole family was in an uproar, as well as the "traitor" Mercurius, whose face was livid and in a dilemma.

Taking advantage of this gap, Byron had successfully dealt with Salome, the [Spirit of Love] who had been swallowed into the River Styx.

Three river crossing rules operate automatically.

"The first rule of crossing the River of Styx: don't bring life with you, and don't take death with you. In this 'Feather-Sinking River' where even feathers can't float, nothing but the soul can pass."

Salome was forced to discard her body and the zero-level holy relics in her hands.

"The second rule of crossing the river: the oath is extremely important, and all those who break the oath will bear their creditors when crossing the river, and the gods are no exception.

The greater the influence of the broken contract, the heavier the burden will be. "

She turned her back on the righteous path of a dancer who overthrows all sentient beings, and used the Dance of the Seven Veils and the Dance of Destruction to induce the residents of an entire city-state to kill each other, which became the fuel for her promotion. Naturally, she also carried the creditors of the entire city.

He sank to the bottom of the river without any resistance.

"The third rule of crossing the river: The nature of [River Styx] is consistent with the periodic floods. Even gods who are continuously washed by this river will be washed away their divinity and fall down."

The property, body, soul, divinity, beastliness, humanity, and thaumaturgy were torn into pieces without the help of the [Swamp Giant] lurking at the bottom of the river.

It happened to be divided into seven parts.

Byron was still a little hesitant about what to do with this legendary dancer.

But suddenly she saw her deal with the "rape" from the memory in her mind.

"The collapsed kingdom of God in the Sea of ​​Origin? The body suspected to be the Venus goddess Ishtar? There are also a series of priests on her body.

[Venus], [War], [Love], [Rain], [Thunderstorm], [Fertility].

It overlaps quite a bit with the powers I hold.

For me, this may be a God-given opportunity that I absolutely cannot miss. "

So far, Styx has successively eaten [Frost Giant's Winter Secret Box], Druidism's [Mother Nature], and Voodoo's [Saturday Baron].

The digestion capacity of [Styx] is obviously far greater than [Dance of the Seven Veils]. The latter can only peel off things, and things are essentially someone else's.

The former can completely cleanse the spiritual imprint of the previous owner, making those false gods or holy relics completely disappear from this world, without any possibility of resurrection.

At the same time, Byron also absorbed the power and divinity from them, and contributed to his own divine transformation and sublimation of the priesthood.

It is especially crucial for him to sublimate the [Transformation] priesthood from the [Transformation] power.

There has never been a [Change] priesthood in this world. Byron couldn't grab it even if he wanted to, so he could only slowly gather it on his own.

Fortunately, one life is two, two is three, everything is three, and every seven will change.

As one's own power increases, especially when the opposing power representing "two" appears, it is particularly easy to promote the birth of the [Reform] priesthood.

If you can get other corresponding priesthoods, you can definitely shorten the time to gather the priesthood of transformation significantly.

At Byron's level, it's hard to find anything that can make him worry about gains and losses, but he couldn't help but feel excited after hearing the news.

"Demigod-level corpses are still dangerous, but I just gave it a try, what if it works?

Miss Salome should be very willing to help me solve my problems. "

Therefore, Byron decisively extracted Salome's soul and transformed it into the third level five Wild Hunt servant after [Abyss Demon] Dagon and [Sirn Giant].

After the soul and body were united, Salome, the spirit of love, reopened her eyes and did not change her nature.

Kneeling on the ground, she swayed and through the transparent dance skirt, she could directly see the round buttocks of a pair of pearl panties. In a voice as hoarse and seductive as a cat, she seduced Byron's projection:

“Great Master, your humble slave girl is willing to do anything for you.

Anything is fine! "

Slender jade fingers traced her rose-like plump lips, slender neck, and delicate collarbones

Byron's heart skipped a beat.

While secretly cursing the goblin, his heart was also pounding.

Then he looked at her face expectantly and tentatively said:

"Then help me draw the design of the steam turbine?"

Salome's body suddenly stiffened, leaving only a look of confusion on her face. With her beautiful face, she actually looked a little cute and cute.

"No? Which country's mathematical model of fiscal and taxation?"

"Improved steam engine?"

"Is it okay to invent a utility model?"


After a while, Byron shook his head and retracted his projection, sighing in despair:

“Bad review!

This honey trap is completely heartless and only takes away the kidneys. If the thaumaturgy was not sharp enough, which king and top dignitaries would fall into such a low-level honey trap?

The real beauty trap should be:

With knowledge, skills, and temperament, you think she is your fate that you will never meet again in this life. She is an incomparable treasure.

You are willing to protect her, cherish her, save her, and risk your life for her. Even if you face danger, you only have her figure in your heart and eyes, and only the oath of love for her in your heart.

Even before you die, you still feel satisfied.

Just because you think you have met true love!

But this dancer is useless except for providing emotional value.

She can't organize the country's finances in an orderly manner like her sister, nor can she promote technological innovation like the eldest lady.

That's it, and you still want to daydream about making the kings of the mainland lick your boots?

100% is another evil concubine who brings disaster to the country and the people!

When you finish this errand, I will definitely kick you to your cousin's "United Pharmaceuticals" for labor reform. ”

At this time, he relied on his insight into the taboos of [Dance of the Seven Veils] to capture Salome cleanly and neatly.

But in the eyes of the outside world, the [River Styx] has been rising and falling, as if the dancer trapped inside is still struggling hard.

Byron also saw Mercurius's extremely ugly face from the corner of his eye.

If only two clowns were caught, he might not care, but based on the importance of Salome to him and the [Life-Playing Clown], he would never give up.

And on the surface, it seemed that Byron attacked the dancer first. The dancer did not show any magic, and seemed to be an innocent party affected.

Sure enough, the warship of the Ferdinand family turned the bow and approached.

"Grand Duke Cosimo" shouted from afar like a peacemaker:

"Your Majesty, the King of the Wild Hunt, how did this happen?

Are those two clowns and the sea monster assassins?

But I can guarantee that Miss Salome is innocent.

She is famous in the empire and the continent, and is a guest of honor for many dignitaries. Please release her as soon as possible. "

Byron listened to the soft but hard words and guessed his thoughts.

He thought he was still in the dark and wanted to use the "human relations" of the Ferdinand family to trick the dancer back without fighting.

The members of the Ferdinand family behind him also agreed and persuaded:

"Your Majesty, the King of the Wild Hunt, Miss Salome is so beautiful, she must be a good person!"

"Please let her go."

"It is really hateful that the assassin used Miss Salome."

Looking at this posture, Byron hesitated for a moment as if he was seriously thinking about their suggestions, and suddenly smiled strangely at "Grand Duke Cosimo":

"You were pouted by Louis XI. "

Even though he has lived for a thousand years and has a perfect character, the "traitor" couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard this.

Without thinking about how Byron knew this secret and how much he knew about himself, he smiled with a fluke:

"Are you talking to me? You must have recognized the wrong person."

Byron turned a deaf ear and repeated solemnly again:

"You were pouted by Louis XI."

"I haven't been to the Iris Kingdom for nearly ten years. Your Majesty, don't make such jokes casually. "

"You were chopped off by Louis XI"

No matter how the "traitor" argued, Byron just said this.

Members of the Ferdinand family also noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but shut up. They had already felt that the atmosphere on the ship was getting weirder and weirder.

Same person, different fate.

Byron had encountered Salome before, but the traitor encountered Louis XI, and the consequences were completely different.

After three sentences.

When Byron finally named the name:

"Son of Jupiter, Mercury, you were chopped off by Louis XI."

Even a false god who had lived for a thousand years would no longer care about the idea of ​​using the Ferdinand family as a shield.

Or it was because he had lived for a thousand years that he cared so much about this kind of thing.

The rationality in Mercury's mind finally broke.

"Ahhh Byron Lancaster, I should have killed you when you were fighting for the throne with the York family! "

Subconsciously, he wanted to write him to death with "History of the Silver Continent".

The "divine side" was stirring again.

After reacting, a flash of light flashed on his body, and a parchment book with a black cover appeared. On the cover, it was written "Divine Comedy", the author is Dante!

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