Pirate Kingship

Chapter 589 The biggest characteristic of the Jupiter pantheon is chaos

Hua La La.

The pages of "Divine Comedy" turned automatically, and hymns, ghost cries, sobs, screams. The sacred and strange noises suddenly enveloped the sea.

Then a colorful beam of light shot straight into the sky, using endless words to outline the triple illusion of "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Heaven", which filled the sky with darkness.

A pair of white wings grew on Mercury's ankles, and he jumped up and rushed into it, sitting on the glorious throne in the center of the triple heaven, holding a golden double snake staff.

The undead, demons, and angels stood on his left and right, as if three worlds really fell into his palm, moving at will, as if he had an arm to command.

Countless cold voices echoed in the sky:


"Damn it!"

The murderous aura that rushed into the sky made the sea form a layer of white frost.

The [writers] in the hall sequence adapted to social development and professional tendencies, and had different names in different periods, such as writers, poets, novelists, screenwriters, etc.

In essence, they all use poetry, novels, biographies and other texts as carriers to exert their own extraordinary abilities.

They can summon characters and monsters from their own works to help in the battle. Even if they create an unprecedented power system, as long as it is reasonable, it can come true.

They can summon stunning beauties from books to sleep with them. The better the writing, the more beautiful the beauties.

And they are all tailored to their preferences, vivid and charming. You can write more about whatever you control, which is more fascinating than real people who are too random.

Even if you think you are not a special control such as leg control, waist control, foot control, etc., but just a simple lustful pervert, writing a harem drama every night is absolutely no problem.

Every year, I don’t know how many aspiring young people are just for beauty, ah, they are employed as [writers] with great literary dreams!

In addition, you can directly summon scene descriptions or extraordinary abilities to directly descend into reality and turn falsehood into reality.

The more full and logical the characters and plots are, the more readers will be moved, the more emotions they will invest, and the stronger their strength will be.

When a writer writes a "phenomenal" work, he or she can even exert a powerful force beyond his or her own rank and lend it to other writers.

In fact, when writers write "fan stories", they can also use the power of the other party or expand their influence, and both parties are happy.

In the legendary ancient masterpiece "The Republic", there is really an ideal perfect country, comparable to the kingdom of demigods.

In the "Prince" that has been passed down through the ages, there is also a perfect monarch who only exists in theory and can make the royal power permanent.

And the current "Divine Comedy" is the same.

The "Divine Comedy" written by Dante, the last poet of the old era and the first poet of the new era, opened the prelude to the Renaissance.

In this world-famous work, Dante claimed to have visited and recorded the three long poems "Inferno", "Purgatory" and "Heaven".

Among them, the record of "Inferno" is the most detailed and the most popular, because there is really a place on the edge of the world.

The other two places are most likely from the memory of the [God of Commerce], at least these two places cannot be found in the current material world.

As a creator, he can naturally borrow the true power of "Hell" by relying on this book.

At this moment, "Human Traitor" sits on the throne, but his face does not have the godly look of the [God of Commerce], but is full of distortion and hideousness.

"Crack. Crack"

His eyes are burning, and his teeth are about to break.

In fact, this "Human Traitor" who thinks he is Mercurius is not the original person in the mythological era, but just a fake born from mythology.

More like a human than a god.

Before dying, mortals have to try their best to take their browsing history with them on the road to take care of their reputation after death.

What's more, he is a god who has gained eternal life?

He is not afraid of being torn to pieces, but wants to keep his innocence in the world.

"Human Traitor" regards himself as the last successor of the Jupiter pantheon of the ancient Silver Empire, so he is naturally a face-saving god.

But Byron hits people in the face and scolds people.

In public, he exposed his past, which was too embarrassing to look back on, and his tears would soak his pillow every time he woke up in the middle of the night.

At this moment, the blood was flowing backwards, and reason and even the balance between "divinity" and "beast" were all shaky.

With a wave of his hand, his ability was released with hatred, and his power was naturally extraordinary.


In an instant, the sky was upside down and the tide was surging.

The words of "Inferno" turned into an endless black tide and rushed towards Byron.

"In the middle of my life, I was lost in a dark forest. How difficult it is to describe the desolation, silence and vastness of that forest!

When I thought of him, I felt a fear in my heart, just like death coming. Before describing my encounter with the rescuer, I will first describe the shocking scene."

In the air, various undead creatures appeared: skeleton knights, stitched corpses, vampire banshees, headless knights, liches.

More text tides behind him turned into ghost hands swaying like dead branches and shadows, grabbing the [Golden Deer] fiercely.

They merged together, like countless demons and monsters in the bottomless pit of the Nine Layers of Hell, brazenly breaking through the barrier between reality and fantasy.

"Expand the field!"

The little ship girl on the [Golden Deer] adjusted the huge triangular captain's hat on her head, snapped her fingers, and a circle of golden light waves quickly expanded out.


[Legendary Battleship Skill: The Empire is the Navy, the Navy is the Empire] With the upgrade of the muzzle-loading smoothbore cannon to the breech-loading rifled cannon, the royal domain and sea borders also expanded to 12 nautical miles along with the range.

Not only those undead creatures, but even Mercurius, who sat high on the throne of God, was instantly included.

At the same time, the sound of the anchor chain tightening sounded in the hearts of every crew member on the twelve ships of the Grand Fleet, and then became an inherent node of the royal domain, jointly enhancing the power of the domain.

The effect was immediate.

The closer those undead creatures were to the Golden Deer, the greater the pressure they would bear, and the more serious the power attenuation would be.

Those low-level undead with weaker racial levels disappeared in the golden light of the royal domain with thick smoke all over their bodies before they got close.

"Musketeers, load shotgun shells, fire!"

The boatswain [Honest Man] Eight Fingers commanded Byron's guards to line up on the deck, holding the "Hidden Blade 1473 Pump-Action Rifle" and pulling the handguard, and shotgun shells filled with magic-breaking steel balls were loaded one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

From the first shot, the gunfire never stopped. The hot steel balls turned into a metal storm that blocked all the space above the warship.

Under such a high firepower density, the first wave of undead creatures, whether they were powerful headless knights or ordinary vampire banshees, were instantly torn into pieces.

There was no need to pursue volleys to increase the firepower density like flintlock rifles. After a round of volleys, each started to shoot freely.

The two sides exchanged fire head-on, and the members of the Ferdinand family on the other side also looked at the strange yet familiar figure in the sky and lost their minds:

"How is this possible? That is the "Divine Comedy" written by Dante, who opened the Renaissance?

But Dante was a figure two hundred years ago, with no descendants or students. The "Divine Comedy" has long been lost, and only the manuscripts are circulated in the world.

And the Grand Duke's profession is not a "writer" at all, and he can't use the masterpieces handed down by writers!"

Some members with more flexible minds recalled what Byron said:

"Mercurius, son of Jupiter!"

Before becoming the core parish of the Creator Church, the Holy Silver Empire believed in the Jupiter pantheon.

As a wealthy family with a thousand-year heritage, how could the Ferdinand family not know what this name represents?

Especially since the "Grand Duke" reacted so strongly, there might be something wrong, and there might even be some shocking secrets hidden.

And the King of the Wild Hunt is the insider.

Therefore, these people did not immediately criticize Byron or help their own "Grand Duke".

Instead, they looked at the Golden Deer, hoping that the [King of the Wild Hunt] could solve their doubts.

Byron now has no time to pay attention to them.

In order to take into account the international influence and his own bottom line, he forced the "traitor" to take the initiative to expose himself, and did not affect these Ferdinands, so that they avoided the tragedy of becoming cannon fodder for the traitor.

As long as these people did not die in front of Byron, they would destroy his plan to unify the human race and promote the "world change" of the demigod promotion ceremony.

It is none of his business whether to continue to go to the Eastern Continent or return home to the Old Continent.

Perhaps Ferdinand has a great influence, but now Byron is qualified to say that big word:

"The Lord doesn't care!"

The men of both sides fought fiercely, and Byron and the "traitor" looked at each other from a distance. He was a little surprised at the real strength he showed after forcibly suppressing the "divine side" to rebel.

"As expected of an antique who has lived for thousands of years, his accumulation is probably not inferior to that of [Sun God] Inti, right?

If he had not been rejected by the world, he would have stepped half a foot into the threshold of demigod."

Byron learned about his past and present lives through the Temple of Jupiter where Mercurius was born.

In different eras, he had different names and identities, but they were all poets, writers, writers, and playwrights who were famous in the country and even in the world.

He was the first poet, the first historian, the famous thinker, the unprecedented philosopher, and the pioneer [poet] Dante who opened the Renaissance.

The most popular literary master and famous playwright in Florence, the current literary capital, who wrote "Hamlet", "Othello", and "A Midsummer Night's Dream", is still him!

These epoch-making great writers and works naturally gather countless thoughts and wishes.

Even though he never had a fixed territory and subjects, relying on more than a thousand years of accumulation and leaving his name in the history of each era, his strength was almost at the critical point of the sixth level.

If the "traitor" had joined the battle group in person instead of attacking secretly, the situation at that time might have evolved into a different one.

Louis XI even had such a person, which was considered to be a glory for his ancestors.

The "traitor" frowned, realizing that his judgment that the other party had only one ship and four hundred people was not accurate, and waved the magic wand in his hand again.

The unfolded three-layer realm forcibly resisted the expansion of the royal domain, providing a huge bonus to those endless undead creatures.

Byron also put away his contempt for him in his heart and decided to go down himself.


With a loud horse neigh, the eight-legged Pegasus carried Byron, who had transformed into a wild hunter, straight into the sky.

Behind him, there were thousands of wild hunter knights following closely.

The helmet swayed with buffalo horns and tattered feathers, and the gray mask was pale under the skin.

The skeleton horse under his crotch was wrapped in ragged horse clothes, and the lightning-shaped blade in his hand split the dark sky, and the pale blue nether fire on his body extended to the end of the sky.

Along the way, the undead creatures that ran out of the "Inferno" were squeezed to the sides like a tide hitting a reef.

Mercurius also stood up from the throne again.

With a shake of his shoulders, he had transformed into a giant with bronze divine light, holding a double snake staff and falling towards Byron like a meteor falling from the sky.

The Jupiter pantheon is a human pantheon, and the mythological form [Titan Protoss] is not much different from humans, but it is taller and more perfect.


The double snake staff collided with Gungnir in Byron's hand, and a second brilliant sun suddenly rose in the sky.

A series of explosive shock waves blew away the clouds within a dozen kilometers above his head.

Mercurius, who was originally a [writer], had a melee skill that was not inferior to Byron's "All Things Return to One" by 3% while possessing the status of a god. He was not at all inferior in a head-on confrontation.

Seeing the unexpected look on Byron's face, Mercurius sneered in his heart:

"I kept revising history, and was hated by the world itself, and lost the possibility of expanding "All Things Return to One" to the natural world.

But my divine art [Same Shape and Same Sex] can bind me to the human race and realize "All Things Return to One" among human individuals.

No one can deprive me of my human status!

I just want to mess with you internally, assassinate heroes one by one, and disgust you everywhere. What can you do to me?"

The gods in the Jupiter pantheon are completely different from the "unspeakable" old gods now. Gods are of the same shape and sex as humans.

They have similar appearance and personality to humans, with seven emotions and six desires, joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, as well as human weaknesses and defects.

The most typical characteristics are: promiscuity, promiscuity, and promiscuity!

The representative figure, the God King Jupiter, has recorded lovers of more than 30 goddesses above the fifth level, almost 30 mythical creatures, and more than 40 human women.

Among these lovers, two are his aunts, two sisters, many cousins, and most importantly, one of them is his biological daughter, as well as a great-granddaughter and a great-granddaughter.

They are simply indifferent to life and death, and have no bottom line.

Other male gods in the pantheon are similar. They are obviously gods, but they seem to have endless "low-level interests" in their bodies.

Even, let alone close relatives, there are also some who give birth to offspring with animals.

The final result is that countless children were born on the land of the Old Continent.

As the barbarians broke through the ancient silver empire and established the sacred silver empire, the blood of various tribes merged in the later period, and the two sides had long been indistinguishable from each other.

As the last god of the Jupiter pantheon, Mercury naturally took a big advantage.

If it weren't for this origin, the collective subconscious of mankind would not have been unable to move Mercury, a "human traitor" tumor that constantly sucks blood and does evil, for a thousand years.

In popular terms, this is the original family that cannot be escaped: a gambling father, a sick mother, a school-age brother, and a broken girl.

Mercury also relied on the ability of [same shape and same sex] to perfectly play one identity after another in thousands of years of history. After experiencing the joys and sorrows of the other party's life, he can continue to improve his spiritual realm and combat skills.

He also became a peak fifth-level strongman who walked on three legs.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Holding the snake staff in hand, he and Byron fought in the sky.

Two figures flashed, suddenly on the left and suddenly on the right. The last moment they were still confronting in the air, and the next moment they were killed more than ten miles away.

It was like two meteors smashing countless waves on the sea, and then it was already rushing into the sky, punching big holes in the clouds.

The two peak pseudo-gods fought further and further away.

Byron admitted that he had underestimated the opponent's strength.

It should not be a problem to defeat "Human Traitor", because he is not only a small trinity inside, but also can rely on his two sisters to achieve a big trinity outside, which is equivalent to the combination of nine fifth-level.

But it is not easy to kill "Human Traitor" cleanly.

There is no rush at this time.

Byron has the trump card of [Ten Thousand Wings Angel], which can trigger the "divine side" in him to rebel at any time.

The most important thing is that after revealing his scars to attract hatred and using the fight as a cover to lead him away from "Divine Comedy", the most critical task has been completed.

Raven Muni vibrated his wings and quietly drilled into the three-layer realm unfolded by "Divine Comedy", heading straight for the top heaven.

It had been following the "human rapist" for so long that it had long known where he had hidden the original copy of "The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven".

Just like the financial street that Catherine regarded as the prototype of the Kingdom of God, the three realms born in the book "The Divine Comedy" were also regarded as the prototype of the Kingdom of God by him.

It's just that the rules are not perfect, and it is far from the point where the world is upgraded and the virtual is transformed into the real.

Moreover, all of them are literary writers who have admired him for generations. You can use your toes to think about what the internal atmosphere is like. There are many texts like "You peed a line, I peed a pit".

I always feel that it's good if this thing doesn't fall, and it's probably a long way to go to upgrade.

Byron's will possessed the raven and quickly found the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven in a lead box.

This book is highly bound to the [Bound Creator] state. Mercurius, who was already cracked, might have an accident just by holding it in his hand.

He didn't dare to touch it personally. It was still the same as when the clown handed it to him.

Raven's body swelled, swallowed the lead box into his stomach, and spit out another identical lead box.

However, he replaced the original "Gospel of Heaven" with an ordinary taboo book copied by the nun.

The [Fraud] ability was activated again.

Deceive the five senses, the sixth sense, and even permanently distorted cognition.

In battle, dominate all the senses of the opponent, so that he completely believes Byron's setting of the appearance, shape, quality, touch, and even smell of a specific object.

Then again, Byron relied on the ability of [Fraud] to imitate the [Writer's] fantasy without much difficulty. Relying on the more intuitive and stimulating characteristics, it is better than the former, just like a short play defeating a novel.

"Now that Alpha has access to the [Golden Law], the network coverage and computing power are far superior to the past. When we go back, we can try to create a 'second world'.

Skip electrification and chips, and stride into the information age."

Byron achieved his set goal, and he was relieved and began to deal with Mercurius casually.

The battle between Violet and the Bone Clown, who started the battle first, has come to an end.

Since the latter was promoted to the fifth level by relying on the Golden Big Ghost Card given by the [Life-Playing Clown], the magic he obtained was ordinary.

It was just that from the clown's series of magic abilities: disappearance, change, prediction, suspension, perspective, a random enhancement called [Hundred Times Bone].

It can become a hundred times larger or a hundred times smaller. When it becomes larger, the power increases accordingly, and when it becomes smaller, the power remains unchanged.

It can be imagined that using a power that is a hundred times more than that of humans to drive a body with a mass of 1%, if used well, it will be a real Ant-Man!

If Byron could eat the [Funny Clown] who was the best at this, the priesthood [Transformation] might have a chance to be accomplished in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the Bone Clown had broken bones and bruises all over his body under the hammer blows of Violet, and blood kept coming out of the corners of his painted mouth and nostrils.

Even the brain inside the skull seemed to have been violently shattered.

Violet raised the huge steam-powered hammer and shouted her [Disaster Spell]:

"Matter collapse! Death!"

The title ability "Art is Explosion" and the Gate of Truth can both transform matter into energy and burst it out in one breath.

When fighting against the enemy, Violet can now only transform the water in the opponent's body into energy in an instant.

Fortunately, water accounts for 70% of the human body, which is completely enough to kill people or even destroy giant sea monsters.

The [Mechanical Fortress] turned into a power hammer, which burst into a dazzling aura, and the snow-white water vapor was swallowed and exhaled and fell with a bang.


[Barbarian Clown] fought back, yelled, and suddenly shrunk to the size of a fist, trying to escape with the force of the hammer.

But the moment he came into contact with the heavy hammer, he exploded into a ball of blood mist mixed with countless black ashes.

The Wild Hunt Knight who was raiding the nearby formation immediately rushed over and imprisoned a confused soul into the [River Styx], not wasting the magic that was very suitable for Byron.

On the other side, Archangel Andrea also solved [Bomb Clown] and avenged her previous shame, and returned to Huashan Heaven with her head held high.

Only Byron made a careless move, allowing Mercurius's snake staff to cut open the River Styx, saving the life of the dancer Salome who was already at the end of her strength.

"Let's go! Go find Ishtar's body first, and then kill him when we come back."

The traitor saw Violet turn around and fly over, and knew that he could not kill Byron, the great enemy, today.

He had no choice but to put away the Divine Comedy again, pull the weak Salome and run away.

Byron pretended to chase for a while and then stopped again, carrying the holy spear on his shoulder, watching the two people disappear into the sky and smiled:

"If I hadn't planned it in advance, Ishtar's [Thunderstorm], [War], and [Fertility] would have been enough to be the main god of the major pantheons.

The hook has been thrown out, before you go to explore the 'triple point' for me, you should help me explore the kingdom of the Venus goddess Ishtar first."

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