Pirate Kingship

Chapter 590 Landing on the Eastern Continent: Undersea Tombstone, Skeleton Coast

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is the seventh day when the [Golden Deer] enters the second circulation zone.

Compared with other conventional adventure ships, Byron and his party have easily outrun the distance they have been traveling at full speed for more than a month.

During this period, they parted ways with the Ferdinand family. After the members of the Jinquan family saw the true face of "rape" with their own eyes, they were no longer prepared to take risks in the Eastern Continent.

Instead, he drove the strange warship back against the current, preparing to return to Feilengcui to compete for the position of Grand Duke!

For them, even if the sky falls, it is not as important as this.

Byron re-released the large fleet, not only to train troops but also to familiarize the sailors with the routes and prepare for subsequent large-scale navigation.

Along the way, they did their best to remove all safety hazards and redraw the navigational charts.

With Byron and Violet in charge, although they encountered many unexpected situations along the way, there were no dangers.

Again, high-sequences are high-sequences in the world, and they are the top few on any continent.

It was impossible for him to suddenly be transformed into a bastard by a god from outside. It was also impossible for him to be suddenly beaten by a bunch of unknown people as soon as he arrived in a new place. Even his mother didn't know him.

Although Byron's mother has always been with her, even if he was "disfigured beyond recognition", Hathaway would definitely recognize him at a glance, but she didn't find the joke funny at all.

"Mom, can you just wait like this? How can it really become a fairy tale?"

In the captain's cabin, Byron, Violet, and Hathaway were facing each other, staring at the exclusive magic book "Alice's Pillow Book of Fairy Tales" spread out on the desk.

The cover depicting a crescent fairy tale town opens to reveal the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" with the mermaid princess Hathaway herself as the protagonist.

As we get closer and closer to the Eastern Continent [Corridor of Truth], the lines of this fairy tale gradually begin to shine with the colorful light of a dream.

It seems that through Byron, the signal "base station", a series of phantoms are being separated from the memory of the sea of ​​human collective subconscious, telling the poignant love story of the little beauty.

The story belongs to the Old Continent, but it comes to life in the Eastern Continent.

Hathaway sensed the progress, and the corners of her cherry-colored lips raised, revealing a touch of uncontrollable joy:

“This is already within the scope of the [Corridor of Truth].

Special rules combined with extremely active tides of source matter will induce the fairy tales that have been circulating in the Old World for nearly twenty years to come to life, and finally come to the real world.

There are actually two core survival taboos in the entire Eastern Continent:

First, whatever you say must be known! Second, people do not chase knowledge, but knowledge chases people!

When the 'Little Mermaid Princess' in this story takes the initiative to chase me, as long as I can successfully defeat and absorb the opponent, I can complete the final promotion ceremony.

Becoming a high-ranking wizard is the fairy tale itself!

The "Stairway to Immortality" is a dream-like fairy tale that has been integrated into the collective subconscious of mankind.

As long as it continues to circulate among humans or other intelligent races, I can remain immortal! "

Byron and Violet already have a pretty good understanding of the system of the wizarding school.

I know that once a wizard of a school reaches the fifth level, the road ahead will be the same as other systems.

There is no need to wait for the concrete realization of the truth, and you can directly change jobs and follow the normal path of a demigod.

After all, the main function of those [truth embodiments] conceived by various schools of thought that are at least equivalent to demi-gods is to protect the early growth of school members.

There may be people who believe that the [Concrete Truth], which brings together a vast amount of knowledge, will eventually be realized, but there is a high probability that it will not be their generation.

Sages who sacrifice themselves for others may exist, but we cannot require every member to be such a person.

Most rational wizards do not want some "chief" with a brain to occupy the final creation after it is born, so that it can be activated in disguise.

Just like those small and medium-sized city-states in the [Hundred Beasts Paradise] that are constantly growing and dying, because of their insufficient size, if the totem god at the center of the anchor chain loses control, it may affect the entire ethnic group.

When various academic schools explore the boundaries of human cognition, they may accidentally touch the realm of the gods.

It would be better if [the embodiment of truth] was a purely dead thing, but with "human nature" there is the possibility of corruption, and the risk rises sharply.

Although the "Fairy Tale Town School" can be regarded as a university school that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Corridor of Truth, Hathaway still does not have high expectations for the "Fairy Tale Town" in her conception that is comparable to a demigod kingdom.

I expected that as long as I could get a [Priesthood] next to me after being promoted to the fifth level, my life would be completely complete.

At this time, Violet asked the most critical question with some concern:

"Mom, if the mermaid in the fairy tale finds you, are you confident that you can defeat it in the ceremony?

The information you shared seems to have said that a fairy tale that comes to life is roughly equivalent to having half a foot on the threshold of the fifth level.

If you want to complete the ritual, you must not rely on external forces, but use your own accumulated related witchcraft system and wisdom to defeat it. At the end of the day, you must use props and treasures made by yourself. "

Then I saw Hathaway pick up a bear biscuit from the silver plate on the table and put it into her mouth, and waved her white and tender hands nonchalantly:

"It's a trivial matter. Although I have slept for nearly twenty years, the knowledge in the magic book is far less than others, and I have not explored the unknown areas enough.

But in terms of accumulation, no one in the entire school is stronger than me.

That is a son of the fifth rank! "

There is a sentence on the title page of Alice's Pillow Fairy Tale Book that is exactly the same as the [Ship Log]:

"Some people say that we live on a peaceful island called ignorance, surrounded by an endless black ocean.

Perhaps we shouldn't have set sail from the beginning!

But we have to do so. ”

In other words, it requires school members to try to step out of their comfort zone and see a wider world.

It is also the root of the endless development of wizard schools.


The comfort zone is so comfortable, why should I step out?

Even if Hathaway is honest and upright, she can still win all the way, so why should she work by herself?

Others have to do it themselves because the ritual excludes irrelevant external interference, and can only continuously expand their own knowledge reserves. They have to master one more black magic with great difficulty to increase their chances of winning.

Hathaway is different, she is lucky.

After sleeping for twenty years, her son not only grew up well by himself, but also soared into the sky accidentally.

The son was born by her, of course, it is both the power she accumulated and her creation, one The most precious treasure in life.

Even mystics have to admit this!

If you leave such a good son unused, isn't that a brain hole?

Besides, Byron is the fruit of love behind the fairy tale of "The Little Mermaid" and the continuation of the fairy tale. It is too reasonable to protect the old mother from the wind and rain.

The more Hathaway thought about it, the more she felt that she was far-sighted. This fairy tale was told with a long aftertaste. She couldn't help but put one hand on her waist, which made her feel very proud.

The style of the Little Mermaid Princess is obviously different from those elders who are forced to eat without suffering and make their children feel that they owe them.

Byron also cooperated very well. Like a loyal dog leg, he picked up a finger biscuit, dipped it in strawberry jam and handed it between the slender jade fingers of the old mother, praising her sincerely:

"High! Really high! Mother is really transparent! "

Hathaway took a puff of finger biscuits as if she were a lady's cigarette, exhaled a sweet strawberry aroma, and raised her pointed chin slightly to her son and daughter-in-law:

"That's for sure."

Anyway, I'm going to stay in this comfort zone, and not causing trouble for Byron is already the biggest contribution.

It's like, I'm the world's number one swimmer, and suddenly some unknown guy comes out and asks me to step out of my comfort zone to practice foreign languages? No doubt, I'll give him a big slap on the spot!

Dong Dong Dong.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and [Navigator] Delia reminded:

"Captain, we have entered the offshore area of ​​the East Continent.

According to the nautical charts seized from several Old God Churches, we are at most half a day away from the first stop of the Eastern Continent at the end of the gyre, the 'Skeleton Coast'.

If we hurry, we can directly see the most dangerous coast in the world in an hour or two.

It's just that the Old God Church can be exempted from the Sea of ​​Monsters to a certain extent.

There are not many ships that travel the circulation belt between the South Continent and the East Continent, and most people will disperse to their own territories when they reach here.

The sea charts behind have not been updated for several years. ”

“Got it. "

Byron asked his mother to put away the magic book and stay by his or Violet's side for the next few days, so as not to be caught off guard by the fairy tale that came to life.

Then he pushed the door open and went to the deck of the Golden Deer.

Take a deep breath, he can easily capture a different kind of restlessness and liveliness in the fishy and salty sea breeze.

At this point, the underwater continental shelf rises sharply, and the extraordinary people can open their spiritual vision to see the seabed directly. There are many sunken ships lying quietly on the seabed.

Most of them are half-stuck in the mud, covered with blue-black algae, like underwater tombstones.

In the eyes of the old sea dogs, it doesn't look like an ordinary shipwreck.

It's as if someone threw it into the seabed with great force.

At the same time, the fog became heavier as they went forward, the sky was dim, and the air was filled with a cold and rotten smell.

"Put up the topsail, and the whole fleet slows down.

Level 2 combat readiness! "

Byron waved his hand, and the first mate [Iron Wall] Bruch repeated his order to the entire fleet in the command network.

Twelve heavily armed cruisers retracted their sails and slowed down, with the Golden Deer as the lead ship, forming a single column. Five thousand elite soldiers loaded their guns and loaded their bullets, ready for an attack that could occur at any time.

Before Delia raised the lantern filled with pilot whale oil to explore the offshore hydrology, Byron had already used his [Divine Vision] to sweep underwater, and immediately exclaimed.

But he saw many things in the underwater shipwreck that should not appear in this era and this place.

There are mainly active before the Age of Discovery. The antiques in the sea and the east and west coasts are probably here because of a randomly generated "blue hole".

There are local strange ships equipped with whale oil machinery. Judging from their degree of rust, they have not been lying here for a long time.

There are also many adventure ships that have come from the old continent in the past year. I don’t know why they have become underwater tombstones.

It was when I met [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold by chance nearby and was rescued by him that Salant frowned:

"Captain, when I passed by here more than two years ago, although there were many sunken ships, there were far fewer than now.

The most dangerous place should be the Skeleton Coast near the shore, where there are shipwreck graveyards and wastelands of bones, but it is still more than a hundred miles away from us.

Could it be that it was accidentally occupied by some weirdness and turned into a hunting ground?

And this posture of being stuck upside down in the sea and becoming a tombstone always feels familiar."

In a deadly atmosphere, the excitement of the fleet was suppressed again because they were about to reach the destination.

Recalling the various horror legends of the [Corridor of Truth], they all became very alert.

After advancing for another two hours, the number of underwater tombstones turned into by shipwrecks not only did not decrease but increased.

The palms of the soldiers holding steel guns on the ship were sweating, and the sound of someone swallowing saliva was clearly audible.


"Captain, something is coming. "

Gus, the Phantom Blade, who had been guarding the mast, had conjured up a strange telescope that could penetrate the fog, and unexpectedly discovered that a strangely shaped golden ship suddenly appeared on an empty sea not far from the fleet.

There was no green light flashing, and it was not a ghost ship. Instead, it seemed to have escaped from the Sea of ​​​​Source through the world cracks.

The whole body of the ship was bright golden yellow with colorful patterns. It was about 40 meters long, extremely slender, and the bow was an eagle-like figurehead.

But The eagle's two eyes were dug out by someone, leaving only two dark holes, with blood constantly flowing out of the eye sockets.

The ship probably felt the gaze of the living, and immediately turned the bow and rushed over aggressively.

Seeing such a weird scene, the crew couldn't help but shudder.

Before others reacted, Hathaway and Salant, the aunt and nephew who were natives of the East Continent, said in unison:

"It is the embodiment of the truth of the Sun Boat School that has gone out of control [Sun Boat Heliopolis]!"

Then they hid behind their sons (cousins) in tacit understanding.

Without waiting for Byron to ask, they told each other's details one by one.

"In mythology, the Sun Boat [Heliopolis] is considered to be the vehicle of Horus [the Blind Man], [the Eagle-Headed God], and [the God of the Sky].

He has a series of priesthoods, including [Sky], [Sun], [Moon], [Royalty], [Guardian], and [Revenge].

The solar boat is used to travel across the sky every day and drive the sun and the moon.

The residents of the Desert Empire believe that by riding the solar boat, they can connect with the power and blessings of the God King.

And all solar boats that imitate this shape are regarded as a medium for communication and contact between humans and gods, and have a very high sacred status. "

"The ancient "Solar Boat School" of the Desert Empire started research with this treasure as the [Truth Concrete].

He used gold, diamonds and various jewels to create a prototype, and slowly engraved his research results on it, wanting to make it a "spaceship" that can go to the sun.

The result is obvious. They had just studied for less than a hundred years, and a chief wizard secretly placed his mummy in the hull, wanting the school members to make wedding clothes for him.

However, this treasure accidentally lost control and became a [Cursed Thing].

The two largest diamonds in the world, one representing the sun, the ‘Mountain of Light’, and the other representing the moon, the ‘Black Orlov’, which were originally placed in the eyes of the Eagle-headed God, were also lost.

The ship had its own consciousness and began to chase the two eyes it had lost and the blood of living people.

Although it was far inferior to the [Noah’s Ark], which was equivalent to the sixth-level demigod, it was also equivalent to the fifth-level strength, and I don’t know how many people it had killed over the years.”

Byron listened to their stories and quickly figured out the cause and effect.

“From the desert empire ruled by the [Sedge River Flower Snake] and the [Queen]? I knew that after the two encounters before, there would be a possibility of meeting again later. "

As for the solar boat, to put it simply, a black witchcraft accident caused the creation to go out of control, and the boat and the two diamond eyes all became powerful cursed objects.

One eye symbolizes the sun, and the other eye symbolizes the moon. The sun represents light, and the moon represents darkness, both of which are the power of Horus.

Among them, the "Mountain of Light" is the largest white diamond in the world and is the eye of the sun.

The curses on other cursed objects: death, the whole family is in good shape. Compared with it, it is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

Because the disaster it brought to its owner is - the destruction of the country!

According to legend, it is a symbol of power and wealth and the root of bloodshed and death. Only the most powerful people, such as monarchs, are qualified to get it, but they will eventually lose their power because of it.

Over the years, the "Mountain of Light" has been spreading. It fell into the hands of many owners, but wherever it went, disputes, blood and misfortune followed.

It led to the demise of at least two-digit states and countries on this continent.

But the monarchs still enjoyed it, because on this land, it undoubtedly represented the sun, the royal power, and the extension of Horus' power.

What if I was the exception who was "appointed by heaven"?

Another black Orlov is the largest black diamond in the world, the eye of the moon.

Those who got the "Mountain of Light" would destroy their country, and those who got the "Black Orlov" would end their lives by jumping off a building or a cliff without exception.

Even the warships on the sea would suddenly fall straight to the bottom of the sea uncontrollably, just like the unlucky people under the water around them.

The Eye of the Sun "Mountain of Light" targets countries.

The Eye of the Moon "Black Orlov" targets individuals.

The Sun Ship [Heliopolis] targets both at the same time. In order to find its two "eyes", it has caused countless disasters.

Encountering this sun ship is more frightening to the people of the East Continent than encountering a ghost ship.

Horrible, weird, bloody, a name is enough to stop a child from crying.

At the same time, Byron also learned the taboo:

Never let your eyes fall on the other party. This ship is extremely sensitive to human eyes and will dig out people's eyes along the eyes.

"Golden Deer, open [The Navy is the Empire, the Empire is the Navy]!

Open the gun ports and prepare to fire."

At Byron's command, the entire fleet immediately merged into the Golden Deer.

He has [My rules are rules] by his side, and he doesn't care about its taboos at all.

Just when Byron stared at the sun ship and ordered a volley to the Golden Deer, he wanted to see whether his legendary warship was stronger or this cursed thing was stronger.

Perhaps it was because he felt the overly "eager eyes" when more than 600 ship-borne heavy artillery locked on him, and suddenly made a 90-degree turn!

As if he didn't see this fleet of 5,000 people, he turned around and left, quickly pulling away.

In the blink of an eye, he passed through a world crack and disappeared into the material world.

Even the fog in front of him dissipated.

Byron and the crew:

This rapid switch from "give me your life" to "excuse me, goodbye" made them feel like they punched the air, and they felt particularly uncomfortable.

Salant, who grew up listening to the other party's stories, couldn't help but look embarrassed when facing his cousin's puzzled look of "that's it?".

He didn't know that this thing would actually bully the weak and fear the strong.

Fortunately, the sound of the wind "woooooo" in front broke the awkward atmosphere.

The Skeleton Coast in front finally arrived!

The "Skull Coast" has been verified by the world itself and has the title of [the most dangerous coastline in the world].

The water is intertwined, the undercurrent is surging, there are jagged reefs hidden under the sea, and there is a thick sea of ​​fog floating on the sea, which blinds the crew's vision.

The strong winds above level 8 are howling all year round, rolling up the small sand dunes on the beach, making a rumbling roar, like the howling of a ferocious beast.

The pale beach was torn into mottled and wrinkled by the strong wind, and the rocks on the shore were also carved into strange shapes, as if they were monsters that had just struggled out of hell, with hideous faces.

In this sea condition, ships passing by here naturally often crash.

Many survivors of the wrecked ships stumbled and climbed ashore, glad that they were still alive, but they were slowly tortured to death by the wind and sand, and there was no way to get out of the desert before they died.

Therefore, the Skeleton Coast is full of various shipwrecks and crew remains, and it is a bit dazzling at first glance.

The well-prepared [Golden Deer] was not affected and easily passed through the turbulence.

A clear forest belt was seen separating the north and the south.

A continuous forest emerged on the south side of the Skeleton Coast.

Trees over a hundred meters high are everywhere, and two or three hundred meters are not uncommon. A random grass can grow taller than a small tree.

It is a whole circle larger than the creatures here in the southern continent.

The tallest tree in the Beast Paradise is the [Cloud Top Giant] over a thousand meters, and there may be even taller super tree kings here.

Animals are similar. Although not as exaggerated as plants, a considerable proportion of giant monsters can be seen.

Salant coughed lightly to ease the atmosphere:

"We'd better build a base here.

The second circulation belt has been cleared, and there are no more problems on the road.

Except for the swamp giants, the others are not too difficult to fight. A fourth-level hero-level extraordinary person with his guards should be able to rush over.

Although the Skeleton Coast is dangerous, at most it will destroy those adventure ships with poor quality, and perhaps bury some inexperienced navigators.

The sun boat does not hunt everyone, and there will always be a few people who will not die if the ship sinks.

But why can't there be any adventure captains to send a message back?"

Byron pondered:

"If the problem is not on the route, then it is most likely on land."

Suddenly turning his head, he saw a girl wearing a little red hat, waving at them from afar on the lush green coast.

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