Pirate Kingship

Chapter 68 Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal

Private Alliance Anchorage.

The night was dark, and the long night lasting nineteen hours a day was a hotbed for chaos.

This was especially true for pirates, who were already restless.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"Mercy, mercy! Mr. Bill, we won't dare to do it again."

"Stop beating us, Executioner. It's all because the captain forbade us to go ashore. We heard the sound of dice in the casino, and we couldn't control our gambling addiction!"


On the deck of the [Vengeance], four sailors were tied to the ropes with their upper bodies naked, swaying in the biting cold wind.

A tall and cold pirate officer was holding a cat-o-nine, beating them until they were covered in blood and screaming.

It was [Executioner] Bill, who served as the commander of the squadron yesterday and led the team to hold the [Black Mass] ceremony.

He was in a very bad mood because he lost a [Rainbow] and two precious octopus silver coins during the mission.

Hearing that the four pirates who had hit the gunpoint not only refused to admit their mistakes but also dared to defend themselves, the force of the whip in his hand increased a little.

He beat and scolded:

"A bunch of bastards dare to quibble? Am I punishing you for gambling?

The [Pirate Ten Commandments] of the Vengeance: Commandment 5: Those who beat others on the ship will be punished by the law of Moses (40 lashes).

Commandment 6: Those who break weapons and hold candles without lampshades will be punished the same as above!

The four of you lit candles and gathered to gamble, but did not put lampshades on the candles. The losers cheated and caused a melee. Do you dare to say that you should not be punished?!"

Candles without lampshades may ignite wooden sailboats, and many pirate ships prohibit women from boarding and gambling to prevent internal strife.

If an accident similar to the "camp roar" occurred on the ship, they would have nowhere to run.

These people were indeed not unjustly punished.

"If loyalty is not absolute, then it is absolutely disloyal.

I, the executioner Bill, will never tolerate anything that harms the [Vengeance] and the interests of Captain Redbeard!"

The cat-o-nine whipped nine times with one whip, and after dozens of whips, all four crew members almost fainted.

The other pirates watching on the ship felt sympathetic, and when they looked at Bill who was in charge of the execution, they also secretly expressed dissatisfaction.

Some even whispered:

"What are you so proud of? Stinky navy!

If you have the ability, don't come to be a pirate? You even brought the tricks on the warship to the pirate ship."

"That's right! Forty lashes are the rules, and a lighter beating is a favor. If you don't know, you might think that this navy has some deep hatred with our brothers."

As a first-level extraordinary person at the attendant level, Bill is naturally sharp-eyed and sharp-eared.

When he heard those sarcastic insults, the muscles on his cheeks jumped slightly, but he continued to execute the sentence as if he didn't hear it.

What the pirates said was not wrong. He was indeed a navy, but he had to add a "former" character.

As we all know, the living conditions of lower-level sailors are extremely bad. Eating, drinking, hygiene, and rest are not even as good as those of prisoners in land prisons.

But what many people don’t know is that compared with merchant sailors, the lives of sailors in the navies of various countries are actually worse.

Not only will they continue to participate in various dangerous wars, but their military pay is also very low, usually only half of the salary of merchant sailors, and they are often owed by the military.

The punishment of the navy is also particularly terrible.

Even if it is as cruel as [Blood Eye] Salman, who deliberately set traps to kill crew members in [The Pirate Ten Commandments], he would not abuse the crew members at ordinary times.

But this situation is the norm on warships.

Naval officers treat lower-level sailors very rudely, and often whip sailors who make minor mistakes to death or disability.

The navies of various countries are also the only groups that can legally and openly raise general penalties to the death penalty. It is common for those who disobey the captain to be shot.

Therefore, even those maritime powers with frequent marine activities cannot ensure that their naval sailors can be fully staffed at any time.

Even the probability of naval sailors suffering from mental illness or mental illness is so high that they have to be equipped with military chaplains for counseling.

What's even more bizarre is that.

Compared with merchant ships and the navy, pirate ships that abide by the [Pirate Code] are fair and democratic to their crew members and regard them as the masters of the ship.

Pirates have also become the salvation of many low-level sailors.

It is not uncommon for navy and merchant sailors to find opportunities to escape to pirate ships.

Although it sounds incredible and contrary to common sense, this is the reality on the sea.

Byron used "psychological disguise" to disguise himself as an ordinary pirate, hiding in the crowd to watch the show, and naturally heard the sailors' discussions.

At a glance, [The Echo of History] found that the people who spoke were all former navy soldiers.

He nodded secretly:

"If Bill was just an ordinary former navy soldier, he wouldn't have caused such great hostility from the crew.

It's a pity that he was once a naval officer who played the role of a violent person, and this label can't be washed away.

Of course, the navy's dark history can't be washed away."

As a former quasi-senior, he also knew that in the wartime state of Hastings, evading naval service would have to pay a fine of 10 gold pounds, which is the income of an ordinary person without food and drink for a year.

At this time, the gentlemen of the Admiralty Military Committee would skyrocket in value!

Where the money comes from, it's obvious.

Anyway, they never thought of improving the treatment of sailors.

And in the intelligence that Byron collected in advance through [Know-it-all].

Bill was not only an officer, but also an [Executioner] of the Inquisition, with the blood of many pirates and naval soldiers on his hands.

After being captured in a battle and joining Edward Redbeard, he was more loyal than most pirates like a convert.

He also gained Redbeard's trust at the first time and continued to appoint him as the executioner on the [Vengeance].

He always kept a signature slogan on his lips:

"Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyalty!"

He strictly implemented the [Pirate Ten Commandments] formulated by Redbeard meticulously and never showed any mercy.

It didn't take long for him to turn himself into a lone minister.

Ordinary pirates may not know why this strange combination has such a tacit understanding.

But Byron is very clear about the inside story.

For example, in the extraordinary system of the law, if Redbeard is responsible for shouting "court", then Bill is responsible for shouting "mighty".

Only when Redbeard becomes the [Overseer] of the Captain's Council, or even uses this as a springboard to become the new Pirate King of the North Sea, will the latter have greater power to execute people everywhere.

Even relying on the Pirate King to become a mid-sequence transcendent!

For him, it is not just vested interests, but even the fundamental path of transcendence is forcibly bound.

Bill, the [Executioner], must be one of the people in the Privateer Alliance who most sincerely hopes that Redbeard can succeed.

And a big pirate who aspires to be a pirate warlord, or even a pirate king, also needs such a tool man who is not afraid of offending anyone and can only perfectly execute his will.

The two of them really went in both directions.

There is absolutely no problem in putting the label of the captain's "confidant" on his head.

Such a confidant candidate with extremely simple interpersonal relationships would be targeted by [Know-it-all] Franklin and Byron, and naturally there is no surprise at all.

Half an hour later.

After the four men were beaten with forty lashes without any discount, Bill, the [Executioner], who felt that his spirituality had grown a little, said coldly:

"Go away! You won't be so lucky next time you do it again."

He turned around and walked down the gangway to board another pirate ship under his command.

The other pirates dispersed one after another, and no one greeted the executioner from beginning to end.

Some people even made up their minds to report him to the captain, even if it was useless, it would be good to disgust this guy.

[Executioner] Bill walked into his own independent cabin with a cold face.

Just after closing the door, he turned around and was shocked to find that there was a stranger sitting behind his desk, flipping through the logbook he wrote with interest.

There was also a [Whale Bone Amulet·Silence] placed on the corner of the table.

Bill was immediately shocked and angry, and shouted:

"Who let you in? Sinner, kneel down!"

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