Pirate Kingship

Chapter 69: Confidant Bill, Big Worry Byron

His shouting was blocked by [Whalebone Amulet·Silence].

However, a pair of eyes overflowed with a strong aura full of oppression, condensing into a golden emblem in the spiritual realm.

——The golden lion wearing a crown embraced a pure gold scale.

This is not a second-level ability, but the most important passive ability of [Executioner] in the first-level attendant stage - [Law Majesty].

It is also called [Majestic Aura].

When [Executioner] looks directly into the enemy's eyes, it will automatically release a trace of pressure from the law, forcing the opponent to surrender without a fight.

It has a miraculous effect on weak-willed enemies.

As long as the opponent is stunned, [Executioner] can chop off the opponent's head with one knife.

The opponent may not react until the head falls to the ground.

Unfortunately, the series of abilities rooted in Hastings' [Iron Law of Kingship] are useless to Byron!

[Storm Signet] Effect:

"Born noble, the king cannot be peeped.

If you have the right to inherit the throne, you will automatically obtain the legal authority second only to the king.

Except for the king, other lawyers, warden, punishment knights, etc. cannot be convicted (Chapter 26)."

According to the Law of Succession to the Throne, as long as Byron is alive, he will always have the right to inherit and can threaten the rule of the White Rose York family.

Bill's [Anchor] anchors both the Magna Carta of Hastings and the Pirate Ten Commandments of the Nemesis.

But at this stage, Red Beard's power is still too small to be compared with Hastings, so the anchoring subject is naturally the kingdom's law.

Since even the strongest [Law Master] in the Tribunal sequence cannot break through the defense of the Storm Signet, let alone a small executioner?

When the so-called [Law Majesty] hit Byron, it was like a wave hitting a reef, and was immediately smashed to pieces.


Bi groaned, blood flowing from the corners of his eyes and mouth.

Just when he was dizzy because of the backlash of his ability.


Byron had already jumped up, and a [Mountain Goat Footsteps] rushed in front of him.

He pressed his face with his left hand, and the dagger in his right hand turned into a cold light, wiping across his neck like lightning.

The blood holy grail in his palm lit up instantly.

From the outside, only a faint red light was visible through the crack of the door, which was fleeting and no one noticed the abnormality.

Byron moved quickly and mixed a cup of [Blood Brew·Golden Fantasy] on the spot.

Ingredients: 5ml of Transmuted Blood, 30ml of Vanilla Wine, 15ml of White Citrus Liqueur, 15ml of Orange Juice, 10ml of Brain-Eating Monkey Brain Juice.

Method: Use 80% full of ice cubes to shake the ice cup, pour in the ingredients, shake until the outside is frosted, and pour into the cup.

Adding an extra drop of Bill's blood, the originally light golden wine instantly turned blood red, and even a hazy ice mist appeared.

Byron picked it up and drank it all.

Then the messy memories of [Executioner] Bill began to surge in his brain, only the most impressive parts.

There were things he wanted but couldn't get when he was a teenager; there were deep-rooted habits and habits; there were interpersonal relationships that he valued the most; a prostitute that he couldn't stop.

There were extraordinary knowledge and complex legal knowledge that he relied on to survive; there were also secrets that he had to take into the coffin until he died.

Byron got all A's in law, and his understanding of the laws of Hastings and even the laws of various countries was far better than his.

The key point was to browse his pitiful and almost non-existent interpersonal relationships, as well as the bits and pieces of intersections with Red Beard in his memory.

"Psychological Disguise" can make Byron become another person, but it cannot modify the past of the new identity.

The previous identity of a chef was originally blank, and if he didn't pay attention to the details this time, people would see the flaws in a minute.

Soon, Byron completely changed from the inside out.

No trace of his original appearance or temperament could be found.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he recited the sequence motto of the Inquisition sequence:

"If you don't know the law, you can't be exempted from responsibility!"

A golden lion holding a scale also appeared above his head.

[Cognitive Correction] It's easy to make others see a false image.

Then he activated a trace of the law power in the [Storm Signet Ring], and immediately he had both form and spirit, and it looked more real than the real thing!

Whether as a navy or as a legal worker in Hastings, Byron was more like this [Executioner], and he didn't need to act at all.

With a wave of his hand, the golden emblem disappeared, and he showed a murderous cold smile to the mirror:

"Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyalty!

You all must die!"

After that, he took out the whalebone amulet [Moss Tombstone] that imprisoned [Know-it-all] Franklin Joshull from his pocket.

"Mr. Franklin, I am very satisfied with the candidate you recommended.

But the status of this confidant is still a little different from what I expected.

Do you know that Captain Redbeard's special hobbies can make this status go further in a short time?"

[Know-it-all] lived up to his nickname and answered in a cold voice without hesitation:

"I heard that the first mate [Badger] Harvey has been busy recruiting free pirates from all walks of life and spending money like water.

Bribing other congressmen for support is almost emptying the accumulated wealth of the [Vengeance].

If you can give a large sum of money, Mr. Redbeard will be very happy."

[Know-it-all] was indeed right. Before setting off, Byron arranged for Bruch and Gus to join the privateering alliance as free pirates.

But when he heard the word "money", Byron couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

"Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

If someone gives me a large sum of money, I will be very happy."

Then, based on the principle of reciprocity, [Know-it-all] also asked the question he was concerned about coldly.

"Then, it's my turn.

Do you like pure and lovely beautiful girls, charming and passionate ladies, or others?"

Hearing this question, Byron's face darkened again.

"I refuse to answer."

The effect of [Moss Tombstone]:

"If you answer, it may spread your secrets to the people around you through spiritual broadcasting or dreaming.

If you can't answer, you will be cursed with a first-level instant death. If the judgment fails, you will die on the spot."

It can be imagined that if you reveal your true hobby.

In the end, it will definitely evolve into:

"Pass it on, the captain likes young and beautiful girls because they are light and soft."

"Have you heard? The captain accepts anyone, anything is fine, as long as they are light and soft."


By then, all his wisdom will be lost in one day, which is more painful than death.

At the same time, the [Storm Signet Ring] flashed with lightning, and the instant death curse from this quasi-cursed object was easily resisted by him.

The light on the whalebone amulet dimmed a little.

If he could not get the soul supplement, Franklin might disappear completely in a short time.

It's not a pity for Byron. If this guy didn't know all the secrets of the privateering alliance, the knowledge of the first-level attendant would not be as good as his own [Ship Log].

Put the amulet away, and it was really difficult to "please" Red Beard.

"Make money? If I can make a lot of money, do I need to try to please Red Beard?

At that time, even if I throw the deposit slip directly in his face, he will have to smile and give me an official certification as the chief steward of the [Vengeance]."

But when he turned his head, he happened to see the logbook on the desk of [Executioner] Bill, as well as a crudely drawn nautical chart.

Finally, he had an idea.

He quickly picked up the tools on the table and started working on the chart. He was busy until the early morning of the next day without closing his eyes.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

At about seven o'clock in the morning, his door was suddenly knocked on, and a sailor shouted outside the door:

"Mr. Bill, the captain has something to call all officers to the combat command room of the Vengeance."

The door was pushed open again.

[Executioner] Bill walked out with a roll of "treasure map" in his hand.

"Now if anyone dares to say that I am not a confidant, Red Beard will give him a big slap on my behalf!"

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