Pirate Kingship

Chapter 82: Stirring up the Storm and the Greatest Art

The blazing cannonballs made a piercing scream, carrying huge kinetic energy, and crashed into the scattered red-bearded fleet.

Their decks, gun ports, and hulls exploded one after another in an instant, leaving countless holes, large and small.

The heavy cast-iron cannonballs bounced violently on the ship, crushing anyone who dared to stand in front of him, whether mortal or extraordinary, into a bloody mist.

The 24-pound guns equipped on this group of fourth-level ships can reach a range of 1,350 meters when the firing angle is 4 degrees; when the firing angle is raised to 8 degrees, the range can reach 2,250 meters.

At an ultra-close range of 100 meters, the solid shells fired by the 24-pounder can easily penetrate the one-meter-thick oak hull.

The defense capabilities of both the third-level and second-level ships are all in vain.

In particular, the [Nemesis] trapped itself in a cocoon and originally wanted to bite the [Flaming Rose] to death.

However, because of the latter's sudden change of formation, he rushed forward and forcefully broke out of the formation, bearing the brunt of the strongest wave of concentrated fire.

"Fight back, fight back!"

However, the privateer fleet's counterattack was obviously too scattered, and there was even a low-level accident in which the range of fire was blocked by friendly ships.

This is the excellence of "battle line tactics".

Because of the layout of the sail warship, most of the artillery is placed on the sides of the ship.

Only when the fleet is organized into a group of several battleships, arranged in a column battle formation, and launches a broadside battle by firing broadside guns in turn, can it fully exert its own firepower.

Enter the artillery range and move parallel to the enemy ship.

Each ship bombards the designated enemy ship respectively until the winner is determined or one side retreats.

The battle line is equivalent to an enlarged version of the tactic of queuing to kill at sea. It is also a comprehensive showdown of today's command, tactics, equipment, courage, and perseverance!

After a wave of volleys, Violet's [Flaming Rose] achieved the most fruitful results.

[Ship's Bow Statue·Rose Girl] takes great credit.

"Only effect: Double shot

In order to ensure that the hull of an enemy ship can be penetrated, the crew often loads two cannonballs at a time and fills them with sufficient gunpowder. This is called double-bomb shooting.

But the artillery blessed by the Rose Maiden does not need it.

They only need to load one shell, and what they fire is double shells.

One is a normal cast-iron cannonball, and the other is a high-temperature fireball bullet equivalent to a searing bomb. "

Like Violet's character, this is a battleship whose attack power is increased to the limit.

Two cannonballs, one in front and one in back, turned the thick hull and even thicker ribs of the third-level ship into decorations that were little better than paper.

Eighteen 24-pound guns can be used as thirty-six guns, which even has a firepower advantage over the thirty 24-pound secondary guns on the leeward side of the Nemesis.

"Reload, shoot at me again, hit me in the head!"

Unlike the high-spirited Flame Rose, the Nemesis was filled with grief.

"Help me, help me!"

On the upper artillery deck, a gunner held his legs that were cut off by the shells and asked for help from his companions.

The disgraced pirates who had finally controlled the runaway bronze cannons shook their heads when they saw his appearance.

He drew his gun and gave him a heart-warming blow.

In order to prevent the corpse from getting in the way of the fighting position, the pirates didn't even bother to give their companion a decent pirate funeral, and just threw him and his two hairy calves out of the gun port.

Then he immediately rejoined the battle and fired back at the Bay Civilian battle line on the opposite side.

They have received the blessing of the ship's bow image, which increases the hit rate by 20%. The higher the firing frequency, the more shells will hit the enemy ship.

"Load and fire!"

The pirates on the open main deck also had a hard time.

A fireball fell right next to a 9-pounder cannon, igniting the powder barrel placed here.

In an instant, the surrounding five-man artillery crew and the sailors who supplied them with gunpowder were sent to the sky.

The surrounding cast-iron cannonballs, crowbars, rods, corks, and swords also flew out together, turning everything around into a sieve.

The sailor who was crowded with Byron on the mizzen mast was very unlucky and was stabbed in the heart by a shaft used for loading cannonballs.

He fell headlong and fell into a puddle of rotten flesh on the deck.

Byron, on the other hand, was unscathed and didn't even blink.

A true warrior!

A dedicated loyal minister!

Even the most harsh pirate officer couldn't help but give him such a comment with a cold sweat.

But no one noticed.

Captain Redbeard was obviously dozens of meters away from the explosion site, but he was tragically affected.

One eye was blinded by a dagger that fell from an unknown gunner's body.

Perhaps today they have become accustomed to Mr. Captain's bad luck, and no matter how tragic it is, it will hardly surprise them anymore.

This is the confidence that Byron dared to board the enemy ship Nemesis, and even shouted to Violet: "Shoot at me."

"If they could really target me with every shot, maybe everything would be over by now."

Byron sighed with regret and did not forget to help the signal officer standing on the stern of the ship hang up the new signal flag.

But before raising the flag, he had already received the order from Redbeard before other combat units.

To the own ship: "Cancel the hatred mark to prevent passively leaving the team and sailing on its own again"; to the fleet: "Get closer to me and form a one-word formation."

Byron notified Violet immediately, and gave some advice to the bay citizen princess who would have to take charge of herself sooner or later:

“Remember, don’t imitate the red-bearded man who rushes to seek medical treatment when he is ill.

Fleet command is not a game. As long as the order is conveyed smoothly, the planned tactics can be realized.

The hardest part of anything is the execution.

This is both useless and dangerous if the captains are not talented enough to change formations quickly.

When captains don't fully understand the commander's chosen form of attack, improvised formations can turn into an unmitigated disaster. "

"Order, the battle lines steady their steps, stay in sync, and continue to fire volleys.

Our opponents are all large warships, and it is unrealistic to sink enemy ships in a short time.

The gunpowder magazine located under the waterline also has sufficient safety measures to prevent a fatal explosion.

The primary goal now is to break their will and break through the psychological defenses of other big pirates with heavy and bloody losses.

Let this group, united by interests, fall apart because of interests!

The impetuous atmosphere in the fleet tells me that we will not wait too long at this time point. "

At this time, Byron was like a giant spider monster that had spun a big web over the battlefield and was waiting eagerly.

The naval warfare tactics he learned in the past were his hunting skills.

Running hard in this battlefield of wind, sail and gunfire, but making rapid progress as time goes by.

A [Storm Rider] is in the center of the "storm", but he hides in the safest eye of the storm, directing the storm in front of him to swallow everything.

Spirituality becomes more and more lively, and seems to gradually integrate into every turbulence of this "storm", covering his hands like rain and stirring up the wind and clouds.

No one except Violet knew that the two fleets had landed on the fingertips of the same hands.

"Each ship is free to fire. Don't just hit Redbeard. Take care of other big pirates as well. Hit them hard for me."

Thick smoke rose like clouds, and lines of fire intertwined and shot out.

Violet strictly implements Byron's steady and steady tactics and remains unchanged in response to changes.

A battle line of six warships advanced at an angle, fighting against the biting sea breeze and scattering into the formation. There was barely a linear red-bearded square fleet.

The two fleets moved in the same direction in the wind.

The deafening explosions never stopped from the beginning, and crew members died miserably every moment on the battleships on both sides.

But the longer the confrontation lasted, the more timid the red-bearded pirates became.

The shrill cries of his companions quickly disintegrated their little will to fight.

"Fight back, fight back!"

"Aren't we seven against six? Plus a third-level ship, why can't we defeat these?!"


Their response was only more ferocious bombardment.

The big pirates of the Bay people have been prepared for a long time. Even if the displacement of some pirate ships is inferior to that of fourth-class ships, they have emptied the inventory of Iron Anchor Bay and increased the caliber of the installed artillery to the limit.

The one-shot instantaneous projection mass reaches an astonishing 2,322 pounds.

You must know that even for a first-class battleship with 110 guns, the projection mass of a single broadside gun is only 1,236 pounds.

The wills of both sides are even more incomparable.

A mob gathered for profit may collapse with 10% or even 5% casualties.

But some powerful armies can fight to the last man, creating abnormal results that are even more outrageous than those in novels.

Among the Bay pirates and the free pirates who support them, many members or relatives are traditionalists from Iron Anchor Bay, and are almost fearless of life and death for their parents, wives and children.

When the battle came to the end of the first hour, which was also the fourth hour after the start of the combat session, the restlessness within the Red Beard fleet finally reached its peak.

It only takes one spark to explode.

Byron, who was always watching all the movements, caught this point immediately. With a sharp look in his eyes, he decisively ordered:

"One more round of volley, use all the skills of each of them to defeat them, and try to defeat them in one round!"

Violet, who has always acted as a sounding board and received countless admiring looks, immediately became energetic when she heard these words, and her face lit up:

“I can’t wait any longer, good citizen, please enjoy my finale performance.

You must not die. "

He turned to the gunner on the ship and shouted:

"Double load me!"


Gun salvo fired.

With the effect of [Rose Girl], "Double Bullet Shooting" plus "Double Bullet Shooting", just one ship almost filled the screen with a fierce momentum of bullets.

Only limited by the endurance of the bronze barrel, this attack can only be fired once a day.

The other five warships cooperated, and the overwhelming cannonballs were like blazing iron rain, pouring towards the enemy ships.

This is just the beginning.

Violet took out a white whalebone whistle from the traveler's bag on her waist and blew it hard, but it did not make any sound that could be heard by human ears.

Under the water, a red color suddenly emerged.

The dense red scales were like arrows, dragging white lines and rushing towards the opposite side.

Those were the massive schools of fish fed with [Gunpowder Formula·Kiss of Fire], which she has kept as her trump card until now.

In fact, this is Violet's graduation project at the Vinaya Academy of Art.

Although she calls it "the greatest art", the real essence is actually only one word.

--fry! ! !

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