Pirate Kingship

Chapter 83: Dying Struggle, Bloody Flags Flying

When the first wave of salvos fell, the morale of the entire Red Beard Fleet had already begun to collapse rapidly.

The most important thing for victory in the battle line is to obey orders more than the opponent, fight bravely, and success or failure depends on persistence.

When you can't hold on, it's the beginning of complete defeat!

Most people can no longer care about counterattacks, and they are all busy plugging the leaks of the warships.

"Hurry up, wooden boards, bring the wooden boards."

"The lower gun port is also leaking.

The twisting material is used up, carpenters, hurry up."

Whether it is a pirate ship or a warship, the work of "plugging holes" in artillery battles is indispensable.

When the battle reaches this point, the hull near the waterline is hit, and even the carpenters on the ship will become combat positions.

They need to bring their own tools, rush to the carpentry channel inside the hull as soon as possible, and then quickly nail wooden boards or lead plates to the holes.

"What is that?"

The carpenter who was plugging the leak near the waterline rubbed his eyes.

Through the hole as big as a human head that was constantly letting in water, he saw that the sea outside suddenly turned red as if it was on fire.

Looking more carefully, he found that it was actually a dense school of fish, ten, a hundred, a thousand, and he couldn't count them for a while.

All the crew members had witnessed the tragic scene of Red Beard being blown up by a group of fish bombs.

How could they not know what this thing was?

"Oh no--!"

The carpenter was not the only one who screamed in horror.

The pirates on the ship who were just thankful that they had survived another round of volleys, their eyes widened, and they made hoarse "ho ho ho" sounds from the depths of their throats.

They couldn't even scream.

"Don't even think about it. Don't think about defeating me a second time with the same trick!"

Red Beard, who had half of his body taken away by another shell, had just recovered and his eyes were wide open.

Take out a bottle of yellow-green potion from the box kept by the first mate [Jackal Badger] Harvey.

The biggest problem with the sequence system is that there are no secrets, and a move that has been used once can easily be targeted.

When he was targeted by the gunpowder artist for the first time, Red Beard couldn't even protect himself, let alone others.

But since he had already confirmed that he was going to fight, how could he not think of ways to prepare in advance?

【Dragon Dung Potion】:

"It is not from forbidden knowledge, but a secondary invention of the Wilderness Sequence [Adventurers].

It is said that it was originally before the Silver Age, when dragon species were everywhere, supernatural powers were not systematic, and adventurers were not a sequence profession.

Dragon dung was often used by them to intimidate various wild beasts.

Although now, let alone pure blood, even various subspecies carrying dragon blood are extremely rare.

We can only settle for the second best and use the feces of various ferocious beasts to make new potions.

It also got a second name besides [Dragon Dung Potion] - [Golden Juice Potion].

It is unpopular along the coast of the Old World, but on overseas routes, high-quality dragon dung potions are a must.

It can scare away various elusive sea monsters, and at least force them out of the water to win a chance for a head-on decisive battle for surface ships."


The moment the cork was opened, the strong irritating smell filled the air, making Byron, who was standing high on the mast, couldn't help but cover his nose.

The liquid medicine dissolved quickly after being poured into the water, dyeing the dark sea water nearby into an indescribable yellow-green color.

The red fish that were originally rushing straight at Violet's bone whistle immediately turned around and bypassed the [Goddess of Vengeance] as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

As for the other pirate ships nearby?

At this time, Red Beard would rather die than his teammates die. How could he care about the lives of others?

Most of the other big pirates around obviously did not make such targeted preparations. While shouting: "Full rudder, avoid".

At the same time, they activated their own third-level extraordinary abilities to resist the fish.

"Graveyard Sequence Motto: Give rest to all things!"

Fear of aura!

"Temple Sequence (various artists) Motto: Humans can accomplish great things."

Fantasy heart sound!


The extraordinary system of [Ladder of Glory] believes that: Humans are supreme, and glory belongs to the collective.

The entire human society, religions, countries, nations, guilds, societies. From top to bottom, all organizations are put into a tight net.

Theocracy is above! Kingship is in the middle! All professions are below!

Every profession is a necessary part of the operation of society.

As long as you reach the middle sequence, your status is a well-known middle-level figure in the organization, and you can get by anywhere.

Among pirates, you are a big pirate who controls an independent fleet, and among knights, you are a knight commander who can command a team of knights.

They will not fall to the bottom all of a sudden just because they change their territory, and they need to start over and repeat the cycle.

They also have a sufficiently stable [anchor].

The extraordinary power is truly manifested in them, and they have a core ability at the system or tactical level.

Especially Ferdinand (Chapter 38), the [Conductor] who drives the Beast Cage, his ability is the most outstanding in this situation.

He holds an old cast iron camel bell used by ancient caravans in his hand.

Shake it once, and the leading fish school begins to slow down; shake it twice, their bodies stiffen on the sea surface; shake it three times, and some of the fish schools even begin to turn around.

This is one of the systematic abilities of the third-level beast tamer: [Group Monster Immobilization] and [Group Monster Domination].

But his power alone could not control the entire battlefield that spanned several kilometers.

Just when the fish were about to reverse.

Violet, who knew all the opponents' professions, showed no surprise on her face.

Slowly stretched out her slender white right hand and snapped her fingers at the fish that were already very close to the enemy ships.

Boom--! ! !

The orange-red flames rose to the sky like a volcanic eruption, and the hot shock wave sent a huge amount of seawater into the sky.

A scalding rain fell over the entire battlefield.

The sea water boiled, as if the entire atrium was shaking violently in the aftermath of the explosion.

The enemy ships that were the focus of attention were suddenly lifted out of the water in the huge underwater shock wave.

One of them almost fell apart on the spot when it fell heavily back into the sea, and countless pirates were thrown into the surging waves.

They were drowned alive in a faint.

The morale of the fleet completely collapsed at this point, and those who survived immediately turned around and ran away.

In fact, Red Beard's move was exactly what Violet and Byron wanted.

The fragile alliance that had been maintained by interests was defeated by this wave of "the greatest art" and no longer cared about any interests.

They believed that as long as they escaped, the Bay Fleet would definitely not chase them with all its strength.

"Miss Violet, we withdraw from the competition for [Superintendent], no longer support Red Beard Edward, and give up all the interests of Anchor Bay!"

"Red Beard's collusion with the kingdom is extremely evil. I [Butcher Bird] declare that I will draw a clear line with him and have no relationship with him anymore. From now on, I will support Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Me too."

Those cunning pirates showed weakness one after another, left a word, and fled for their lives without loyalty.

Byron and Violet were not prepared to kill them all.

First, if all Red Beard's followers died, who would they take the blame for when they encountered the "natural disaster" that launched an attack from the dream?

Second, it was because of poverty!

War is about money.

[Kiss of Flame] This alchemical formula is powerful and easy to operate, but its only drawback is that it is expensive.

Cultivating these thousands of fish bombs is more expensive than equipping dozens of large-caliber artillery, almost equivalent to the same weight of silver.

Violet no longer has enough financial resources to launch a second wave of attacks.

Byron looked at the pirates who were completely defeated in the head-on fleet battle.

His eyes flashed with a brilliant light. A huge battle that stirred up the wind and clouds as a commander obviously made him make great progress on his extraordinary path.

As long as the gold and yuan sequence has money, it can be promoted quickly (Chapter 13), and [Storm Knight] and other sequences are no exception.

"Resources" refer not only to potions, spices, and knowledge, but also to this kind of training opportunities that fit this career path.

Even if Lancaster has not yet fallen, it is unlikely that the command of such a war of this level will be handed over to him, a novice.

"Another great victory of the battle line versus the traditional tactics.

Perhaps due to the limitation of the power of artillery, the battle line is not the mainstream of war now.

But in the future, if the main battle line does not come out, it will be the ultimate gamble that will determine the fate of the country and the maritime hegemony for the next few decades or hundreds of years.

Although even in the entire history of navigation in my previous life, such battles of national destiny are rare.

But the number of warships owned by each country is already the greatest deterrent.

More is stronger, bigger is more beautiful, and more and bigger is the hegemony of the sea!

It's a pity that I don't know when I will have the opportunity to try my skills again."

If it weren't for the lack of spirituality, the "storm" he just mastered would be enough to serve as a promotion ceremony for a [Storm Knight] to the middle sequence of the impact.

At this time.

The Red Beard Fleet lost its deterrent power, and the pirate ships of the small pirates in the outer privateer fleet also scattered.

The collective ship coffins of the heroes immediately surrounded the lonely [Goddess of Vengeance] again.

Byron handed the battlefield command back to Violet, a genuine third-level [craftsman].

"Raise the bloody flag, and leave no one alive!"

"An eye for an eye, blood for blood!"


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