Pirate Kingship

Chapter 85: A punishment that is hard to describe

Fire flashes.

In a moment, the sky and the ground were full of "red beards".

Guts's flying knife accidentally missed the target and flew past Byron's body.

"What did I say? Leaping into the air before the battle and giving up the original ability to dodge is absolutely the biggest taboo.

Why don't you guys listen?

By the way, no one stipulates that the main gun of the battleship cannot be used when backstabbing, right?"

Byron put his hands on the pergola.

Watching his captain, who was riddled with holes and shattered by 500 bullets, was swept away by an activated rope.

He quickly lifted Bill's [Cognitive Correction], drank a glass of [Flying Grasshopper], and took a handful of iron squid tentacles handed over by Bruch.

He activated [Mountain Goat Footsteps] and followed together.

In the chaotic battlefield, there was also a third-level ship [Vengeance] submerged by the heroic spirits in the middle.

Few people on the Bay Citizen side, who were at a disadvantage, noticed why Edward the Redbeard, who was fleeing for his life, suddenly exploded in mid-air.

But several big pirates on the Bay Citizen side saw it clearly.

When they saw Byron, who had a pair of blue eyes and was obviously of Bay Citizen descent, coming to the ship, they quickly restrained their men from attacking.

It was just the influence of [Cognitive Correction] and [Storm Signet Ring].

Although they felt that this young man seemed familiar, they could not match him with any identity in their memory.

"Good citizen!"

"Miss Artist!"

Violet, who was dressed as a woman, had pushed aside the elders with strange eyes and greeted him enthusiastically.

This was the first time the two met in their original identities. Although Byron, due to his personality, was unwilling to take risks, he still wore the last layer of disguise.

The Orphan Alliance, who had worked hard and finally achieved the plan perfectly, smiled at each other and saluted each other.

Violet's lady's etiquette was elegant and decent, but Byron was holding a handful of grilled squid in his hand, which had nothing to do with elegance.

He drank three cups of blood wine today, which was really a bit too much.

The side effects were gradually unable to be suppressed, and he had to eat two more strings of squid tentacles to calm down.

"Come on, we should send this monster off completely."

Violet took Byron's hand and walked to the side of the remains of Red Beard.

Red Beard's bad luck today was not only to ward off disaster for Byron, but also a test of their resurrection rules of the [Soul-Hidden Life Box].

He had seen him die and come back to life so many times.

It has been confirmed with the [Magic Item·Double-Sided Dice] that the effect of this black magic will only affect the largest corpse.

The sea outside is full of "Red Beards", but only the one in front of him retains most of his spine and half of his skull.

It is also the key to his resurrection!

Moreover, after being backstabbed by Byron this time, Red Beard's recovery speed was much slower than at the beginning, not even one-tenth of the speed in the past.

This is why they still have the leisure to chat here.

[The effect of confidant: The better your ability and the more outstanding your achievements, the more you are valued and recognized by your superiors, and the closer you are to the role of "confidant" in the eyes of others.

When you launch a backstab sneak attack on your superior, the stronger the ability bonus you get.

And you are not punished by the laws within the system when you defeat your superior with the inferior. 】

The image of "Confidant Bill" is far more popular than the last "chef", and the scope of influence is also wider.

The additional bonus obtained on the basis of the 32-pound carronade is naturally stronger.

More importantly, this is different from the attack of the big pirates on Red Beard. It is not a physical or energy attack in the conventional sense.

It is a special ability at the rule level, which can be called-true damage!

"Are the things ready?"

Confirming that he still has enough time, Byron gave two skewers of squid in his hand to Violet, and the two talked while eating.

The latter took it and took a bite, praising it for its good taste.

Then he looked into Byron's eyes and answered excitedly:

"Although the [Spell-Breaking Stone] cannot be processed with extraordinary abilities, we used the most clumsy hydraulic labor to make it according to your requirements.

The craftsmanship is absolutely impeccable."

He patted the traveler's bag on his waist and took out a strange-looking thing.

It was a stone cabinet nearly one person tall, with a main body composed of hinges, a large number of nails and two door covers forming a human figure.

The two door covers covered with long stone spikes on the front were open, and there was a small space that was only half a person's height at most.

There was no doubt that this was an Iron Maiden made of [Spell-Breaking Stone]!

It was also a cruel torture device famous in the countries of the Old World.

If a prisoner was placed in the hollow inside the Iron Maiden and the door was closed tightly, the prisoner would be pierced through the whole body by the nails on the door.

Unless the body was as soft as an octopus, there would be absolutely no living space.

Moreover, the material used to make the Iron Maiden is very special.

Whether it is the power of the Silver Law or the Pirate Code, or even one's own [spirituality], all will be blocked by the Law-Breaking Stone.

Any extraordinary abilities, including black magic, cannot be stimulated, and the extraordinary person trapped inside is just a relatively strong ordinary person.

"Not bad, not bad, worthy of being a third-level [craftsman], it looks exactly like what I designed.

I am very satisfied, but I don't know if our Mr. Redbeard is satisfied with this new home.

Byron and Violet looked down at the tattered corpse on the ground, with ill intentions printed on their faces.


It is hard to describe how hard it is to go against a ruthless guy like Byron.

Redbeard seemed to feel the crisis, and the speed of the remains squirming was getting faster and faster.

In the empty eye socket, a blood-red eye had been born, staring at the young man and woman standing in front of him.

Crazy ambition, deep hatred, endless resentment, and blind regret

The extreme emotions that gushed out of the pupils seemed to turn into flames and burn them all to ashes.

But he had no chance when he was alive, and even less now.

Byron kicked his corpse into the small space of the Iron Maiden.

He closed the door with force, and the spikes of the Spell-Breaking Stone on it pierced his tattered body from all directions again.

Then he locked seven heavy locks made of the Spell-Breaking Stone.

Next, as soon as Red Beard recovered, he would be stabbed to death by the spikes again, and then resurrected and stabbed to death again.

He was always in a state of "death".

And his immortality was not absolute and eternal.

[Soul-Hidden Life Box] needs to hold a blood sacrifice every year, and the number is not one or two, but doubled every year.

Theoretically, as long as he is locked in a place where he can never get out and is not allowed to hold a ceremony in the next year.

In the end, it will naturally disappear completely!

Of course, if you want to prevent all accidents in the next year, it is not enough to rely on an iron maiden of the Spell-Breaking Stone.

They don't have the energy to keep an eye on this guy all the time.

Byron took off the whale oil lantern that had been hanging on his waist.

He lit the wick with a tinderbox, and a faint green light shone straight out through the eye on the crystal lampshade.

A huge portal leading to the third layer of the "Night Kingdom" opened on the sea.

The information left by [Whale Hunter] said that the "Night Kingdom" is a real place of sleep. Anyone who enters it will feel extremely sleepy, and once they fall asleep, they will never wake up again.

You must use strong willpower to restrain your sleepiness and find the entrance to the next layer of space before falling asleep.

"Let's go!"

Byron and Violet worked together to lift the heavy stone iron maiden and threw it far into the third layer of the Night Kingdom.

It sank to the bottom of the sea with a "plop".

As long as Violet doesn't speak, no one can go in and rescue him.

They don't know when Red Beard last held a blood sacrifice ceremony.

Next, for a few months at the shortest and a year at the longest, he will have to hesitate between being nailed to death and drowned by the sea.

He can only be freed until he dies completely.

Anyway, it will never be a good experience.

Perhaps because of the presence of Violet, the princess of the Bay, the heroic spirits that destroyed the [Vengeance] did not launch any more attacks and had retreated on their own.

A great battle ended here.

At this time.


A strange sound suddenly sounded on the ship.

Byron turned his head and saw that it was his man-eating shark that had picked up the black strange object [Echo Conch] from the sea while eating and drinking, and was gently knocking the side of the ship with its head.

He took it and put it to his ear, and heard several echoes from the past period of time:

"The Strait Fleet has arrived ten nautical miles outside Anchor Bay."

"Red Beard, the agreed time is coming soon, why didn't you reply immediately?"

"It's 15 minutes past the agreed time, where are you?

Didn't you boast that the position of the commander-in-chief is within your reach? Why hasn't the maze of Anchor Bay been opened yet?!"

"Waste! Waste! We even killed the [Child Guard] for you, and you are repaying His Majesty with such results?"

"Losers are not qualified to make demands.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, the day will be over.

Tonight we will directly summon the "Natural Disaster" to launch a strong attack on Anchor Bay, and you will be on your own when the time comes!"

Although Red Beard's own voice was not retained in the conch, everyone could know that this was a conversation between him and the York family liaison officer.

Hearing the communication that was more severe each time, and the ultimatum, the expressions on the faces of the big pirates became solemn again.

Compared to the real enemies outside Anchor Bay, Red Beard is just an insider.

The sun has already set, and the "natural disaster" is imminent. They still have the most difficult hurdle to overcome.

The success or failure of the plan depends on this one move!

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