Pirate Kingship

Chapter 86 Tentacles, tentacles everywhere

Night falls.

The howling sea wind above the North Sea became more and more biting, and the wind speed quickly climbed to Category 7 winds of 32 knots.

Large waves surged up one after another, and the height was already close to 3 meters.

According to common sense, in the prelude to this already obvious storm.

All sailing ships on the sea, whether they are majestic first-class ships or inconspicuous small sampans, should find a safe harbor early to anchor and take shelter.

If anyone dares to continue sailing on the sea, even if all the sails are furled, the mast will be tragically broken.

Capsizing and sinking is their only fate!

What's strange is that this completely unconventional thing actually happened outside Anchor Bay, which is shrouded in fog all year round.

On that sea surface composed of countless "low hills", came a huge fleet that looked like crabs crawling upstream against the wind.

The eye-catching blood cross flag on the mast is fluttering in the wind.

It shows that they are the Hattings Strait fleet that set off from Bristol Harbor three days ago.

The largest flagship, the second-level ship [King Edward], has moved from the position of the lead ship to the center of the fleet.

Dozens of other battleships and cruisers surrounded him, forming an approximately perfect circle.

Whenever strong winds or huge waves hit them, their power will be inexplicably reduced by half.

As if they were afraid of something in the fleet, the Hetings navy was not affected by the storm.

No, to be more precise, they were not just unaffected by the storm, but the storm seemed to come from them.

It was exactly the same as the sudden storm during the Battle of the Red and White Rose in the Strait of Dover!

"Report to Commander, Edward the Red Beard has just completely lost contact.

A message had been sent a few hours ago that he was trapped in Valhalla during the combat portion of the Warlord's campaign.

But there is still no response to the new message I sent to him ten minutes ago. I am afraid that it is really impossible to open the mysterious lock of Iron Anchor Bay for us as planned. "

A young officer who looked less than thirty years old came to the command room and reported bad news to the fleet commander, General Norwich York.

The commander who was standing by the glass porthole, looking at the white mist outside, had no look of anger on his face when he heard this, and just nodded casually:

"I see.

The famous pirate is just a casual move. It's best if he can succeed. It doesn't matter if he doesn't succeed.

The more sophisticated the plan, the greater the chance of error.

This is the same as when we deal with those evil monsters and evil spirits overseas. Accidents themselves are one of the sources of danger, and we need to prepare in advance.

I hope you remember that you can use tricks, but when an accident occurs, the only thing that can really save you is our own strength! "

This young colonel, who looks five-fifths like Fleet Commander Norwich, obviously has a different identity.

After hearing the commander's instructions, he still couldn't let go. He raised a black conch horn of the same style in his hand and said with a face full of pain:

"Commander Father.

Before we defeated Lancaster and took the throne, you gave me the task of connecting with Redbeard's plan for Iron Anchor Bay.

For such a long time, we have invested too much manpower and material resources in him.

This does not include the third-level ship [Nemesis] that we sold to him at a discount earlier.

Just for the more than one hundred privateers that took refuge with him, 10% of the plunder handed over to the family maritime court every year was a terrifying figure.

If they were all squandered by this idiot Redbeard during the fighting, the family's financial report next year will definitely be ugly! "

Norwich, the fleet commander of the White Rose York family and the commander-in-chief of the operation, waved his hand to his son, Little Norwich.

Explain him with sincere words:

"Son, noble York is not like those outlaws.

The capital we have allows us to pay the cost of countless trials and errors, but they only have one life.

As long as we have power and wealth, we can make extraordinary people and talents in various sequences work for their lives.

Isn't it a good deal to pay a mere fortune and use their lives to prove that the internal control plan is not feasible? The strength of the Bay people is beyond expectations.

As long as we kill them all, the money will still be ours.

Besides, there is no shortage of anything in this sea except pirates who pursue wealth and power.

Didn't Redbeard also send back a list of free pirates?

As long as these despicable pirates who intend to join the York family and want to get charity from us are still alive.

We can relax the restrictions of the "Private License" and let them become new privateer captains and continue to work for the family. "

Seeing his young son nodding thoughtfully, Norwich patted him on the shoulder.

He glanced at the clock on the table and gave the order to attack:

"Okay, at least Red Beard has started the Black Mass ceremony in advance and successfully marked the stubborn residents of Anchor Bay with thirty counterfeit silver coins.

Since they have voluntarily given up the option of conversion, let them be completely destroyed!

The time has come, take my warrant and go and activate that thing with the [Law Masters].

In the future, this sea will still belong to you young people.

Although you are only a second-level professional level [Law Master], you must learn how to stand alone from now on. "

Realizing that the harvest time had finally arrived, little Norwich quickly stood at attention and saluted:

"Yes, Commander, I will go and deliver the order right away!"

He exited the command room and followed the wooden ladder from the deck hatch to the bottom cabin.

The second-class ship [King Edward] has a displacement of 1,870 tons, a gun deck length of 54.1 meters, and a width of 15.14 meters.

It carried 90 guns, 28 32-pound guns, 28 18-pound guns, 32 12-pound guns, plus 4 9-pound guns on the open deck, with a capacity of 750 men.

In addition to the open-air deck, there are three upper, middle and lower artillery decks below, which is almost a three-dimensional small fortress.

Along the way, there is a post every three steps and a sentry every five steps.

Only the elite soldiers on the ship who have the strongest will, the most outstanding strength, and the most loyalty to the York family are qualified to come here.

Not only that, there was a solemn and majestic atmosphere in the air.

It makes people hold their breath subconsciously, thinking that they are in the courtroom where the verdict is being pronounced.

When an extraordinary person turns on [Spiritual Vision], he will see that the cabin is filled with a silver-white legal network.

At every corner squatted an illusory golden lion wearing a crown and holding a pure gold scale in its arms. It stared at the visitor with its eyes as wide as copper bells.

No one without authority is allowed to enter.

The level of security alone is comparable to that of a king's treasury.

Little Norwich made it all the way to the lower gun deck unimpeded. It was dark here and all the gun ports were completely sealed.

As we all know, in strong winds and high sea conditions, the gun ports on the leeward side of the battleship will be submerged below the waterline.

When sailing, craftsmen must use wooden strips to seal the gun door from the inside and insert the gun door bolt.

Then, caulking material made of pine oil mixed with linen wadding must be used to fill the gaps on the four sides of the gun port, and waterproof work must be done strictly.

Even though the thing on the King Edward was suppressing the wind and waves, the height of the waves outside still exceeded the main gun doors.

In order to prevent the wind direction from changing, they simply sealed all the gun doors on both sides.

Preventing ships from getting flooded is one aspect, but more importantly, it is a taboo related to life and death:

"Absolutely, never let that thing soak in the sea!"

In the bottom cabin, a group of more than a dozen [Law Masters] were closely guarding a box that was heavily sealed with chains and legal regulations.

They are uniformly dressed in bright red robes and white wigs, symbolizing the retreat of human nature. At this time, there is only impartial divinity and judicial justice.

At the same time, he holds the rod that symbolizes punishment and power, and uses the power of the Silver Law and the [Iron Law of Kingship and Magna Carta] to weave a legal net, tightly covering the box.

Integrating the power of the entire fleet turned this place into the kingdom's maritime territory and the place where the royal power ruled.

But little Norwich knew that the main purpose of the law was for external defense, and the binding force on that thing was better than nothing.

What we really rely on is

The leader, a third-level [lawyer], Justice Dude Wright, pulled out an ancient shepherd's flute from his waist and nodded to little Norwich.

Indicate that you are ready.

"Open the seal and summon the 'natural disaster'!"

The warrant signed by the fleet commander turned into ashes, and the seals on the box were lifted layer by layer.

Everyone tightened their grip on the sticks in their hands, as if facing a formidable enemy.


As the last seal was lifted, the thick water vapor, carrying a pungent stench that seemed to penetrate into human bone marrow, instantly filled the battleship's bottom cabin.

Inside the box was a large colorful pottery jar.

Inside was soaked in an unknown potion, a small piece of pale tentacle as thick as a human thigh that looked severely corrupted.

It's just different from ordinary octopus tentacles. The middle of its sucker is covered with ferocious mouthparts.

There is no need to use your eyes to see it, just the moment it appears.

Everyone felt as if something slippery was moving back and forth in the grooves of their brains.

Incomprehensible images, languages, and words are crazily poured into them from their eyes, ears, noses, tongues, skin, and other places where there are senses.

The planks, rivets, pig iron ballast in the hold in front of me, and the wine barrel in the corner began to twist and transform into the tentacles of some kind of super-large mollusk.

A mouth and teeth dripping with saliva sprouted from the middle of the lumpy suction cups, surging towards the [Law Masters] in the cabin like a tide.


The [Law Masters] closed their eyes and thrust the rods in their hands toward their feet.

The magic circle carved on the ground using some forbidden knowledge suddenly lit up, forming a shape that resembled a compass.

One of the blood-red needles turned slowly, and finally pointed in the direction of Iron Anchor Bay, which was ten nautical miles (18.5 kilometers) away.

Those tentacles were also stunned.

“Don’t remember what it looks like, don’t accept the information it spreads, and don’t explore its source.

As long as we are not marked, it will not attack us. "

The majestic voice of the justice sounded, slightly dispelling the tension in everyone's hearts.

Toot toot.

A disgusting flute sound suddenly sounded.

Dude Wright blew the [Level 2 Holy Relic: Pied Piper's Shepherd's Flute] in his hand.

What was very magical was that when the flute was heard, those illusory tentacles swayed slightly like snakes, then disappeared instantly and appeared outside the battleship.

The dark clouds in the sky and the waves in the sea seem to be affected by it, manifesting indescribable shapes.

After determining the direction based on the compass formation, it suddenly disappeared into the void.

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