Pirate Kingship

Chapter 87 Wild Hunt, natural disaster strikes

Time moves forward slightly, to the atrium on the second floor of Valhalla Hall of Valor.

Although Redbeard is in an uncertain state of drowning or being crucified, he is still "dead".

The [Pirate Code], which presided over the election of the warlord, responded, the ancient voice was mechanical and without any ripples:

“The first candidate, Edward Redbeard, is confirmed to be dead, and the second candidate, Violet, can choose to continue the Great Treasure Trial, or quit Valhalla.

If you continue the trial, you can gain full warlord authority after finding the great secret treasure.

If you quit at this point, as the only candidate you can automatically take office as the acting [Warlord].

The term lasts until more than half of the members initiate a by-election motion, or until the next election three years later. "

Violet answered immediately without any hesitation:

"I choose to leave Valhalla immediately."

The main goal has been completed, so she has no leisure to explore the remaining seven levels of secret realm.

"As you wish."

The next moment.

Regardless of whether they were on the first or second floor, all the people who were still alive on both sides of the Hall of Heroes were sent out.

The "Nemesis", which had already lost all its crew, fully met the conditions for the ship's coffin to sink with the ship.

It stands to reason that it will stay here and become a new ship coffin occupied by the heroes of the Gulf people. It will also become a nightmare for all subsequent treasure hunters.

But Violet had quick eyesight and quick hands, and ordered more than a hundred crew members to restart it, and returned to Anchor Bay with the large army.

"This is a generally intact third-level battleship!"

Even though they knew that there was still a test waiting for them, a group of third-level pirates couldn't help but feel warm in their eyes when looking at this behemoth.

Of course, the preparations in the defense plan have already been completed, and there is not much they can do now.

Do we still want to rush out and use pirate ships to attack the Straits Fleet?

Just wait for the opponent to attack.

Before Red Beard revealed his immortality, why was he able to securely sit on the throne of deputy speaker? Wasn't it because of this pirate ship?

For a third-class ship with a perfect balance of speed, firepower, and cost, the wood alone requires the harvesting of more than 2,000 high-quality oak trees planted on the Channel Islands a hundred years ago.

It took another six full years to build.

And these oaks must be high-quality wood planted on private estates, riversides, and roadsides.

Only those oak trees that fully enjoy the rain, dew and sunshine and slowly grow to a height of more than 20 meters over a century can produce a section of wood in the trunk that can be used to build the ribs of a battleship.

The construction cost of a third-level ship at the Kingdom Shipyard alone reached an astonishing 40,000 gold pounds.

If outsiders want to get it, even if they have a good relationship, they have to double the amount on this basis to have the possibility of acquiring such a big treasure.

Not to mention the powerful bow statue [Nemesis] above.

It's entirely conceivable.

Even for a country, to build a battleship fleet of this level, how much thick wood is needed, what a long growth cycle is required, and what a staggering purchase price is required?

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the outcome of a large maritime army battle will be enough to affect the fate of the country.

If the family wealth, which is the most important asset of the country, is destroyed, no matter how much money you have, it will not be replenished quickly.

It's no wonder that Norwich is heartbroken that his investment has been wasted.

Byron, who aspires to build a pirate fleet or even a military dispatch company, is naturally unavoidable.

'It's a pity that driving this thing out is really annoying. My first-order servant's little arms and legs can't bear it.

And it’s inconsistent with my ‘low-key and reserved’ nature. I’m actually not greedy at all.

Byron moved his eyes away with difficulty, closed his mouth tightly, and finally stopped the drool from flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Violet waved her hand, and the thick sails on the Flame Rose rotated, and several thick cables stretched out like tentacles.

A crane came in to pull the bow statue of the third-level ship [Nemesis] from under the bow girder.

Then he put it in front of Byron.

Looking at his dazed look, the girl smiled playfully:

"It's your turn, good citizen. I'll give this to you."

"Isn't this not good?"

Byron finally couldn't help but swallowed.

Feeling the playful eyes of the great pirates from the Bay around them, there was a thorn in the back.

But Violet waved her hand very proudly:

“The racial motto of the Bay people: revenge must be taken.

But we also believe that a favor must be repaid, which is completely different from those Remit people who always repay kindness with enmity and attack their benefactors.

Without you [Wild Hunt], we wouldn't even be able to pass the Red Beard level, let alone the natural disaster that will follow.

Don't worry, I, a third-level [Craftsman], will modify it for you. While retaining the main functions, others will never recognize it. "

"Wild Hunt?"

The big pirates around had been speculating on the origin of this boy who had killed Redbeard and seemed to have some secret relationship with his princess.

Hearing this recently popular title, I suddenly connected many things that I had not understood before.

Clearing out the dungeon and dragging free pirates, trading companies, and major groups into the water are all handled by them.

Naturally, I understand the role of [Wild Hunt] in this plan.

Moreover, his contribution in dealing with Red Beard alone is worthy of this figurehead, and now there is no objection.

Byron turned his head and saw Violet winking at him.

He realized that this was her way of improving his reputation among several trusted pirates.

It was just a taste, and there was a layer of [Wild Hunt] vest in between. The true identity of Byron Lancaster was a little secret between the two of them.

Byron was originally prepared to establish a good relationship with the largest pirate force in the Old Continent, and he was also happy to make friends with these high-ranking Bay citizens who had a common enemy and fought side by side.

He nodded to them and accepted Violet's gift generously.

"Then I will be disrespectful to refuse it, Miss Artist."

Not only that.

Suddenly, a distant bell sounded in Byron's ears, three times in a row.

This was not an illusion.

Instead, he had already reached the legendary level of 19 (Chapter 73), and finally reached the critical value of 20 at this moment, and was recognized by the Silver Law.

Just like the [Unbreakable Body] of the Child Guard, he has an extraordinary ability that belongs to him.

——The Wild Hunt Legion!

"The legend says that the Wild Hunt has never been a person, but a legion.

They are led by the King of the Wild Hunt, riding black war horses, appearing in groups, fully armed, holding long swords carrying lightning storms.

Anything that stands in their way will be completely destroyed no matter what it is.

Wherever they go, they will bring storms, wars and death!

Effect: Every enemy killed by your own hands will have a trace of spirituality stripped away, turning into a ghost, and joining the Wild Hunt Legion led by you.

The stronger the strength in life, the more powerful the enemy will be. , the more fear you create for him, the stronger the bonus you will get after death.

The current upper limit is 20 people.

If you sacrifice the entire Wild Hunt Legion at one time, you can summon a ghost warhorse and a full set of Wild Hunt weapons, and transform into the Wild Hunt Knight in the myth.

It is as easy as walking on flat ground on the sea, and it is not a problem to kill enemies of higher levels.

As the legend and influence increase, the ability of the title can continue to increase.

The next upgrade requires a legend of 25 points. ”

The power of [Silver Law] came out of thin air and injected into Byron's shadow.

Two hounds barked in his heart, one loud and one dark. They were the pets of the King of the Wild Hunt in the legend, specially for warning and clearing the way for him.

"Compared with the [Pirate Battle Flag] of the second-level pirates, which can concentrate the power of their subordinates, each has its own advantages.

It needs to go through actual combat to test the amplification effect.

Killing enemies will make you stronger, which complements [Storm Knight] and my future pirate career. There may be unexpected changes when they work together."

In addition to [Mountain Goat Footsteps], [Swordsmanship Mastery], and [Riding].

Byron truly obtained the first sequence of attack-type extraordinary abilities, which was even more exciting than getting the figurehead.

I can't wait to kill an enemy to try my hand.

At this time, the alarm bell on the island suddenly sounded.

It was the [Pirate Code] that had been shrouded here for a thousand years, warning the people of the bay.

Then, the white fog that shrouded Anchor Bay all year round began to roll violently, as if some huge monster was passing through it.

Everyone suddenly turned their heads and looked to the south.

A third-level [Navigator] among the big pirates of the bay, who was also the leader of all the gatekeepers of Anchor Bay, changed his face.

His eyes suddenly became empty and distant, as if he saw something that even spiritual vision could not see, and he said to Violet hurriedly:

"Your Highness, the outer maze of the spiritual level of Anchor Bay has been broken.

The second and third layers, the law can't stop it at all, so fast, that thing is coming in!"

Then, after a month, Byron heard the annoying and chaotic flute sound (Chapter 2) again.

And the lingering terrible stench.

It was like returning to that nightmare-like stormy night.

"Yes, it is it!"

He clenched his fists, the veins on the back of his hands bulged, and he used all his strength to restrain the mindless impulse to draw his gun and shoot.

Violet, the only one who knew Byron's true identity and his experience, immediately noticed his abnormality.

He walked straight up and held one of his hands tightly.

He didn't say any meaningless words of comfort, but his firm stand with the last Lancaster was clearly revealed.

Shouldn't it be natural for the Orphan Alliance to stick together for warmth?

Byron widened his eyes and stared at a messy shadow in the sea in front of him.

One second, two seconds.

The shadow that had been firmly extending towards the Bay Residents' Community seemed to be stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, it ran around like a headless fly, covering the entire Anchor Bay in an instant.

Pull it hard!

But, it didn't pull.

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