Pirate Kingship

Chapter 88: Fishing but getting caught

At this moment, Byron, standing on the bow of the [Flaming Rose], staring at a large black shadow on the seabed, did not feel the despair and powerlessness like last time.

When it dragged, the brain was only slightly dizzy and immediately regained consciousness.

It was impossible to control suicide or suffer a severe blow to consciousness by the attack launched by the "natural disaster" in the dream.

On the contrary, I felt very at ease from the bottom of my heart.

It was as if I had already anchored in the safe harbor before the storm came, and I had something to rely on.

Looking back at the other mortal pirates around me, I found that the most serious one just drooped his head for a while, as if he accidentally dozed off.

It took only a few breaths to wake up again.

Although I couldn't see the bay dwelling area farther away, judging from the quickly calmed commotion, those civilians should not be in big trouble.

"Really blocked it!"

Even though Byron was very confident in his heart, he finally breathed a sigh of relief until he confirmed the results of the battle in front of him.

Since the first amulet has taken effect.

There is no need to bother the second amulet Red Beard who is about to die, and the third amulet "Use the term [Historical Corrector] to extract the holy relic".

At this time, he suddenly thought of something.

He quickly sank into a state of deep meditation and returned to his own lighthouse in the spiritual world.

The huge lighthouse nearby that was dragged into the black sea last time now has only a lonely base left, proving that the Child Guardian once existed.

Behind Byron is still the huge archipelago and continent composed of countless islands under the [Silver Law].

Like the Mediterranean Sea, they embrace a clear sea together.

There are countless dense light spots in the water, representing the countless mortals in the entire human race who have not achieved spiritual sublimation.

A month ago, Byron transcended the mundane world from there.

On the coastlines on both sides, there are lighthouses like stars.

The lights they emit illuminate the dark sea nearby.

Here Byron clearly saw that a large area of ​​shadows like seaweed suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water, tightly entangling countless lighthouses, towers, and even islands around his lighthouse.

Those belonged to the Bay People pirates, civilians, all pirate groups in the entire North Sea, bounty hunters.

Slaves from all over the world, large and small black market merchants, legal and illegal trading companies, various organizations, multinational spies, black gloves

And the most important thing, Valhalla Hall of Valor, which carries the origin and return of the Bay People, and perhaps the thickest [anchor] in the world!

It looks like a small Iron Anchor Bay.

But this is the center of the entire Old Continent's black market trade, and the various groups stationed here are definitely numerous and diverse enough.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it symbolizes the gray area of ​​the entire North Sea region.

Everyone is marked, which is equivalent to no one being marked.

The "natural disaster" was at a loss, and even dared to put the entire island anchored by Valhalla into his mouth, but accidentally kicked the iron plate.

Now Byron is no longer alone.

He is not alone!

In front of him, the shadow made another pulling motion.

Pulled twice! Didn't pull.

Pulled again! Still didn't pull.

It couldn't pull, it couldn't pull at all.

The natural disaster didn't have the ease and unstoppable momentum when it destroyed the entire Lancaster family and killed [Child Guard] Dennis.

At this point, Byron also put his heart back into his stomach.

The scene in front of him also confirmed one of his guesses.

"From my perspective, the foundation of the [Silver Law] is essentially the 'collective subconscious' of the entire human race.

This world is filled with violent, chaotic, and unknown dangerous source tides coming from the spiritual world (Chapter 17).

Outside the known world, there are countless dark creatures, fallen people, evil spirits, and extremely evil monsters.

Whether the [Silver Law] was built by the Creator or not, it connects the spirituality of all human beings from ancient times to the present, forming a spiritual dam to protect the entire human race."

"Moreover, every collective among humans: religion, country, nation, guild, society...will automatically build a ' LAN'.

In the spiritual world, an archipelago or a piece of land is formed.

Then the big net is enclosed in the small net, trying to stabilize every individual in this dangerous world.

Lancaster may be strong enough.

But not only because of the relationship of 'the king is under the law', it cannot force the citizens of Hastings to bind, but also a York family has taken away some power.

In addition, my uncle's mental state is worrying, and he is close to and distant from the [Magna Carta]. When he is sick, he is at most the size of a top noble family.

It is completely incomparable with the entire Anchor Bay. "

After seeing the operation mode of "natural disasters" in the spiritual world with his own eyes, Byron also had a new understanding of the strange decree issued by the church.

-All believers can only choose one of the 65 male names and 48 female names in the "Gospel of Creation" as the name of their children, and it is strictly forbidden to choose another one.

"Behind every seemingly outrageous rule, there must be an even more outrageous reason."

This shows that the church leaders realized this problem a long time ago, and the whole society is trying to strengthen this collective concept.

After all, all people with the same name are also another form of collective.

If only one name is in hand, no matter how powerful the evil spirit is, it will not be able to successfully curse anyone.

Just like if the deadly poison drips into the sea, it will not kill any small shrimp.

Perhaps that existence beyond the specification is still invincible, and the human individual is still insignificant in front of it.

But when Byron found a way to deal with it from the experience of his predecessors, he saw the possibility of conquering the unknown and was no longer worried.

Soon, his consciousness returned to the real world.

He found that the unknown existence did not retreat in the face of difficulties, and would not let go even if it bit something that could not be swallowed.

It seemed that it had no self-awareness and normal mind of a living being, and would only act according to instinct.

"Your Highness, gentlemen, I think you should take a look at this."

The third-level [Navigator] spoke again, raised a pilot whale oil lantern in his hand, and cast a warm light in front of everyone.

The appearance outside the maze emerged in the light.

"Is that the Strait Fleet?"

But in the waves, a huge second-class battleship took the lead and rushed straight to the Anchor Bay in a completely involuntary manner.

There were dozens of warships of all sizes following behind.

If you turn on [Spiritual Vision], you will see that the entire fleet is like a chain of iron chains, connected as a whole by the power of law.

The force is mutual.

The thing they brought, when wrestling with the Anchor Bay, failed to fish but was caught instead.

It did not pull the Bay residents into the dream and let them flatten and round at will, but instead dragged the fleet over.

As time went by, it even came within the range of the coastal fortress guns!

Violet's sapphire-like eyes instantly ignited a blazing fire, and she raised her right hand with the [Whalebone Seal Ring].

The crisp and bloody command sounded throughout the port:

"As the acting [commander], I order: Iron Anchor Bay to enter a wartime state and implement temporary control.

No one is allowed to go out, and irrelevant pirates are not allowed to disembark or leave the anchorage.

The combatants in Iron Anchor Bay enter their respective combat positions, and the third-level authority is opened to the artillery groups of each fortress, which can see through the fog and observe the enemy.

The guests are here, treat them well for me!"


The maze locks connected to the [Pirate Code] have not been stolen by the insider, and they are not afraid of any frontal attack from the navy.

Soon, hundreds of fortress guns arranged outside the port adjusted their firing angles and aimed at the Strait Fleet outside the port.

"Fire! Beat them up!"

Violet, who finally felt proud, waved her hand suddenly.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom.

Countless lines of fire were like angry dragons, interweaving into a tight fire net, completely covering the Strait Fleet that was huddled together and didn't even have time to spread out the battle line.

The advantages of coastal fortress guns over naval guns and battleships are much greater.

No matter how small the land is, it is much larger than the maneuvering space of a battleship, and you can use scorching bullets calmly without worrying about accidentally causing a secondary explosion;

The target size of the coastal defense gun is only one thousandth of the battleship, even if the [gunnery expert] wants to hit it, it is extremely difficult;

The stable land has no turbulence on the sea, which greatly improves the accuracy of the fortress gun.

The most important thing is that the main gun of the second-level battleship is only 32 pounds, but the largest fortress gun in Iron Anchor Bay has reached an astonishing 68 pounds.

This thing is really deadly!

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