Pirate Kingship

Chapter 89 Offshore balancer, eat my stirrer

Boom boom.

The hull of the [King Edward], which was given special care, was hit by a 68-pound, or 30-kilogram, cast iron shell, which caused the hull of a second-class ship to shake slightly.

A wailing sounded in the cabin.

But the first thing they thought of was not to fight back, but to check for leaks immediately.

Because the things in the cabin were far more dangerous than the fortress cannon!

Little Norwich in the bottom cabin cried out:

"What's going on? The natural disaster is out of control?

It can easily destroy the Lancaster family, why did it fail in front of the mere Bay people?!"

The lawyers in charge of guarding that thing were even more confused than him.

They held the bundle of sticks in their hands tightly and watched the every move of the corrupt tentacle in the painted pottery jar nervously.

I couldn't help but recall the confidential intelligence that I had seen when I took over this task, which was said to be brought back from overseas by a great adventurer:

"Remember, the common laws, interests and emotions of mankind are meaningless in the infinitely vast world.

When we cross the boundaries of reason and spiritual dams and enter the boundless unknown world, we must leave our humanity and all common sense behind.

Compared with those ancient existences that spanned the entire human history, we are humble, small and ignorant."

Look at the broken tentacle and you will know that there are some things in this world that are beyond the cognition of humans and even the top extraordinary people.

The status is at least above the fifth-level legendary level [King Title] at the top of the secular kingdom.

Unable to communicate, unable to look directly, and even the poor language of humans cannot properly describe the image of each other.

For humans, they are natural phenomena in the extraordinary world, and also disasters themselves!

And the things in the box are one of them, or part of something indescribable.

The only good thing is that, apart from their love of eating humans, they have no subjective consciousness of their own, but they do have certain objective laws.

Just like early humans tamed wildfires, mastered fire, and thus entered civilization.

Find the rules and use them, and it is possible to control this "natural disaster" for my own use.

At least the York family believes that they have tamed this power, and even often regard themselves as the "fire thieves" of the new era.

But in all the emergency plans, there is no strategy for how the other party should deal with it after the predation fails!

And the longer the seal is unlocked, the stronger the activity of the tentacle.

The sharp-eyed lawyer saw that its body seemed to have begun to twitch slightly.

The Chief Justice realized that this could not go on, and he had to find a way to guide the "natural disaster" to abandon the marked target and let both sides break away again.

Otherwise, the fleet would have no chance of winning if it fought against the unsinkable Anchor Bay and the fortress cannon.

Holding the [Second Level Holy Relic, the Pied Piper's Shepherd's Flute], which is specially used to counterbalance "natural disasters", he began to chant:

"You are the hero who eliminated the black rat plague, and you are the evil star that killed the children of a city"

Each [holy relic] carries a unique history of mankind and has had a huge influence in a certain region or field.

To activate such a treasure, it is not like using simple cutting inscriptions like man-made wonders, but chanting its deeds to make history reappear.

The history he was chanting was about the story of Hameln City in the Rhine Alliance two hundred years ago.

The city was seriously infested with rats, and the residents of the city were helpless and ready to abandon the city and flee.

A pied piper claimed that he could solve the rat plague, but he needed a reward, and the citizens agreed to his request.

But when he blew the flute and drove all the rats to jump into the river and die, the citizens regretted and refused to pay.

When the fooled pied piper played the flute again, all the children in the city followed him and disappeared into the mountains forever.

Effect: You can play a hypnotic magic sound for all mentally challenged people.

You can't control the "natural disaster" as easily as you can control a group of rats, but it's enough to influence it.

The irritating flute sounded again, and it did have an effect on the tentacles that were fighting with the entire Anchor Bay.

Although it didn't really make it loose, the fleet's speed finally slowed down.

It gave the navy time to regroup and launch a counterattack against Anchor Bay.

"All ships set up battle lines."

"Load the starboard windward side and fire back.

Hold on, victory will definitely belong to us, God bless your majesty!"

I don't know what strange thing was used, the voice of fleet commander Norwich York overwhelmed the roar of the fortress cannon and clearly reached the ears of every soldier.

"God bless your majesty!"

The Red and White Roses have fought in the civil war for thirty years. They are all veterans who have been through many battles. When they work together, they are much stronger than the big pirates of the Bay People.

Dozens of warships lined up and launched a fleet salvo, which was also terrifying.

But the maze is not just fog, but also a supernatural level of perception shielding.

Without the corresponding authority, the third-level [Navigator] cannot see through the defense in the port.

In addition, the naval guns have a very poor hit rate at a distance of two hundred meters, and the destructive power of the fortress guns in the port is very limited.

Even if they continue to bombard like this for ten days and half a month, Iron Anchor Bay can still bear it.

For a while, the war situation seemed to be in a stalemate.

If [Pied Piper's Shepherd's Flute] can successfully calm the completely mindless tentacles and return them to the seal in a short period of time.

The York family's loss is only the Red Beard gang, which is not a serious injury.

But Byron, who has a blood feud with White Rose, does not want to send this Strait Fleet back intact.

Seeing that the other party was not pulled into the maze in one breath and was stranded in the complex waterways, Byron secretly said it was a pity.

"Even if these traitors have taken over my family's fleet.

This batch of warships, especially the third-class battleships, is at least equivalent to one-third of their assets.

If this fleet can be destroyed, it will definitely make the newly crowned Edward IV very anxious.

Under internal and external troubles, many vassals who originally belonged to Lancaster will be in a much better situation in the kingdom.

In the future, my chances of getting along with both sides will be much greater.

Besides, if the old people of the York family don't die and vacate their positions, how can I, the new "confidant" of the York family, smoothly take the position in the future?"

As soon as this bold idea came into being, it took root deeply in Byron's mind and could never be shaken off.

A series of plans took shape quickly.

Pulling Violet to one side, the two whispered a few words.

He then took out the [Echo Conch] and corrected himself into Red Beard's confidant [Executioner] Bill.

Recalling the information obtained from the echo record and the specific information of the person he was talking to in his memory, he silently organized his words and pretended to be flustered and said:

"Hello, Colonel Norwich, are you there?"

The two held their breath and waited for a while, and then a voice that was obviously very unexpected came from inside:

"Are you Bill, Redbeard's subordinate?

I seem to have heard your voice several times when I communicated with him before."

Redbeard was a very good person. He had already passed a detailed list of pirates to the Admiralty.

Even little Norwich knew that Bill was his trusted confidant.

After confirming Bill's identity, he quickly asked:

"Where is Redbeard? Have you got the position of [Overseer]?"

Byron was possessed, and his voice was choked with sobs:

"It's too miserable, Colonel Norwich, our [Vengeance] is really miserable.

We were accidentally tricked into Valhalla by those treacherous Bay people, and then we were besieged. My brothers suffered heavy losses.

Even the first mate and the captain's guards were all killed in the battle.

However, we finally won just now!

After coming out of Valhalla, I saw that the fortress guns in the port were firing outwards, and I knew that you must have encountered trouble.

The captain led the crew to block the enemy's big pirates without saying a word, and blew up some of the fortress guns."

Beside him, under the command of Violet, there was a shout of killing at the right time.

Many of the fortress guns in the port suddenly misfired, just like the real thing.

Among them was a second-level [Singer] of the Hall Sequence, who imitated Red Beard's shouts vividly.

"The captain asked me to inform you that he will open the maze lock. Please command the fleet and come to support as soon as possible.

Those Bay residents are going crazy and are fighting desperately. Please support them as soon as possible!"

He winked at Violet, who immediately activated her authority to slowly dissipate the milky white mist that formed the maze lock on the periphery.

However, the mist was too thick, and it might take some time for it to completely dissipate.

This strategy is not complicated, just to find a way to trick the other party in.

As long as they enter the range of the maze lock, they can close the door and fight the dog again, and start the all-round one-way hanging mode (Chapter 23).

At that time, the fortress cannons will be fully opened, and this Strait Fleet will definitely be smashed to pieces.

Or simply use one or two months to trap them to death, and you can get a fleet for free.

"Okay, you hold on, I will report to the commander to support you."

The other party hung up the communication.

But they waited for a long time, but the fleet never changed its formation, and even the signal lights did not flash.

Only a lowest-level sixth-level cruiser left the main force and drove over carefully.

Byron shook his head at Violet, who was also disappointed:

"No, this guy didn't fall for it, he was a little too cautious."

There were not many direct members of the Lancaster and York families, and each had at most a dozen or so. Byron naturally knew their intelligence.

Even if he didn't listen to the echo record in the conch, he could tell which one was coming by looking at the other party's flagship.

"Little Norwich is a greedy and mercenary man. Under normal circumstances, if there is a chance to turn defeat into victory and recover losses, he will definitely not let it go.

It is even logical for him to instigate Old Norwich.

But now seeing how cautious they are, I am afraid that even if they miss the opportunity, they will not take the risk before the situation becomes clear.

Thinking more darkly, it is in their best interest to let the Red Beard's forces fight to the death with the Bay People and consume the Bay People's strength to the maximum extent."

Byron didn't know that Little Norwich had just received the teachings of his father.

York can pay the cost of trial and error countless times, but that cost must not be themselves.

And there is also a most important taboo: "Absolutely, absolutely do not let that thing soak in the sea water!"

Before the Iron Bay was completely disarmed, the King Edward would never take a step forward and risk being shot through the bottom of the hold in the leeward position.

However, York's defense may be watertight, but Byron's bad intentions are endless.

If one plan fails, he will immediately come up with another one.

He took out his octopus silver coin and summoned another man-eating shark.

Because the thirty silver coins have never been combined, the black mass ceremony of collecting group elements is still going on.

"It must be unpleasant to have meat but can't eat it in your mouth and can only worry about it.

But if you feed the 'meal' directly to the mouth of that thing, who will it choose to eat first?"

Since they don't come over, Byron will sneak over.

In short, you must eat this ** stick for me today!

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