Pirate Kingship

Chapter 90: The Touch of the Kraken

Fleet flagship, King Edward.

A 68-pound solid bullet happened to penetrate its lower side, almost hitting the waterline.

If the warship always maintains its current windward state, it will be fine, but once it resumes normal sailing, seawater will definitely flow back into the cabin.

In order to prevent water from leaking, the gun ports on the lower gun deck are all sealed. This layer cannot be used for combat, and naturally there are no combatants.

Only the ubiquitous law network monitors the entire ship.

The captain, first mate, second mate, and navigator are network nodes, responsible for dispatching personnel at any time.

"The lower deck is penetrated near the midship, carpenter, go and plug the hole!"

Upon hearing the order, a carpenter who had been on standby nearby immediately rushed up with tools.

"Yes, leave it to me."

A series of knowledge about the hull structure, material, materials, and the best repair plan flowed through his heart.

This crew member named Tom Rex is not only a carpenter, but also a first-level attendant [craftsman] of the tower sequence.

The talent [Encyclopedia] allows him to master all the skills in his field to perfection, and he is comparable to an entire damage control team.

Most of the highest-level [Craftsmen] that can be found on the warship will not exceed the second level.

Because as long as they reach the second level, they can master the core ability [Spiritual Casting]. If they are given sufficient extraordinary materials, they can stably produce the lowest-level wonders.

There is an extreme shortage of survival supplies on the ship, so where are the materials for them to practice the motto of "using knowledge to drive out ignorance"?

It's just a waste of life.

Unless it is an exploration ship heading for overseas routes, it has the opportunity to come into contact with all kinds of new knowledge and new materials, which will attract [Craftsmen] and other extraordinary people in the tower sequence.

Therefore, although Tom Rex is only the first level, his treatment and status on the ship are good.

Not only does he have the right to come to the lower deck, but he can also enter the university in the capital for further study without examination as long as he serves for two years.

Then become a scholar in a certain field, embark on the extraordinary road and the fast lane of life.

Unfortunately, today is not his lucky day.

He had just rushed to the hole through the messy lower deck with the guidance of the constantly flickering artillery fire from the outside world, and hung the whale oil lamp on the wall.

Through the wheel-sized hole, he saw a huge black shadow under the dark water surface, which seemed to swung its tail violently.

A figure jumped out of the water with the power of the tail and got in through the hole like a swimming fish.

"Ah, there is"

Before the craftsman could shout out, Byron had already grabbed his throat and easily broke his neck with a twist of his hands.

A first-level craftsman didn't even have half a combat skill, and once he was attacked, he was no better than a battle-hardened mortal soldier.

At this time, the [Whale Bone Amulet·Underwater Breathing] hanging on Byron's body dimmed again.

It was with this equipment given to him by Violet and the help of a man-eating shark that he was able to sneak out of the Anchor Bay.

Side effects: The maximum usage time is half an hour. If the time limit is exceeded, gills, swim bladders, scales, or other aquatic organs will grow.

He waved his head out of the hole, signaling a safe dive.

In the waves a few dozen meters away, Violet, who also used [Underwater Breathing] to lurk here, continued to stay with the shark.

The mission of this third-level extraordinary person is to assist the retreat and provide a bottom line for Byron's actions.

As [Craftsman] Tom Rex fell to the ground and died.

Two hounds suddenly barked in Byron's shadow, and an illusory human figure immediately emerged from the dead man's body and was pulled into the shadow.

[Wild Hunt Legion] was launched!

Tom Rex also became his first undead servant.

A cool breath flowed through Byron's brain, which seemed to make his thinking much faster.

"Not bad. After killing the enemy, you can choose whether to recruit his soul, so that the team is not mixed.

And this amplification ability seems to be related to the enemy's occupation in his lifetime.

Scholars focus on the spiritual aspect, while combat professions focus on the body.

This craftsman probably increased my basic quality by about 10%.

It's a pity that these undead servants don't have their own mental state in their lifetime, nor do they retain any professional abilities, so their value is greatly reduced."

Byron also knew that he was daydreaming.

If even their extraordinary abilities in their lifetime can be retained, then the [Wild Hunt Legion] can be invincible in the legal system.

Integrating all sequences into one is probably a height that only gods can reach, right?

Only then, since this ability can continue to improve with the legendary degree, it is possible to imagine what it will look like in the future.

A red light flashed in the palm of his hand, and the [Blood Holy Grail] was activated to destroy the corpse.

After harvesting an undead servant, he harvested another blood of transmutation.

At the same time, the octopus silver coin on his body also absorbed the most distinctive label of the craftsman: King Edward crew member, Channel Fleet Navy soldier.

Byron looked at the clean ground except for a few relics, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Only 'one fish, ten ways to eat' can be compared with my frugality.

Sashimi, steamed fish belly, chopped pepper fish head, fish intestines fried eggs, fish bone soup, and finally even fried fish scales will not be wasted."

He casually nailed up the hole on the side of the ship with a wooden board, so that others would not find it for a while, and he could fool people.

He turned around and used cognitive correction to change into the appearance of [Craftsman] Tom.

The real undead servant Tom rushed into Byron's body and completed the partial possession.

Just like the ghost behind him at the beginning, the spirits have the inherent skill of "possession".

The undead servants who make up the Wild Hunt Corps can forcibly possess other mortals, and can also possess Byron's body.

Even if they have lost their extraordinary abilities and their memories are a little incomplete, their core instincts are still there.

With the "psychological disguise", even if Byron mixes into a group of people with complicated interpersonal relationships, he can still be like a fish in water.

"Since the stronger the strength during life, the stronger the bonus after death, the stronger the [Wild Hunt Knight] I will become after the one-time sacrifice.

It is better not to waste the remaining 19 places on ordinary people."

After making up his mind, he immediately strode to the end of the lower gun deck, where there was a wooden ladder leading to the bottom cabin and a woodworking passage for carpenters.

Thirty silver coins effect three: "Thirty silver coins are the price of selling the Son of God.

The only god [Bound Creator], with his own suffering, bears the sins of all mankind.

If the grotesques can collect all thirty silver coins in a set, they can completely complete the [Black Mass] ritual and redeem themselves.

But in the end, it will also awaken the master that the ritual is really pointing to."

Byron and Violet had already locked the body of that thing through those silver coins.

From Tom's memory, he saw that there was only a group of [Law Masters] stationed in the bottom cabin, and other people on the ship were strictly prohibited from entering and leaving.

Does this need to be considered? Naturally, he went straight to Huanglong without hesitation!

The footsteps faded away in the darkness.

The [Iron Law of Kingship and Magna Carta] that filled the entire battleship cabin and even the entire fleet did not respond from beginning to end.

Those illusory golden lions wearing crowns and holding pure gold scales all became blind.

Even if they witnessed the murder of their own crew members, they remained indifferent throughout the whole process and had no intention of warning the officers of their own ship.

When the circle of blue-green tattoos on Byron's index finger lit up slightly, they all bowed their heads and made way for the road ahead that should have been closed.

Obviously, if it weren't for the [Storm Seal Ring] in his hand, not to mention wanting to kill silently on the ship, even if they wanted to sneak on the ship, it would be impossible.

No wonder the York family vowed to kill them all.

Now he is to the York family as the York family was to Lancaster.

An existence that is eyeing their own royal power and may even replace them must not be left!


Mr. Tom, you don't have access to the lower cabin.

And there is no water in the bottom cabin, and you can't temporarily pass the woodworking passage. Please return to your post and wait."

Just when Byron was about to reach the entrance, a team of four navy soldiers holding sailor knives, led by a captain, stopped him.

The mechanical law network will ignore his existence, but these living people will not.

But what responded to them was

Boom! Boom!

Byron took a look at the lit [Whale Bone Amulet·Silence].

He turned the two shotguns [Organ·Black and White Keys] in his hand, stepped over four riddled corpses and continued forward.

Ordinary muskets will take in water, so Violet specially lent him these two beloved muskets temporarily.

One shot can kill a large area, and there is no place to hide in the narrow aisle in the cabin, which is better than flintlock.

It is still the full use of the blood of transmutation, the Wild Hunt Legion, and the octopus silver coins.

The ghost of the captain joined the team and is a first-level [Fortress Guard] of the Fortress Sequence.

Byron's physical strength has been strengthened a lot.

But the French net failed, and the gunshots were eliminated by the silent amulet. Others who were in the state of artillery battle did not notice that there were intruders in the heart of the warship.

Byron strode into the woodworking passage and found the cabin where a group of law mages guarded the "natural disaster" following the familiar chaotic flute sound.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and a group of law mages inside turned their heads and looked coldly at Byron who came in with guns.

"Tom? How did you get here? Get out!"

The memory of the extraordinary is far better than that of ordinary people. As a colonel officer on this ship, Little Norwich knows everyone and immediately scolds him.

If it is an ordinary sailor who trespasses into the restricted area, it is not excessive to shoot him on the spot.

Even the extraordinary must accept severe punishment.

Byron didn't even have the interest to look at this group of [Law Mages], and was immediately attracted by the painted pottery jar that they were clustered in the middle of.

Inexplicable whispers flowed through his ears.

That strange feeling was sticky and slippery, as if rustling tentacles flowed on the eardrums, and then melted into the smelly mud in the swamp and poured into the skull.

And in those extremely messy, completely illogical, and unsystematic crazy mumblings.

He vaguely heard a name that was so old that it had a decayed smell:

"Touch of the Kraken!"

Suddenly, Byron knew that this was just a kind of conjecture that best matched his cognition, and it did not mean that the indescribable existence was really called this name.

Just such a name, if ordinary people and some extraordinary people listen carefully, their SAN value may drop wildly and become mentally ill (Chapter 51).

But Byron seemed to hear:

"Steamed squid, steamed octopus, grilled squid, grilled octopus, marinated squid, grilled squid." Like a series of dishes, his mouth was watering.

Can't finish it, can't finish it at all!

As he finally finished the last piece of information fragment.

[Secret: The conspiracy of the Admiralty, historical influence 20] The decryption density was instantly promoted from 75% to 100%.

[Secret: The shadow of the Red and White Rose War, historical influence 31] The decryption density was also increased from 40% to 50%.

"Captain, you have received a spiritual gift and a new entry!"

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