
Hearing this, everyone became excited.

After leaving Cactus Island, everyone had been missing meals. In the small garden, they had experienced a near-death experience. Until now, they had not had a good meal.

Now the sea was calm, the weather was fine, and it was the right time to bask in the sun and enjoy a meal.

Besides, Sanji was a world-class chef. How delicious the food cooked by him would be.

Thinking of this, everyone's mouth was watering.

Even Yue Guang stopped swinging his sword at this moment, jumped down from the observation deck, and ran to the cabin first.

""Hey, hey, Moonlight, you are too anxious!"

Seeing this, Usopp and others were stunned.

He thought that Moonlight was not interested in anything except swords.

"As expected of Sanji, he could actually make this sword fanatic put down his sword!"

Nami couldn't help but exclaimed!

"No, I think you are mistaken. The reason why he is so anxious is because Mr. Luffy has already gone in."

However, Weiwei glanced at Luffy who had already disappeared without a trace, and couldn't help but said

"What? Luffy has already gone in?"

"Oh no, Luffy, you are not allowed to eat my share!"

""Hurry up, or you'll be hungry again!"

Hearing this, the stunned crowd rushed to the cabin in a hurry.

That's Luffy!

If one person is full, the whole ship will not be hungry!

If he has already gone in, they will really have to eat dirt if they don't hurry up! They must not let Luffy eat before them!


Sanji took a deep puff of cigarette, looked at this scene, and smiled leisurely.

For a chef, there is nothing more fulfilling than being recognized for his cooking skills!

Especially these guys, they are his recognized partners!

"Hey, hey, hey, Luffy, shut up!"



Suddenly, there was a deafening shout in the cabin...

An hour later, everyone was full of food and drink and lay on the deck to bask in the sun.

"It's so comfortable!"

Usopp stretched his body, feeling so comfortable.

The others were too lazy to talk.

"It's so comfortable."

Weiwei nodded and looked at everyone with envy.

After a meal, she had a deeper understanding of everyone, and she couldn't help but look at these people with envy.

Going to sea with a group of such companions, life is like this, what else can you ask for!

She also wanted to join in, but... thinking of this, her expression dimmed!


However, at this moment, Nami, who was observing the sea through a telescope, suddenly fell down from above.

"Miss Nami!"

"what happened?"


This sudden change immediately shocked everyone.

The sea was unusually calm, and everyone was basking in the sun on the deck, looking lazy. No one expected that something like this would happen.

Sanji was the first to run towards Nami.


A flash of black light appeared, and the moonlight suddenly appeared and caught Nami who was falling.


Sanji heaved a sigh of relief.

"What happened to Nami?"

The other people also gathered around and looked at Nami with a worried look on their faces.

"She must be sick!"

Yue Guang touched Nami's forehead, which was very hot, and Nami's face was also very red. Cold sweat had already seeped out of her forehead. She looked very uncomfortable and painful.

And her whole body was like a piece of red-hot iron, and her body temperature was constantly rising.

Hearing this, Nami reluctantly opened her eyes and smiled.

"I'm fine, I just have a cold."

Then she quickly said to Usopp

"Usopp, change direction quickly, the wind direction is not right, quickly steer the boat to the left!"

"Is the wind direction wrong? But it looks normal."

Usopp looked at the calm sea with a puzzled look, but took action immediately.

Nami has the absolute say in the direction of the ship!

"Miss Nami, don't worry about it. How do you feel?"

Sanji asked with concern.

"Her temperature is very high, I'm afraid she's sick!"

Weiwei said, looking at everyone

"Is there a doctor on board?"

Everyone was silent, and all looked at Nami.

It was obvious that Nami was the only one on board who knew some medical skills.

And now she was sick!

"This should be because of climate change. I got sick and I have to find a doctor. Otherwise, it will be very difficult."

Weiwei couldn't help but frowned.

"Woo woo woo……"

Just as she finished speaking, the calm sea surface suddenly changed.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the wind blew violently. The next moment, a super cyclone with a diameter of 20 meters suddenly condensed on the sea surface.

The storm raged, and in the blink of an eye it formed into a super typhoon, moving violently on the sea!

The sea was surging, the storm was rolling, and the world within a hundred meters in radius turned into a storm world in the blink of an eye! The sea water around the Merry immediately became wildly turbulent!

"Oh no, that's... a hurricane!"

"What happened? The sky was clear just a moment ago, how come it suddenly changed?"


Everyone was suddenly horrified, looking at the huge hurricane coming violently before them. The Merry was just an ant in front of it!

""Oh no, Nami, it's too late!"

At this time, Usopp, who was at the helm, shouted hurriedly, looking panicked.

He turned the Merry around as Nami said, but it was too late!

Now the Merry would hit the hurricane from the side!

"Damn, it was almost there?"

Nami forced herself to open her eyes and looked at the hurricane in front of her, full of reluctance.

"It was all because of this body that suddenly collapsed, resulting in just a little bit of difference!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this little bit!"

Moonlight chuckled, shook Nami's hand, and walked straight to the bow.

"Moonlight, are you going to do it?"

Seeing this, everyone's eyes flashed with shock. It seemed that he was going to cut off the hurricane?

Could a human being do such a thing?

"If it were someone else, it would be impossible, but if it were Moonlight, maybe it would be possible!"

Zoroun stared at Moonlight, not letting go of his every move, and at the same time, he was full of confidence in Moonlight.

"Usopp, steer the rudder!"

Looking at the hurricane in front of him, Yue Guang suddenly said to Usopp.


Ulp shouted!


""Breaking through the air and slashing with the sword!"

Yue Guang's face was as gloomy as water. He clasped the sword with his backhand, and the armed color domineering wrapped around the Kusanagi sword. The Kusanagi sword suddenly turned into a black sword!

Then a crescent-shaped sword energy suddenly condensed on the sword body.

Breaking through the air and slashing with the sword can continuously accumulate sword energy to make the power reach the strongest!

I saw that the sword energy continued to condense on the sword body, and finally turned into a huge moonlight!


Moonlight swung out a sword!

Then a huge sword energy of 20 meters long and wide was seen, with Moonlight as the center, slashing towards the hurricane!

The hurricane was violent, the sea was surging, the waves were raging, and it was madly surging. However, wherever this sword energy passed, everything was cut in two.

Suddenly, under the extremely shocked eyes of everyone, the huge hurricane with a diameter of 20 meters was cut in two at once, and the hurricane started from the middle and separated from top to bottom!

Then the two hurricanes were violent on the sea, forming one concentric circle after another on the sea surface, with this as the center, spreading violently, and the ocean currents also changed all of a sudden!

"Hiss! It actually cut through the hurricane!"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped!

The hurricane was indeed shocking, but the moonlight was even more shocking!

"Look, the direction of the current has changed!"

Zoro looked at the current, and at this moment he was shocked, but he was still able to remain calm.

"Now, Usopp, hurry up!"

Seeing this, Moonlight hurriedly shouted to Usopp


At this moment, without Yue Guang's instructions, Usopp knew what to do. He turned the rudder quickly, and the Merry immediately changed direction and left the hurricane far behind.

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