The moment Ulquiorra Cifer finished speaking, a shining golden star suddenly rose in the distant sky!

It was more dazzling than the sun, making the sky and the earth seem to become dim, and the world was reflected in a pale golden glow.

Looking at this sudden scene, Fiona was stunned in place, her brain fell into a brief blank, and her eyes were only the golden star shining in the sky!

“What is this…?!”

Time went back to a moment ago.


The roar of artillery fire, the gushing of smoke, and the bursting of fire.

A cannonball was fired from the barrel of a navy warship, shooting towards the island town.


The passing of the cannonball caused a whistling sound.

But on this rapidly flying cannonball, a tall middle-aged man stood on it, and quickly approached the island town as the cannonball flew.

And he was the admiral dispatched by the Navy Headquarters, Kizaru.

He stood on the flying cannonball, with his hands in his pockets, the navy coat behind him fluttering in the wind, and his face was full of calmness.

The wind was whistling in his ears, mixed with the roar of fierce fighting from the town.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the end of Kizaru’s sight.

The man was wearing a white suit, holding a sword in his hand, standing in the void, blocking his path impartially, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

“Enemy? Suddenly appearing~ It’s really scary.” Kizaru spoke fearfully, his tone was frivolous, and he sounded a little scared.

But in his body and actions, there was no fear at all.

He flashed and appeared in the sky, his hands crossed in front of his chest, and golden light appeared in his palms.


The power of the devil fruit was gathering, and the dazzling golden flash covered his whole body, forming a diamond-shaped golden star, the light was so bright that it even overshadowed the sun in the sky!

“Yashiniang Magatama!”

Instantly, countless points of light flashed.

Following closely, the light bullets poured down like raindrops, heading straight for Ulquiorra Cifer standing in the air!

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish…”

Since the superiors have issued an order to execute all members of the Angel Pirates on the spot, then naturally there is no need to hold back.

“Flash? No… just a flash.” Ulquiorra Cifer raised his lips slightly, holding the hand of the Black Winged Demon and slightly raised: “The power of the flash is not that weak!”

After that, Ulquiorra Cifer did not move his torso, and suddenly slashed with the single arm holding the sword.


A sharp and piercing buzzing sound exploded, and the terrifying sword energy flew out.

The light bullets that poured down like raindrops were all knocked off the trajectory like cotton candy caught in a net, and fell into the sea outside the town.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!!!”

The calm sea surface stirred up waves tens of meters high with the buzzing of the explosion.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

The shore.

Tiffany and her group, who were originally looking for food in the sea, not only did not catch any food, but were also frightened by the sudden change and fled.

“Big sister!!”

“It should be the navy! They are here to catch me, run somewhere else and hide!” Tiffany shouted.

However, several friends are still very loyal.

Given the two choices of abandoning Tiffany and running away alone or facing the navy with Tiffany, they resolutely chose to face the navy with Tiffany.

“No! Big sister, we will not run away!”

“That’s right!”

“Isn’t it just the navy? We will die if we die, we will not abandon you!”

“You idiots!!” Tiffany cried and cursed.

However, they may never have thought that this situation was purely accidental.

Although he was fighting with Aokiji, Yiyun was not far away.

Of course, I noticed it, and I also saw Ulquiorra Cifer slashing away countless light bullets with a sword.

He looked at the sword in Ulquiorra Cifer’s hand, and then looked at the slightly bent steel pipe in his hand.

‘Damn! I must get a sword later! ‘ Iyun swore in his heart.

There is no other reason.

Just because holding a sword looks cool!

In mid-air, looking at himself

His attack was so easily blocked by the opponent.

As a navy admiral, Kizaru couldn’t help showing some surprise on his face.


However, this little setback was obviously not enough to hit an admiral.

After a moment of astonishment, Kizaru adjusted himself back to his state, with his hands spread out in front of his abdomen, with golden light brewing.

“Yata Mirror!”


A beam of light shot out, forming a light track through the refraction and rebound of the sea, land, buildings and other objects.

Kizaru’s figure also shuttled through it, and appeared in front of Ulquiorra Cifer in a short moment.

“Hey? Have you been kicked at the speed of light?” A dazzling golden light condensed on his right leg, and Kizaru raised his leg and kicked Ulquiorra Cifer’s head at an incredible speed.


However, just when Kizaru’s kick was about to hit, Ulquiorra Cifer’s figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.


Even though the kick missed, the impact of its power left a pit of medium depth and cracks on the ground.

Somewhat surprised, Kizaru turned his head and looked at his side.

But he saw that Ulquiorra Cifer had been standing there without knowing when, slightly tilting his head, looking at him calmly with his indifferent eyes.

“Have you ever seen the real flash?” Ulquiorra Cifer raised his hand, and there was emerald green light condensing at his fingertips.

The terrifying breath as majestic as the sea descended in an instant, covering Kizaru and even the entire town!


Kizaru’s pupils shrank slightly, his nerves tightened in an instant, and his intuition was also frantically warning.


Must avoid!

Otherwise, you may die!

The whole body was shining with golden light at this moment. Kizaru rarely showed his loss of composure. He had met so many strong men and experienced so many battles.

Today was the first time for him to smell such a dangerous breath and feel such close death!

It was also at this moment that the virtual flash was condensed at the fingertips of Ulquiorra Cifer.


With a loud bang, the emerald green light beam shot out, traversing the void, destroying everything it touched along the way, until the flash reached the end and touched the sea surface many meters away.

A huge white mushroom cloud immediately rose above the sea, and the white air waves visible to the naked eye spread rapidly in all directions.

A deafening roar followed.


The sea set off a huge wave of a hundred meters high at this moment.

The earth seemed to be shaking violently in fear because of the terrifying power of Ulquiorra Cifer’s attack.

“Boom boom boom!!!”


Because my mother was hospitalized for surgery, there are still many trivial things to do today. I will post half a chapter first and complete it before dawn.

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