The battle was over, and the soldiers were trembling.

“Sand rustles…”

Dust fell, and gravel rolled.

Aokiji, one of the admirals of the Navy Headquarters, was defeated!

Half of his body was buried under the gravel, blood was flowing from his mouth, and blood was also flowing from his head.

His original clothes were already tattered, with holes burned by flames everywhere, and there were many obvious burns on his skin.

His breath was weak and he fell into a coma.

Beside his unconscious body, Yi Yun, who was also a little embarrassed, stood, with blood stains all over his tattered clothes and many bleeding wounds on his body.

Crouching down, Yiyun pushed away the rubble that was pressing on Aokiji, helped him up, and sat down against the wall.

Yiyun had never thought that he would do such a boring thing one day.

Yiyun didn’t know whether it was out of mutual respect between strong men.

He just felt that as a strong man, it would be too cheap to show off in such a posture, so he did it.

Maybe it was a superfluous move, but it didn’t matter.


Yiyun took a few steps back and sat on the ground.

From time to time, there was a deafening roar behind him.

It was the battle between Ulquiorra Cifer and Kizaru, but Yiyun didn’t care at all at this time.

He sat opposite Aokiji, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise. It was not a mockery, but a real joy from the bottom of his heart.

Yiyun laughed softly and became talkative as he rarely did.

“I never thought that real fighting would be so enjoyable. It’s a bit embarrassing! To be honest, I used to think fighting was so painful, and it was more comfortable to lie down and fight, but today, you gave me a new understanding of fighting.”

For some reason, Yiyun actually had some regrets that only appeared in martial arts novels at this moment, and felt that his victory this time was somewhat unfair.

Aokiji’s ice attribute ability was completely suppressed by the Sun’s True Fire.

It is no exaggeration to say that the moment he used the Sun’s True Fire, he had already established the victory of this battle.

Its power was too strong. Not to mention Aokiji, no one in the whole world could stop the Sun’s True Fire.

It was also at this time that the fierce fighting sound behind Yiyun stopped.

Ulquiorra Cifer returned to Yiyun’s side, and the Black Winged Demon in his hand also returned to the sheath at this moment.


“Dead?” Yiyun asked softly without raising his head.

“Still alive.” Ulquiorra Cifer answered calmly.

“Really?” Yiyun raised his head slightly, as if he was a little emotional: “This is good!”

Supporting his body, Yiyun slowly stood up. Perhaps because the battle was over and the adrenaline had dropped, Yiyun only felt a little sore and tired all over.

But his spirit was happy.

“Have a good rest, and look forward to our next meeting.” Yiyun glanced at the unconscious Aokiji, then turned around and walked back to the direction of his ship.


Ulquiorra Cifer glanced at Aokiji, said nothing, turned around and followed Yiyun’s pace.

“By the way, where is Sukuna? I haven’t seen him for a long time. It’s not like him not to come and join in the fun when there’s so much noise.”

“Hey!! Sukuna! That’s enough!! Time to go!!!”

“Tsk, shouldn’t we get some Den Den Mushi for each crew member? It’s not a good idea to keep shouting like this in the future.”

“Where can I get this thing?”

The plan to find the navigator is doomed to fail in this town.

However, Yiyun is not too entangled about it.

Just look for him the next time you land………..



Back on the “Pale Song”.

Yiyun found that except for Poseidon who was still on the ship, Sukuna and Fiona had not returned.

This gave Yiyun a bad feeling in his heart.

‘Oh no, my navigator won’t run away, right? ‘

Yiyun, who didn’t panic when he met the admiral of the navy, was a little panicked at this moment.

Without a navigator, the next trip would be extremely painful.

Whether you can reach the inhabited land depends on luck and time.

Having experienced it once, Yiyun doesn’t want to get lost at sea again.

Yiyun stood on the deck of the ship

While waiting anxiously, he even had the absurd idea of ​​”super-speeding up the waiting”!

After a while, Sukuna came back.

Yiyun was even more panicked.

Logically, Filona returned first and should have returned faster than himself.

But now, Sukuna has returned, but she has not been seen yet.

‘Will she really run away? ! Don’t mess with me! ‘

With this thought, Yiyun couldn’t wait any longer.

“No, I have to go find her!”

Yiyun turned over and was about to get off the boat.

But it was such a coincidence that he only turned halfway when Filona’s figure appeared in the distance.

This scene immediately made Yiyun feel relieved, and his hanging heart finally settled down.

He even waved and shouted enthusiastically, feeling a little happy that Filona could return.

“Hey~ Navigator, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

However, Filona did not respond to Yiyun’s enthusiasm.

When their eyes met, Fiona also avoided Yiyun’s sight.

“Huh?” Yiyun was a little embarrassed after being ignored.

However, he didn’t take it to heart.

Because no matter what, as long as she came back, as long as she could do things for him, as long as his ship would not be lost at sea, it would be fine!

Reaching out his hand, Yiyun pulled Fiona onto the boat.

“Thank you.” Fiona lowered her head and thanked Yiyun.

This sudden change of attitude made Yiyun stunned for a moment.

Before he could recover from this thank you, he heard Fiona say, “I’ll go back to my room first.”

Then, Fiona walked towards the cabin.

And Yiyun also spoke at this time, in a low voice: “Wait! You were possessed? Who are you? Where did you hide my navigator?”

“???” Fiona turned her head with a question mark on her face, completely not understanding what Yiyun was saying: “What are you talking about?”

“Haha, just a joke, just a joke.” Yiyun smiled again and waved his hand.

Fiona frowned at Yiyun and hesitated for a moment before returning to the cabin.

Looking at Fiona’s back, Yiyun’s smile gradually faded. He stroked his chin and narrowed his eyes in thought.

Strange, inconsistent.

In the past, Fiona gave Yiyun a feeling of alienation and distance, and sometimes a little preaching.

But just now, Fiona gave Yiyun a feeling of deliberately approaching, trying to get closer, but keeping a certain distance.

If this situation appeared alone, it would be fine, but when the two appeared together, there would be a very obvious inconsistency.

Combined with the fact that she was the first to return, but the last to return.

Something must have happened in between.

Thinking about it, Yiyun’s face reappeared with a smile: “Everyone is here, let’s set sail!”

He looked towards the land and the direction of the town.

Whether Fiona was slightly abnormal or whether something happened in between.

It didn’t matter to Yiyun!

As long as her knowledge of navigation could be used by herself before finding a replacement navigator, as long as she could prevent her ship from getting lost at sea.

That was enough!

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