Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 145 Kaido Joins The Gotei 13Th Squad! (The First Update Asks For Automatic)

Chapter 145: Kaido Joins the Gotei 13! (First Update Requested)

In fact, even before the battle with Kaido, Wano Country had already started forming the Eleventh Division.

As a team to protect Wano Country, this team was actually formed in a similar way to a mercenary group.

Captain: Zaraki Kenpachi.

Vice Captain: Yachiru.

Hmm, although every time Kozuki Hiyori expressed her desire to use the alias Yachiru as the vice captain, the old retainers like Jūshirō Ukitake vehemently opposed it.

It's not that they didn't support Kozuki Hiyori becoming the vice captain.

Although the Eleventh Division is only nominally in a cooperative relationship with Wano Country, in reality, Wano Country has almost handed over the position of the castle defense force to them.

Such power naturally needs to be controlled by the legitimate lineage of Wano Country.

It's fine for Zaraki Kenpachi to be the captain, but the second-in-command must be someone from the higher echelons of Wano Country.

But they don't support Kozuki Hiyori using an alias!

The Kozuki clan is so noble, how can they disguise their names?

However, in the end, even Jūshirō Ukitake and the others couldn't resist the persistence of the little girl.

The other members are not a big problem. There are many ordinary samurai in Wano Country, but the Eleventh Division has stricter requirements, so it took until now to gather the required number of people.

No one dares to slack off on this issue, after all... the Beasts Pirates' ships are still not far from the coast of Wano Country!

It's very strange. Although I don't know why, they insist on staying not far from Wano Country, neither leaving nor approaching.

But because of this, Wano Country needs Zaraki Kenpachi!

Even though many people are dissatisfied with Zaraki Kenpachi, including Kaido...

In fact, Jūshirō Ukitake is also somewhat dissatisfied. After all, Kaido has been cooperating with Kurozumi Orochi and exploiting Wano Country for a long time.

But when faced with Zaraki Kenpachi, I'm not interested in attacking someone who can't resist. If you like, you can do it yourself.

If I could defeat Kaido, I would have done it long ago!

Jūshirō Ukitake's mouth twitched, but he had to accept this reason.

In fact, this reason is also in line with the values of the samurai of Wano Country.

Then they could only silently accelerate the formation of the Eleventh Division - at least they had to try their best to bind Zaraki Kenpachi to Wano Country.

Although there are some conspirators who think that Zaraki Kenpachi is doing this intentionally, deliberately forcing us to meet his demands.

But more people chose to ignore it.

It's such a correct concept not to attack those who are defenseless!

This is the true samurai!

Do you dare to say he has a conspiracy? Do you dare not trust Lord Kenpachi, the demon god?

Seeking death!

Led by a group of brainwashed fans, these rumors quickly disappeared.

And Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care, as always.

Wano Country, Flower Capital, temporary barracks of the Eleventh Division.

Shinigami dressed in their death battle uniforms, swords at their waists, and the division insignia on their shoulders...

If someone who is not familiar sees this, they might really think that this is the world of Shinigami, not the world of pirates!

Everyone's faces were solemn, with a hint of sweat on their foreheads, standing in two rows, waiting for the arrival of that man.


The door of the temporary barracks was suddenly pushed open.

A tall man wearing a white captain's haori walked in slowly.

"I am the captain of Squad 11, Zaraki Kenpachi."

His footsteps were steady, his aura imposing, causing the team members to instinctively make way for him.

And behind him, Kozuki Hiyori hung on his shoulder, a smile on her lips.

"Listen carefully." He walked straight ahead, not even glancing at his team members, and said to himself: "I don't care about your age, background, or experiences."

"No matter who you are, none of it can be the basis or limitation for you to stay here... but there is one thing!"

Everyone instinctively looked at the man and subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

Then they heard him say.

"My requirement for you is strength."

His gaze was sharp: "I like strong people, I like those who can fight."

Direct, simple, and crazy!

A pure pursuit of strength, not caring about anything else.

These words calmly came out of this man's mouth.

For a moment, the newly recruited team members instinctively swallowed their saliva, feeling suppressed...

It was not only a clash of ideals, but also the immense pressure brought by this man!


Suddenly, a rough voice sounded.

Everyone was stunned, then instinctively turned their heads to look, and instantly widened their eyes.

The man who had just spoken was tall, with horns on his head, one of which was broken.

He was wearing a peculiar death armor, and even loose clothing couldn't hide his powerful aura, as if a beast had entered the renowned world.

Kozuki Hiyori widened her eyes, he is...

"I have arrived, as you said..."

Boom! Boom!

The man took big strides and stood opposite Zaraki Kenpachi.

Zaraki Kenpachi revealed a smile.

And at this moment, someone in the group instinctively said the name of that man.


Although Wanokuni is closed off, Kozuki Hiyori has already begun planning the founding of a nation.

At the same time, even though Wanokuni is closed off, Kaido's pirate group is not.

So the news quickly reached the leaders of the major forces.

"Is this true?" Admiral Sengoku was dumbfounded, his eyes vacant.

"Is this a joke?" Garp's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

"Kaido... 1.2... you have fallen too!" Charlotte Linlin narrowed her eyes, filled with hostility.

"Is this man... also a swordsman?" Hawk-Eye squinted his eyes and instinctively touched his sword.

Dragon looked at the intelligence he had obtained, remaining silent for a long time.

"Interesting, truly interesting!" Whitebeard laughed heartily, then took a big sip of his drink. "There are indeed many nameless monsters in this sea!"

However, there was a solemn expression in Whitebeard's eyes.

Because they all received a piece of news.

- Four Emperors Kaido of the Beasts was defeated one-on-one in Wanokuni and joined the organization established by that man!

Organization name: Squad 11 of the Gotei 13!

And the name of the man who defeated Kaido was...

Zaraki Kenpachi!

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