Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 146 Change The Target And Kill Charlotte Linlin! (The Second Update Asks For Automatic)

Chapter 146: Change of Target, Take Down Charlotte Linlin! (Second Update Requested)

That's the Four Emperors! The Four Emperors!

They are the unparalleled powerhouses among the late Grand Line emperors, with only four individuals!

Someone like that would actually submit?

And that guy named Zaraki Kenpachi dares to recruit him too?

How arrogant!

When everyone heard this news, their faces became incredibly stiff, so stiff that it made people wonder if they had turned into zombies.

First of all, the clearest point is that Kaido is definitely not weak.

To defeat him and subdue him, no matter what means, whether it's through respect or coercion, at least it represents the strength of the force called the "Gotei 13."

At the very least, there are now two Four Emperors-level existences: Kaido and Zaraki Kenpachi, who surpasses Kaido.

Representing the crushing of the other Four Emperors!

Although there may be differences in strength among the Four Emperors, it is unlikely that it would be to the extent where two Four Emperors cannot defeat one person!

"This is troublesome..." Sengoku from the Naval Headquarters had an extremely unpleasant expression.

Originally, there was a balance of power on the sea.

The Marines are one force, the Four Emperors are another force, and the Shichibukai are another force.

The three forces are not far apart in strength, which helps maintain balance.

It is very troublesome for any one of them to become too strong... it easily leads to war!

This is also the reason why he decided to implement the Shichibukai policy.

It's not that as a Marine, he doesn't want to eliminate those pirates, but the cost of doing so is too high, and the gains are not worth it.

In reality, the Shichibukai policy is effective, at least during Sengoku's era.

The early part of the Grand Line has already calmed down major conflicts, allowing the Marines to focus their energy on dealing with the wars in the late Grand Line.

This is also one of the reasons why Akainu dares to place the Naval Headquarters in the New World.

But now...

"Zaraki Kenpachi, Uchiha Madara, and Gilgamesh..." Sengoku's voice was low, "They are all troublesome!"

Uchiha Madara can defeat Marine forces, his strength is definitely at the level of the Four Emperors!

Or even stronger!

Gilgamesh doesn't reveal his true strength, but he can easily cause the greatest changes.

Why are there so many powerhouses in this sea?!

"Fortunately, we still have Saitama." Sengoku sighed, this can be considered the only good news for the Marines.

"So, Sengoku, what are you going to do?" Garp's face no longer had much laughter, instead, it carried a hint of seriousness. "According to the World Government's intelligence, Kaido has already started ordering his territories to change their flags to the Eleventh Division's emblem."

"This doesn't look like a false submission!"

As one of the Four Emperors, Kaido occupies a considerable amount of territory.

Most of it is under Kaido's flag, countries protected by Kaido, similar to the relationship between Whitebeard and the Fishmen.

But now, even the flags have to be changed.

If it weren't for their strong disbelief, they would suspect that they have truly completely submitted!

"Damn it, how could Kaido submit?" Sengoku's face turned pale at the thought of this.

"And that Zaraki Kenpachi, he really dares to recruit Kaido!"

In fact, it's not just Sengoku who feels the difference, even the people of Wano Country can't help but have some doubts.

Why recruit Kaido?

Kaido is like a time bomb, he can rebel at any moment if he gets injured!

Even if we don't consider his grievances with Wanokuni, we shouldn't have taken him in!

However, Zaraki Kenpachi didn't even bother explaining, and Kaido didn't even bother to respond. They simply didn't care to explain to those people.

Not only the people of Wanokuni, but even the members of the Beasts Pirates had many doubts.

However, Kaido expressed that if you love to obey, then obey, and if you don't, then get lost!

Compared to Wanokuni, the Beasts Pirates were completely under his control, and he didn't need to say much.

There were very few in the entire pirate group who dared to voice their dissent - voicing dissent was an easy way to get killed!

So, although many members of the Beasts Pirates were dissatisfied, they ultimately obeyed Kaido's orders and joined the Gotei 13.

As for those who wanted to leave...

They were killed.

Are the Beasts Pirates a group where you can come and go as you please?

Well, it was Kaido himself who took action, and the people around him seemed to have poor memory and completely forgot what Kaido had said before, "If you don't obey, then get lost."

Or maybe what he said afterwards was, "If you don't obey, then go die."

The Beasts Pirates were relatively stable, but there were many in Wanokuni who held opposing views.

Especially some samurai who had grudges against the pirates, they simply didn't want these people to join their ranks.

And finally, Kaido said the first words to them.

"Is the Eleventh Division yours, Wanokuni?"

With just this sentence, everyone was left speechless.

If it's not your influence, why can't members who have grudges against you join?

"Wait and see, he will rebel sooner or later!" Many warriors secretly thought.

However, what no one expected was that Kaido actually followed all the rules of the Eleventh Division, and even if he made occasional mistakes, he accepted punishment.

There was even a time when a group of warriors whose family members were killed by the pirate group sought revenge on him, but he didn't pursue it. He just used his strong body to endure their attacks.

He only turned around and left when the attackers got tired and their swords became dull.

At this time, the news that the Four Emperors had submitted to a man who had never been heard of before had already been published in the newspapers, spreading throughout the entire sea!

It caught everyone's attention!

The Four Emperors, actually submitting?!

Many people were almost wide-eyed in disbelief.

Even the group led by Gilgamesh, who was about to set sail to conquer Kaido, showed great surprise!

"Kaido actually submitted..." Shiryu widened his eyes. "Unbelievable."

The Hunter of the Black Moon, Catherine Dupain, calmly said, "Can someone like him still be a Four Emperor? They will definitely strip him of his title!"

"Yeah, he's our target after all..." Doflamingo smirked, his expression (Zhao Nuo Zhao) much more relaxed.

At least they didn't have to directly confront a Four Emperor anymore.

But that man named Zaraki Kenpachi actually defeated and made Kaido submit...

There really are monsters everywhere in this sea!

"My king, what should we do?" Doflamingo turned to ask.

"Hmph." Gilgamesh held the newspaper, a disdainful expression on his face. "He truly is a false king who disrespects me, yet he can still submit to others... Fine."

"For the sake of him soon losing that title that offends me, let's temporarily ignore him!"

"Doflamingo, among the remaining three Four Emperors, which one is closest to us?"

Doflamingo's mouth twitched at the question.

He couldn't possibly be thinking...

But he still spoke, "It's Charlotte Linlin of Wanokuni."

"Good, then let's change our target and go kill her!" Gilgamesh said without hesitation.

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