"No need to explain! In the end, even Ling Bai's sword was taken away by Gion. Do you think the entire G-1 couldn't tell?" Kong said in a deep voice.

"I don't think so!" Zefa said coldly.

"Not what you think! But what I think!"

Kongji said domineeringly, "Zefa, don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Taking advantage of He's concern will cause chaos and change the conditions for judging generals. You want to push Sakaski to the top and make the hawks stronger." increase?"

"Where are you talking to yourself?" Zefa said disdainfully.

He had no idea what Sora was saying.

Taking advantage of Crane's concern leads to chaos?

He didn't know until halfway that Gion was going to participate in the general battle!

"No need to pretend to be stupid! You and I are both sensible people! To be honest, for you to have such a scheme, I underestimated you before!"

Kong's tone was very cold, "But you are wrong! When I returned to the Holy Land, I had already reported the names of Porusalino and Kuzan, and the superiors have already approved them! In other words, they must be generals!"

"so what?"

Zefa watched with cold eyes, silently watching Kong's self-righteous analysis.

"And you didn't expect that Gion would be so strong that he could even compete with Ling Bai in swordsmanship! In that case, why doesn't the higher ups need a more loyal and stronger general?" Sora sneered.

"Didn't you say that Ling Bai was appointed as a general by the higher authorities?" Zefa asked in return.

"It's just to ensure Ling Bai's attitude towards the world's nobles! The lieutenant general can also arrange tasks!"

"You want to stop Ling Bai from becoming a general?" Zefa said angrily.

"Hmph! Zefa! You really shot yourself in the foot! Now the entire G-1 is discussing that Gion has the appearance of a general, even if you don't give him the position of general!"

"Is Ling Bai gone?"

"He is the loser after all! It's normal for him to drink and get into trouble and lose the position of general! I was going to ban him from drinking at the beginning, but something went wrong accidentally. Now you have to pay the price for spoiling him!" Sora's tone was difficult. Cover your pride.

"You won't succeed!"

"No! It's over! And didn't you even think of a code name for Gion? Admiral Momo Usagi! Very good!" Sora said meaningfully.

"Crane told you?"

"She also thinks Ling Bai doesn't want to be a general! How ridiculous! That drunkard can drink unscrupulously once he becomes a general. The only person who can control him is you, who is conniving. If I were him, he would definitely become a general!" Kong said. Make your own judgment!

"Damn it!" Zefa gritted his teeth.

"I have already announced in G-1 that the new generals are Kizaru, Aoki, and Taotu! As for Ling Bai, he missed the general position due to a drunken mistake. Sakaski is the only one who has only failed, let alone Maybe become a general!"

"Song! It is my right to declare the general!" Zefa said bitterly.

"But the people below don't think so! As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, I seem to have better recognition! I will return to the Holy Land to report soon! If you want to make a complaint to the superiors in person, just come!"

After saying that, Kong hung up the phone.

Zefa looked at the phone bug, but there was no trace of anger at all.

With a sneer on his lips, he cursed: "Idiot!"

Kong didn't know Ling Bai at all, so he relied on his own subjective assumptions to judge Ling Bai's behavior!

The more important thing is to regard everything here as his plan.

Now among the three generals, neither Ling Bai, who is his confidant, nor Sakaski, who is the hawk, has been promoted. Sora must still feel that he is extremely wise in the office!

"Remember to be a little angry when you go back..."

Ling Bai said with a grimace on his face, "I'm so depressed, I can't be a general anymore... I want to drink alone when I go back to drown my sorrows!"


Zefa has never been in such a good mood as he is now. He turned to Xiu Zuo and said, "Take the people and drive the boat back slowly! They and I will go back to G-1 first!"

With that said, Zefa glanced at Porusalino and Kuzan and said, "Since you are generals, there are some things you should say and some things you should not say. You should know something in your mind!"

"Um...I fainted, I don't know anything..." Porusalino said.

"When I came here, I slept all the way, but then I was beaten until I was unconscious. It was so difficult!" Kuzan also sighed.

"Then let's go! Get ready for the cheers of the G-1 Navy!"

Zefa knew that the secret manipulation of Gion did not touch the interests of Porusalino and Kuzan, so the two of them would not say anything.

Now, Kong is definitely on his way to the Holy Land. Even if the truth is exposed later, it will be cooked rice without anyone paying attention!

The group of people returned to G-1 from the mirror world, and there were many marines watching in the square!

"Peach Rabbit! Peach Rabbit! Peach Rabbit!"

Gion’s voice is the loudest!

A powerful female swordsman, and so beautiful, she is naturally the most popular!

"Kizaru! Kizaru! Kizaru!"

"Green Pheasant! Green Pheasant! Green Pheasant!"

Porusalino, Kuzan and others also shouted loudly!

When Zefa saw it, he knew that Kong had already given a speech and the coffin was sealed.

"Send Sakaski to the infirmary! You three! Come to the meeting with me!" Zefa ordered.

The three generals waved through the crowd and officially joined the ranks of the navy's top brass.

In the conference room, Zefa, Sengoku, Tsuru, Gion, Porusalino, and Kuzan gathered around the table.

"Empty left?" Zefa frowned.

"I know you are unhappy, but you must maintain basic respect!" Sengoku thought it was inappropriate to call Sora by his first name.

And He explained: "Marshal Kong was already on the warship bound for the Holy Land when he was on the phone with you."

"It's quite fast..." Zefa said with a straight face.

The atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became depressing.

Warring States and He both sighed secretly in their hearts.

Ling Bai failed to become a general, Zefa must have suppressed his temper at this time, and they all understood.

He changed the subject and said: "Gion, I didn't expect that your military rank would be higher than mine so soon! Congratulations, I will also call you General Momotu from now on!"

Gion looked embarrassed and said: "Sister He, I don't want to lie to you, but actually..."

As she spoke, she hesitated to speak.

She couldn't say that Ling Bai didn't want to be a general, so he promoted her to the position.

After all, the impact was too great. If He reported it, it might cause bad consequences to Ling Bai.

"But what?" He asked concerned.

She could tell that although Gion won, he was quite worried.

But Zefa was slightly happy.

Gion used to know everything about He, but now he hesitates, which shows that he is starting to think more about Ling Bai.

"Hmph! Crane, I told you a long time ago, be careful not to lose the rice!" Zefa thought to himself.

Gion could only say: "I didn't win against Ling Bai, he gave up to me..."

It's not a lie, but it doesn't explain the reason either.

"Of course I know this! But this is Marshal Kong's arrangement, so you can be a general with peace of mind!"

Tsuru held Gion's hands in his palms and smiled warmly.

At this time, Zefa looked at Warring States and said, "Warring States, do you still remember the bet we made at the G-5 branch?".

Chapter 226 g-Wine Branch (8/8, please give me flowers!)

Warring States thought that Zefa would find fault with He, but he didn't expect that he would be mentioned as soon as he came.

"Wha... what kind of bet?" Zhan Guo said with eyes averted.

"Are you deadbeat? Is this your style?"

Zefa raised the corner of his mouth and was not in a hurry, staring at Warring States meaningfully.

"Don't look at me like that!"

Warring States didn't want to face Zefa like this.

But the problem is that Zefa did become the navy marshal according to the bet that day.

"What did you bet on?" Crane asked.

She looked at Seng Guo's coquettish look, and it seemed that he was gambling quite a bit!

"Warring States, tell me!"

Zefa sat in his seat with his head raised slightly.

Warring States gritted his teeth and admitted: "We bet on who can become the marshal of the navy in the end!"

"Then...what will happen if we lose?" He asked worriedly.

Since Kong was promoted to commander-in-chief of the entire army, the two have been fighting openly and secretly, and their relationship has been awkward several times.

This has calmed down a little bit, don't let the bet break down again!

"Whoever loses, go and be an instructor in the training camp..." Warring States said with great regret.

At that time, my head was filled with excitement, and I was moved by Zefa's brotherly love and agreed.

Now that I think about it, it was really stupid.


He's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it, "Zefa has always been an instructor in the training camp, and you bet on this condition?"

If this spreads out, the reputation of the wise generals of the Warring States Period will be ruined.

And Zefa said seriously: "If I lose, I will do my best to make all arrangements and actions of the Warring States Period, and I will never let my personal emotions influence my judgment!"

Hearing the sound, He's expression was even more surprised!

Obviously, Zefa's stakes are also high. It takes a lot of perseverance to make an absolute hawk support the actions of a dove.

"You two are really generous!" Porusalino said in a strange tone.

"you shut up!"

Sengoku glared at Porusalino, but his expression was stern but his heart was filled with anger.

"If you want to default on your debt, I can't help it! After all, Kong made you the deputy marshal, isn't it just to keep an eye on me?" Zefa said with a smile.

Hearing this, He finally understood Zefa's intention.

This is a big chess game. Zefa has long seen that even if he really becomes the marshal, Warring States will definitely be the one who hinders the implementation of the plan, so he made a bet long ago.

And with the character of the Warring States Period...

"It's not good..." He knew Sengoku very well.

Although there are some shady methods, there is still a bottom line, and you will never do such a thing as cheating.

Sure enough, Warring States took a deep breath and said: "I will go to the training camp to be an instructor! Danzifa, Marshal Kong will definitely arrange others to stop your actions!"

"That's true..."

Zefa touched his chin and said with interest, "Actually, the content of our bet is that no matter who becomes the marshal in the end, the other party must fully support it, right?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Warring States said in a deep voice.

"I have arranged for someone to be in charge of the training camp!

In contrast, I hope you can use your wisdom to help me eliminate the pirates!

Just like this "hunting" plan, without your constant suggestions, we wouldn't be able to get such a good personnel battle list! " Zefa said.

"You still want me to be deputy marshal?" Warring States understood the meaning of Zefa's words.

"The deputy marshal is also a marshal. In a sense, none of us lose, right?" Zefa said with a smile.

"How dare you say that!"

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