Warring States glared at Zefa angrily.

Obviously, Zefa was not prepared to let him go to training camp from the beginning.

The reason why I went around in circles was to sell him a favor, but he couldn't even hide it, so he had to owe one!

Zefa will definitely use it at a critical moment!

"It seems you already understand..."

Zefa smiled slightly, looked at He again, and said, "This time, I recommend your sister to become a general. Are you satisfied with Counselor He?"

"Zefa, just say it if you have anything to say! I know you are unhappy in your heart, but now that Gion is a general, don't think of doing anything to her. The worst... I owe you a favor." !”

He could naturally see what Zefa meant.

But she was really worried that Zefa would use his power to arrange for Gion to go somewhere randomly.

"I didn't say anything..." Zefa spread his hands, acting innocent.

In my heart, I am actually quite satisfied.

And he could feel that since Gion was pushed to the forefront, He was obviously not as calm as usual, and many of his judgments were biased.

This is where caring leads to chaos...

"Let's have a meeting! The matter about the Navy's G-9 branch should also be put on the agenda!" Zefa said.

"You still want to build G-9?" He frowned, "Didn't Marshal Kong say..."

"I am the marshal of the navy now!" Zefa said solemnly, "All actions of the navy are subject to my command!"

"You have to apply to the higher authorities to build a naval branch!" Warring States reminded.

This is a matter of process.

"Did Kong ever abide by the rules when he announced his general?" Zefa asked rhetorically.

Hearing the sound, Warring States and He were helpless.

In fact, they all know that the appointment of an admiral is a matter for the navy marshal, and Sora should not interfere at all!

Now that the quarrel has reached this point, the face has been broken to a certain extent!

"Forget it, just think of it as giving Ling Bai a comfort..."

He knew that they were wrong in this regard now, and he really couldn't persuade them.

With the position of G-9 branch chief, Ling Bai might not care if the general loses the election.

When Zefa saw this, he really wanted to laugh!

But he knows that now he is a naval marshal who is very unhappy about being bullied, and he must take the opportunity to make more demands!

A series of deployment arrangements continue. For example, from today on, the G-1 branch will be completely changed to the Navy Headquarters!

Both Sengoku and He felt Zefa's hawkish style and actually dared to locate the Navy Headquarters in the New World!

While sighing, he could only agree, there was no other way.


Time flies by like a flash, and in the blink of an eye, another half month has passed.

The Navy's G-9 branch is under construction in full swing.

Ling Bai finally got his wish and settled on Peach Blossom Island!

"General Peach Rabbit!"

Someone spotted Gion coming out of the mirror world and immediately stood up straight and saluted.

"Where is Lieutenant General Ling Bai?"

Gion also gradually adapted to his status as a general, and every move he made was quite powerful.

"Um... The G-9 brand should still be engraved..." the Navy reported.

"Is he carving? Does he still know stonemasonry?"

Gion was slightly surprised.

There is still a huge difference between masonry and shipbuilding carpentry. The methods of processing raw materials are different. Ling Bai actually knows masonry.

She hurriedly went to look for Ling Bai outside the branch building, which was beginning to take shape!

And there, she saw the extremely elegant stone carvings with dragons and phoenixes—

"G-wine branch!".

Chapter 227 Even if you still have me in your heart (please give me flowers!)

"It's really your style..."

Gion laughed dryly.

G-9, isn’t it just G-wine? .

Moreover, the stones are well-carved and the textures are coordinated. The appearance of the entire naval branch building is purely made up of various patterns of wine bottles, which is extremely complicated!

Not to mention the uncanny achievements in craftsmanship, it must have taken a lot of time to conceive and modify, and it is a unique work of ingenuity!

"From the drawing design to the stone carving, everything is impeccable, but..."

Gion stared at the G-9 sign with complicated eyes.

The font is powerful and powerful, implying the charm of the sword. Whenever a pirate with a sword looks at each other from a distance on the sea, he will probably think twice about whether he can provoke him!

The shock effect is self-evident!

If a certain word wasn't too conspicuous, it would definitely be the most magnificent building among all the branches. The World Government might even give Ling Bai an award and the whole army would praise him!

but now......

forget it!

While admiring it, Gion suddenly discovered a stone-carved peach tree on the top of the building...

"You still have some place for me in your heart..." Gion curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly, but he felt a little sweet in his heart.

Although the fruits on the peach tree are all wine pots, which seems to allude to Peach Blossom Island, in fact, this peach tree is not a random shape, but a wine peach tree condensed during the process of the sword's energy transformation.

In a sense, it is a true token of love between the two.

"General Peach Rabbit!"

When the patrolling navy spotted Gion, they all saluted!

With general-level combat power, the G-9 branch often appears in the depths of the New World without staying at the Navy headquarters. This is undoubtedly the most reassuring behavior.

"How's it going? Is our house okay?"

Ling Bai appeared next to Gion at some point, carrying a wine flask and looking at the appearance of the G-9 branch building with satisfaction.

This is the life he wants, a paradise built on a wine-making island!

"What about our family... we, nothing has happened yet..." Gion said with a slight blush.

"Then what's going to happen? I just made a bed out of fine mahogany wood. It can definitely withstand the torment of a general!" Ling Bai said proudly.

Hearing the sound, Gion's face turned red to the tips of his ears.

This is too fast...

She had just arrived at Peach Blossom Island and was not mentally prepared at all.


Gion subconsciously looked at Ling Bai.

The physical fitness to be able to punch something in the air and go to a holy place to recuperate should be...

"No! We can't let him succeed so easily!"

Gion shook his head vigorously, suppressing all kinds of strange thoughts in his heart, and then said with a straight face: "There are so many people outside, I am the general, and you are the branch chief, so be careful of the impact!"

"Then please invite General Peach Rabbit to enter the branch building to speak!"

Ling Bai took advantage of the situation and saluted like an extremely elegant gentleman.

The surrounding navy saw this and nodded repeatedly.

"It is said that Lieutenant General Ling Bai is a drunkard and thinks highly of himself, but yet he came out to greet him in person and showed respect to his commander. The rumors are really unbelievable!"

"And the temperament cannot be concealed. Although he is holding a drink, there is an air of nobility in his every move. He is not as bad as the rumors!"

"Don't be afraid of rumors. Those who are clean will clean themselves up! I admire you! I'm so lucky to be able to follow such a person and serve on the front line of the navy!"

The marines were all drawn from various branches, and most of them had only heard of Ling Bai's reputation in rumors.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I found that Ling Bai was completely different from the ordinary sloppy drunkard!

However, there was a group of marines who were quite speechless after hearing these words.

"These people are too young and have been fooled around by Ling Bai!"

"The aristocratic temperament is all an illusion! Everyone knows what that guy is like in his bones!"

"When they stay in the G-9 branch for a while, they will find out that they are really blind today!"

These people are the swordsman troops of the G-2 branch, who were transferred from Gumir's men by Zefa's order to guard G-9.

Although they didn't spend much time with Ling Bai, they had a deep impression of Ling Bai's drunken mischief!

Thinking back to the time when they were hit by the Neptune-like meteorite, everyone still had fresh memories.

Especially among them was the Major who was pushed out by Ling Bai's palm at that time. He knew even more clearly that Ling Bai's actions were not serious or serious when he was drunk.

"No rudeness! Lieutenant General Gumil ordered us to fully assist Lieutenant General Ling Bai, and you are not allowed to call him by his first name in the future!" Penn said seriously.

He has now been promoted from the rank of Colonel to Brigadier General, replacing Xiu Zuo, and is responsible for the daily defense of Peach Blossom Island.


The swordsmen readily accepted the order.

In fact, they admired Ling Bai from the bottom of their hearts, but when they first met, Ling Bai was still a corporal, and now he is a popular figure in the entire navy, so there was still a sense of gap in their hearts.

Moreover, this time at G-9, the swordsmen also express their dreams of accumulating military merit and getting promoted, so they will definitely work harder.

Peng En nodded and said seriously: "Okay! Lieutenant General Ling Bai ordered to fully support the winemaking industry of Peach Blossom Island. Today, we are going to invite several retired winemakers to brew out-of-print Peach Blossom Wine. Are you ready with the gifts? "


As the swordsmen said this, they couldn't help but feel depressed in their hearts.

They have been on Peach Blossom Island for so long without catching a single pirate, and they are busy reviving Peach Blossom Island's brewing industry every day. It really feels like overkill.

"Cheer up! The island has regained its vitality, and the local residents are happy. Only then can G-9 build stably. This is also for justice!" Penn said solemnly.

As soon as this statement came out, no one among the swordsmen objected.

Originally, when the Navy first announced that it would establish G-9, the residents of the island were still very resistant. However, as soon as the policy came out, the people of the entire island immediately enthusiastically supported the Navy.

Even they have accepted wine from the island residents, which is embarrassing...

"Let's go! Everything is for justice!" Penn shouted.


All the swordsmen said in high spirits.

At the same time, Ling Bai and Gion walked towards the branch director's office.

"It's going very fast. It's almost completed!"

After admiring it all the way through Gion, I found that more than 50% of it was complete, so normal work would not be a problem.

"I'm very efficient!" Ling Bai said, opening the door.

He works for at least five minutes every day!

However, as soon as he opened the door, Gion's eyes suddenly froze!


The cold murderous aura suddenly invaded, and the navy immediately trembled and broke out in a cold sweat even though it was far away!

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