Sometimes, he really hopes that Zhan Guo can join the Hawks, then he will definitely give up the position of the Navy Marshal without hesitation and steal leisure!

"This mission was specially arranged by Marshal Kong for Ling Bai. If we participate, it will only affect the effect! Go back and continue the meeting!" Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

He also nodded. The meeting at the Navy Headquarters just now has not been finished!

"No hurry! It's a rare trip to the deep sea. I want to take a vacation!"

However, Zefa was a little resistant when he heard about the meeting.

I immediately entered the Yunbian, found a recliner, made it, and lay down. He casually said, "I also need to live!"

"You are already a Navy marshal and still want to live?" Zhan Guo was surprised immediately.

"I've seen through it. The reason why you and Crane don't have a family is that you've put all your thoughts on being tools. How boring!"

Zeffa didn't take it seriously. He rested his head on his head and turned to Gion and said, "Gion, the mirror on your warship has been connected to the mirror world. Call your subordinates to drive the boat first and feel the deep sea. I'll give you half an hour off!"

However, before Gion spoke, Garp appeared from nowhere!

"Please give me half an hour off too!"

While everyone was in doubt, Garp also dragged a recliner to the Cloudside, holding snacks and tea in his hands, and threw a bag to Zefa.

"Why are you here to join in the fun?" Crane was speechless.

"It's because you three are in a hurry that my subordinates are worried about me, so I came to inform me! But even my nap was disturbed!"

Garp didn't take it seriously, but he looked at the deep sea with interest.

There was no light around, as if it was night, but there was a faint glow. I don't know what creature was glowing.

The sound of life that appears and disappears from time to time is like a beautiful melody, showing the other side of the sea hidden under the surface to everyone without reservation.

"How can there be high-level people like you!"

Zhan Guo said with disdain, but he also dragged the recliner very consciously...

"How come even you..." He widened his eyes!

She felt more and more that since Zefa became the marshal, Zhan Guo's long-term tense nerves gradually relaxed, and sometimes he would follow Zefa and Garp toss around!

"These two old guys are lying down, do I have to worry about it alone? I'm not the admiral of the navy!"

Zhan Guo curled his lips and lay down, but took the tea that Garp handed to him with a smile, grinned, and took a sip, "It smells so good!"

Seeing the three old guys lying down, He suddenly felt a headache.

"Sister Crane..." Gion gently put his hand on Crane's shoulder.

"Gion! Don't worry about them! Let's go!" Crane said angrily.

"No... Sister He, I brought you the recliner..." Gion said awkwardly.


He looked behind him. Gion even helped her set it up. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "Where did Yunbian get so many recliners?"

Now, it was Tina's turn to be embarrassed. She explained, "Lieutenant General Ling Bai said that if there is a mission, we should perform it seriously, if it is time to train, we should train with all our strength, and if it is time to enjoy... we should know how to enjoy..."

As she spoke, the other navy officers on board the Yunbian smiled embarrassedly, dragged their own recliners, and came to the deck one by one.

"You all have it?" He was confused.

When the warship is traveling, the navy officers should stand upright on the deck in a military posture and show their military style!

Is it decent if they all lie down like this?

"We are just going for a stroll. Besides, who can see us under the deep sea? I still have mahjong tiles in my wine cellar. How about you four old people make a table?" Ling Bai said drunkenly.

"The military has a clear rule that gambling is not allowed!" He stopped him immediately, "You can only lie down for a while at most! Before entering Fishman Island, the senior officials must go back to G-1 to handle government affairs!"

"Yes, yes, I know..."

Zeffa waved his hands in boredom, but he chatted with Garp leisurely, "How is your grandson recently?"

Speaking of Luffy, Garp still had a headache, and said: "He has been clamoring to be a pirate recently! I beat him up!"

"Ah? Doesn't he admire you at all? It seems that you, as a grandfather, have no deterrent power!" Zephyr said with a smile.

Aside, Sengoku took over the conversation and said: "Your son is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and your grandson is still a pirate. You are really a genius in educating your children and grandchildren!"

Garp looked at the two old guys unhappily, but he couldn't refute it at all.

Zefa said playfully: "So you see how wise Zhan Guo is. He knows that he can't teach well, so he just doesn't even get married! How simple!"

"You are the only one who teaches well. A smoker and a drunkard, Smoker's reputation in the East China Sea is terrible!" He said contemptuously.

Isn't she the only one who doesn't get married?

"He, I'm teasing Zhan Guo here, what are you saying? Are you interested in Zhan Guo? If I say so, I will issue a marshal's order, and you two will just make do with each other!" Zefa smiled maliciously.

"You dare!"

"Get out!"

The two old people blushed slightly, and I don't know if they were angry or something.

During the casual conversation of the four people, the super giant sea king quickly pulled the Cloud Edge across the bottom of the Red Earth Continent and went upstream!

After passing another underwater volcano, suddenly, the surrounding light began to brighten, the underwater vegetation became more and more abundant, and a magnificent palace wrapped in a giant bubble film gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

"Is this Fishman Island?"

The sailors couldn't stand it anymore and rushed to the bow of the ship, their eyes filled with little stars!

"Okay! The break is over! Let's go back to the meeting!"

Zefa stood up and silently left the mirror world with Sengoku, Garp, Crane and Gion.

But everyone else had no time to pay attention to the higher-ups. They were all stunned by the "undersea treasure" Dragon Palace Kingdom.

(The transitional chapters may be a bit long-winded, but some of them are foreshadowing. I have given them more words to get into the plot I want to write as soon as possible.)

Chapter 236 He only has wine in his heart (please give me flowers!)

Fishman Island.

Dragon Palace City! .

"King Neptune! A navy warship is approaching! Brother Jinbei arrived at the bubble first and made first contact with it!" a tiger-striped mermaid reported.

"After all this it finally here?"

Neptune's beard trembled.

The Navy will definitely not ignore the fact that the Draconian ship crashed on Fish-Man Island. In fact, he has been waiting for it.

"Which general is here?" Otohime asked, holding her hands in front of her chest and feeling a little worried.

After all, when Saint Musgard entered Fishman Island due to a shipwreck, many residents of Fishman Street showed great hostility and tried to kill the Celestial Dragons and completely disguised it as a shipwreck.

"It's not the general's ship, but Brother Jinbei said that the one coming is more terrifying than the general. It's a lieutenant general named Lingbai!" said the tiger-striped mermaid.

"A lieutenant general more terrifying than a general?"

There is no news about Fish-Man Island. As far as Neptune knows, only the long-famous naval hero Garp has reached this level!

Who is this Ling Bai?


At this time, another Ryugu garrison came to report and said, "The warship has landed at the port of Fishman Island! Many residents of Fishman Street surrounded it! But they were stopped by Brother Jinbei! The situation is under control for the time being!"

"Report! The three waves of pirate groups stationed on the island in the past few days all evacuated the island after hearing that it was Lieutenant General Ling Bai's ship!"

"Report! There was a commotion on the island, but it quickly calmed down with the help of the Sun Pirates! There were no casualties!"

"Report! Brother Jinbei sent information that the navy is indeed coming for the shipwreck of the world's nobles. Let us be prepared!"

The news is very dense, sometimes the next guard will run in before the previous guard has gone out.

Neptune couldn't sit still in his position, and Otohime also accompanied Neptune out of the palace hall.

As soon as they reached the door, another guard sent a message and said:

"Report! Lieutenant General Ling Bai sent people everywhere to inquire and purchase the specialty liquor of Fish-Man Island!"

Upon hearing this last sentence of the report, Neptune's eyes suddenly widened with surprise.

"What did you say...?"

"Are you sure that the lieutenant general will buy wine as soon as he lands on the island?" Otohime was also confused.


The guards were sonorous and powerful, but they were extremely ashamed.

Everyone was very nervous at first, but for some reason the style of painting changed.

Neptune frowned, wondering what kind of medicine the lieutenant general was selling in his gourd.

"After landing at the port, we should go to Calder Square. Let's go quickly!" Neptune said in a deep voice.

The two quickened their pace, and a lot of news came along the way.

However, what Neptune and Otohime didn't expect was that the lieutenant general had not asked a word about the situation of the Tianlong people since he landed on the island.

"Is his mission really related to the world's nobles?" Neptune began to doubt.

Finally, in the bustling market of Coral Hill, Neptune and Otohime finally met the lieutenant general.

However, the scene in front of them made the expressions of the two people extremely exciting.

Countless mermaids surrounded Ling Bai, actually acting like a nymphomaniac!

"So elegant!"

"I can do this as a human!"

"I feel like my tail is turning into legs..."

Then, nearby, a group of male fishmen saw this and were filled with hatred, shouting that they wanted the navy to get out of the fishman island.

"Um... Otohime, your speeches over the years have not been in vain..."

Neptune has never seen his kind being so friendly to humans, although some are already on the verge of going berserk.


Otohime said in disbelief, and subconsciously looked at Ling Bai.

She found that although the lieutenant general smelled of alcohol, his manners could not hide his aura, and he seemed to be from a royal family.

And there were no navy guards around, so it was quite casual. Jinbe and arm-in-arm were just there bargaining with a wine merchant, leaving many on guard palace guards around dumbfounded.

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

Otohime spreads the color of what she has seen and heard.

Her ability to see and hear is very special. She has an innate talent of being able to hear the other person's heart by detecting the sound of life!

No matter how this lieutenant general behaves now, his heart will never lie!

However, as soon as the color of her knowledge penetrated into Ling Bai's heart, she suddenly retracted, her expression became stiff, and her eyes became quite strange.

"What's wrong?" Neptune frowned again.

In fact, he always felt that the lieutenant general was buying alcohol on the surface, but actually had ulterior motives.


Otohime said with some difficulty, "He only has wine in his heart. All kinds of wine make me feel dizzy..."

As he spoke, Otohime's body softened, and Neptune quickly supported her.

"And..." Otohime whispered, "He also plans to buy all the wine from Fishman Island..."

While talking, Ling Bai slammed the table and pointed at the wine merchant and said:

"Friends come from afar, so a 10% discount is not too much! Besides, I am the world's largest wine lover. As long as I say that this 'Sparkling Coral Wine' is delicious, Fishman Island will be rich by selling wine! One price, 1,000 Baileys per pot! Don't try to kill me!"

The wine merchant looked embarrassed, but after looking at Jinbe, his face became even more embarrassed.

In fact, the price of this sparkling coral wine is 1,200 Baileys, but when they heard that humans wanted to buy wine, the thugs in Fishman Street threatened all stores to raise prices!

For this pot, he called for 10,000 Baileys, and he felt guilty.

"Okay! You can still make money with 1,000 Baileys. Brothers from Fishman Street, I will find a way to settle it!" Jinbe said with a straight face.

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