He is one of the few people on this island who knows Ling Bai's strength.

Even Kaido and Big Mom were killed instantly, making it easy to destroy Fishman Island.

In other words, even if Ling Bai said that he wanted to rob the wine, he could only use the allowance from his king Qi Wuhai to compensate the store's losses, and he did not dare to confront him at all.

What's more, the price given by others was very fair. He was obviously an old man in the wine shop, and he knew what it was worth as soon as he drank it.


Even the boss of Fishman Street spoke up, and the wine merchant did not lose money. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "How much does Lieutenant General Ling Bai want?"

"How many do you have here?" Ling Bai shouted.

"There are three to four thousand in the store, and there are another ten or twenty thousand in the warehouse..."

"So few?" Ling Bai frowned slightly and said with some disgust, "Forget it! Go to more stores! I want all the wine!"

"You want them all?"

The wine merchant shouted loudly, his eyes immediately turning red.

When these wines are sold, the profit alone is worth millions of berriles, which is an unimaginable amount of money for a retail wine merchant!

"Tina, give me money!"

Ling Bai said hello and wiped his hand on a box of wine!

"Ding - the synthesis is completed, and you get a pot of sparkling coral wine, a magical product. After drinking, it can produce bubbles. The bubble toughness is MAX! It can produce exoskeleton, and the exoskeleton strength is MAX! If it is poured on a person, it can form a bubble film. and coral!”

Taking the Shen Tasting Wine, Ling Bai took a sip of pleasure and took Jinbei to the next liquor store! .

Chapter 237 The whole country cannot defeat Ling Bai alone (please give me flowers!)

Suddenly, the news that Ling Bai and Jinbei were buying wine at Coral Hill spread throughout the Fish-Man Island.

Ling Bai bargained wildly.

"For the sake of your brother Jinbei, why don't you give me less? This wine is worth 500 beli a bottle!"

"Do you have a bad conscience? How dare you sell wine mixed with water? Get out! I won't give you a cent!"

"Holy shit! Haizang wine? It's 100 years old! Bring it here! Don't run away! I'll give you money! A huge amount of money!"

Whether they are fishmen or mermaids, they all know that there is a guy who is deeply in love with wine, and he has a sharp eye, and he can tell the difference between good wine and bad wine at a glance.

Although the price was kept low, after the transaction was completed, the volume of goods shipped was terrifying and the profit was considerable!

And there is news from the Navy that a special alcohol collection point will be set up in Calder Square. The price will be fair and the price will be fair.

"How much wine has he bought now?" Neptune asked Prince Shark.

"The current account alone has exceeded 1 billion, and it is said that it will exceed 10 billion soon... Moreover, he even bought cooking wine..."

Prince Shark didn't know how to evaluate it.

Because they are located in the deep sea, their cooking wine ingredients are very different from those on land. Ling Bai took a sip and ordered to collect all he could.

"How did a lieutenant general get so much money? Have you confirmed that every family has received the money?" Neptune asked puzzled.

"Pay on delivery, order in person..." Prince Shark Star said with a bitter smile, "As long as the wine seller makes a lot of money, other merchants are jealous!"

At this time, Otohime ran over very excitedly and threw herself into Neptune's arms with a happy face.

"What's wrong?" Neptune asked with a smile when he saw the princess was so surprised.

"I can feel that everyone's relationship with human beings has significantly eased a lot, and the effect is better than the ten speeches I gave!" Otohime said excitedly.

"Most of the 'everyone' you mentioned are alcohol sellers, right? There are some drunkards on our island who are even more hostile to humans now..." Neptune said with a bitter smile.

"But it's a good start, isn't it? Besides..."

Otohime's expression suddenly became serious, "I heard Jinbei's voice. This lieutenant general killed the two great pirate emperors of the New World by himself!"


Neptune's eyes widened and he subconsciously placed his hand on the trident.

That drunkard turned out to be such a dangerous person!

No wonder Jinping patiently stayed with Ling Bai for a whole day to buy wine...

"Don't be nervous! Although I can't hear Lieutenant General Ling Bai's voice clearly, I can feel that he has no ill intentions towards Fish-Man Island! And he has been comparing a fish named Tom with everyone, saying that Tom Too fat..." Otohime couldn't help but smile.

"Does he have fish-man friends?" Neptune was even more surprised.

This is so strange!

However, at this moment, a mermaid who was about to report to Neptune was suddenly startled and said, "Are you sure it's Tom?"

"Huh? Dan? Has the world noble's ship been repaired?" Neptune said subconsciously.

The Celestial Dragon's ship crashed in the Forest of the Sea northeast of Fishman Island, so he asked Dan, the shipbuilder, to take charge.

But when Otohime noticed Tango, she seemed to have remembered something, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Is he your brother?"

"Well... some time ago, I received a letter from Cocoro, saying that an interesting lieutenant general who loves drinking visited the capital of seven waters, and my brother even helped build a warship for him!" Dan admitted. .

"What? Is it really your brother Tom? Didn't he build ships for Roger? How could he agree to help the navy build ships?"

Neptune and Roger had known each other for a long time, so they naturally knew about Tom helping Roger build the ship.

But he couldn't believe that the "Tom" Ling Bai knew was this Tom!

"I don't know the specific situation... The letter said that the lieutenant general's shipbuilding skills are very good, and my brother also learned a lot of techniques from him... Wait, I'll go find the letter!"

Because for a while, it was a lieutenant general whom he had never heard of before, so Dan could not remember his name clearly.

But when he returned with the letter, he handed it to Neptune with a face full of shock.

What is clearly described above is Ling Bai!

Between the lines, there were also words of Tom's approval of Ling Bai, which made both Neptune and Otohime extremely surprised!

"are friends!"

Otohime said in great excitement.

In his excitement, he quickly took the radio phone bug and gave a speech in the town!

In an instant, the story of Tom and Ling Bai became a good story, and all the fishmen and mermaids couldn't believe that there was such a shipbuilding friendship between humans and fishmen!

When Jinbei, who was buying wine with Ling Bai, heard these stories, his heart stirred up a storm!

The man who built a ship for Roger, the Pirate King, actually built a ship for a navy man!

It was by no means coercion or inducement, but because Ling Bai had real charisma, it was possible for the two to become friends!

"Brother Tiger! Did you hear that?"

Jinbei was in a daze for a moment.

There are actually humans who are willing to make friends with murlocs!

Neptune never expected that things would develop to this point, and quickly ordered: "Quick! Go to the Shell Banquet Hall to prepare a banquet! Take out all the wine stored in the Dragon Palace!"

He vaguely felt that Ling Bai might have a profound impact on Fish-Man Island!

After nightfall, all the navy were invited to the Shell Banquet Hall!

A magnificent palace, extremely spacious, bright and tall!

Looking at the deep-sea food she had never eaten before, even Tina couldn't hold back her saliva!

"Didn't you say that Fish-Man Island has a bad relationship with humans? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"Haven't you heard? The people who built the Cloud Bian are the fish people. We actually have a close relationship with this place!"

"Lieutenant General Ling Bai is so powerful. He won the respect of the King and Queen of the Dragon Palace not with his strength at all, but with his charisma!"

The navy never thought that they would be able to enter the royal banquet with the highest standard of reception.

In front of the large table, the smallest clam is as big as an elephant, which is absolutely full!

When Neptune ordered a banquet, the navy immediately feasted!

Next to the main seat, Dan and Ling Bai chatted about Tom's current situation. After hearing that his brother's sea train was almost completed, he couldn't help but sigh and gave Ling Bai a toast.

Afterwards, many fishmen or mermaids came to toast, and Ling Bai also accepted all comers and drank very happily.

After three rounds of drinking, the sailors couldn't eat anymore and collapsed in their positions!

The people in Dragon Palace couldn't drink anymore and slumped in their positions.

"Neptune! Why can't you handle such a large volume of alcohol? Come on, drink!"

Ling Bai was drinking happily, but headed by Neptune, all the ministers, generals, and even guards in the Dragon Palace from top to bottom were all drunk by Ling Bai!

"You have so much... I really can't do it..." Neptune gave up.

He never thought that the fish-men, who were born a hundred times stronger than humans, could not defeat Ling Bai alone with the strength of a country!

What a monster!

"Stop being modest! Come on, drink!"

Ling Bai came to Fishman Island this time and drank a lot of wine that he had never tasted before. It had a unique deep-sea flavor and he was having a great time!

But Neptune was really dying and lay motionless.

Helpless, Ling Bai went to find Jinbei again, but Jinbei also fell into trouble!

"Then tell me where is the famous wine you prepared for Whitebeard! I will let you go!"

"Where are the famous wines... I've brought them all to entertain you today..." Jinbei said confusedly.


Ling Bai looked at the divine wine called "Heart of the Ocean" in his hand and shook his head.

No wonder…

After finishing the palace wine, the last wave of wine was all divine. It turned out to be the famous wine for Whitebeard!

"Since none of you can drink it! Then let me drink it alone!" Ling Bai said happily.

Chapter 238 Doesn’t it look like I’m using my medical skills? (Please give me flowers!)

Early the next morning.

Neptune and Jinbe woke up from their drowsiness with splitting headaches!

Recalling the scene of drinking with Ling Bai yesterday, the two of them were really scared.

The entire Dragon Palace Kingdom has a huge amount of wine storage, but now it is completely destitute.

In fact, they only drank a little, and Ling Bai drank most of the rest.

The most uncomfortable thing was that all the wine on the market had been purchased by the Navy. In desperation, Jinbei had no choice but to send someone to entertain Ling Bai with the wine he was going to give to Whitebeard.

As for what happened next...

No impression...

Neptune rubbed his head uncomfortably.

He had only drank like this with Roger when he was the Grand Knight of the Dragon Palace, and never since he became the King of the Dragon Palace.

It’s so uncomfortable!

Neptune slowly opened his eyes and found Ling Bai walking not far away with a wine bottle, leisurely and intoxicated.

"Are you still drinking?" He was completely convinced.

The style of the wine pot is no longer Dragon Palace’s wine.

Apparently, after Ling Bai drank all the wine on Fish-Man Island, he took out his own wine and continued to enjoy it!

"Are you awake? Come on! Keep drinking!" Ling Bai grinned.

Then he stood up and walked towards him unsteadily, as if he wanted to continue the banquet.

"No, no, no! Lieutenant General Ling Bai is mighty and domineering, spare my life!" Neptune really didn't dare to drink anymore.

Jinbei's head was about to explode. He was afraid that Lingbai would drag him to drink again, so he changed the subject and said, "Don't you still have the mission of protecting the world's nobles? It's been a day, and you should go see... "

Ling Bai started drinking after arriving on the island and did not mention anything about the Tianlong people.

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