"Don't speak?".

Tetsuzaemon of the shooting range pulled out his soul-cutting sword: "Then don't blame me for being ruthless, I'll cut him until you tell me!"

At the same time as the soul-cutting sword was unsheathed, the man turned back, distanced himself, and raised his hand. Suddenly, a hurricane blew up. If it hadn't been for the captain-level spiritual pressure, he might have been blown to the ground. Madarame had already put his hand On the hilt of the knife, he wanted to take action, but was stopped by Tetsuzaemon of the shooting range. He said loudly: "Don't act rashly. I haven't started the fight yet. Don't hurt yourselves because you are half-hearted!"

He can become the captain of the seventh team and naturally learn the swastika. The long-term peace has left him no place to show his strength. Now that an inexplicable enemy appears, he naturally has to prove himself. However, when he wants the swastika , only to find that there was no way to free the soul-cutting sword, and only a large thick fog appeared. Under the pressure of the hurricane, the thick fog actually surrounded his arms.

All the captains knew that this thick fog was the ability of his Soul-Zipping Sword. However, this ability actually attacked him. Everyone was surprised. They opened their eyes wide. The Soul-Zipping Sword actually attacked its master. Such a thing could happen. Only Nirvana thought this kind of thing was really interesting.

The thick fog dissipated, and a strong man wearing black armor appeared in front of Tetsuzaemon at the shooting range. He immediately recognized it. This was the embodiment of his soul-cutting sword, Koi Kaiyu, and he didn't understand yet. What's going on? The opponent came over. Zanzaba's sword looked at him with irresistible pressure. Tetsuzaemon was unable to dodge and fell to the ground with a deep bone-deep wound on his shoulder.

He was too eager to prove his strength in front of all the captains, but it had the opposite effect. He was defeated by his own soul-cutting sword. No one knew what happened, why the soul-cutting sword attacked his master, and who the man was. But the current situation no longer allows them to study it. They can only repel them first and then slowly investigate.

"Sitting in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro dodged the Zanzatō swung by Koi Umiyu, and landed in front of everyone. He looked at his Soul Zanthōrō and murmured: "There is no way to solve it..."

Seeing this situation, they all made moves to release it, but no soul-zanting sword could release it, and they couldn't even feel the spiritual pressure. This was the first time this happened, even if the swastika was taken away by the Quincy. When it was solved, it wasn't so bad. At that time, at least it was still possible to solve it, and one could still feel the spiritual pressure of the soul-cutting sword.

"It's true that the spiritual pressure has disappeared."

Nirvana asked with interest: "How did you do it?"

"It's very simple." The man said softly: "To be precise, your soul-cutting swords no longer belong to you. Under my leadership, they have stood up from your death hands and gained a new liberation."

He waved his arms, and with the deafening explosion, the Jing Ling Ting was destroyed. Abarai Renji gritted his teeth and asked: "Asshole, what on earth did you do?"

"This is not me." The man said: "It was your soul-killing swords that destroyed the Quiet Spirit Garden. They have now been freed from your shackles. Come and say hello now. In order for you to understand deeply, my companion Their power, and the power you originally thought was yours."

The sirens spread throughout the Jingling Court, and the team members ran out of the team building and began to put out the fire. However, a large number of team members were attacked by people they had never seen before. It was the materialization of the team captains' soul-cutting swords. Then, the materialized soul-cutting sword appeared beside the man, and greeted its master with ill intentions.

They each have their own postures and their own consciousness. The Shinigami also realize that this crisis is likely to be no less than the invasion of Quincy. For thousands of years, the Shinigami and the Soul-Slaying Sword have been together. Such a battle The method has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. Now that the soul-cutting sword is lost, most of the Shinigami have lost their combat effectiveness, especially Quincy like Abarai Renji who has no ghost skills.

Kuchiki Byakuya walked out of the queue, looked at the man, and said slowly: "Who are you?"

"My name is Muramasa." The man said, "The days when the soul-zanting sword was dominated by the god of death are finally over. From today on, it is the era when the soul-zanting sword dominates the god of death."

Ikkaku Madarame still couldn't change his impulsiveness. Even though the Zanthakutō couldn't be released, he still drew the sword and rushed forward. With a bang, the blades collided. He was stopped by a man wearing a lavender kimono with long turquoise hair. That was Hitsugaya Toshiro's soul-cutting sword Hyōrinmaru.

"Captain Kuchiki, it's useless no matter how much you talk nonsense to them."

"no solution anymore……"

Immediately afterwards, all the captains attacked. They fought individually, and what they faced was not their own soul-zanting sword. It was like their attributes were incompatible. Kyoraku Shunsui felt that this was not the way to go. Even if they could win, they would not be able to kill him in the end. The one who died was still the Soul-Zanbing Sword, so there was no way to kill him. Moreover, their current fighting power might not be able to defeat them.

Chapter 220: Untraceable

As soon as they retreated from the cliff, the materialized soul-cutting sword fell on the Quiet Spirit Pavilion. Fires were everywhere in the Quiet Spirit Pavilion. The team building that had just been built was trampled on again. The materialized Feng Shi seemed to be targeting the rotten wood. The same as Rukia, chasing after her. Moreover, Rukia's shallow fighting and kido abilities are not very good. She can serve as the captain entirely because of the ability of the soul-cutting sword.

Just when she was shot down by Feng Shi and was about to be killed, Feng Shi in mid-air was suddenly blocked by a six-ray beam of light and fell from mid-air. Kuchiki Byakuya stood on the tower and said calmly: "Don't take it lightly. ".

"I see."

Muramasa said slowly: "As expected of Byakuya Kuchiki, he can actually make the powerful soul-cutting sword surrender."

After he finished speaking, standing next to her, the samurai wearing a ferocious mask stepped forward, pointing the sword blade at Byakuya Kuchiki. That was his Zanbento, Senbonzakura, Byakuya Kuchiki asked Rukia to leave here, and saw She was still hesitant, so he pulled out the soul-cutting sword and said slowly: "I don't want to say it a second time. In this battle, I can't guarantee that I won't accidentally hurt you."

After that, he took the initiative to attack, and the two of them kept colliding in mid-air. Byakuya Kuchiki was unable to gain any advantage. Senbonzakura said: "With just your sword, if you want to defeat my Sengan, I Even if you don’t tell me, you should know how reckless this is.”

Hearing this, Byakuya Kuchiki's pupils suddenly shrank, and the sword blade in Senbonzakura's hand turned into countless pink cherry blossoms, which were extremely dazzling under the reflection of the moonlight and swept towards him. Byakuya Kuchiki quickly retreated and pulled away However, the distance was still no match for Senbonzakura's speed. Together with the team building, it seemed as if it could not withstand the impact of the flood. He was submerged in the ruins.


Rukia Kuchiki wanted to rush to the rescue, but was stopped by Renji Abarai.

"Captain will be fine. Rather than this, let's take a look at the surrounding situation first."

Kuchiki Rukia turned her head and saw a young woman wearing a white kimono with long lavender hair and an extremely beautiful appearance. She was familiar with it. This was the embodiment of her soul-cutting sword Sode Shirayuki. When she saw Sode Shirayuki , Kuchiki Rukia didn't think about fighting at all. The first thing she thought of was that my Sode Shirayuki was indeed the most beautiful soul-zanting sword in Soul Society.

"Second dance, Bai Lian."

The next moment, the cold air hit the entire street, drowning her unprepared in an instant.

Almost frozen, the first thing she wanted was Ling Bai. He worked hard to find the location of the gate and entered reality. Ling Bai also felt his spiritual pressure and lost consciousness by the lake in Karakura Town. He carried her to the Urahara store. He thought that if it was Urahara Kisuke, he should be able to explain what happened in Soul Society.

After Kuchiki Rukia woke up, she told them what happened in Soul Society. Urahara Kisuke didn't know what was going on. He wanted Yoruichi to go back to Soul Society to investigate first, and most importantly, he and Ling Bai There is nothing strange about their soul-cutting swords. Is this because they are in this world?

In just one day, Yoruichi returned here from Soul Society. Rukia quickly asked: "Yorichi-sama, how is the situation in Soul Society?"

"It doesn't matter." Yoichi said: "Listen to me slowly. This incident is far less serious than the disaster caused by Yhwach, but it will be hard to say after that. The battle has come to an end. The Jingling Court is miserable, and countless The building was destroyed and the ground was full of wounded people. I went to the ambulance duty room of the Fourth Division, and I heard from the people there that the materialized soul-cutting sword suddenly disappeared without a trace after the riot. "

Hearing this, Kuchiki Rukia lowered her head. Such a situation was not what she wanted to see, and she was still the captain. If she were not here, the situation of Team 13 might be even worse.

However, according to what Yoruichi said, Broken Bee has led the secretive and mobile people to trace the whereabouts of the Soul-Slaying Sword, hoping to find something. Nirvana also began to study the phenomenon of the Soul-Slashing Sword materializing. The team duty room was used as a temporary meeting room, and many people with good skills were selected to strengthen security. Now many people are beginning to miss Unohana Retsu. If she were here, the situation might be much better.

In any case, there are still a lot of problems. What we know now is that only the soul-zanting swords in Soul Society have problems, and there is no difference in the real soul-zanting swords. Is it because that kind of power cannot reach here, or is it something else? The reason must be investigated to know.

Yoruichi plans to return to Soul Society tomorrow. What really worries Rukia Kuchiki is the condition of her brother. Yoruichi just shook his head. The news about other captains and vice-captains has been confirmed, except for Byakuya Kuchiki. His whereabouts are unknown, and there is no trace of his reiatsu in the ruins where he was overwhelmed by Senbonzakura.

Ling Bai just smiled and said: "Don't worry, Kuchiki will be fine. You should know his strength best."

Even so, an emergency occurred in the middle of the night.

Chapter 221: Unable to do it

Rukia Kuchiki suddenly disappeared. Urahara Kisuke checked the boundary gate and there were signs of it being opened. She should have returned to Soul Society in the middle of the night. Lingbai sighed. It seemed that he had to go back.

At dawn, Ling Bai and Yoruichi stepped into Soul Society. The spiritual pressure here was very weak and there were destroyed buildings everywhere. Moreover, far away from the world-crossing gate, Kuchiki Rukia had just landed and was still there. Before he could return to the team building, he was stopped by Xiu Baixue in the open space where the team members usually trained. Perhaps because Xiu Baixue had been waiting here for too long, the surrounding ground had turned into ice.

Kuchiki Rukia quickly stepped back, put her hand on the hilt of the sword, and wanted to ask her where she was going, but she opened her mouth and swallowed the words she had not yet spoken.

"I'm free of you."

Sode Shirayuki seemed to understand what she wanted to say, and said softly: "No matter what I do now, you have no right to interfere."

"Really?" Kuchiki Rukia said in a deep voice, "Then why did you hurt my team members and those innocent people?"

Sode Shirayuki just said: "I just want to be free from anyone's restraints and do what I like. As long as they hinder me, no matter who they are, I will not forgive them."

Hearing this, Rukia Kuchiki sighed. Facing the soul-cutting sword that accompanied her day and night, she had no intention of fighting. However, Sode Shirayuki did not think so. His figure disappeared from the place and appeared in front of her in an instant, holding in his hand The cold air swept across and instantly froze the place where Kuchiki Rukia jumped away into ice. In mid-air, Kuchiki Rukia pulled out the soul-cutting sword and tried to release it, but there was no response.

"it's useless."

Xiu Shirayuki said: "The sword of yours no longer exists for me. So far, you have used my power unscrupulously, all with my permission. Otherwise, we have no choice, but from now on Starting, this is going to change. I can finally use this power freely for myself. Before this, you thought it was your own power. Then you are wrong. Without me, you can do everything. No."

At this point, a pure white soul-cutting sword appeared in her hand, with a white ribbon on the handle. Kuchiki Rukia's pupils gradually shrank, and she recognized that this was her soul-cutting sword, Sode Shirayuki.

"I never felt like it was my own power."

"The first dance, the moon is white."

A white circle appeared where Kuchiki Rukia was standing. Then, a large amount of cold air rushed out from the circle, instantly forming an icicle. Kuchiki Rukia was extremely shocked as she fled in embarrassment. She had never thought that However, Yuebai's freezing range turned out to be so wide, Xiu Baixue said softly: "With this sword, I can capture the beginning of heaven and earth in the painting depicted by this blade, as far as the eye can see."

She waved the blade, and a frozen circle appeared again where Kuchiki Rukia had not landed. Although she avoided it, Sode Shirayuki's speed was beyond his imagination. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind her, Breathing out a large amount of cold air from his mouth, he knocked Rukia Kuchiki out of the air.

"Don't get it wrong."

Kuchiki Rukia knelt down on one knee and gasped: "Do you really think that I can't do anything without you? All things, flapping wings..."

The blue explosive flames hit Sode Shirayuki. Although there was an explosion that shook the ground, it was still resisted by Sode Shirayuki with his freezing ability. Having said that, the breaking path of No. 33 still requires chanting, how could it possibly hurt Sode Shirayuki? , and this is not the extent of being a captain at all. The reason why Rukia Kuchiki can serve as captain is first of all the death of Ukitake Jushiro. There is no better candidate in the team, and more importantly, her ability with the soul-cutting sword.

Now that she has lost her soul-cutting sword, what Sode Shirayuki said, that she can't do anything without herself, doesn't seem excessive at all.

You look surprised.

Sode Shirayuki said softly: "Do you just look down on me that much? Then let me correct your mistakes."

She jumped into the air and stabbed the ground with more than a dozen ice picks. Rukia Kuchiki could only run away in panic. At this time, her eyes showed visible sadness. Her soul-cutting sword, Sode Shirayuki, was known as the best in Soul Society. Beautiful, but why, she looks like she hates her. Obviously you are me and I am you. Haven't we spent a lot of good time happily?

The next moment, Sode Shirayuki's figure suddenly disappeared from her sight. When she noticed it, he was already standing less than ten meters in front of her.

"Just when you think back to time long ago."

Sode Shirayuki pointed the blade at her: "Your spiritual pressure will go blank."

There was a bang, the blades collided, the light purple ice cubes rose up, and then shattered, the broken ice splashed everywhere, and the avalanche-like cold air instantly froze Kuchiki Rukia's position. I thought the battle was over, but Sode Shirayuki Frowning slightly, she saw tiny black stripes flowing on the pure white ice cubes.

Chapter 222: Abandonment

With a bang, the ice cube shattered, and black flames rushed out from it, melting the ice cube instantly. Kuchiki Rukia opened her eyes wide and looked at the familiar back in front of her. After a long time, she said loudly: "Ling Bai, you Why are you here? Isn't it dangerous for you to come here before you can figure out why the Soul-Slaying Sword rebelled?"

Ling Bai smiled and said, "It's not my style to sit there and wait."

Kuchiki Rukia warned: "Be careful, she is very powerful..."

Before she finished speaking, Ling Bai disappeared in front of her, but he did not attack Xiu Baixue. Xiu Baixue waved his long sleeves in mid-air, and the ice pick kept stabbing Ling Bai's position. Having said that, Ling Bai did not It's not that he has no ability to attack. At such a distance, he can even devour it directly with flames, but he doesn't know how to hold back and defeat Sode Shirayuki without harming her life.

Who knows if Sode Shirayuki is hurt, the ability of Kuchiki Rukia's soul-cutting sword will disappear. Sode Shirayuki seems to know his thoughts. A white circle appears at Ling Bai's feet, and the cold air rises into the sky. Shiro shook his head, and while avoiding it, the blades collided. As the two collided, Sode Shirayuki showed an almost charming smile.

Ling Bai looked down and saw signs of freezing on his soul-killing knife. He quickly raised black flames to cover the cold air. In normal times, he would have let the flames sweep across the entire street. However, this time he just let the flames sweep across the street. After swallowing up the cold air, he took it back, for fear of hurting Xiu Baixue, Xiu Baixue repeated his old trick, spitting out a large amount of cold air from his red lips, Ling Bai frowned slightly, and in just the blink of an eye, half of Ling Bai's body was frozen.

"Do you regret it now?"

Sode Shirayuki said softly: "Even if you come here, you can't protect Kuchiki Rukia. Are you still thinking about whether to kill me? Let me tell you, your hesitation means death."

The cold air danced around her like ice and snow, and like silk and satin. Ling Bai sighed softly. In this case, there was nothing he could do. Black flames flowed from the blade. He was confident that his own flames could burn it out. Together.

"Then you must not relax."

Ling Bai sneered: "I can't guarantee that I will make you incapacitated without killing you..."

Before he finished speaking, his brows furrowed. He saw that Rukia Kuchiki appeared behind Sode Shirayuki at some point. After the blades collided, Rukia Kuchiki fell to the ground and said loudly: "Ling Bai, please don't interfere, Xiu Baixue, if you are resentful, then just hate me."

"You're right, I do hate you."

Sode no Shirayuki pointed the blade at her and said slowly: "I just want to make your life worse than death. I want to take away everything you cherish, whether it is family, friendship, or the pride of being a god of death. You are right next to me." Take a good look."

Kuchiki Rukia lowered her eyes and said: "You really know me best. You know very well how to make me miserable. You are so beautiful. I was proud of you. You are so beautiful that you will be my Zhanhun Knife, you are right, you are not my property, you are free, then let me liberate you and let go of your hatred. I miss the time we lived together. "

Hearing this, Sode Shirayuki was slightly surprised and couldn't help but said: "Do you mean you want to survive without me?"

"Yes." Kuchiki Rukia looked at her and said slowly: "Even if I lose everything and barely survive on the ground, even if I return to Rukongai, I won't hesitate."

Speaking of this, she slowly walked towards Sode Shirayuki, chanting the liberation words of Liuzhang Light Prison. Sode Shirayuki's eyes revealed fear, even though she didn't know what Rukia Kuchiki was reciting, she just She felt that the other party really wanted to kill her and was not afraid of losing her. Seeing that Rukia Kuchiki had already walked in front of her, she summoned the cold air surrounding herself and enveloped the two of them.

"Sixty-one of the Dao of Binding, the Six-Stand Light Prison!"

The golden light locked them together, and their bodies were close to each other. Rukia Kuchiki lowered her head and said: "I can't forgive the person who wants to hurt what I cherish. Now I have lost everything, no matter hatred, Still sad, I can give up everything. You are no longer a part of me. Your beauty, the strength you have brought to me, and everything in the past, I have to give up. These are all burdens for you and me. "

Speaking of this, she let go of her hand and the soul-killing knife fell from her hand.

Sode Shirayuki seemed to know what she wanted to do, and shouted loudly for her to stop.

"The Seventy-Third of the Broken Dao, the Double Lotus Canghuo Pendant."

No. 73 broke the path without chanting, and the light blue light exploded on the spot. This suicidal attack caused the cold air to retract in mid-air, as if time went back. Ling Bai frowned slightly, and he could even hear it. , which came from Sode Shirayuki's almost miserable cry.

Chapter 223: Independent Existence

Sode Shirayuki never expected that Rukia Kuchiki would give up on her. Even though she wanted to kill her, she felt inexplicable sadness in her heart.

"We are afraid of losing, so we don't participate in the battle. This is our own life, the soul-cutting sword."

The two of them wanted to bounce off in opposite directions. Sode Shirayuki seemed to suddenly think of something in mid-air, and seemed to wake up from a dream. He suddenly opened his eyes and stretched out his hand, wanting to grab Rukia Kuchiki, but she hadn't touched her yet. When he touched the other person's hand, he was pulled by the force behind it, and the man's deep voice sounded in his ears.

"Do you really want to die here?"

In Ling Bai's sight, Sode Shirayuki seemed to disappear in the white light, never to be seen again. Kuchiki Rukia fell into a deep pit on the ground, unconscious. Ling Bai was about to run over, but suddenly, the captain was so powerful. The level of spiritual pressure suppressed, he frowned slightly, turned around, and saw a man he had never seen before, Muramasa, standing on top of the pit.

"The beating was really brutal."

Ling Bai noticed that Sode Shirayuki, who had disappeared just now, also appeared beside him. Muramasa said slowly: "I knew you would come here, but I still didn't expect you to come so early."

Ling Bai sneered: "Who are you? You shouldn't be the God of Death, right?"

"I am..." Muramasa snorted coldly and said slowly: "Sode Shirayuki, Soul-Slaying Sword, leave this place to me. You can go back and rest first."

Sode Shirayuki nodded and disappeared. Ling Bai did not chase after him. He could tell that the guy in front of him might be the initiator of this incident and the mastermind behind the incident, although he didn't know who Muramasa was. Soul-cutting sword, but if you defeat him, this incident may be solved. Thinking of this, he asked: "What is your purpose?"

"My purpose?" Muramasa said: "Of course I want to free the Soul-Zipping Sword from the shackles of the God of Death, that's all. Ling Bai, let me ask you now, what do you think the Soul-Zipping Sword is?"

"What is it?" Ling Bai shrugged and showed an indifferent smile. He had never thought about this issue. Even when he met Ermeiya Wang Yue, he did not delve into it.

Muramasa said: "The soul-cutting sword in your Shinigami's hands is another soul born from the heart of the Shinigami. The source of spiritual pressure is also the same as the Shinigami. They have long been integrated with the Soul of the Shinigami. The Shinigami discovered that it is hidden in itself. The power of the soul-cutting sword in the body, communicate with it, synchronize with it, know the other party's name, and then guide his power, and select few Shinigami who can visualize the soul-cutting sword. "

At this point, he paused deliberately. Ling Bai did not interrupt him, but waited quietly for the next sentence. Muramasa said slowly: "Then surrender it and increase its strength, which is what you call swastika. In my It seems that you are just like other captain-level people, but the soul-killing sword's way of survival is not limited to living with the god of death."

"What do you want to say?" Ling Bai said.

Muramasa said: "You probably don't know. The Zanzantō also has its own consciousness. The Zanzantō is not part of the God of Death. We have another soul that is equal to the God of Death. Is it hard to believe it? It's because of the arrogance of your God of Death. I am causing trouble, so I appear in front of you. I understand the consciousness of the soul-cutting sword. I can talk to their souls and then materialize those souls who have the same consciousness as me."

Ling Bai sneered and said: "Having said so much, it means that as long as I kill you, everything will be restored to its original state, right?"

"That's right." Muramasa said: "The reason why Soul-Zanbing Swords can appear concretely in this world is because I gave them this ability, the consciousness of those Soul-Zanbing Swordsmen who were bullied by your Shinigami."

"you are wrong."

Kuchiki Rukia stood up and gasped: "I have never despised Sode no Shirayuki, nor have I regarded Sode no Shirayuki as a being inferior to myself."

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