Hearing this, Ling Bai sighed silently. Her current statement was simply pale and powerless, like a child. Muramasa also said: "This is just your personal idea. Sode Shirayuki responded to my call. This is a fact. You should not force it. There is nothing for you here now. Do you think you escaped back to the world by yourself? I freed all the soul-slaying swords from the hands of the god of death, without any exception, so I need Ling Bai to come here as well."

Ling Bai smiled and said: "You mean, as long as I come here, you also want to take my soul-slaying sword away? Don't belittle yourself!"

As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared on the spot. The next moment, with a bang, the blades collided. Ling Bai directly pushed Muramasa a hundred meters away and came to the streets of Jinglingting. However, Muramasa did not look embarrassed at all. Instead, it was Ling Bai who felt that the world around him was distorted.

In fact, at this time, Mayuri Kurotsuchi's investigation results also appeared. He sent the young Nemu, also known as Sleep No. 8, to the duty room of the Fourth Division.

Chapter 224: Investigating this body

At this time, Kotetsu Yuin was doing emergency treatment for Shooting Field Tetsuzaemon. The captain of the Seventh Division was too seriously injured and has not yet woken up. Nemu Kurotsuchi walked in and made a brief report.

According to the fact that Kurotsuchi used his own body to conduct experiments and conducted in-depth research, he concluded that the Soul Slashing Sword had become an independent individual. This conclusion means that the Soul Slashing Sword has left its soul, which means that the situation has seriously exceeded their imagination. However, Kotetsu Yuin raised a key question: what would happen if the Soul Slashing Sword was defeated by the God of Death? This is also what Ling Bai is worried about.

"Not sure." Nie Yinmeng just shook her head: "We don't have enough analysis data now, so we dare not jump to conclusions."

Torato Yuuin lowered his head and didn't speak, but Nie Yinmeng said: "Captain Kotetsu, I have a request. In order to analyze the experimental results, can you provide the data of the treatment of the God of Death in the Fourth Division? Moreover, we also want to get your data, Captain Kotetsu. Captain-level data is indispensable."

Hearing such a request, Kotetsu Yuuin was stunned for a moment. The data of ordinary captains can be given to the Technology Development Bureau, but she is now the captain of the Fourth Division. If her own data is also sent to the Technology Development Bureau, it would be a bit too rude for Nie Yinmeng to investigate her body.

It is difficult to accept such a request in terms of emotion and reason. She hesitated for a long time, and still said: "I understand, but in exchange, as long as there are new investigation results, I hope to report to us immediately, okay?".

"Of course." Nie Yinmeng said.

Just as I said this, a report came from the God of Death that a large-scale battle had occurred in the Seireitei, involving the 13th Division Captain Kuchiki Rukia and Ling Bai. Not long after, the seriously injured Kuchiki Rukia was sent to the intensive care unit. Fortunately, although she was saved through treatment, she was seriously injured and it is estimated that she will not be able to participate in the battle for a long time.

Through the investigation of the Xing Army led by Soi-Fong day and night, the injuries of each team have gradually become clear. The team that has recovered its combat capability is chasing the materialized Soul-Slaying Sword. Moreover, according to the speculation of the 5th Division Captain Hitsugaya Toushirou, Kuchiki Byakuya seems to have eliminated his spiritual pressure, and the situation is not optimistic.

At this time, Hisagi Shuhei led two team members to search for the whereabouts of the Soul-Slaying Sword. However, after a day and dozens of areas, they did not find any traces of spiritual pressure, as if it had never appeared. According to Hisagi Shuhei's analysis, they were originally Soul-Slaying Swords, and there was no guarantee that they would always be materialized.

The situation is very serious, and it is related to the survival of the Soul Slashing Sword. If it is not handled properly, the Soul Slashing Sword may disappear. No matter what, we must find their traces. As soon as he finished speaking, a whirlwind suddenly blew up, and the two Death Gods in front of him fell to the ground with blood gushing out as if they were cut by a wind blade. At the other end of the street, a pitch-black whirlwind swept over.

Hisagi Shuhei frowned slightly. To be able to cut such a deep wound, the sharpness and speed are not ordinary. Such a knife method, no matter how you look at it, is the familiar Wind Death.

The whirlwind stopped, and a creepy laugh came from it. His figure also appeared, with red hair, a strong body, a ghost-like body, and a sickle after the Wind Death Shikai in his hand.

"You can see all this, partner."

Abarai Renji came to the place where Kuchiki Byakuya disappeared. He could not see any disadvantages, but a woman's neutral voice came from behind him.

"With your IQ, you can't figure it out even if you rack your brains."

Abarai Renji turned around and saw a mature woman with long light pink hair, green clothes, tall figure, and neutral appearance, sitting on the steps. Next to her, there was a little girl with red hair.

"Who are you?"

"Do you really not know me?"

The mature woman rolled her eyes, stood up, pinched her waist and said: "Renji, you are really a ruthless man, we are partners who have been working together for many years."

"Partner?" Abarai Renji sneered: "Don't joke, I don't know a woman like you."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped, and seeing the white tail of the little girl next to him, he said with a trembling mouth: "Are you the embodiment of Snake Tail Pill?"

"Really slow to react." The mature woman said.

Abarai Renji was surprised: "Weren't you just ordinary monkeys and snakes in the past?"

The mature woman came over and sneered: "That's because you are too weak and can't see our true form. However, you should also understand how much you rely on us. Now that you are here, you can't escape unscathed. I’m going back, Renji.”

"What did you say?" Abarai Renji said.

The little girl raised her hand and said slowly: "We are here specially to deal with you."

Chapter 225: Windmill

They raised their hands, and red-red, flame-like spiritual pressure rose up in the middle of their hands. Within this spiritual pressure was the state of his soul-cutting sword, Shebimaru, after he had released it. Abarai Renji still didn't understand. They Why should we fight? The mature woman said: "We must obey our instincts. This is the reason for fighting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shebimaru's rectangular blade was drawn. Renji Abarai could only retreat. He didn't seem to have any intention of fighting. He didn't even draw his soul-cutting sword. Everyone knew that he didn't have any ghost skills. With her talent and continuous attacks, the mature woman seemed a bit boring, so she used a chain to pull the little girl back. After being complained, she said: "Renji, you seem to look down on us, why don't you draw your sword?"

"are you an idiot?"

Abarai Renji gasped and said: "Who would seriously fight his own fighting soul sword? What's more, I have no reason to fight you."

The mature woman dismissed his statement and sneered: "I think you are afraid of angering us and can't bear the consequences. I really saw you right. You are still so weak and courageless, Renji. We have no time to play with weak men."

The chain was hovering in the air, and the little girl couldn't wait for it. As if she heard the order, Shebimaru whipped it again, followed by Renji Abarai's scream.

Compared to him, Hisagi Shuhei's situation is not very optimistic. Although his ghost is very strong, Feng Shi does not give him a chance to release his ghost at all. His figure is like a whirlwind, pressing forward step by step, connected by chains. The two sickles can neatly cut the surrounding buildings even if they are not touching.

Hisagi Shuhei is well aware of the sharpness of the sickle. He cannot touch it head-on and can only keep escaping. In fact, Fuushi is not a double sword. There are no double swords in the Soul Society. Kyōraku Shunsui is because he gave Hanazen a crazy bone. , Ukitake Jushiro was influenced by Mimi Haki, and the true form of Feng Shi was actually a chain.

Lingbai is one of the few people who has seen Hisagi Shuhei's swastika. For this reason, he also discussed it with Kyoraku Shunsui because before that, he was very interested in Hisagi Shuhei and said that he is the most like the god of death. Ling Bai felt that the two opposite sickles of Feng Death were very similar to the fan blades of a windmill. The center of the chain, where Xiu Bing held the sword, was the axis of the windmill.

"Wind death means that the windmill has stopped turning."

Ling Bai smiled and said: "Shi Jie is to cut off life and let life circulate. Swastika Jie is to stop the circulation of the wind. What Feng Shi really wants is probably Xiu Bing's blood and life. It's such an interesting soul-cutting knife. ”

Always escaping, Hisagi Shuhei also felt that if he continued like this, he would be defeated sooner or later, so he had to stop on the street. Feng Shi appeared in the black whirlwind and sneered: "I can cut you at this level. You are so vulnerable in front of me."

Hisagi Shuhei said slowly: "You are really arrogant. Isn't your power my power?"

Feng Shi said as he walked: "That's just your personal indirection. You still don't understand what I really want. I heard the voice, which is to obey your own instinct. You really don't understand anything about me. I still don't understand anything." I know that you have never been very satisfied with the appearance of the soul-cutting sword. Take a closer look now. This form can kill people. Moreover, what I really long for with this soul-cutting sword is..."

At this point, the sickle roared out, seeming to cut cracks in the space.

In fact, both Renji Abarai and Shuhei Hisagi have doubts. Their soul-cutting swords have been broken in some way, but they can also recover with the owner. After recovery, the current situation is different. The soul-cutting swords are separated from their souls and act as independent individuals. It is unknown how long this state can be maintained.

If they knock down the Soul-Zipping Sword with their own hands, whether the Soul-Zipping Sword will disappear will just disappear. Even with such doubts, no one can guarantee that they can fight without any distractions.

The two people's continuous attacks and the multiple changes of Shebimaru left Renji Abarai, who had no intention of fighting, at his wits' end. In the end, his body smashed into the house and was buried in the rubble. The little girl said: "He is really weaker than I thought. , ape girl.”

"Don't jump to conclusions." The mature woman said: "If he can't stand up at this level, it will be us who are in trouble."

Just like what he said, after a thousand years of bloody battles, Abarai Renji's vitality was extremely tenacious. Seeing him stand up, the mature woman suddenly showed an uninterested expression, scratched her head, and sighed: "You are really stubborn. , just fall down and pretend to be dead, we don’t have time to deal with a weak guy like you.”

The little girl muttered: "That's not what you said just now."

Abarai Renji didn't hear what she said. He pointed his soul-cutting sword at them and said slowly: "You have looked down on me from just now. What does my weakness have to do with you?".

Chapter 226: Incompetent

"The relationship is too great."

The mature woman said: "Because this is our instinct."

Hearing this, Abarai Renji put down his soul-cutting sword and said almost helplessly: "I have asked you so many times, what is the instinct you are talking about."

"We just don't want to make ourselves weak." The mature woman said: "We want to be strong forever. We don't have any betrayal. We just have enough of your weakness, so we want to leave your side."

"You can really speak..."

Renji Abarai could no longer endure such insults. Red spiritual pressure rose up on his body, and he tried to free the Soul-Zantoto, but there was no response. The mature woman mocked: "There is no way to free the Soul-Zantoto, what are you going to do?" Fight, Renji.”

She waved the chain, and the two of them rushed forward. Shebimaru's extended blade struck from different directions. Renji Abarai kept turning over, but he still couldn't dodge. A wound was cut on his shoulder. The little girl He stopped attacking and felt it was boring. He yawned and said, "It's really boring. This guy was beaten like this by us and he still doesn't want to show his true skills. It's not fun at all."

The mature woman sighed, lowered her eyes, and said slowly: "We know everything about you. You gave up the person you cherished the most, and then you risked your life fighting to get her back. But in the end, you still couldn't get it back. "Confidence, do we have to kill the person you cherish most and hang her head before you can become serious."

Of course Renji Abarai knew who they were talking about. If Rukia Kuchiki was killed by them, there would be no way to make up for it. He raised his soul-cutting sword angrily and pointed the blade at them, but he still did not attack. , the mature woman seemed to see through her mind and said: "I know the reason why you dare not fight with us, that is your weakness."

Having said this, he suddenly appeared less than two meters in front of Renji Abarai and slashed with his sword. If the other party hadn't reacted quickly, his whole body might have been cut into two pieces. With a bang, Renji Abarai He flew backwards and smashed the building behind him.

"How did you kill him?"

"It doesn't matter, he is not the man we want to pursue."

"Wait." Abarai Renji pushed away the stone slab that was pressing on him, stood up, and gasped, "Where are you going? If you want to leave, you must at least defeat me first."

"I advise you to give up." The mature woman said: "You have no intention of fighting at all. Do you think we don't understand? If you fight with us and knock me down, isn't it equivalent to destroying your own power? If you don't attack us, , maybe we are afraid of this, but unfortunately, we don’t know what the outcome will be. Our bodies have long been independent from you, the holder. It is not surprising that we are waiting for death just like you, the God of Death. "

At this point, he paused deliberately, seeing that Renji Abarai could not refute, and then continued: "Renji, you can't make the decision to kill us, am I wrong? This is not weakness, What is this? Combat ability alone does not mean strength."

The little girl didn't give him a chance. She grabbed Abarai Renji's neck and pressed him against the wall. Renji didn't speak. He didn't know what to do. Was he really weak? I have to abandon you even with the soul-cutting sword. What have I been doing so far? The little girl's white tail kept beating him. What hurt him was not his body, but his heart.

It seemed that she was a little tired of the beating. The little girl asked her companion for advice, and the mature woman said: "If he doesn't resist, then don't worry about it and kill him."

Looking at the cold blade, which was the Shebimaru that once belonged to him, Abarai Renji had lost the will to stand up. Until the end, he was still the same self. He said he wanted to become stronger, but he went on a rampage. Moving forward, what do I have and what am I fighting for? At this moment, he thought of his captain, Byakuya Kuchiki.

The rectangular blade slashed straight down. He raised his hand as if uncontrollably and blocked the blade. The force of the collision between the blades made the little girl fall to the ground. He stood up and said slowly: "I'm so fast myself." Forgot, I may indeed be weak, but I don’t have time to argue with you endlessly on such boring issues. No matter what, I have to become stronger, that’s all, because there is someone I want to defeat. . It’s you who remind me of this determination.”

Having said this, he touched his blade, and the red spiritual pressure surged. The two of them looked at each other in surprise, and his soul-cutting sword actually began to break.

"A snake, be careful."

"I know." The little girl said, "He seems to have changed."

"Then let me put an end to this farce." Renji Abarai said loudly: "You should act like a soul-cutting sword, return to where you were, and let me use it to my heart's content."

Chapter 227: Keep moving forward

"You are really shameless in your words."

The little girl wanted to rush forward, but was pulled back by the mature woman with chains. She said slowly: "It's not easy. It seems that you are finally ready to fight us. However, you'd better not misunderstand. Even if You are ready to fight, but do you really think you can win us? Do you want to try your own Soul-Slaying Sword?"

The Shebimaru are intertwined with each other, but their soul-cutting swords seem to be more flexible. Although the two of them only have one, their Shebimaru can be transformed into a spirit at any time and transferred to the other person's hand. Through the chain, they attack alternately. The coordination was perfect, but even so, Renji Abarai was able to block their attacks.

"That's great."

The mature woman jumped onto the high platform and chuckled: "You can actually use us so skillfully."

"Idiot." Abarai Renji said loudly: "Do you think I have practiced for hundreds of years in vain?"

"Then don't blame us." The spiritual pressure suddenly surged, and the little girl turned into the baboon king Shebimaru. The mature woman said: "Don't be surprised, we are the soul-cutting swords themselves. You don't think we can't swastika."

The Orochi skull spits out red spiritual pressure light bombs. She is not like a laser like Abarai Renji, but a series of light bombs. Renji can only dodge. However, the Baboon King Shebimaru is not a long-range The attacking weapon, the skull, rushed at him, crushing several buildings in succession. However, such a huge soul-cutting sword was also quite cumbersome in action. After several twists and turns, Abarai Renji couldn't help but want to fight head-on. But he was knocked to the ground.

"Do not make jokes.".

The mature woman said: "We are not on the same level as your immature swastika. There will be no blind spots between us. The outcome is already clear. There is no way your swastika can compete with mine." ”

Abarai Renji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and looked at him with gritted teeth. He also understood that with the same Soul-Zanking Sword, the first interpretation is the first interpretation. If he fights against the swastika, there is no chance of winning, and the opponent has already Having seen through his sword skills, she knew her usual fighting style, which was natural, and what she should do now.

"For a person without a brain, even if he tries to break his brain, it will be in vain."

They withdrew their swastika posture, and the mature woman said: "Regarding your incompetence, your biggest weakness is your IQ, Renji."

His words reminded Renji. While they were about to leave here, Renji released No. 4's binding method. The gray rope turned into golden light, tying the mature woman's arm and the little girl's tail. He thought What's more, they are so familiar with him that they never imagined that he would use ghost ways that he is not good at.

This was not over yet, he released the No. 31 Dao Breaking Red Fire Cannon.

"It's really interesting. It turns out you are planning this."

The mature woman said: "However, it is useless to rely on your level of ghost skills."

Red spiritual pressure rose up from her body, which not only melted the light, but also shook the red fire cannon into ashes. However, Abarai Renji did not give up. Although he did not have any ghost skills, this simple way breaking, He could still cast it instantly. Red spiritual pressure light balls kept shooting out from his hands. The surrounding buildings were blown to pieces, and some light balls even bounced back to him.

"What a fool!"

The little girl rolled in mid-air and said loudly: "With your strength, it is very dangerous to use this kind of ghost technique."

But the mature woman thought he was trying to please others. There was no chance of winning for such a level of ghost. Moreover, for every three shots he fired, one of them would definitely hurt her. While he was blowing her up and retreating, the little girl jumped out from behind him. He passed by and snatched away the snake tail pill he had inserted on the ground. Then, two snake tails attacked him from different directions.

"it's over!"

"It's not over yet!"

Abarai Renji tried his best to release the super powerful red fire cannon. The direction he aimed at was the little girl who was attacking from behind. The little girl sneered and tried to block it with Shebimaru. What he didn't expect was, His Shebimaru turned out to be so fragile, the red fire cannon exploded on the blade, and the exploded blade broke into pieces and floated beside her.

"The baboon bites!"

The scattered blades were like bullets, shooting out in all directions, instantly slicing the bodies of the two people, followed by screams. They turned into soul-cutting swords and stuck them on the ground. Abarai Renji walked over, but pulled out the soul-cutting sword and said slowly: "Maybe I am indeed weak, but as long as I keep moving forward, I can become stronger at any time. , I will become stronger to show you.”

After that, he walked forward without looking back.

"What are you trying to do?"

"You heard it just now, Ah She."

"Renji, you are quite powerful."

"We have regained our sanity and will not give you a pointless fight."

Hearing this, Renji Abarai stopped, turned around and asked, "What's going on?".

Chapter 228: Taking lives

Compared to him, Hisagi Shuhei seemed to be in a worse situation. He was chased by Feng Shi into the depths of the forest outside the Serenity Court, but no matter where he ran, he would still hear Feng Shi's almost shrill screams. It was as if Death knew all about his actions.

"You won't just run away."

While Hisagi Shuhei was resting on the tree trunk, the black scythe flew over instantly and cut his arm. The scythe was extremely sharp. If he hadn't subconsciously avoided it, his whole little arm might have been cut off. Lose.

"How despicable."

Hisagi Shuhei jumped down from the tree trunk, covered his wound and said: "You are not within my sight, and you are attacking by throwing weapons. This is not your way of fighting."


Feng Shi's gloomy voice echoed in the forest: "I'm just despicable, so what, is it a matter of life or death?"

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