Hisagi Shuhei said righteously: "This goes against my usual fighting style."

"I won't accept your tricks." Feng Shi sneered, "You still don't know me well enough. I'm a soul-killing sword whose only purpose is to take people's lives. I have no interest in your fighting style at all."

Hisagi Shuhei looked around and couldn't figure out his position at all. He couldn't even feel the spiritual pressure. He could only say: "I don't think you are the one who understands the situation. I always thought that the relationship between the Shinigami and the Soul-Zanbing Sword The relationship between them is communication and synchronization, mutual recognition of each other.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around subconsciously, and the raised soul-cutting knife just blocked the sickle that rushed out from the shade of the tree. However, this was just a sickle, and another sickle came from behind him almost at the same time. It struck and instantly cut his back.

"I don't care what happens to other people."

Feng Shi sneered: "The meaning of my existence is to take people's lives. It is for this reason that I made a contract with you."

Hearing this, Hisagi Shuhei's eyes became cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Really, it would be much easier if this were the case. Even if I kill you, the power of the soul-cutting sword will disappear, and it doesn't matter. , I dislike you very much."

"That's best."

Feng Shi suddenly appeared behind him, carrying a scythe on his shoulder, and his cold voice cut through his momentary fear.

"same here."

The next moment, they passed each other. Hisagi Shuhei's body had a wound of more than ten centimeters, and he fell to the ground. Feng Shi licked his lips and said in a cold voice: "Did you avoid the vital point in an instant? How stupid. , if you were killed by me, it might not hurt so much. Forget it, I’ll send you to hell now.”

He raised the scythe and was about to insert it when the blades collided in mid-air. Feng Shi quickly stepped back. Kira Izuru appeared in front of Hisagi Shuhei and took away his scythe.

"and who are you?"

"The Soul-Slaying Sword actually wants to kill its own master."

Kira Izuru said: "This kind of thing is really unheard of, and it's not very interesting. Hisagi, don't move around, your wound is very deep."

"I know." Hisagi Shuhei stood up, covered the bleeding wound, and gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I only have one breath, I can't let you deal with him."

Kira Izuru said: "I don't want to fight him on your behalf, but the current problem has not been solved yet. If a deputy captain dies, the situation will become even worse. This is not a simple rescue operation, but In order to quell the rebellion of the soul-cutting sword, it is a mission that rests on our shoulders."

Hearing what she said, Hisagi Shuhei no longer tried to be brave. He also knew that his current physical condition required him to use all his strength even while standing, let alone fighting. He also breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he had a reason, Sitting on the ground leaning against the tree trunk, Feng Shi ignored Kira Izuru's appearance. In any case, he was still at the level of vice-captain, which was far from enough to challenge his ability.

"Looks like there's another idiot."

Feng Shi raised his scythe and sneered: "It's the same to me. No matter if I cut you first or kill him first, it's just one more life. I can't ask for it. It seems that you are also strict." Death."

The scythe reflected Kira Izuru's gloomy face. Suddenly, it continued to spin and flew towards him. The collision of the blades caused strong sparks in mid-air. However, the two scythes connected by chains, regardless of their speed, There were still many changes, spinning constantly in the open space, pressing closer step by step, Kira Izuru jumped onto the tree trunk, turned around suddenly, and Feng Shi had already appeared behind him.

"You are really slow."

"I've been waiting for you here."

Kira Izuru is different from Shuhei and Renji. He is a genius of Kidō. No. 37 Bundō, the hanging star, a hammock made of spiritual power appeared in mid-air, blocking the attack of Feng Shi. At this moment, Kira Izuru jumped under the tree, carried the unconscious Shuhei on his back, and disappeared in place. The ability of the hanging star can not only block the enemy's attack, but also use the spirit to temporarily stick to the enemy, making the wind unable to die. pursuit.

Chapter 229: Disappear or not

Ling Bai's battle is coming to an end. Muramasa doesn't know why, unable to awaken the opponent's instinct of the soul-cutting sword. His ability is useless in front of Ling Bai. Moreover, he himself has no intention of fighting Ling Bai. In contrast, , Ling Bai has no intention of killing him. If he is the mastermind behind the scenes, if he suddenly dies here, will the controlled soul-cutting sword return to its original state?

Black flames swept across the entire street, and the surrounding buildings disappeared in the flames. I don't know how long it took, but the flames gradually extinguished. Muramasa also disappeared from Ling Bai's field of vision, and even the spiritual pressure could not be detected. It's like returning to your own space.

Ling Bai shrugged, received the call back, and walked towards the duty room of the Fourth Division.

Abarai Renji had returned here a long time ago. He informed Kyoraku Shunsui about the recovery of the soul-cutting sword. Although he did not find the whereabouts of Kuchiki Byakuya, in any case, it was worthwhile to know a solution. Okay, but it will take a lot of time to ask everyone to fight with their own soul-zanting swords, and their opponents will not just stand there waiting for them, let alone whether they can defeat their own soul-zanting swords. .

Kyoraku Shunsui also wanted to ask Himiomaru what happened, but the two of them had already forgotten everything about it.

In an unknown cave somewhere, all the materialized soul-slaying swords gathered here. A burly, dark-skinned, long-bearded man with a white cloth draped around his waist said with his arms crossed: "I heard that Snake Tail Maru and the others have been killed."

He is the soul-slaying sword of Madarame Ikkaku, Hozumaru. Feng Shi said: "I didn't expect them to lose to the god of death. They are really useless guys."

The five-shaped head standing next to him and eating pancakes said: "The winner is really proud. Isn't your opponent just a third-rate guy?"

Feng Shi leaned back in his chair and sneered: "I think your partner is a third-rate guy. How did the vice-captain of the second team get the position of vice-captain?"

"You bastard!" The five-shaped head slapped the table and shouted: "Don't bring up that!"

Feng Shi wanted to say something, but was stopped by Hozumaru.

"Shut up, all of you. Anyway, we just need to get rid of the guys who make us unhappy."

The gray cat stood far away from them and sneered: "How annoying, a group of single-celled organisms who only know how to fight."

"You don't seem to be qualified to say that." Feimei said: "You are as stupid as them."

The gray cat sneered and sprayed perfume on himself without even looking at her, and then said: "You are really not cute at all. No wonder men run away when they see you."

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, Feimei's face suddenly darkened, but she knew that if she quarreled with the gray cat, whoever got angry first would lose. She pinched her nose and said pretentiously: "I think you are the one who uses this kind of choking Perfume, is there no man who dares to approach you? "

"I think you are pretending to be innocent!"

"Men like me, who would like a beast like you?"

The two quarreled and started fighting. They heard footsteps and turned back at the same time. They saw Hyorinmaru looking at them silently with a blank expression. They knew what he was thinking. Gray Cat quickly pushed Feimei away with all his strength, pretending to be pitiful, ran over and hugged Hyorinmaru's arm, and said in a tender voice: "Dear, look at Feimei, he will bully others, save me quickly."

"Gray Cat, leave him quickly, it will make him embarrassed."

The two quarreled again around Hyorinmaru, but Hyorinmaru did not react at all, as if he could not hear anything. His personality is simply an enlarged version of Hitsugaya Toushirou.

Just when the two were arguing, Muramasa came in. After just asking, they immediately quieted down and said nothing, as if they were very afraid of him. But Kizumaru questioned: "Mr. Muramasa, I heard that you fought with the God of Death and let them escape, right? This is not like you."

Muramasa was not angry, but said lightly: "Ling Bai, that guy has a very special power. My ability can't call his soul-slaying sword."

Feng Si sneered: "These are all excuses. If I meet him, I will definitely cut him into pieces."

"No need." Muramasa said: "I want to capture him alive."

Everyone found it very interesting when he mentioned this, and agreed with both hands.

At this time, Kuchiki Rukia had woken up. Compared with the injuries on her body, she was more worried about her brother Kuchiki Byakuya. She didn't think Kuchiki Byakuya would be defeated like this, but she had an indescribable uneasiness in her heart.

As night fell, the patrols of the Seireitei did not slacken at all, and were even more cautious than yesterday. There were patrols from various squads on every street. Soi-Fong sent Omaeda Kichiyo to investigate whether there was any record of Muramasa's soul-slaying sword in the past.

Chapter 230: Spear

He had just walked to the gate of the Seireitei Academy when he was tripped by something under his feet, and the scallion pancake in his hand fell to the ground. He was about to complain, but he saw fallen death gods everywhere in the courtyard, and he didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

"What happened...".

Before he finished speaking, there was a scream from behind. All the team members who came with him were pushed out by a force and fell at his feet. Five-Shaped Head and Kizunamaru came over. Five-Shaped Head said while eating scallion pancakes: "What a bunch of trash, not even enough for me to warm up."

Omaeda Kichiyo walked over and saw that the guy in front of him looked so similar to himself, and they were both holding scallion pancakes and eating them endlessly. Needless to say, they could all see that this was their former partner. Omaeda Kichiyo patted Five-Shaped Head on the shoulder and laughed: "You are Five-Shaped Head, you are worthy of being my soul-slaying sword, and my soul-slaying sword. Same handsomeness. "

The five-shaped head said: "Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror? The Mediterranean hairstyle and fat body are because you look like this. This is what I will look like after I materialize."

"What did you say?" Omaeda Xichiyo said dissatisfiedly: "You are my soul-slaying sword, how can your aesthetics be different from mine?"

The five-shaped head didn't want to argue with him, and took out his meteor hammer directly. Omaeda Xichiyo was waiting for this moment, wanting to subdue him here, and the ghost lamp next to him didn't want to meddle in other people's affairs. It was not his style to intervene in other people's battles. The two of them faced each other with their blades, and no one took the initiative to attack. They tested each other for a long time.

Omaeda Xichiyo didn't have patience. Just when he raised the soul-slaying sword and wanted to rush over, the wall next to him suddenly collapsed, and he flew out and was submerged in the ruins. Ling Bai walked out of the broken hole in the wall and said helplessly: "It seems that I kicked the wrong person."

"It seems so. "

Madarame Ikkaku said: "Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's that loser Omaeda anyway. What I didn't expect was that I would encounter my own soul-cutting sword here. It's just right. Let you see the results of my training."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kitomaru roared up and hit the scabbard raised by Madarame with his spear. He said in a deep voice: "It's just right, partner."

Madarame quickly distanced himself. He was still not sure that the other party was Kitomaru. He wanted to be sure again. The two decided to use their favorite method. He felt that if the other party was really Kitomaru, he should be able to keep up with his movements. , Ling Bai took a deep breath, thinking they had some special trick, so he watched without blinking.

Unexpectedly, they actually pointed their toes, like two idiots, doing funny dance moves. Madarame claimed that this was his original tiptoe dance, and he could now confirm that the other party was a genuine ghost lamp. Maru, that would be great, if you defeat him here, the power of the Soul-Zantoto will come back.

While they were facing each other tit for tat, Wu Shaotou suddenly threw the meteor hammer in his hand at Ling Bai. Ling Bai raised his head and wanted to break his meteor hammer. After second thought, he avoided it and jumped to the roof next to him. He smiled and said, "I'm not your opponent."

"They are all gods of death anyway. No matter who you kill, it doesn't matter who you kill." Wuxiangtou threw the meteor hammer again, smashing the roof under Ling Bai's feet.

The battle between Madarame Ikkaku and Kitomaru has not started yet. They are still discussing the rules of the battle. The two people have very similar personalities. Fighting is one-on-one. No matter life or death, there must be no complaints. Suddenly, the two quietly After braking, Madarame pulled out his soul-cutting sword, and with the cooperation of the scabbard, he slashed desperately, and Kitomaru retreated step by step.

It seemed that Kitomaru had no ability to fight back, and the blade slipped on his abdomen. I don’t know whether it was because of his strong body or hard appearance, but there was no wound. Madarame said loudly while slashing: "What's wrong? My slash Is this what the soul knife is capable of?"

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

The spear whizzed out, and Madarame avoided it for a moment, thinking that Kitomaru was not a spear, and that the five-section stick was just when the tip of the spear came around to the other end and wanted to cut off his head, but he did not lower his body. He did not retreat, but chose to move forward. He knew that when facing Kitomaru, the more he retreated, the more likely he would be injured.

As a last resort, Oni Toumaru withdrew his spear and swung it out. He seemed to be tired of this endless fight. As he pulled away, he released an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure. Ling Bai looked back and saw that it was his swastika. A huge black ax blade with a chain with dragon patterns attached in the middle.

However, he didn't care about that. He pulled out his soul-cutting knife, cut the meteor hammer in half, and then kicked it back. The five-shaped head in mid-air was hit twice in succession, and it fell from mid-air. Falling in the middle, Ling Bai smiled softly. If the master is a fool, the strength of the Soul-Slaying Sword is not enough.

He did not continue to struggle with the five-shaped head, but came to the place where the spiritual pressure exploded.

Chapter 231: Surrender

How could it be possible to defeat the swastika without even having a Hakkai? At this time, Madarame Ikkaku had fallen to the ground. Oni Toumaru was holding the ax and mockingly said: "What the hell, is this all you have?"

Ling Bai stood on the roof, not to mention helping Madarame Ikkaku, not even intending to help him up. He knew Madarame Ikkaku's character. As long as he entered the battle, he would never allow anyone to interfere until he died, let alone Not to mention facing his own soul-cutting sword, he forced himself to stand up and picked up the soul-cutting sword that fell on the ground. Before he could attack, he heard the cold and stern voice of Broken Bee.

"That's it!".

As the sound rang out, more than a dozen Xingjun wearing tight clothes appeared around. Madarame looked back and saw that not only Zaihou, but also the captain Kyoraku Shunsui appeared here.

"Wait a minute, Captain Kyōband, this is my battle!"

Oni Toumaru suddenly raised the three-plate ax connected by the chain and spun it rapidly above his head. The huge ax blade blew up a storm that made it difficult for people to get close to him easily. Zombie Bee shouted: "What are you all doing? Hurry up and stop him!"

More than a dozen Xing troops swarmed up. With a bang, their axes hit the ground, and the red spiritual pressure exploded in vain. The Xing troops were originally focused on assassinations, and their frontal combat capabilities were slightly weak. They were directly blown outside the wall by the red whirlwind. Sui Feng thought. He was about to give the order to pursue, but was stopped by Jingraku Shunsui. The opponent's spiritual pressure had disappeared. Such a blind pursuit would only waste the fighting power of Jing Ling Ting in vain.

Although Oni Toumaru escaped, Xing Jun caught the five-shaped head that was beaten by Ling Bai and was unable to fight. He wanted to hand it over to Ohmaeda Kichiyo for disposal, but found that he also fell to the ground, unconscious.

Broken Bee's face was dull and he had no choice but to say: "Don't worry about him, just let him lie there."

"It's so heartless." Kyoraku Shunsui laughed and said, "I think it would be better to hand over the soul-cutting sword to the Technology Development Bureau first."

Zhifeng did not answer and disappeared. Jingle Chunshui looked around and found that Ling Bai was not here long ago. He sighed and murmured: "You are really messing around."

Ling Bai captured Kitomaru's spiritual pressure and chased him on the street. Kitomaru had no intention of turning back and fighting. He just ran away, as if there was something urgent. Just when Lingbai wanted to dodge and catch up to him, the front Suddenly, insulting pink cherry blossom blades flooded in, filling the entire street. Ling Bai frowned slightly, and black flames erupted in vain, burning countless cherry blossoms in an instant.

After the cherry blossoms dissipated, Ki Toumaru was nowhere to be seen. This time, he really couldn't even capture the spiritual pressure. He looked up subconsciously and saw Kuchiki Byakuya standing on the roof. He only stayed for a moment, as if to let people see him. Just like his figure, he suddenly disappeared.

Due to the invasion of soul-cutting swords in the middle of the night, the number of wounded in the Seireitei continued to increase. The fourth team's team building was already short of manpower. Captain Kotetsu Yuine could only join the treatment team. What's even more worrying is that... So far, except for Rukia Kuchiki, there has been no battle between the other captains and the soul-zanting sword. This means that more powerful soul-zanting swords will appear one after another in the future.

What is even more worrying is the situation of the Sixth Division. Although the deputy captain Abarai Renji is now managing it on his behalf, if the captain's whereabouts remain unknown, the team members will be anxious and unable to devote themselves to their work.

At this time, Hyōrinmaru seemed to be unable to bear the entanglement of the two women and walked out of the cave. Haineko and Tobiume also left the cave, arguing as they walked. The two of them were sarcastic and sarcastic on the way, both thinking that they were the ones who could find Hyōrin. Maru's man, just as they were chatting by the lake, Senbonzakura appeared in front of the two of them, and the evil ghost mask shocked them both.

He was looking for Muramasa's whereabouts, but when faced with their inquiries, he disappeared without saying a word. From the beginning to now, no one could figure out what Senbonzakura was thinking.

They left the lake, but saw Ling Bai who seemed to be chasing something deep in the forest. They thought that Muramasa was very interested in Ling Bai, so they thought about playing with her for a while. Thinking of this, they ducked away In the past, blocking Ling Bai's way, needless to say, whose soul-cutting sword should be, Ling Bai could tell, the one wearing very little clothes and having a plump figure should be the gray cat of Matsumoto Rangiku's soul-cutting sword.

As for the other one, I have no impression at all.

They were on the left and right, sandwiching Ling Bai in the middle. The gray cat said: "I have decided, leave this guy to me."

Feimei said: "You are always like this. You can't help it when you see a man. It's really inappropriate."

"I like this, don't you? Hum, Gray Cat." A large amount of smoke and ashes spread out from Gray Cat's palm, instantly surrounding Ling Bai. She said almost charmingly: "Don't move, you should know that if you touch If so, what will be the consequences?”

Ling Bai smiled softly and waved his arms. The smoke and ashes disappeared instantly as if they were blown away by the wind. Such things, let alone hurt him, could not even stick to his body.

Chapter 232: Women’s Battle

"He seems to be very powerful." The gray cat said with a charming smile.

"Can you please stop talking like that?" Feimei said.

"Don't be jealous of me just because your beauty is not as good as mine."

"Who do you think is inferior to you? You really have no brains.".

The two quarreled endlessly, and they decided that whoever captured Ling Bai first would be the winner. Ling Bai sighed helplessly, he didn't have time to play with them here, turned around and left, but they followed closely, the smoke, ashes and The fireballs were bombarding them wildly, and there was no other way. Ling Bai had no choice but to stop and pull out the soul-killing knife. In this case, it would only make them lose their mobility.

When she was thinking about who to kill first, a familiar voice came from next to her. Matsumoto Rangiku and Hinamori Momo appeared beside him. They happened to be patrolling tonight, but unexpectedly they encountered her soul-cutting sword here, Matsumoto Rangiku. Said: "Ling Bai, just let us do it."

Ling Bai nodded, sheathed the sword, and disappeared deep into the forest.

The four women who stayed looked at each other for a long time. No one spoke or made any move. Compared to the soul-cutting sword, the Shinigami was much more nervous. They knew that this battle was very crucial and directly related to whether they could... Get back the power of the Soul-Slaying Sword.

The gray cat couldn't help it at first and said, "I thought it was a fun toy, but it's really boring."

"What do you mean?" Matsumoto Rangiku had no idea what she was talking about.

"It's not interesting." Gray Cat pinched his waist and said, "Auntie, you are very annoying."

Being called aunt, Matsumoto Rangiku's face suddenly darkened and she responded: "I really didn't expect you to be just a cat demon. I really shouldn't have treated you well before."

The gray cat mocked: "It's all thanks to you. I'm free now. If I stay with an old aunt like you, I might grow old too."

Compared with them, Hinamori Momo and Feimei's side are much cleaner. Hinamori Momo doesn't seem to have any intention of fighting. She feels that she and Feimei always care about and trust each other, so there is no reason for Fei to fight. Mei spoke very directly. She no longer wanted to stay with Hinamori Momo, and she didn't want to grow up with a weak person.

Hinamori Momo didn't make a move, she didn't know what to do, but Feimei saw through her mind and sneered: "How long do you want to stand there? Don't you think that as long as you stand there without moving, I will come back?" Come to your side. You always think things are simple, so you are taken advantage of and betrayed. Even if you wait, the person you long for will not come back. "

The battle over there had started long ago. Matsumoto Rangiku had already awakened. He didn't know how long the fight lasted. Hinamori Momo couldn't help but take action when she heard Aizenmono Usuke's name. However, there was still a gap in their strength. Without the freed soul-cutting sword, it would be a bit difficult to defeat Haimao after all. Fortunately, Hinamori was a Kidō genius and used the hanging star to deflect the flying plum, which hit Haimao's body.

Originally, Gray Cat had gained the upper hand and was chasing Matsumoto Rangiku. After being hit by Feimei, the two started arguing again. This was their personality. In addition, their relationship was already very bad, which gave the opponent an opportunity. Matsumoto Rangiku and Hinamori Momo took advantage of the opportunity, but they were separated by Gray Cat's smoke. After the blades collided, they returned to the pursuit again.

"Don't run anymore, face reality."

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