Feimei chased him and said loudly: "You have also been betrayed by the person you trust the most. I always watch you but can't make any sound. Do you understand the feeling of being anxious? I can't stand it anymore. You obviously have me, but..."

"You are so cruel. What do you want to do?" Hinamori Tao stopped.

"I want to make you, who is miserable, sleep forever."

The fireball whistled out. Hinamori Tao couldn't avoid it and fell from the tree trunk. Feimei was still mocking him. This is the pain of reality. She always thinks that everyone is a good person. She fell to the ground and said softly: "Let me tell you one more thing. The friends you trust are all your own fantasies in the end. They are all your self-love. Everyone is in a different position. No one takes you seriously. The same is true for Matsumoto Rangiku."

Speaking of this, she deliberately paused and observed Hinamori Tao's expression, but found that she was not moved at all, so She continued, "The evidence is that she has no time to care about you now."

It seems to be true. Matsumoto Rangiku and Gray Cat were not far away, fighting like ordinary women, tearing each other apart. After Matsumoto Rangiku was hit by Gray Cat, Gray Cat taunted her, "How long are you going to pretend? Don't you know that women have a shelf life? You are already expired now."

"Little ghost, stop it." Matsumoto Rangiku threw down the soul-slaying sword, rushed up, grabbed Gray Cat's head, and after screaming, Gray Cat turned around and grabbed and directly tore her clothes at the collar.

"I wanted you to be more sexy.".

Chapter 233: Growth

However, you are already expired, and no one should find you pleasing to the eye. I think you should stop being stubborn, auntie.


Matsumoto Rangiku gritted her teeth, and regardless of any routines and rules, she rushed over, pressed the gray cat to the ground, and tore her mouth hard. Such an attack was originally powerless, so the gray cat kicked it away easily, and the smoke and ashes flew out of her hands and instantly surrounded Matsumoto Rangiku's body. She smiled triumphantly and said, "Goodbye, auntie."

"The mask of flesh and blood, the myriad things..."

Matsumoto Rangiku raised her hand and chanted the ghost way. For her, the No. 31 Broken Way Red Fire Cannon did not need to be chanted at all. However, even if she could abandon the chanting, she could increase the power of Broken Way by chanting. Compared to her, Hinamori Momo was also chanting Broken Way, and golden light was emitted from her hands.

I don't know if it was because she was injured or because of her confusion, the direction of her aim was seriously tilted. Feimei just leaned sideways and easily avoided it. The same was true for Matsumoto Rangiku. The red fire cannon was also barely brushed by the corner of the gray cat's clothes.

"Where are you aiming, Auntie?"

As soon as the words fell, the gray cat was restrained by the golden light extending from behind. At the same time, the red fire cannon hit Feimei, and then the second golden light entangled Feimei and the gray cat together and fell from mid-air.

Hinamori Momo and Matsumoto Rangiku had never discussed tactics in advance, but they played such a cooperation. The tacit understanding between the two and the trust in their companions reached the level in each other's minds. They ran over and clapped their hands.

"What's going on, Auntie."

"Are you acting on purpose?"

"Of course." Matsumoto Rangiku pinched her waist and said smugly: "Don't you see who I am? How could I take what a kid like you said seriously? To compete with your Soul-Slaying Sword, I can only wait for you to show your flaws. It's because you only care about the enemy in front of you, so I fell into the trap. You two are really a perfect match."

Feimei and Gray Cat turned their heads to one side at the same time and said in unison: "What are you talking about?"

Hinamori Momo smiled and said: "You must live in harmony."

They couldn't break free from the golden chains, so they could only be tied together and thrown under the tree. Matsumoto Rangiku sat under the tree and sighed: "Speaking of which, you are really pitiful. You only care about your own willfulness and don't consider others."

"That's not the case!" Feimei defended.

Gray Cat said, "I think you'd better not argue with her. This is the aunt's argument."

Matsumoto Rangiku's face suddenly had black lines, and she said loudly, "Calling me aunt all the time, isn't it annoying!"

"Is that really the case?"

Hinamori Tao jumped down from the tree trunk, walked to their side, lowered her eyes and said, "I would like to make myself older. If I'm young, I can't see the charm of a woman at all. The so-called youth is simple-minded, so I will fall in love, be betrayed, and have unstable emotions, sometimes soaring in the sky, and sometimes sinking to the bottom of the sea. I let this emotion control me, so I lost my way."

Speaking of this, she folded her hands in front of her chest, as if she was looking forward to it: "If I get older, my thoughts will be more mature, and my chaotic mood will be able to let fish leap in the sea and birds fly in the sky. This is the so-called youth growth. Don't apply the casual words like shelf life to women's age."

"You..." Hearing this, Matsumoto Rangiku was stunned for a moment, and then smiled gently.

Gray Cat said, "What are you talking about?"

Matsumoto Rangiku stood up, pinched her waist and said, "Children like you won't understand."

"Yeah, that's a good point."

Feime said, "I think you're just making up stories."

Gray Cat said, "You're really not cute."

Then, the two quarreled again. Hinamori Momo and Matsumoto Rangiku could only sigh helplessly. They still couldn't live in harmony.

At this time, Ling Bai had already walked far away. After coming out of the forest, there was a canyon. He stopped and felt a certain breath. He jumped onto the mountain. Before he could stand firmly, he suddenly jumped up, pulled out the soul-slashing sword, and cut off the ice pillars rising from below. Then, there were three more ice dragons. He cut them off one after another. Looking down, Hyorinmaru was standing in the middle of the canyon.

"Ling Bai, is that so?"

Hyorinmaru said, "I see that you are very strong. Muramasa asked me not to attack you."

"What do you mean?" Ling Bai said.

Bing Lunwan said, "I also want to know what this means."

Speaking of this, he raised the Soul-Severing Sword, and four huge ice dragons appeared instantly, circling around Ling Bai. Then, the four ice dragons merged together and froze Ling Bai inside. Bing Lunwan shook his head, as if very disappointed, and turned to leave, but before he took two steps, the ice column suddenly shattered, and black flames rushed out of it, instantly melting all the ice.

Chapter 234: Shelter

"What is that? The Soul-Severing Sword?"

"Any questions?"

Bing Lunwan lowered his head and thought for a long time. Ling Bai also looked at him quietly. He suddenly felt that Bing Lunwan was not just a betrayal. After about half a minute, Bing Lunwan raised his head and said, "Aren't you my master?"

"Look... You know it now, right?" Ling Bai shrugged and said helplessly: "I am fire and you are ice, how can we be partners? Your partner is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bing Lunwan: "Since you don't know me, there is nothing else."

Seeing his appearance, he suddenly understood something. Before Bing Lunwan left, he said: "Don't you remember whose soul-slaying sword you are?".

"I don't know at all."

Bing Lunwan turned his back to him and said slowly: "Who am I, who is my master, I have no memory at all, goodbye."

He had no intention of fighting, and Ling Bai had no intention of chasing him. After all, whoever owned the soul-slaying sword should be handed over to him. He looked into the distance and suddenly heard a hoarse and familiar voice.

"Hyorinmaru, your name is Hyorinmaru."

Hitsugaya Toushirou jumped down from a height, stared at Hyorinmaru, and slowly said: "I am Hitsugaya Toushirou, and you are my Soul-Slaying Sword."

Hyorinmaru turned his head and saw that the other party looked like a very young god of death. He could not believe that he was his master. Hyorinmaru slowly said: "Don't joke, a kid like you, how could you be a holder like me."

Hearing this, Hitsugaya Toushirou's pupils gradually shrank, clenched his fists and said: "It seems that you really forgot me."

"Kid, do you really think I will believe what you say?"

"What did that guy named Muramasa do to you?"

"It has nothing to do with him." Hyorinmaru said: "It's just that when I was freed from the owner, I lost all my memories. It is indeed as you see, I am under Muramasa's command, but finding a new master is my mission."

"New master?" Hitsugaya Toushirou asked in confusion.

"Yes." Hyorinmaru drew out his Soul-Slaying Sword and said slowly, "My power is very strong. To use me skillfully, you must be a powerful god of death, at least not a little devil like you."

Hitsugaya Toushirou gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "You are right. My power is not strong enough, but I am your master, and that will never change."

Hyorinmaru shook his head and said, "If you insist on saying that you are my master, then show me the evidence."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. Hitsugaya Toushirou's pupils suddenly shrank. He drew out his Soul-Slaying Sword and raised it above his head. The blades collided with each other. Hyorinmaru appeared behind him. He separated the opponent's Soul-Slaying Sword and quickly distanced himself. Hyorinmaru swung his Soul-Slaying Sword, and the ice pillar rushed out from where he fell. He had not yet stood firm and turned over backwards.

Hitsugaya Toushirou stepped on the mountain, using the force to rush forward. The blades rubbed against each other and he jumped into the air. The sixty-three-way binding method, the lock bar binding, the golden chain wrapped around Hyorinmaru's body, but in less than two seconds, it was melted by the ice, and the cold air went straight up to the sky, making the originally dark sky even darker.

Hyorinmaru was originally a soul-slaying sword that could change the weather. A large amount of cold air came out from the feet of Hyorinmaru, and the ice dragon soared into the sky. Ling Bai stood on a high place and had no intention of intervening. Hitsugaya Toushirou was not like others. He was a genius that was rare in a thousand years, a captain-level figure. He could serve as a captain not because of the ability of the soul-slaying sword, but because he was equal in all aspects.

"Hadao No. 31, Red Fire Cannon!"

With this level of Hadao, the red fireball was frozen by the cold air the moment it was released. Hyorinmaru said in a deep voice: "Don't you understand yet? This move is useless to me."

The ice dragon rushed towards Hitsugaya Toushirou. The irresistible cold air and the overwhelming impact force knocked Hitsugaya Toushirou down who was about to rush up. A large amount of ice pressed on him. Hitsugaya Toushirou supported his body with the Soul Slashing Sword, stood in the middle of the ice, and said in a deep voice: "I heard that the Soul Slashing Sword is based on its own and cannot leave the God of Death, so Hyorinmaru, what is your instinct?"

"My instinct?" Hyorinmaru asked back.

"Yes." Hitsugaya Toshiro said: "It's your instinct, what your soul needs, what exactly is it? Don't you even remember this?"

"I'm looking for my place," Hyōrinmaru said.

"A place to stay?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro lowered his eyes. He suddenly remembered his past. He was born in an unknown village, but everyone around him was afraid of him. He didn't know why. He obviously didn't do anything special. It was because My own silver hair and blue eyes? Or because of his character that refuses people thousands of miles away.

The person he talked to the most was her grandmother.

Chapter 235: Homecoming

He forgot the day he met Matsumoto Rangiku. That day he went to buy sweet natto, but the store didn't want to approach him. He just threw the sweet natto and the change on the table, which happened to be watched by Matsumoto Rangiku who was patrolling by. When he arrived, he taught the shopkeeper a lesson, but instead of thanking Rangiku, he dropped his hand and ran home as if running away.

He would have the same dream every night, and he could always hear a voice echoing, as if it had the power to crush everything. This feeling was surrounded, like thunder falling from the sky. At the end of the dream, he would see He saw the huge ice dragon, but the wind roared and he couldn't hear the sound of the ice dragon at all.

That day, when he woke up from his dream, he saw Matsumoto Rangiku standing beside the bed, asking him to put away his spiritual pressure and go to sleep. His grandma looked very cold. Only then did he notice that the room had been empty for some time. There was a thin layer of ice, and his grandma was shivering in bed, but he couldn't feel the cold at all.

"Kid, you'd better become the Grim Reaper."

Rangiku Matsumoto said: "Children as powerful as you must learn how to use power. I want to remind you that if this continues, your power will kill your grandma."

He originally didn't want to leave his grandma alone, but after hearing what Rangiku Matsumoto said, he gradually became shaken. After his grandma found out, she also supported him to become a god of death in order to find out where the voice calling him was.

"Sit upright in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's soul-zapping sword was raised above his head, and the sky thundered. The most powerful soul-zapping sword of the ice and snow system could control everything in the sky. The blade released a breathtaking cold air and instantly condensed into a huge ice dragon.

"Kid, why..."

Hyōrinmaru's pupils shrank, and he said in surprise: "Why did you use my power?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro said in a deep voice: "You haven't remembered it yet, then I'll let you see it, although I don't know what it will be like if you use it in the state of initial release, Ryuugaoka!"

He straightened his sword and stabbed straight, and the dragon whizzed away as he moved. The blade passed through Hyōrinmaru's chest, and a huge ice cross instantly appeared, wrapping the two of them inside.

"Think of it quickly."

Hitsugaya Toshiro clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and said in a deep voice: "Who listened to your voice? Quickly recall where your refuge is! Hyōrinmaru!"

Hyōrinmaru opened his eyes wide and looked at him blankly. He suddenly remembered the silver-haired kid who appeared in the dream and subconsciously whispered: "Master..."

The next moment, the ice suddenly exploded, white light shot straight into the sky, breaking through the haze, and the sun shone down. Hyōrinmaru turned into a huge ice dragon, and ice wings surrounded Hitsugaya Toshiro. He said softly: "Do you remember it now? However, I am no longer the brat I was before, my name is Toshiro Hitsugaya."

When he was in the state of initial release, he used the swastika move. His body could not bear the load and it looked like he might fall down at any time. The ice dragon looked up to the sky and roared. At the same time that the ice cube turned into a spirit child, he transformed into an ice wheel again. The materialized form of Maru hugged the unconscious Toshiro Hitsugaya and landed on the mountains not far away.

Now that they encountered the Zanzantō, the only ones who had not recovered it were Madarame Ikkaku and Omaeda Kichiyo. Oni Toumaru ran away and did not pursue him. The five-shaped head was different. After Ling Bai knocked him unconscious, he directly When it was sent to the Technology Development Bureau, Nirvana was also unceremonious and tied the five-shaped head directly to the pillar, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Ohmaeda Kichiyo.

Even though the soul-cutting sword has betrayed the God of Death, Wu-shaped head has also been his companion for many years. If it fell into the hands of Nie Yuli, is that okay? Nie Yuli said easily: "Don't yell. , I just want to use him as a sample to uncover the secret of this soul-cutting sword rebellion, Nemu, give me the sword."

Nie Yinmu handed it to him without hesitation. Omaeda Kichiyo broke into cold sweat, but did not dare to take the knife. He waved his hands repeatedly and said loudly: "Wait a minute, if you chop him, I will Will the soul-cutting sword disappear?"

Nirvana didn't care, and said naturally: "I don't know about this kind of thing, otherwise, let's test it now."

"Wait a moment."

The five-shaped head's mouth was sealed with tape, and he could not speak. He could only make a whining protest. Just like his master, he was not a character who regarded death as home. No matter what, he was his own soul-killer. Knife, just when Niyauri was about to chop it down, Omaeda Kichiyo quickly grabbed Niyauri's hands, causing Niyauri's dissatisfaction.

"Captain Nie, listen to me first."

Omaeda Kichiyo broke into cold sweat and said calmly: "Even if it is a sample, he is the only soul-zanting sword captured so far. I think it should be used more carefully. If it dies, no There’s nothing left.”

Upon hearing this, the five-shaped head nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Chapter 236: Great cause

"You're really noisy, so don't blame me, Yinmeng, I'll leave it to you."

The young Nemu took out a dagger from nowhere and stabbed Omaeda Kichiyo without hesitation. She was so frightened that she quickly backed away and said loudly: "How can you kill someone with an expressionless face? Besides, , if you want to chop, don’t chop me, shouldn’t you chop with the Soul-Slaying Sword?”

Hearing this, the five-shaped head shook his head repeatedly and whined in his mouth, as if to say, you bastard, aren't you here to save me? However, Ohmaeda Kichiyo said: "Stop screaming, it's better than me." It’s good to be chopped.”

Nirvana said with great interest: "I didn't expect that you can actually communicate with the soul-cutting sword whose mouth was covered. The connection between the God of Death and the materialized soul-cutting sword seems to be worth studying in depth. "

Ohmaeda Kichiyo said with a smile on his face, "You are right, the relationship between the Shinigami and the Soul-Zanbing Sword is indeed difficult to understand, but if this guy is used in experiments, wouldn't it be a bit overkill? "

Following the scream, Nie Yinmeng stabbed the dagger into Wu-shaped head's body, but no blood flowed out. Wu-shaped head passed out and his whole body gradually turned white, like a statue sitting on the ground. , Omaeda Kichiyo said loudly: "What on earth did you do to my soul-cutting sword!"

"I feel like I'm dead." Nie Yuli said: "I just received a report. I heard that the soul-cutting sword will return to its original state if it is defeated by its master. However, it seems that if it is defeated by a god of death other than its master, If you go on, it won't be restored to its original state. If you want to blame it, it's your own inability to blame it. You also asked Ling Bai to defeat him for you. This time Hui Yinmeng seems to have killed him. "

As he spoke, he walked into the research room. Ohmaeda Kichiyo followed behind and chattered endlessly, but was stopped by Nie Yinmu at the door. Nie Yuli sat on the chair and fell into thinking, although the matter of the soul-cutting sword rebellion was worrying. His appetite was whetted, but there were more and more troubles.

At this time, Haimao and Feimei were also put into cages on the carriage by the team members who rushed to the depths of the forest to support them, and were to be transported to Jinglingting. Although they had been complaining, Matsumoto Rangiku and Hinamori Momo still handed them over to the team members. , Fortunately, they were not sent to the Technology Development Bureau, but to the duty room of the Fourth Division.

From just now, Matsumoto Rangiku could feel Hitsugaya Toshiro's spiritual pressure. Although she knew that her captain would not be defeated so easily, the sudden disappearance of the spiritual pressure still made him feel uneasy. On the way there, he encountered When they arrived at Lingbai, they were relieved to learn that Hitsugaya Toshiro had helped Hyōrinmaru regain his memory.

Just when they wanted to return to the Jingling Court, the nearby wall was suddenly torn apart, like a black hole appearing on the wall. Muramasa walked out of it. It seemed that his physical condition was not very good, and he was still stumbling when walking.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet here." Ling Bai said with a smile.

"Yes." Muramasa wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said slowly: "It seems that there is an unbreakable bond between us. I still feel that your power can help me complete my great cause."

Although they had not seen him, Matsumoto Rangiku and Hinamori Momo were still on alert, with their hands on the handles of their swords, ready to fight at any time.

Ling Bai waved his hand to tell them not to be nervous, pulled out the soul-cutting knife, and sneered: "I have no interest in your great cause. I just know that you are going to die here. This is the fate between you and me."

"It's really stupid." Muramasa raised his hand, and Ling Bai suddenly felt a strange wave of spiritual pressure, which should be the sound that awakened the soul-cutting sword's instinct. He shook his head slightly, fearless.

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