Kuchiki Xianghe said: "Now the situation is urgent, we can't hesitate anymore, and this is not like your usual style of conduct, father-in-law. Please forgive me for being rude."

Watching him jump down the hillside, Kuchiki Xianghe sighed: "My impetuous character has not changed at all."

He fell into the crowd like a cannonball, and both sides immediately stopped what they were doing. Seeing the red gauze and the star-pulling pincers on his head, the God of Death was shocked. This is the symbol of the Kuchiki family, and he pulled out the After taking out the soul-cutting sword, lavender spiritual pressure rose from his body and spread to the surroundings. Knowing that he was difficult to deal with, the Shinigami put down the enemies in front of him and surrounded him.

"This soul-cutting sword should never be reflected in your eyes, so consider yourself unlucky now."

The powerful spiritual pressure made the Shinigami breathless, but they did not flinch. After all, there was only one enemy, and he was quite young. Kuchiki Xianghe raised the soul-cutting sword and said softly: "Mutter it, Muramasa."

The dark purple spiritual pressure spread like ripples, and the surrounding Shinigami suddenly felt that the soul-cutting swords in their hands were not obeying their orders, as if they were pulling them. Under the pull of the soul-cutting swords, they not only cut their companions, but also injured them. Putting the knife on one's own neck and committing suicide, this kind of power was completely irresistible. No one thought that throwing down the soul-cutting sword could prevent this from happening.

Kuchiki Kyoukawa's performance immediately attracted the attention of Yamamoto Genryuzai. His performance this time was very outstanding. Although the rebellion has not yet come to an end, his participation in the battle can be said to be a crucial step towards restoring order. According to the general According to the captain, the Soul Society is now in panic and unrest, and this is also a test given to them for the sake of eternal peace in the future.

People like Kuchiki Xianghe, who are better than others, are exactly the talents that the Soul Society desires.

His reputation immediately spread throughout the Gotei 13. He single-handedly defeated more than a dozen rebels. In that era, he was still a rare existence. Moreover, he was the head of the four nobles, the son-in-law of the Kuchiki family, and the sixth son-in-law of the Kuchiki family. The third seat in the squad belongs to him.

They returned to the sixth division team building. Kuchiki Ginling stood in front of the window, saying nothing, as if he was thinking about something very distressing. Kuchiki Kyouga couldn't help but asked: "What's wrong with you? You seem to be in a bad mood." Look, can you tell me the reason?”

Kuchiki Ginling was silent for a while, then turned around and said, "Then let me ask you something, why are you acting alone?"

Kuchiki Ginzu put his hand on the hilt of the Soul-Zipping Sword and said slowly: "Because with the power of me and Muramasa, my Soul-Zipping Sword, I am confident that I can reverse the situation at that time."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Ginling sighed, turned around and said, "Xianghe, do you know what a person with great power needs in order to use his power skillfully?"

Kuchiki Xianghe shook his head and said, "What do you need?"


Kuchiki Ginling said: "People with power control the power with their own consciousness, but sometimes they are controlled by that power. To truly establish a relationship, you must have a mind that does not believe in your own power too much. Your power It is very powerful, I have known this for a long time, but my mind is not yet mature enough to be familiar with this power, so you should take this incident as a lesson."

Having said this, he paused deliberately, stared at Kuchiki Xianghe, and said slowly: "You have already shouldered the important task of maintaining the reputation of our family. Stop talking any more and step back."

Kuchiki Xianghe wanted to say something else, but he opened his mouth but did not say anything. He bowed slightly and left the room.

He came to the plain where he usually practiced, and the soul-cutting sword was inserted into the ground. He sat down facing the soul-cutting sword and entered a state of meditation. Surrounded by the endless ocean, he sat on a white pillar rising from the water. Muramasa's The voice rang in his ears.

"What are you worried about? I can see the darkness in your heart."

"That's your illusion."

"You don't have to hide it from me. We are one now. Only by trusting each other can we take our strength to the next level."

Kuchiki Xianghe opened his eyes and said slowly: "Can you say that I haven't used you well yet?".

Chapter 260: Rebels

"I have no idea."

Muramasa said slowly: "About your power, it is still unknown. There is no way to predict how powerful it will be in the future, but it can be said that we are the god of death and the soul-cutting sword who are destined to meet. Believe me, You also have to believe in yourself.”

Kuchiki Xianghe returned to the real world from the artistic conception, pulled out the soul-cutting sword, and sheathed it. He raised the corner of his mouth. Muramasa was right. He believed that he was the way to protect order. In the following days, he would be unstoppable. He led the members of the Sixth Division to defeat the rebels many times. However, what he didn't know was that many of his battles were under the secret observation of Kuchiki Ginru and Yamamoto Genryusei.

He also did not expect that every time he reported the battle report of the expedition to Kuchiki Ginling, Kuchiki Ginling would ignore it. He entered the soul-zanting sword's mood and complained to Muramasa that no matter how many military exploits he made, Kuchiki Ginling would not Giving him recognition even made many people feel that Kuchiki Ginling was looking down on him.

Muramasa just comforted him, he was stronger than anyone else.

Kuchiki Hibiki's wife also felt that he was acting strange recently, and she went to talk to her father many times. Kuchiki Ginling just told him not to worry. Kuchiki Hibiki was a very smart man, and he had superior strength far beyond his own. However, it will take some time to understand these correctly.

After years of fighting, the strength of the rebellion was almost suppressed. The members of the Sixth Division began to feel that it was their honor to fight side by side with Kuchiki Kyoukawa. However, Kuchiki Kyoukawa did not care about this. Their purpose was not It is the judgment of the world, but it is to quell the turmoil in Soul Society.

On their way back, they saw three people wearing captain's feathers talking secretly at the corner of the corridor. They looked towards them while talking. After being discovered, they left the corridor like thieves. The team members sighed: " They are still big shots, but they are also sneaky, maybe they are jealous of our outstanding performance. "

About a week later, Kuchiki Kyoukawa was summoned to the first team. What shocked him was that the commander-in-chief, Genryucai Yamamoto, actually wanted him to help. He said that in order to wipe out the remaining rebels, Yamamoto Genryucai specially A special force was organized under his jurisdiction, with him as the captain. From now on, he can display his skills to his heart's content.

After receiving such an honor, which was recognition from the captain, he was so excited that he could not sleep. He ran to Kuchiki Ginling to report that he was appointed as the captain of the special force.


Kuchiki Ginling sat at the table and said without looking back: "Then you must do your duty with all your heart and do not disgrace our family's reputation."

Seeing his attitude, Kuchiki Hibiki was a little dissatisfied. He gritted his teeth and said, "Are you unhappy? The son-in-law of the Kuchiki family has been recognized by Captain Yamamoto."

Kuchiki Ginling didn't care what he thought at all, and still turned her back to him and said: "I understand, you must always pay attention, and be sure not to mislead the captain."

In this case, Kuchiki Xianghe didn't want to say anything and left his room. What he didn't know was that his wife was hiding behind the pillars in the corridor and looking at him with concern. At this moment, several captains Level characters are having a secret conversation in the room.

"Did you hear that Kuchiki Hibiki was appointed as the captain of the special forces by Captain Yamamoto?"

"The turmoil in Soul Society will subside soon. If it continues like this, it will be even harder for our faction to outshine him."

"I have seen his power. It is very powerful. I am afraid there is no strategy to turn the tide."

"That's not necessarily the case. I'm already prepared."

At this time, Kuchiki Xianghe led his team to go out. After half a month of fighting, the rebellion in Soul Society was quelled. Just when he killed the last rebel and his subordinates came to celebrate, he was attacked by an enemy who didn't know where they came from. He was struck, and the other party clearly stated his plan, which was to kill him in this civil strife.

Kuchiki Xianghe didn't take them seriously. He released the Soul-Zanbing Sword, and Muramasa appeared next to him. Then, their Soul-Zanbing Swords didn't obey their orders, and black shadows appeared in front of everyone. , this is the materialization of their soul-cutting swords. With this ability, they cannot hurt Kuchiki Xianghe at all, and will only die under their own soul-cutting swords.

Screams spread throughout the Jingling Court. More than a dozen Death Gods fell to the ground, and the blades in their hands were broken. Just as they fell, a large number of Xing Jun wearing black tights appeared around them.

The three people who talked secretly that night also appeared here, pointing to the corpses on the ground, and asked: "What on earth is going on? Kuchiki Xianghe, those who fell here are not rebels, but the people on our side, you Did this guy take advantage of the chaos to kill?"

Kuchiki Xianghe didn't know their plot yet, and just said: "I have no reason to do this. They attacked first, and I just fought back.".

Chapter 261: No one can argue

He thought that this would be fine. After all, he had done nothing, and he had also made great contributions in the battle against the rebels. Even if he went to the captain, with the captain's recognition of him, nothing would happen. But he still Being young, I could not have imagined the dangers of the factional struggle in Jinglingting at that time.

"What's going on?" Kuchiki Yinling appeared here and asked.

One of the senior officials said: "Lord Ginling, as you have seen with your own eyes, the son-in-law of the Kuchiki family, Hibikiga, killed our fellow Shinigami."

Kuchiki Ginling didn't speak. Looking at his serious face, they didn't dare to say anything. Kuchiki Xianghe didn't say anything either. He just clenched his teeth. His father-in-law appeared here. Things seemed to have become serious and he fell to the ground. The God of Death suddenly said in a difficult tone: "What they said is true. Xianghe is a devil. In order to show off his power, he suddenly came to kill us."

"Don't make things out of nothing!" Kuchiki Xianghe scolded loudly.

The God of Death seemed not to have heard it, and still pointed at him and said, "We became the victims of his greedy ambitions."

"What did you say?"

Kuchiki Xianghe suddenly felt that he was unable to argue. Except for the four Death Gods who fell on the ground, there was no bystander who could testify for him, and his men were also killed by the other party first. Only then did he realize that he was After being framed, the senior official did not give him a chance to defend himself and shouted loudly: "Catch him! Hurry up and arrest Kuchiki Xianghe!"

Xing Jun would not give anyone a chance to explain as long as the commander gave the order. More than a dozen Xing Jun stepped down and surrounded Kuchiki Xianghe. Muramasa said slowly: "What should we do, Xianghe?"

Kuchiki Xianghe gritted his teeth. Now that the matter has come to this, he can only fight his way out, and then find a place to hide. When the time changes, when he wants to avenge himself, Kuchiki Yinling suddenly says: "Don't be impulsive, Xianghe, put it down." Soul-cutting sword, don’t move, don’t make any unnecessary resistance.”

"Master Yinling, why..."

Resentment began to appear in his heart. His father-in-law clearly knew who he was, so why did he let him be captured without any intention of saving him? However, Kuchiki Ginling said: "Don't ask, just stop."

Kuchiki Xianghe took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and hesitated for a long time. He was well aware of the power of his power, and the Xing army around him did not act rashly. After a long time, he finally made up his mind. There was no point in resisting. What he faced But in the entire Jingling Court, he sheathed his sword. Seeing him like this, Muramasa gritted his teeth and disappeared from the place with an attitude of hating iron.

The surrounding Xing army swarmed up, captured him, and locked him in a cell that day. Even in the cell, he was still tightly surrounded by ropes. As night fell, Kuchiki Yinling came to the door of the cell, stared at him, and slowly Said: "Your execution has been issued, and you will be deprived of your position as chief official for the next hundred years. In addition, your soul-cutting sword was deemed to be a dangerous factor in causing unrest, so it was ordered to be deprived of all its abilities."

Knowing this method of execution, Kuchiki Kyoukawa's pupils gradually shrank. He was always eager to attack, and depriving him of his position as chief officer was already unbearable. Depriving him of the soul-cutting sword that had been with him for so long made his life worse than death. , which also means that as a god of death, he will lose his most important combat ability in the future.

"why is it like this……"

Kuchiki Xianghe said loudly: "Lord Yinling, do you also believe what they said? Do you really think I killed them?"

Kuchiki Ginling looked at him with a serious expression and sharp eyes, and said slowly: "Do you think I think so? Do you understand, the problem is that the people above are quite critical of the power of your soul-cutting sword, and they are afraid of it. It’s not you, it’s Muramasa’s loss of control.”

"What did you say?" Kuchiki Xianghe said: "It's not me, but because of Muramasa?"

Kuchiki Ginling sighed silently and said with sincerity: "Xianghe, I have told you before, people with power must also have a strong mind. You firmly believe in the power of your soul-cutting sword. Blindly believing that your own judgment is correct is getting further and further. Mr. Yuanliuzhai is also afraid that you will suddenly lose control, so he allows you to stay with him and entrust you with tasks. "

Kuchiki Xianghe didn't seem to understand what he was talking about at all. He just defended: "I didn't kill any colleagues. I am innocent. It was all designed to frame me by those careerists who peeked at power."


Kuchiki Ginling said sternly: "It was entirely your overconfidence that made you end up like this."

Kuchiki Xianghe felt that what he said was right or wrong, but he could not refute it. He no longer had the strength to defend, closed his eyes, and his tone was almost desperate: "Then what do you want me to do? They want my life. ! Do you want me to die without any resistance?"

He was unwilling and angry at being wronged, which made him want to break out of the prison and crush the ambitions of those in power.

Chapter 262: Hatred

"calm down!"

Kuchiki Ginling said: "There is still a lot of time before you are executed. You have to learn to be patient. It is also a good thing for you to learn this now."

At this point, he did not stay any longer, turned around and left the cell, thinking to himself that his son-in-law was really an impatient person, but the current situation was indeed not optimistic, and he had to think of a foolproof plan, otherwise, Kuchiki Xianghe would... You will really lose your strength.

After he left, Kuchiki Xianghe was even more grieved. He closed his eyes and unknowingly entered Muramasa's consciousness. What he was thinking about was why Lord Ginling didn't understand me and that I was wronged. Man, Muramasa's voice rang in his ears.

"You don't need to be understood by anyone. I told you, believe me and believe in yourself.".

As if he noticed something, he opened his eyes suddenly and found Muramasa appearing in front of him, also in the cell. He exclaimed: "Muramasa, why, why did you materialize?"

Muramasa said slowly: "Because I feel your inability and your anger."

"My instinct?" Kuchiki Xianghe asked doubtfully.

Muramasa said: "As long as you summon me, I can appear by your side anytime and anywhere. I am your soul-cutting sword. You must live and follow your instinct."

At this point, a soul-cutting knife appeared in his hand. The sword's light shone brightly and instantly cut off the chains tied to Kuchiki Xianghe. The iron pillars of the cell were also cut into pieces and collapsed. The god of death who heard the sound rushed in from outside. Without asking, Muramasa killed him on the ground. Seeing the scene in front of him, Kuchiki Xianghe was stunned. Although he was angry and unwilling, he never thought about escaping from prison and killing his companions.

Doing so would only deepen his crime. In the final analysis, he did not dare to rebel.

"Let's go, Xianghe."

Muramasa waved to him and said slowly: "We don't have to adapt to this hateful world that is jealous of your and my power. Wouldn't it be better to use our power to change him all?"

Kuchiki Hibiki frowned, perhaps because he was moved by his words, or because of what Kuchiki Ginling said before. What he feared was not him, but his Soul-Severing Sword, or because of Muramasa's condescending attitude of trying to save him.

He slowly stood up, raising a strong oppressive, lavender spiritual pressure. He did not look directly at Muramasa, but slowly said: "Let me make it clear in advance that I am the master. I don't remember being told what to do by your Soul-Severing Sword!"

"He has awakened..."

After a thousand years of sealing, Kuchiki Hibiki finally awakened. Kuchiki Rukia didn't know who he was, but just wanted to quickly end the chaos on the battlefield. She drew out her Soul-Severing Sword and rushed forward regardless of Ling Bai's obstruction. However, before she reached the opponent, she was bounced back by the spiritual pressure released by Kuchiki Hibiki. She couldn't imagine that after being sealed for so long, there was still such a strong spiritual pressure left. It was simply a monster.

Muramasa stood in front of him, opened his arms, his face full of expectation, and his tone trembled.

"You finally woke up, Xianghe. I've waited so hard for this moment. Now let's realize our wish."


Kuchiki Xianghe stared at Muramasa who was walking over. Suddenly, he raised the broken blade in his hand and inserted it into Muramasa's abdomen. Muramasa couldn't believe it. He had worked hard for hundreds of years and never thought of giving up. Finally, today he saw the master he had been looking forward to day and night. He thought it would be a happy reunion, or a joy that he was overwhelmed with. Unexpectedly, what was waiting for him was the opponent's blade.


Until now, Muramasa can still clearly remember the scene of that night. Without anyone knowing, Kuchiki Xianghe was rescued from the cell by him. The three senior officials were still drinking and having fun, complacent about the success of today's plan.

"I think Xianghe is staying in the cell unwillingly now."

"He deserves it."

"Yeah, he used to be so proud of his strength, but now he must be in such a state of disarray. I really want to go and see."

"You are really vicious. When I first heard about this plan, I was still worried whether it could go smoothly. Who knew that he would fall into the trap so easily? Now he is finished."

What they didn't know was that all their words were heard by Kuchiki Xianghe. Kuchiki Xianghe and Muramasa pushed the door open. They sat on the ground in fear as if they had seen a ghost, and the wine glasses in their hands were also broken. They didn't know how Xianghe escaped from the cell, and now they had no time to think about it. They didn't give them a chance to beg for mercy. The sword flashed, screams resounded through the night sky, and all three fell in a pool of blood.

At this time, Xiumu Yinling received a report from his subordinates. He originally wanted to think of a solution for Xiumu Xianghe's matter and didn't want to be disturbed late at night. Who knew that his subordinates didn't even bother to knock on the door and broke in. He looked a little unhappy.

Chapter 263: Irreparable

"What's the matter? So hurried?"

The subordinates didn't have time to apologize for their rudeness, and panted and said: "Xiumu Sanxi escaped from the prison in the team house, and also killed the three adults involved in this incident."

Hearing this news, Xiumu Yinling's pupils suddenly shrank, and he sighed silently, thinking of his daughter, and shook his head gently.

After killing them, Kuchiki Hibiki hid in a warehouse in the forest and sat on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking. Muramasa stood behind him, no longer arrogant as before, and just said: "Are you satisfied now?"

Kuchiki Hibiki leaned on his cheek and said: "Not yet, thinking about it now still makes me angry."

Muramasa said softly: "Forget it, they are dead, sent to hell by you, you should take this opportunity to cut off all the past karma and live optimistically.".

Kuchiki Hibiki ignored him, but opened the door and walked out. Under the steps in front, he saw Kuchiki Yinling who found this place. The two looked at each other for a long time, and no one spoke first. The wind blew the treetops in the forest, making a rustling sound. Kuchiki Hibiki opened his mouth, but didn't say anything after all.


Xiu Mu Yin Ling said: "Do you know what I want to say? Why do you do that? Why do you want to kill them?"

Xiu Mu Xianghe gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. At this point, he was still questioning himself, why couldn't he consider the injustice he suffered for him? He turned his head and didn't look at Xiu Mu Yin Ling, and said slowly: "Because they betrayed me, even so, I still believe that they will regret betraying me..."

Facing his respected father-in-law, the head of the Xiu Mu family, he couldn't be cold after all. Like a child, he wanted to tell his grievances to an adult, sobbing and said: "But they are drinking and talking happily. Even if they are killed, it is not enough to send I was betrayed and wronged, and I was filled with melancholy and loss. What should I do? "

Xiu Mu Yin Ling lowered his eyes and said softly: "You have completely lost the chance to clear your name. If you could reflect on yourself, behave properly and act prudently after being suspected, you could have survived this disaster."


Xiu Mu Xianghe said loudly: "Why should I do this? I am innocent and was framed."

Xiu Mu Yin Ling sighed: "I know you are innocent, but what should I do now? Even if you have a motive, you cannot deny that you have killed your unarmed colleagues and committed a serious crime. You should be sentenced to death."

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