Hearing these words, Kuchiki Xianghe's pupils gradually shrank. He seemed to understand everything. Especially when he heard about the death penalty, he knew that he could never look back. Now he was at the end of the road. He suddenly remembered that Lord Ginling had once What he said to him is that your power is very powerful, but your mind is not yet mature enough to control this power. It is your excessive self that leads to this end.

He could even hear the three gods of death who framed him laughing triumphantly in hell, laughing at himself. He was about to come down to accompany them. His grievance and anger gradually merged into one. He couldn't bear it anymore, since he was already In a desperate situation, he must resist and use his own power to crush everything that controls him.

"Lord Yinling."

Thinking of this, his face gradually darkened, and he suddenly said in a deep voice: "I finally saw clearly that you and them are in the same group. You pretended to be thinking about me and got close to me, so that I didn't take precautions. In fact, you were in the same group. You hate me, you don’t like my power anyway, whisper it, Muramasa!”

He woke up Muramasa, and Muramasa followed his consciousness. When he appeared, he rushed towards Kuchiki Ginling without any hesitation. Kuchiki Ginling did not expect that Xianghe would actually attack him, and a green spirit glowed on his body. The pressure seemed to turn into nothingness, and Muramasa's body passed through his body without hurting him at all.

"Yin Ling, you old fool!"

Kuchiki Xianghe gritted his teeth and said: "Don't seal your heart for me, quickly release the seal for me!"

Kuchiki Ginling didn't seem to hear what he said. He was still in the same posture as before. Xianghe had no choice but to say: "Forget it, just stay here like this. I will come back to finish you in the end. I want to kill you." There are too many dead bastards to count.”

Having said this, he pulled off the star-holding pliers on his head that symbolized the Kuchiki family, threw it to Kuchiki Ginling, turned around and left. After he walked away, Kuchiki Ginling also released the barrier, sighed, and picked up the star-holding pliers. , holding it in his hand, he understood that even if he used the prestige of the Kuchiki family, he could not undo the crime committed by Xianghe. Now he could only worry about his daughter, and don't think too much.

After that, Kuchiki Xianghe broke into the Serenity Courtyard every night and went on a killing spree. As long as he encountered the patrolling Shinigami, he would kill them without hesitation. Muramasa asked him in his heart why he did this. .

Chapter 264: Establishing Order

He just replied that they were all enemies anyway, and they all hated him. They wanted to strike first, and this was also for survival.

"Let him go by the past."

Muramasa advised: "You should live optimistically and positively."

Kuchiki Xianghe didn't understand why he was hated by others. Is it just because he had power?

"Xianghe!" Muramasa shouted: "Let us create a new world, and I will give you all my power."

Kuchiki Xianghe ignored him, didn't even look at him, and just said: "Your power is the source of my trouble, those guys' power to me..."

He continued to speak, but Muramasa could no longer hear his voice. The relationship between the soul-cutting sword and its master gradually became estranged. Kuchiki Xianghe relied on his powerful power to kill unscrupulously in the Serenity Court. However, when he encountered an enemy that was difficult to deal with, he wanted to call out Muramasa, but there was no response. It was not until he gave a commanding tone that Muramasa appeared beside him.

In just two days, the death toll caused by Kuchiki Kyoukawa has exceeded fifty. Yamamoto Genryusai also knows that Kuchiki Kyoukawa's soul-cutting sword Muramasa's ability is very special. As long as the opponent's soul-cutting sword is controlled , no matter how many experienced team members are sent there, it is meaningless.

Kuchiki Ginling suggested that if you want to deal with an illusion-type soul-cutting sword like Xianghe, you can only close your heart under the premise of knowing his power. However, if you want to defend against his attack in this state, you must Someone who has strong spiritual pressure and tenacious willpower, and who can swing a sword at him under such circumstances.

There must be two such people to have a chance of winning.

No one dared to stand up for such a proposal. The risk was too great, and if it failed, the whole army would be annihilated. Moreover, the requirements for oneself were also very strict. They had to close their hearts and still have enough energy to fight. At that time, Jingling Court, There are not many people with such ability. Yamamoto Yuanliu didn't wait too long. He stood up and said slowly: "Let me join forces with you to seal Xianghe."

The captain went to the battle in person, and Kuchiki Ginling was expressionless and didn't know what he was thinking.

Kuchiki Xianghe hid in the cave, complacent with his own strength. He did not wash away his grievances, but took revenge on Jing Lingting who hated him. Muramasa appeared beside him and whispered: "Xianghe, why are you even Those innocent people in Rukongai will not be spared.”

"Is there any problem?" Kuchiki Xianghe said: "I want the entire Soul Society to learn a lesson."

Muramasa frowned slightly and said in a questioning tone: "What lessons have been learned?"

Kuchiki Xianghe said: "I want them to understand how foolish it is to expel me from this world, and how incompetent they are for not being able to subdue my power."

Hearing what he said, Muramasa was a little dissatisfied: "Are you going to kill those powerless people for this? Is this behavior necessary for us to create an ideal new world?"


Kuchiki Xianghe sneered, stood up, grabbed Muramasa's collar, gritted his teeth and said: "What do you mean we? Stop joking, do you also want to keep pace with me? You are just my Soul-Zanbing Sword, Soul-Zanbing Sword Just keep your mouth shut and obey me."

After that, he threw Muramasa to the ground. Muramasa raised his head and gasped: "Xianghe, you are tired, you should take a good rest."

"Shut up!" Kuchiki Xianghe said loudly: "You are just a soul-killing knife, but you want to point fingers at me?"

He kicked Muramasa hard, and suddenly there was a familiar spiritual pressure from outside. He walked out of the cave. It was evening, and it was raining heavily on the plain. What appeared in front of him were Kuchiki Ginring and Yamamoto Genryugao.

"What are you doing? Two old men actually went into battle together."

Kuchiki Xianghe said: "I feel like I have lived too long, but I still want to surrender to my power."

Yamamoto Genryuzai didn't say anything. He was originally very fond of this son-in-law of the Kuchiki family, so he entrusted him with important tasks. Seeing him now, he was so arrogant that he almost forgot himself, and he was hopeless.

"The sound of the river."

Kuchiki Ginling said: "Don't your power exist to realize your ideals?"

"Ideal?" Kuchiki Xianghe said: "That kind of thing does not exist in this world at all. What awaits in front of the ideal is despair that it is far away, but despair can also allow people to liberate their true power, which is despair It allows people to take off their self-shackles, free their desires, and become unrestrained from now on.”

Kuchiki Yinling sighed: "Xianghe, you are wrong."

Kuchiki Xianghe didn't listen to what he said at all, and just said to himself: "Only those with power are qualified to establish all order, even if this power is dark, as long as they can laugh at the end in the battle, even if it is Black will also become the color of justice.”

Kuchiki Ginling wanted to say something more, but Yamamoto Genryuzai suddenly said: "No need to say more, Ginling, his mind has been charmed by the power, and he can no longer listen to advice."

Chapter 265: Bloody Seal

The two old men unsheathed their swords and prepared to attack.


Kuchiki Xianghe sneered: "I have long thought that one day I could beat you to pieces!"

He has never seen Yamamoto Genryuzai take action. After all, he has been the commander-in-chief for thousands of years. He was so strong in the past. At this age, he should have degenerated now. He also did not take Kuchiki Ginling in his eyes and stabbed straight at it. Colliding with Kuchiki Ginling's blade, he gritted his teeth and said: "Ginling, do you want to fight by closing your heart again? Do you think you can use your full strength this way? Don't underestimate me!"

Having said this, he raised his foot and kicked Kuchiki Ginling away. Instead of pursuing him, he slashed at Yamamoto Genryusei next to him. After the blades collided, he found that Yamamoto Genryusee had no expression on his face. As if he was unable to do what he wanted, he was trying to use Muramasa's ability to awaken the instinct of Ryuken Wakahu, but Kuchiki Ginling, who was sitting on the ground, used the gray rope No. 4 Binding Dao, and the golden chain wrapped around his right hand.

Kuchiki Xianghe was forced to his back. Because Gin Ling's spiritual pressure was very powerful, even with the No. 4 Binding Dao, he could not break it instantly. Kuchiki Gin Ling stood up and said: "In this Jingling Court, I am facing You know your power."


Kuchiki Xianghe raised his soul-cutting sword and wanted to call out Muramasa. The moment he spoke the liberation language, both Yamamoto Genryusei and Kuchiki Ginling were on alert. Muramasa's ability was unparalleled for anyone. There is no reason to exist. No matter how powerful your spiritual pressure is or how rich your combat experience is, he can control your soul-cutting sword.

However, there was no response from the soul-cutting sword in his hand. Kuchiki Xianghe kept waving the soul-cutting sword and was still cursing Muramasa and asking him why he didn't come out. Kuchiki Ginling noticed this and said in a deep voice: "Xianghe It seems that Muramasa can no longer be used, Mr. Genryusai, please take advantage of it now.”

Genryu Yamamoto nodded, and the Shinigami team members who came over brought out two coffins and stood them up next to them. Blue flames came out of the coffins, and the coffins outside burned up instantly. Inside were two golden tridents, Genryu Yamamoto. Zai picked up a trident and threw it towards Kuchiki Xianghe.

Kuchiki Xianghe didn't pay attention to their actions. She was still worried about her inability to call out Muramasa. She made various attempts. The trident hit her right arm wrapped with gray rope, and they were immediately connected. Feeling that his arms were inexplicably heavy, Kuchiki Ginling also threw the trident, but he blocked it with his soul-cutting sword.

The trident was stuck on the ground. Kuchiki Xianghe thought that his counterattack was effective, but when he looked down, he found that the soul-killing sword in his hand had been broken. Then, two other tridents stabbed straight at him, and the golden light was nailed to his feet. He was unable to move, and he was lifted up into the air by three weapons. No matter how he struggled, slashed with a knife, or shocked with spiritual pressure, it was of no avail and he could not break free at all.

Kuchiki Ginling picked up the last one stuck on the ground, threw it over, and controlled his left hand. Yamamoto Genryusai clasped his hands together: "Seal, bury the bloody wind."

Golden light formed a circle. Kuchiki Xianghe was in this circle. He felt unbearable heat and let out a piercing scream. Gradually, black smoke rose from the soles of his feet. The smoke turned into a coffin, shutting him inside and surrounding him with chains. , four halberds were also inserted into the coffin, which was the coffin that was now summoned by Muramasa and released from the seal.

A knife was stabbed in the chest, and the severe pain spread all over his body instantly. Muramasa fell to his knees, covering his chest, raised his head, looked at Kuchiki Xianghe in disbelief, and murmured: "Xianghe, why do you want to kill me?"

The master he had tried every means to save, wanted to kill him as soon as they met. The feeling in his heart was more painful than a knife stabbing his chest. The other party's hateful expression made him difficult to understand. Not only them, Ling Bai and Kuchiki Rukia didn't understand why Kuchiki Hibiki did this. After all, Muramasa was willing to make an enemy of the entire Soul Society to save him.

Kuchiki Hibiki gritted his teeth tightly, and his wrinkled, but still handsome face was full of hatred. After a long time, he spoke slowly and said: "Muramasa, at that time, you didn't respond to me. When I was about to be sealed by them, I called you countless times, but you didn't respond to me once."

Muramasa's pupils suddenly contracted, his expression was blank, and he subconsciously said: "You called me?"

Kuchiki Hibiki ignored him, but said: "You didn't give me any power."

"How is it possible..." Muramasa raised his hand, looked at his dry fingers, and murmured: "I didn't Hearing your voice, I can be sure that I have been waiting for your call, and as long as you call, no matter when and where, I am willing to give you all my strength. Although I think so, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. "

Speaking of this, he seemed to be extremely regretful, supporting the ground with both hands, and slowly said: "I learned that you were sealed, in order to unlock your seal, I have been trying to save you like this...".

Chapter 266: Duty

Muramasa raised his hand and wanted to touch Kuchiki Xianghe, but he unconsciously felt that Xianghe was getting farther and farther away from him.

"When I needed you the most, you didn't hear me. What's the point of showing up now?"

Kuchiki Hibiki gritted his teeth, pulled out the broken blade stuck in his abdomen, kicked him to the ground, and said condescendingly: "It was me, the god of death, who created your power. You just need to do what I say."

Muramasa covered the wound on his abdomen, blood flowed from his fingers, and said with difficulty: "Aren't we companions?"

"Companion?" Kuchiki Hibiki said: "To me, you are just the soul-slaying sword in my hand, a tool for killing people. Don't be self-righteous just because you are a tool!"

The blade flashed with a cold light and chopped at Muramasa who was lying on the ground. In order to unlock his seal, Muramasa had used up all his strength. He was no longer able to dodge, and he had no intention of being an enemy of Kuchiki Hibiki. He closed his eyes and waited for death to come. Suddenly, with a bang, the sound of blades colliding came to his ears.

Muramasa opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. Kuchiki Byakuya stood in front of him and held Hibiki's broken blade.

"You actually reduced your soul-slaying sword to a tool and killed people at will. You don't deserve to call yourself the god of death."

Although both of them belong to the Kuchiki family, they have never met each other. They are completely from different eras. The two of them kept their distance. Kuchiki Hibiki observed the handsome man in front of him, the silver-white wind flower yarn, and the star-drawing clamp. This is the proof of the Kuchiki family.

"You are from the Kuchiki family, right?" Kuchiki Hibiki said subconsciously.

Kuchiki Byakuya said expressionlessly: "The 28th head of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Byakuya."

"The 28th head?" Kuchiki Hibiki sneered: "It seems that many years have passed since I was sealed. Has the old guy Yinling passed away?"

Kuchiki Byakuya said lightly: "I don't allow you to call my grandfather's name so rudely. You who have disgraced the reputation of my family are not worthy of mentioning my grandfather's name."

"You guy..." Kuchiki Hibiki didn't know how to refute. Although they hadn't fought yet, Kuchiki Byakuya had overwhelmed him in terms of momentum.

Seeing the two of them confronting each other, Kuchiki Rukia was at a loss, and Ling Bai didn't know what was going on. Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly appeared here to stop the master summoned by Muramasa, and before that, Kuchiki Byakuya was treated as a rebel.

Senbonzakura suddenly appeared in front of them and said slowly: "Don't interfere, shut up and watch carefully, this is a battle that is at stake for the reputation of the Kuchiki family."

"What do you mean?"

Listening to his words and his attitude, he was completely different from before. No matter from which angle, he seemed to be on the side of Kuchiki Byakuya. Ling Bai said softly: "Don't you have Nakamura Masa's curse?"

"Yes." Senbonzakura nodded: "I have indeed been bewitched by Muramasa's curse, but..."

Next, he recounted what happened that day. In fact, when Muramasa led the Soul-Slaying Sword to invade the Seireitei for the first time, when Kuchiki Byakuya was submerged in the ruins by cherry blossoms, they entered the underground of the Seireitei and started a fierce battle. After all, his strength was not as good as Kuchiki Byakuya, and he was finally subdued by Kuchiki Byakuya.

At that time, Senbonzakura didn't know what happened, but she knew that the strange voice echoed in his heart, telling him to free his mind and act according to his instinct. When Byakuya Kuchiki heard it, he knew what happened. When he was a child, he heard about the Soul-Slaying Sword Muramasa and his master Kuchiki Hibiki from his grandfather Ginling.

Just after he became an adult, Ginling Kuchiki also told him that if the Heavenly Seal was accidentally unlocked and Kuchiki Hibiki was killed, it would be the responsibility of the head of the Kuchiki family. No one could intervene, and it must not be allowed to be distorted and twisted, and the unforgivable power would reappear in the world.

Byakuya Kuchiki invaded the library late at night and defeated the guards in order to find clues about Muramasa. However, there was no record of Muramasa in the entire library, let alone Kuchiki Hibiki. He realized that this matter was not recorded and could not be made public.

Rukia Kuchiki was also surprised. He didn't expect that the enemy who appeared this time was actually related to the Kuchiki family. She still blamed him. Even so, it wouldn't keep everyone in the dark.

"This is all to find out where Xianghe is sealed!"

Senbonzakura said loudly: "It would be easy for Byakuya to kill Muramasa, but just killing him is meaningless. The only one who should be killed is Xianghe. It is because of this that I Pretending to be brainwashed, it’s not easy to figure out Xianghe’s sealed place, so Byakuya stays with Muramasa and helps him come to the present world.”

At this point, he paused for a moment, and then said slowly: "Even if he is misunderstood by his companions, he will not hesitate."

Chapter 267: Tools for Killing

"That's exactly what the head of the Kuchiki family does!"

"The current head of the Kuchiki family, do you also want to seal me again?" Kuchiki Xianghe tightly grasped the handle of the knife.

"No." Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly: "I can't leave you alive to continue to harm Soul Society and the present world, so I will end it with my own hands. You have tarnished the reputation of the Kuchiki family."

Kuchiki Xianghe sneered: "As expected of the Kuchiki family, everyone likes to talk nonsense and is arrogant and rude. Whatever, just because you are the head of the Kuchiki family, it is more than enough reason for me to boldly fight."

The two were tit for tat. Although Kuchiki Hikawa was not the captain thousands of years ago, the god of death who needed the captain's intervention to seal was by no means an easy person. Muramasa, who was seriously injured, covered the wound on his abdomen and held on. Then he stood up and walked towards Kuchiki Xianghe, panting and saying: "Xianghe, please use me, my power will be with you."

Kuchiki Xianghe still sneered, raised the broken blade in his hand, and looked at Muramasa, who was slowly walking over. Muramasa didn't understand what he meant, so he stopped and looked at him doubtfully. Suddenly, there was a bang, Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief. Kuchiki Kyoukawa split the soul-cutting sword in half with his hand. Correspondingly, Muramasa was also hurt like never before. He spit out blood and fell to his knees.

"how so……"

"You're just a piece of trash now."

Kuchiki Xianghe said without mercy: "Even without an unstable sword like yours, I can return to Soul Society and kill those people who hate me."

Seeing his cold attitude, Kuchiki Rukia was furious and said loudly: "You guy, what do you think of your soul-cutting sword?".

Kuchiki Xianghe snorted coldly and said without any consideration: "What do you think of the soul-cutting sword? A companion? Don't make me laugh. The soul-cutting sword is just a tool for killing people. The thing that replaces it should be more or less useful. How many."

Muramasa could no longer speak. It was like spiritual pressure was pouring out. He used a large amount of red and black spiritual pressure, rising from the ground and breaking through the sky in an instant. Like a vortex of spiritual pressure, it rotated in the center of the island, and the entire sky Everything was reflected in red and black, despair triggered anger, it was difficult to control his own spiritual pressure, and his body began to swell.

He shouted Xianghe's name with a ferocious face. He had gone through a lot of hardships and endured for nearly a thousand years to release the other party from the seal. To do this, he did not hesitate to fight the entire Soul Society, but in the end he only got such a cold attitude. From the beginning to the end, the opponent only regarded himself as a killing tool. Despair and anger were intertwined. A large amount of voids rose from the red-black lake water, roaring like a beast.

"Is there any serious weakness in his body?"

The spiritual pressure shrank rapidly and enveloped Muramasa's body. More than ten Daxu appeared on the lake. Byakuya Kuchiki simply said: "It's really boring."

He pulled out his soul-killing sword and wanted to kill the Daxu blocking his way, but before he could do it, the black flames rushed over and burned the three Daxu at the front instantly. Ling Bai didn't look at him, He just said: "Kuchiki Byakuya, since you are willing to betray the Seireitei and uphold the family's honor, then leave this place to us and you go kill Xianghe."

Rukia Kuchiki also flashed to his side. She already knew that Byakuya Kuchiki did what he did earlier to protect the reputation of the Kuchiki family, and her mood improved. Seeing her smiling face, Byakuya Kuchiki no longer persisted and would Leave Daxu on the lake to them.

In fact, there was no need for Rukia Kuchiki to take action. Lingbai wiped out Daxu in less than half a minute. Byakuya Kuchiki summoned Senbonzakura, and the two of them rushed to Kuchiki Xianghe's location. On the way, Senbonzakura It transformed into a soul-cutting sword, and Kuchiki Byakuya held it tightly.

Kuchiki Kyouga has lost his soul-zanting sword, but he is quite confident in his own strength. He grabbed the halberd that sealed him and faced him. The moment the blades collided, Kuchiki Byakuya felt a shock in his wrist, and the opponent's power , beyond the scope of his expectations, the God of Death who has been sealed for nearly a thousand years can still possess this kind of power. This can no longer be described as a genius.

"What do you want to do?"

The two of them retreated and distanced themselves. Kuchiki Xianghe did not expect that the current head of the Kuchiki family could also fight against him.

"this one?"

Kuchiki Xianghehei raised his halberd and sneered: "I have already said that I can use anything as a weapon. Come on, the current head of the Kuchiki family."

The next moment, Byakuya Kuchiki flashed in front of him, and the moment the blades collided, dazzling sparks flew. The speed of the two was almost the same. Just as Hibiki Kuchiki said, even with this kind of long halberd, he could use it with ease, and even had a slight advantage. Moreover, the weapon in his hand was also used for sealing. Whether it was quality or weight, it was a top-grade weapon in Soul Society.

Byakuya Kuchiki couldn't help but secretly sigh that the other party was really a natural warrior.

Chapter 268: Domination of the Five Senses

"You are worthy of being the head of the Kuchiki family. You are still quite capable.".

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