The originally collapsed balance of war gradually tilted. Although the injuries of the deputy captains had not fully recovered, the appearance of reinforcements greatly increased the morale of the Shinigami side. Ishida Uryu did not want to give the other side any chance. Although he did not know the opponent's strength, he still Under the pressure of spiritual pressure, he summoned the spiritual bow and shot the arrow. Roush rotated the double-edged sword and easily deflected the arrow.

Although Inaba Kage Langzuo has merged with Kujo Mochimi, the soul-cutting sword has not changed much. Since it can copy and restore space, in the previous battle, Ishida Uryū mistakenly thought that he could control time. This was not the case. In this way, the power of the soul-cutting sword restores a space that does not exist, and can instantly move one's position.

He said these words as if to show off, and Ouch just said: "It seems that I underestimated you too much. In this case, I will let you see my power now."

Renji Abarai didn't care about that much. Shebimaru whipped him directly, and Yusha Ouch rotated the double-edged sword. Although the appearance was the same, the liberation words were completely different. Roll over, Mo Yue fainted, just touch it, Renji Abarai vomited blood and flew backwards. Seeing that his companion was not knocked down and that the others did not want to test, Rukia Kuchiki and Taihu Sadatora jointly attacked, which was easily avoided by Masaki Osh.

Uryū Ishida took advantage of the situation and shot out a rain of arrows. Yuga Osh just rotated the double-edged sword and absorbed it. Under the dim light, all the arrows were sent back to them, defeating them all. They didn't see what happened at all. However, this is the true power of Yuma Ouchu's soul-cutting sword, Mo Yuehuo, to copy the opponent's attack. This is Raiku's ability to absorb the opponent's spiritual pressure and convert it into his own power. This is the red Shigure.

And his Black Moon Halo possesses the power of both. Compared to this, Raiko will consume a lot of spiritual pressure, and while copying the opponent's attack, there is also a considerable degree of danger. However, through the ability to reduce the redness of Shigure, You can absorb the attacks you receive intact and use them to counterattack indefinitely.

Chapter 329: Empty words

Impossible, how could such a thing happen...

Ishida Uryū couldn't believe it, but this was the fact. The person standing in front of him now was both Inaba Kage Rōsaku and Kujo Nozomi. Kujo Nozomi's ability was hidden in Yuma Osh's soul-cutting sword. This was not true at all. Strangely, with his current abilities, they really couldn't think of a way to win. However, Renji Abarai stood up and gritted his teeth and said, "With this kind of power, let me destroy him from the front." .

"Stop it, Abarai!"

Before Ishida Uryu finished speaking, his spiritual pressure suddenly surged. Abarai Renji couldn't help but unfold his swastika, the baboon bone cannon, and the crimson spiritual pressure shock wave roared out. Faced with such a powerful attack, Shige Ou Xu He just stood there without moving, turned the double-edged sword, and rebounded the spiritual pressure released by Abarai Renji. With Renji's scream, he fell to the ground again, vomiting blood.

They fully understood that if they attacked indiscriminately, they would only be absorbed and counterattacked. What should they do? Uryū Ishida stood up. He still wanted to try it. In this case, the only choice was to use Yuga Osh's soul-cutting technique. They still don't know what kind of moves the sword can't absorb. Yuzhi Ouxu can't absorb them, so they can only take risks and attack.

Uryū Ishida summoned his spiritual bow, the rain of light, and countless arrows shot at Yuga Osh like a storm. Rukia Kuchiki also released the soul-cutting sword at the same time, Shimai Hakuren, and the arrows and cold air bombarded from two directions. Yuga Ouxu, Yugao Ouxu still stood there, letting the impact of spiritual pressure make the cliff tremble faintly. He was still unscathed and bounced all the attacks back.

While Rukia Kuchiki and Uryū Ishida avoided their own attacks, Renji Abarai leaped into the air, and the huge Shebimaru swept past. Yusaki Osh frowned slightly, holding the snake's head with the blade, and Shebimaru's Pink spiritual pressure appeared in the joints and suddenly scattered. Yu Ouxu made up his mind that in order to prevent them from cooperating in the attack, they must be killed one by one.

He chose Renji Abarai as the primary target of attack. While his joints were scattered, Yusha Ouch raised his double-edged sword and stabbed straight at him. Renji Abarai had no choice but to resist with his body. The moment before he was about to be stabbed, Sadata Taihu suddenly appeared in front of him, and the giant's right arm blocked the blade thrust by Sato Osh.

They had been waiting for this moment. Kuchiki Rukia waved her blade, and the cold air hit the back of Yuga Osh like an avalanche. Understanding the other party's intention, Yuga Osh roared and turned around, splitting Sode Shirayuki open with just her arms. The cold air hit the ground not far away and instantly condensed into an ice sculpture. Immediately afterwards, Yu Ouch stabbed down hard and penetrated the right arm of the giant Chadu Taihu without any hindrance.

Due to the pain in his arm, Sadatora spit out blood and fell in front of him. This also exposed Abarai Renji behind him. Yusaki Oshu took advantage of the situation and swung the double-edged sword to chop down Abarai Renji. , their continuous attacks were all resolved by Yugao Xu, and Ishida Uryu had no choice but to shoot another rain of arrows, which was easily absorbed by the opponent's soul-cutting sword. In the rebounded rain of arrows, they scattered in all directions.

The current strength of Yuga Osh is far beyond their imagination. This kind of clumsy little trick has no effect in the face of absolute power. Kuchiki Rukia lay on the ground, raised her head, gritted her teeth and said: "You are so obsessed with Is it really just for this kind of power?”

"What else?" Yushi Ou said as a matter of course: "This is the posture of my Soul Slashing Sword. However, my weak original species cannot use this power skillfully. The real purpose of my becoming a spirit skeleton is to use this Soul Slashing Sword skillfully."

Kuchiki Rukia said: "Do you want to use this power to rule the Soul Society? Don't dream!"

"Rule the Soul Society?" Yushi Ou suddenly laughed: "Do you still believe in such empty words? My goal is to destroy the entire Soul Society. As for the present world, his existence has nothing to do with me. For this purpose, I can't waste time. You all die."

The double-edged sword slashed down, and Kuchiki Rukia's pupils suddenly shrank. Death was at hand. She had no strength to escape. Suddenly, with a bang, the double-edged sword stabbed on the orange shield. At the critical moment, Inoue Orihime used the Three Days Shield to block the fatal blow for Kuchiki Rukia.

Yushi Ouxu's pupils suddenly contracted, as if he had received a great blow, and he slowly retreated. Just now, his consciousness disappeared, replaced by the memory of Kujo Mochimi, but it was only for a moment. He didn't have time to think about it. He took out the communicator and called the spirit skeleton Nei Yinmeng who was still in the laboratory, asking him to prepare the fusion stabilizer immediately.

When Nei Yinmeng sent it over, his plan would be foolproof. Kuchiki Rukia also stood up and heard his call. Since he needed a fusion stabilizer, it meant that his fusion was not yet completed.

Chapter 330: All Losses

Yushi Ouxu also realized that turning a blind eye to Inoue Orihime, who seemed to have no fighting power, was his biggest mistake. This girl had a special power.

Just when he wanted to kill Inoue Orihime first, the others also supported their bodies and blocked Inoue Orihime, and said that they didn't have the kind of idiots who would not care about the life and death of their companions. Hearing the word companion from the other party again was the biggest insult to Yushi Ouxu.

"Companions? You are a bunch of idiots who only know how to bleed for others. Is this worthless act of sacrificing your life for your companions? If so, I will make you disappear now.".

The battle in the Seireitei became more and more tragic. Despite the participation of the vice-captain's reinforcements, they still could not save the defeat. The spirits looked for opponents at will, causing the gods of death to fall into chaos and effectively attacking their gaps. The pride of the master who valued one-on-one duels became a burden instead.

While Yoruichi was thinking about this, the spirit Kyoraku Shunsui suddenly flashed behind him, and there was a gap in her movement. This was an unavoidable slash, so she had to bend down and bear the minimum damage. Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked Kyoraku Shunsui's slash. They thought they were out of danger, but what they didn't expect was that Kyoraku Shunsui actually launched the White Demon.

The captain's haori worn by Byakuya Kuchiki is mostly white. Once you enter the game range, you can't escape. This is the rule of Katen Kyōkotsu. A lot of blood splashed on Byakuya Kuchiki's chest. The moment he was about to fall, the real Kyōraku Shunsui appeared and forced his spirit body back. However, the danger has not stopped. The spirit body is very good at seizing the opponent's gap. Kotetsu Yuune jumped in front of them and slashed a knife horizontally.

Yoichi could only pull Byakuya Kuchiki to escape from the roof temporarily. It seemed that they knew there were wounded here. All the spirit bodies rushed over like sharks seeing blood. The god of death also approached this side. Hirako Mako blocked the attack of the spirit body Hitsugaya Toushirou, and Soi Fon also blocked the rear attack of the spirit body Byakuya Kuchiki. Hitsugaya Toushirou forced the spirit body Hirako Mako back. The siege and protection were unfolding around Byakuya Kuchiki.

The captains landed on the open ground, and the spirits also flashed to the eaves around them, surrounding them. The vice-captain was also entangled by the same spirits and could not go to rescue the captain. The spirits did not want to let go of any living forces of the Shinigami. Their tactics were to exchange freely. When fighting against the enemy, if the Shinigami had wounded and their movements became slow, the spirits would definitely regard them as targets and press them step by step.

Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care so much. He thought that as long as the opponent's forces were eliminated one by one, the problem could be solved. The spirits of Zaraki Kenpachi did not join their camp. They were deeply distressed. In this case, if a main force was missing, it would be very likely that the whole army would fail. In other words, they must be prepared to take a wrong step and the whole army would be annihilated.

Not only them, the battle on the bipolar cliff was also difficult to break through. Ishida Uryu, Kuchiki Rukia, and Chad Taitora launched three-way attacks. Although they were all absorbed by Yushi Osu and then rebounded, they could quickly avoid their attacks, which was to create space for Abarai Renji to attack physically.

However, Yushi Oushi didn't care about the huge body of Sheweimaru and easily cut off the joints. What he didn't notice was that while avoiding his attack, Ishida Uryu hid in the joints and cut Yushi Oushi's back with the spirit light arrow in his hand. This was Yushi Oushi being injured. Although he didn't even bleed, it also proved that their tactics were very effective.

"I see, I should have been wary of your weapon. I remember that it seemed to be able to soothe the combination of spirit particles."

"That's right." Ishida Uryu said slowly: "Being able to absorb spirit particles is not just your patent."

Yushi Oushi had never encountered such an interesting thing. The opponent actually wanted to challenge him to absorb spiritual power. Ishida Uryu didn't care. He felt that no matter what kind of power it was, the guy who underestimated the power of his companions would have no chance of winning. He suddenly flashed behind Yushi Oushi and shot spiritual arrows. Yushi Oushi seemed too lazy to absorb such a small number of arrows. He just bounced them with his double-edged sword and jumped up.

Chad Taihu seized the opportunity and rushed into the air. The giant's right arm was pierced by the double-edged sword as soon as it was swung out. Yushi Oushi was about to say that this trick was useless, but he found that his double-edged sword was stuck in the red arm and couldn't be pulled out at all. Abarai Renji released his Bankai, and the jagged blade of the snake tail pill wrapped around Yushi Oushi.

Their continuous attacks have not ended yet. Rukia Kuchiki uses the No. 4 Binding Gray Rope and the golden chain to reinforce Yushi Osu's restraints and drag him into the ground. Next is Ishida Uryu's performance. He inserts the cutting object into the ground, and the Broken Light Array is thus released. This is his strongest move, which does not require chanting, but without reliable companions, it is impossible to set up the array.

Chapter 331: Broken Light Array

A light blue halo forms around Yushi Osu. Chad Yasutora controls Yushi Osu's soul-slashing sword, and Abarai Renji wraps his body with the snake tail pill, making him unable to move. If the Broken Light Array can be successfully launched, a large-scale spirit particle explosion will occur in the array. No matter how unreasonable Yushi Osu's ability is, he will be wiped out.

Now is the time to compete in endurance. Before the spirit particle explodes, Ishida Uryu will give them a secret code to let Chad Taitora and Abarai Renji withdraw from the broken light array as quickly as possible to avoid affecting them. They thought they had won, but Yushi Ousu suddenly sneered, and the light blue light circle dissipated in vain, just like the wind blowing away the dust, and the spiritual power that gathered to form the broken light array disappeared.

The sudden change caught everyone off guard, even Ishida Uryu didn't know what happened. This move has been activated to this extent and has not failed yet. There is no time to think about the next move. Yushi Ousu swung the double-edged sword and directly chopped the two people who controlled him to the ground.

"I've seen through your tricks." Youshi Ou Xu said slowly: "Your cutting tool is composed of five swords in a formation. To launch this move, you must consume the spirit particles stored on the handle. You attacked me while forming this formation, but what you didn't realize is that at the same time, my Mo Yue Huan has absorbed the spirit particles from your handle.".

Speaking of this, Youshi Ou Xu deliberately paused, then slowed down his tone, and said almost sarcastically, as if to pierce Ishida Uryu's heart and make him unable to face his companions again: "You can't even see through this kind of thing, and you still sacrifice your companions in vain. In the end, the companions you are talking about are only That's all."

What he didn't expect was that Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses, and the lenses reflected a dazzling white light, making it impossible to see what he was thinking. He just said, "How could I not see through it? I not only know that you have seen through the structure of the Broken Mand Array, but also that you have absorbed the spirit particles from the Soul-Cut Object, but..."

Speaking of this, he raised his head, his eyes suddenly became firm, and Yushi Ousu's pupils suddenly shrank as if he had thought of something, but it was too late. The three people who had fallen beside him suddenly got the news and flashed to the Soul-Cut Object inserted in the ground at the fastest speed. Even if the spirit particles were absorbed, they still had a backup plan. This was Ishida Uryu's strategy.

"It's over, Inaba Kage Langzuo, I should still call you Yushi Ousu." Ishida Uryu put his hand on the Soul-Cut Object inserted in front of him, and the others did the same, including Inoue Orihime. They gathered a large number of spirit particles through the Soul-Cut Object and formed the Broken Mand Array again, with Yushi Ousu as the center, forming a light blue pentagon, and all pointing to him.

A light blue beam of light rose from the ground and spread instantly, covering the entire pentagon and penetrating the clouds. Yushi Osu was at the center of the explosion. With the painful cry, his body felt a tearing pain, as if it was about to be burned out. Inoue Orihime was still worried that Kujo Mochi would disappear because of this. However, in Ishida Uryu's plan, this matter was unnecessary.

He would pay attention to Yushi Osu without letting him explode, slow down the spirit, and constantly take away the spirit power from the wound on his back. In this way, the fusion of Inaba Kageroza and Kujo Mochi would also be unlocked. No one could have imagined that the mastermind behind the invading army would be defeated by the Quincy. In the burning of the spiritual pressure, Yushi Osu used all his strength to stand firm and inserted the double-edged sword into the ground.

He was unwilling to give up and still wanted to struggle to his death. He tried his best to launch the move of the Soul Slashing Sword. The double-edged sword was emitting a light purple spiritual pressure. A purple light tower rose in the light blue light column, like a palace in the clouds. The light column gradually trembled, and the light of the spiritual pressure also dimmed. The broken light array was collapsing. Ishida Uryu opened his eyes wide and looked at the situation in front of him in disbelief.

Yu Shiou Xu actually absorbed all the spirit particles in the broken light array. This was unprecedented. The light blue and purple light dissipated at the same time, and Yu Shiou Xu's laughter came. He waved the Soul Slashing Sword and said loudly: "The powerful spirit can transform everything around into spirit particles and absorb them, and then..."

At this point, the double-edged knife rotated rapidly, light green lightning appeared, and then spread rapidly. Green lightning invaded the entire bipolar mountain cliff. The entire cliff was trembling. Huge cracks appeared on the ground. The irresistible impact. They had not been hit yet. When lightning struck, his body flew backwards.

The perfect plan failed miserably because of the opponent's ability. Ishida Uryu and the others had lost the power to continue fighting even if they were immortal. They could only accept the opponent's slaughter. However, the battle in the Jingling Court began to calm down. Although the deputy captains The battle with the spirit skeletons continues, and it’s hard to tell who is the winner.

Chapter 332: Aloofness

However, the captain's encirclement was unusually calm, and the dominant spirit skeleton did not take the initiative to attack.

"They won't attack on their own initiative." Kuchiki Byakuya in the center suddenly said: "If you set up a watertight formation, you can't use tactics of randomly changing positions to disrupt the opponent's line of sight. I don't think there is any reason for them to do it." A guy who destroys the formation and launches an attack at any cost.”

His words hit the hearts of the spirit skeletons. They looked at me and I looked at you. They really did not dare to break into the enemy's formation and destroy the opponent's formation. Moreover, what he said was completely equivalent to Humiliated, Yoruichi raised the corner of his mouth, and also understood Kuchiki Byakuya's intention. He stepped forward not to help her, but to test out the opponent's tactics. He really had a way.

The battle between Zaraki Kenpachi and Ling Zhi is still going on, and it is directly above them. Since the battle between the two has entered a state of closeness, if anyone else interferes, Ling Zhi will have a great advantage. Mako Kupirako found Zaraki Kenpachi's opening and wanted to rush over to attack. Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly said: "Is this good? You are alone and away from everyone. What will happen if we have the advantage in numbers?"

Mako Hirako gritted his teeth. It was indeed true. If he ran over to attack Kenpachi Zaraki, there would be a gap in their formation, and the opponent would have the advantage. Even if they could inflict heavy damage to Kenpachi Zaraki, their side would not be able to do it. They will lose, which is really a dilemma. Their previous tactics can no longer be used because of the wounded on the other side.

"It's getting interesting now, let's test our endurance." Kyoraku Shunsui said with a smile.

At this time, there was also a problem on Yuga Oush's side. The green lightning all over the bipolar cliffs suddenly dissipated. Yuga Oush felt an unbearable headache. He covered his head and let out a heartbreaking roar. They also noticed his abnormality. It seemed that there was a problem with the unfinished fusion. Kujo Nozomi's consciousness gradually emerged to stop his attack.

And that's not all. Yugao Xu put the double-edged knife on his neck and began to struggle. It was like two forces pulling each other. He suddenly made a sound like Kujo's and said loudly: "Hurry up and take advantage of the moment." , kill me, only this soul-cutting sword can kill Yuji Ouxu, while I can suppress him, do it quickly, I have been protected by everyone, this time it is my turn to protect everyone."

In such a situation, no one could take action. Just when they were hesitating, Yugao Xu regained his consciousness, put down the soul-cutting knife, and sneered: "Did you just say companion, let me tell you, you Why do you say such words, and why do you think of this life-saving straw when you are in a desperate situation? What's wrong with you, can't you answer it? Yes, companions are meaningless at all!"

No one spoke, and Yugao Xu smiled even more arrogantly, and said with a loud smile: "Isolation is the only absolute proof of existence. I formed an invasion army with the power of one person. With this power, the Gotei who did not recognize me The thirteen teams are now being annihilated one by one, and then I gained the true power of the Soul-Slaying Sword by transforming the soul and resurrecting it. This is simply the realization of the aloof ideal I have always pursued!"

"It's really boring." Uryu Ishida suddenly said: "Haven't you noticed until now? The transformed soul is also based on the spirit son of the god of death. In this case, you can't make it successfully by yourself, right? Moreover, if If you don't have the hope to be separated, you won't be able to use your original strength at all. If you don't have people around you, you will accomplish nothing. Haven't you already proved this!"

His words immediately made Yugao Xu's face turn pale, overturning his long-standing philosophy. This was more terrifying than killing him. Indeed, as he said, without the God of Death, the modified soul cannot be successfully produced. If Without Kujo Nozomi, he would not be able to return to his current state. In this case, how could he be so aloof and rely on his own strength?

Moreover, Ishida Uryū became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke. He actually stood up, walked towards Yuga Osh, grabbed his collar, and said loudly: "No matter who it is, you can accomplish nothing by yourself, so you deliberately avoid it." At this point, you are an idiot!"

"Bastard!" Yuushi Ouch pushed him away and raised his double-edged sword.

"Why do you adopt such a fighting method." Kuchiki Byakuya also asked: "Why do you separate us and attack the isolated people? Although it is a tactic, it cannot be yours who have the same reserve as us. It means that he doesn’t trust others, hates his companions, and is proud of his isolation. This is probably the essence of Inaba Kagerouza.”

No one refuted, and it seemed that there was nothing to say. After a long time, the spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro finally said: "Do you think these will affect our battle?"

Byakuya Kuchiki said slowly: "With your small skills, you can't destroy our unity."

Chapter 333: Protect each other

The double-edged sword of Yugao Xu did not stab, but stopped in mid-air. The spirit skeleton Nirunemu came over and brought him a fusion stabilizer. He wanted to let Ishida Uryu and the others see Kujo Nozomi completely become A part of him was letting them die. Yu Ouch took the medicine bottle. Before he opened it, his pupils suddenly shrank. Niyin Meng, who was standing in front of him, suddenly spat out blood and slowly fell down.

Her chest was pierced. Yuzuo Ouxu raised his head and saw Ling Bai appearing on the edge of the cliff. Seeing Ling Bai, Ishida Uryu's hanging heart also relaxed. From this moment on, the battle began. Reversal, at the same time, a strong explosion occurred near Baidaomen, and Inabata Rangzuo's laboratory was destroyed.

In fact, Nirvana was not defeated. He pretended to be defeated, liquefied his body, and on the way to find Inaba Kagerouzu's laboratory, he happened to encounter Urahara Kisuke's battle. The two worked together to defeat the spirit skeleton and destroy it. In the battle in the laboratory and the Jingling Court, the captain and deputy captains worked together to recover the disadvantage.

The vice-captain imitated the captains' behavior, hugging each other and guarding each other's backs. Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasekawa Yumuchika also came to where Zaraki Kenpachi was. They wanted to live and die with the captain, and they joked that they had already found one. Even Zaraki Kenpachi didn't mind if they found his own burial place, and it didn't feel bad to leave his back to them occasionally.

Seeing the Death Gods fighting together, the spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro stood on a high place and mocked: "Unite and fight together? This is not your style at all."

Kuchiki Byakuya said: "If we want to protect something that must be protected, we will do whatever it takes."

"Something that must be protected?" The spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro asked: "You said it is the so-called honor."

"No." Byakuya Kuchiki said slowly: "There is only one thing we must protect, and that is Soul Society."

As if hearing Ling Bai's voice, Kujo Nozhi hugged her body tightly in the darkness. She gradually understood that it was neither strong nor weak. There was no hatred or anger, and when faced with Ling Bai, Yuji Ouch Bai, had to be cautious. Ling Bai had always been the biggest obstacle to his plan. He had not shown up yet, and his heart had been hanging.

"You guys stand back." Ling Bai said softly, "I will end this right away."

"Don't get too carried away!"

As soon as Ouxu finished speaking, Ling Bai appeared in front of him. What surprised him was that the other party did not use the fire of darkness, but chose to fight in close combat. The blade scraped across his cheek, and he avoided it. At the same time, the double-edged sword swept out, followed by a series of collisions, and the sound of the blades clashing was endless.

Ling Bai's appearance also ignited their fighting spirit. Regardless of the scars on their bodies, they rushed forward at the same time. Yuga Ouxu, who was being smashed down from mid-air, fell into the cold air. Icicles rose from the ground, but they were instantly destroyed. The blow shattered, Kuchiki Rukia kept releasing the first dance of the moon, and the entire mountain cliff was filled with breathtaking cold air. Roush gritted his teeth, turned the double-edged sword, and absorbed it all.

Immediately afterwards, Yujiao turned over into the air again, the double-edged sword was reversed, and five black holes appeared. The absorbed moonlight reflected out, and a large number of icicles condensed on the cliff, intertwining with each other. Yujiao had just stepped on it. When he got on the icicle, he cut with a sound and jumped up. At the same time, he avoided the spiritual arrows shot by Ishida Uryu. He frowned. These guys had obviously fallen, so where did they get their fighting power.

He gritted his teeth, dodged to Uryu Ishida, and kicked him away. Just as he was about to deal with Rukia Kuchiki, Shebimaru whipped him from behind. He could only parry with his Zanthana to separate Shebimaru. At the same time, he pulled the zigzag blade and took Abarai Renji flying. Abarai Renji's body smashed into the icicles before he stopped.

But as soon as he landed on the ice, before he could even take a breath, the shock wave of Sadatora's spiritual pressure hit him. He could only grit his teeth to avoid it, and at the same time, he ducked behind Sadatora and knocked him away. The moment the gap appeared behind him, Kuchiki Rukia stepped onto the icicle, No. 73 broke through the path, the twin lotuses of blue fire fell, and the light blue spiritual pressure exploded in an instant, and Shige Osh flew away.

Yuga Oush inserted the soul-cutting knife into the icicle to slow down his retreat. Their continuous attacks made Yuga Oush forget his biggest threat. By the time he reacted, it was already too late. The light of the sword cut through the space. Youzuo Ouxu subconsciously turned around in mid-air and caught Ling Bai's soul-killing sword, but the impact of the other party was too strong and he could no longer stop the speed of his fall.

Amidst the continuous bangs and bangs, Yuji Ouxu's body smashed into five or six icicles, but he was still suppressed by Ling Bai and could not move. When he regained his strength slightly, his pupils suddenly shrank and his face suddenly turned pale. Black flames emerged from Ling Bai's soul-cutting sword. At such a close distance, the soul-cutting sword was still controlled by the opponent and had no time to absorb it.

Chapter 334: Knot

There was a loud explosion, and all the icicles on the cliffs of the Bipolar Mountains shattered, and fire shot into the sky. At the same time as the explosion, Rukia Kuchiki moved Renji Abarai and Taitora Sadatari to a relatively safe place. Inoue Orihime put up a three-day shield to block the impact of the flames. The flames only stayed on the cliff for less than five seconds, then suddenly dissipated, and Yumao Xu flew out in embarrassment.

The soul-cutting knife was inserted into the ground, and he was able to stop. His face was covered with sweat, and he kept panting. Ling Bai took a deep breath. He didn't use all his strength in the slash just now. He didn't know that Yu Qiao Ou Xu How much damage can his body withstand? If he is burned directly, Kujo Mozumi may also disappear. After all, the main purpose of their coming to Soul Society is to rescue Kujo Mozumi.

Youzhi Ouxu gritted his teeth. He had known for a long time that Ling Bai was the biggest obstacle in his plan, but he didn't expect to have such power. However, he still had a backhand, turning the soul-cutting knife and seeing his movements. , Ling Bai didn't pay attention, thinking that he was just fighting a trapped beast. In the previous battle, he didn't absorb anyone's spiritual pressure, so how could he release it now.

He still thought wrong. The double-edged knife rotated twice, and the figure of Yuji Ouch suddenly disappeared in front of him. Immediately afterwards, there was pain on his shoulder, and blood spattered out. Before he had time to react, Yuji Ouch had already Reaching behind him, it was not a quick step, nor was it an attack relying on speed. If so, how could he not see clearly.

Ling Bai suddenly remembered that Inabata Rangzuo first came to the world and showed power when facing Uryu Ishida. He could use the soul-cutting sword to manipulate space and appear in any position. If this was the case, let alone rescuing Kujo Nozomi. , even catching Yuji Ou Xu was as difficult as ascending to the sky. Ling Bai frowned slightly. He remembered Kuchiki Byakuya's usual move, Flash Flower.

That was his original instant step. The special instant step that uses the rotation effect can pierce the opponent's knot and soul sleep from behind. If he can destroy his knot at the vital point of the two souls, he can stop it. The flow of spiritual power will probably separate them, but how to do it.

Yu Ouxu didn't give him much time to think. He rotated the double-edged sword, and the space trembled slightly again. Ling Bai turned around subconsciously, but his shoulder was still scratched, with a deep wound. Seeing such a battle, Kuchiki Rukia and the others also frowned tightly. They no longer have the strength to fight. If this continues, Ling Bai will most likely be consumed bit by bit by Yugao Xu.

What they didn't expect was that Yugao Xu once again controlled the space. When the blade broke through the air, Ling Bai stepped forward and resisted the knife. At the same time, he also grabbed the center of Yugao Xu's double-edged sword and said softly. : "It can be over now..."

The black spiritual pressure rose in vain, and the flames instantly surrounded the two of them, as if a flame exploded. The black-red fire pillars shot straight into the sky, and the entire sky dimmed. With the screams of Yugao Xu, the entire Bipolar Mountain Cliff violently erupted. The explosion, if Inoue Orihime hadn't raised her three-day shield in time, the others might have been blown off the cliff.

After the fire light dissipated, a huge crack appeared on the cliff, and Yugao Xu also disappeared from everyone's sight. After the attack just now, Ling Bai could no longer care about the existence of Kujo Nozomi. He could no longer waste time with Yugao Xu, so he After finding an opportunity to catch him, and giving him a severe blow, Yugao Xu fell to his knees in the deep pit, his face pale, his pupils blurred, and the soul-cutting knife fell beside him. It seemed that he had lost the ability to fight.

"Are you kidding..."

Seeing Ling Bai walking to the top of the pit, Yu Ouxu resisted the pain in his body and wanted to pick up the soul-killing knife, but he paused just before touching the double-edged knife. He saw his hand A blue light glowed, and unbearable pain came from his head. The pain was almost like tearing, and he had to hold his head tightly, kneel to the ground, and let out a painful roar.

After a long time, the pain subsided. Ling Bai didn't take any action. He just stood on the edge of the pit and looked at him quietly. Yu Ouxu raised his head, hugged his body tightly, and sent out nine wishes. A solid voice: "Ling Bai, give me a fatal blow quickly, don't hesitate, the chance is only now, hurry up!"

Ling Bai took a deep breath and remained silent. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, but he was just thinking of his method. After a long time, he slowly walked towards Youji Ouxu, and stabbed him with the soul-cutting knife, trying to destroy him. The knot was tied, and the next moment, with a bang, Youhuo Ouxu regained consciousness, raised his double-edged sword, and blocked Ling Bai's slashing attack.

"Are you kidding? How could I die here?"

"Stop, it's useless. The winner has been decided."

"You said the outcome has been decided?"

Youhuo Xu gritted his teeth and said: "Whether you win or not, let's wait until you see it. If you lose this body, I will destroy everything!"

Chapter 335: Ocean of spiritual pressure

With a bang, Yuji Ouch inserted the double-edged sword into the ground, and green spiritual pressure rose into the sky, forming an unbreakable protective wall around him. Then, a black moon halo pattern badge appeared on the ground, and the spiritual pressure rising from the badge appeared. Pressed together to form a huge city gate on the bipolar cliffs, the two blades above the city gate penetrate directly into the sky.

The soul-cutting sword in his hand sank into the ground, and was replaced by a huge spiritual pressure that was difficult to approach. The entire sky in Soul Society was reflected in green. Ling Bai frowned slightly and retreated to Kuchiki Rukia and the others. Oush roared like a beast, seeming to burn his life. Looking at the coat of arms at the bottom of the sky, Ling Bai felt that this was not the spiritual pressure of Oush, but the spirit child of Soul Society itself.

Due to the spiritual pressure storm on the Bipolar Mountain Cliff, the fighting in the Jingling Court also stopped. Looking at the green light of all the avatars, they could not imagine how to stop such a powerful spiritual pressure, not even the spirit bones. I have heard that there is such a thing. The spiritual pressure that is tilted out forms a laser, which shoots in the Jingling Court, causing a strong explosion, and the fire spreads to the entire Jingling Court.

This situation was unexpected for the spirit skeletons. Not only the Shinigami, but also they had no intention of continuing the fight. The light from the double-click on the cliff suddenly became dazzling. They concluded that this was the expansion of some part of the spiritual pressure and was about to explode. Foreshadowing, just when they were about to disrupt their formation and scatter everywhere, the black flames blocked their sight in vain, there was a loud bang, and an earth-shattering explosion occurred in mid-air.

Ling Bai stopped the expansion of spiritual pressure in time, appeared in front of the captains, and said in a deep voice: "The conspiracy of Yugao Xu was driven away by the revenge of the Soul Society. Now he wants to fight with this team together with himself. Soul Society is dead together, we must find a way to stop him."

At the same time, although Ishida Uryu was a Quincy, he did not want to see Soul Society destroyed. He used his last strength and kept shooting arrows at the city gate made of spiritual pressure, but they were all blocked. , let alone cracks, even the gaps did not penetrate. In fact, Youzhi Ouxu never thought that the plan he had planned for nearly a hundred years would end in this way.

He was ultimately defeated by Ling Bai's sword, but this was not bad. Before he died, he could have the entire Soul Society be buried with him, and all the gods of death would go with him to the gap between chaos and nothingness.

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