With the arrogant laughter of Yugao Xu, the spiritual pressure gathered in mid-air, and the entire Soul Society was shrouded in green light. The captains had no choice but to care about the spiritual bones now. With such power, only It was up to them to stop them, but just when they wanted to take action, all the spirit corpses suddenly appeared in front of them, as if they wanted to stop them from dying.

"Do you want to launch a general attack at this time?" Ye Yi sneered.

"No." The spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro did not look at her, but said in a deep voice: "Don't look down on people too much. Indeed, for you original species, our current actions can only be called fakes. of rebellion, but we also have ways of carrying out our beliefs.”

"What do you mean?" Hirako Mako said.

Hitsugaya Toshiro said: "What you want to protect is very clear, and it is the same for us. We must also use our own methods to protect this Soul Society. If we want to prevent the transformed souls from getting out of control, we can only transform ourselves." We can only do it if we have souls, let’s go!”

After that, they didn't have any extra words, but rushed towards the bipolar cliff at the same time, facing the center of the green spiritual pressure light. They released all their spiritual pressure, without any expensive moves, just used their bodies to hit A city gate made of spiritual pressure.

They wanted to use their bodies to stop Yuga Osh's conspiracy, but no one backed down. Most of the vice-captain level's reiatsu was burned out the moment it hit the center of the reiatsu, and even the pills were scattered. In this place, Ouxu knew that they were rebelling and wanted to consolidate the stability of Ba Ding Kongli, but the unbearable pain came again in his mind.

Kujo Nozomi stopped him deep in his consciousness, and all the spirit captains were turned into ashes. Before dying, they used all their strength without reservation and pushed into the ocean of spiritual pressure. Faced with a double blow, the city gate gradually appeared. Cracks, in vain, countless huge fireballs emerged in the air, triggering a strong explosion. The Bipolar Mountain Cliff seemed to be dropped into an atomic bomb. The entire Jingling Court was shaking, smoke was billowing, and thick smoke was everywhere.

The spiritual pressure gate has collapsed, the bipolar cliffs have collapsed as a result, and the wind and sand have swept into the Quiet Spirit Pavilion. Only then did the captains understand that although the spiritual skeleton was a counterfeit, it still had its own glory. It took a long time for the spiritual pressure whirlwind to subside. Coming down, in the still-burning firelight, Ling Bai stood opposite the embarrassed Youji Ouxu.

"It seems that the invading army is not obedient to your orders." Ling Bai said.

As if he was crazy, Yu Ouchi staggered forward and shouted: "Why, why won't you fall! What is it that keeps you persisting until now!".

Chapter 336: Working together

Yu Ouxu recalled his painful past. No one cared about him who was weak and regarded him as a burden. No one even recognized the transformed soul that he had worked so hard to create. The Vanguard Project was abolished as soon as it appeared. People recognized him, but everyone had a negative attitude towards him. Under the sky of Soul Society, he was isolated and helpless.

Ling Bai pulled out the soul-killing sword. He didn't say anything, but just stared at Yugao Xu. He knew that no matter what Yugao Xu was like now, he wouldn't understand it, no matter the Quincy's invasion or the village. In a true rebellion, they all work together to defeat the enemies that appear. Only by believing in the power of their companions can they become stronger. If they want to bear everything alone, they will only be doomed to failure.

The only person who truly has no connection between good and evil and is aloof is Aizen Mono Usuke. However, he will also disappear in the history of Soul Society. Moreover, the meaning of their existence is also different. Aizen is for some kind of purpose. The degree of righteousness is just for himself. The difference in the pattern also determines the outcome of Yuji Ouxu.

He said that his past made him what he is now, but this is no reason. No matter how many times he can change, he will only stop moving forward if he is full of revenge.

Not hearing any answer, Yuzhu Ouxu suddenly stood still, as if he understood the meaning conveyed in Ling Bai's eyes. He clenched the double-edged sword, roared and rushed towards Ling Bai, waving the soul-cutting sword indiscriminately, attacking with self-destruction. In such a way, he even forgot about the ability of the soul-cutting sword, or he may no longer have the strength to use Mo Yue's halo. At this level, even the soul-cutting sword would betray him, let alone the transformed soul he created.

His look even made Ling Bai not want to kill him.

"Don't you also have something you want to protect? Don't you also have companions?"

"Stay close to them, protect each other, communicate with each other."

"Only the weak will seek protection, but why are you so strong!".

Every word spoken by Oush seems to be asking himself. His crazy attacks have no effect. At this time, he has lost his original calmness, like a wanderer who has been exiled to the end of the world. However, Ling Bai remained silent and just blocked his attacks one after another. The sound of the blades clashing could be heard endlessly. Even in this state, Youzhou Ouxu's speed and strength were still at the top level.

Finally, Ling Bai didn't want to be entangled in such a battle, so he flipped his wrist to avoid the oncoming double-edged sword. At the same time, he gently raised the soul-cutting sword, and with a bang, he easily cut off the sword that was drawn by Ji Ouxu. Mo Yue fainted with pride.

The broken blade scratched his face, causing Ouxu to bleed bright red blood. However, as if he couldn't feel the pain, he grabbed the broken blade and stabbed Ling Bai. Ling Bai sighed silently and slashed with the blade. The space was broken, blood spattered, and a deep wound appeared on Yuji Ouch's chest. He flew backwards, and in mid-air, Yuji Ouch's body released a green light.

The light fell to the ground and was divided into two people. Their fusion was cut off by Ling Bai. Lying on the ground, Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo did not insist, but looked at the blue sky and said softly: "Wangshi, we really Did you do something wrong?”

Kujo Nozomi sat up from the ground, shook his head, and said, "I don't know."

"Really?" Inaba Kagerozuo closed his eyes, and his body glowed with a light blue light. This was a precursor to his transformation into a spirit son. In any case, he was a transformed soul, and it would be difficult for him to bear such a serious injury. He didn't say anything, turned into a spirit child, and dissipated in Soul Society. Kujo Nozomi picked up the red pill on the ground and remained silent.

Ling Bai walked over and wanted to stretch out his hand, but there was still no movement. He noticed that Kujo Nozomi was about to turn into a spirit child, so he just called him softly and said nothing. After experiencing so many things, he knew , no matter how much you say, what should happen will still happen, there is no need to add to the sadness.

"Ling Bai, I'm sorry..."

In fact, just when Yusaki Oush wanted to consolidate the spiritual pressure gate, Kujo Nozomi appeared in his consciousness, interfered with his actions, controlled his hands, and stabbed his body. Ling Bai smiled softly, no Concerned, Kujo Nozomi said: "That's good. I have already conveyed it to him. I will be his companion next time. Because of you, I also understand the meaning of companionship. It will be my turn to teach him next time. "

Others also came over and stared at Kujo Mozumi. She was very similar to Inaba Kagerouza. They were both too lonely, but now they were very calm. The voice they had never heard until now could finally be heard, the cry of the soul deep in their hearts. , Ling Bai stretched out his hand and chuckled: "Don't forget us, we will always be companions."

Kujo Nozomi raised her hand, and just before their hands were about to touch, her body turned into a spirit and dissipated in the air. Ling Bai shook his head slightly, picked up the red pill on the ground, and held it tightly. In the palm of your hand.

Chapter 337: Potential Crisis

Due to the defeat of Osh, the Soul Society once again returned to its former tranquility. Since most of the streets and houses in Jing Ling Ting were destroyed, the team members also got busy, reshaping the streets and building houses. Fortunately, the spirit skeletons occupied During the time in Jinglingting, most of the team members did not know what happened and still obeyed the captain's orders, so there were not too many wounded.

However, the turmoil caused by Zouchu shocked the Soul Society and the present world. He had endured it for a hundred years and almost destroyed the Soul Society, making many captains realize that the current structure of the Serenity Palace is not as stable as it seems on the surface. A small seventh seat, the section chief of the Technology Development Bureau can do this. No one can predict what kind of threats will arise next. We must quickly restore the strong combat power that Yamamoto Genryusai had when he was alive. , train team members and train new people.

It is precisely because of this that many potential crises have realized that the current Gotei Thirteen are not as powerful as they imagined and are not unshakable. It has also allowed many conspirators hidden in the darkness to surface in an attempt to control the world. First of all The one who realized the crisis was the 10th Division, which was responsible for patrolling and guarding. Matsumoto Rangiku reported to Hitsugaya Toshiro late at night that the captain of the Broken Bee passed through the break not long ago, and not to mention the team members, not even Xing Jun took him with him. Very suspicious.

It's not that Hitsugaya Toshiro doesn't trust Zaihou. You know, as the commander-in-chief of the Xing Army, Zaizu is more responsible for obeying laws and regulations than anyone else. She is the most arrogant woman who does not tolerate the existence of traitors. However, the incident with the spirit skeleton forced him to Be vigilant to see if Inaba Kagerozuo used some technology to resurrect himself, make a comeback, and create a new spiritual skeleton.

However, Ling Bai said that Yinhata Lang Zuo has disappeared and will not appear again. If this possibility is ruled out, it is very likely that Si Fengyuan Ye Yi is doing some secret operation. Thinking of this, he came to the Ninth Communication In the room, just as he thought, Kyoraku Shunsui and Hiroko Mako were already here, and there were many staff in front of the computer.

On the way here, he also noticed that the gate through the world had been closed. Hirako Mako's explanation was that they were waiting for the Broken Bee to send information from the present world. If the passage of souls was temporarily cut off, it would be easier to obtain the data of the alien elements. , not long after he arrived here, the staff received a molecular sample from the broken bee.

Kyoryaku Shunsui summoned all the experts from the Technology Development Bureau. He did not go through Nirvana, but directly called them here. Among them was Yaozhou, the head of the Communication Technology Research Section. What surprised them was that The molecular samples that came had no data symbols. They analyzed it again. Kyōraku Shunsui believed that it was necessary to conduct a thorough investigation. Incidents like the invading army must not happen again, and they must be quickly put out as soon as they show signs of invasion.

At the same time, Ye Yi and Sui Feng were operating secretly in the real world. They came to the subway station and hid in the dark. They saw a dignified and beautiful woman with long brown hair and a woman's suit with her legs crossed. Sitting on the bench, just in front of him, a male conductor slowly walked towards him. He looked as if he had just woken up, was distracted, and his eyes were dim. When he walked in front of the woman, he stopped and the woman stood up. Hug him and whisper something in his ear.

Broken Bee realized that something was wrong and had no time to hesitate. He jumped up in vain and smashed towards the woman's position. There was a loud explosion and cracks appeared on the ground. However, the woman's movements were quite agile. She turned over backwards to avoid her surprise attack. Regarding the sudden danger, she said calmly: "Don't hinder the good things between men and women."

Yoruichi supported the conductor who was about to fall to the ground and said in a deep voice: "Who are you if you want to absorb souls?".

"You will know sooner or later." The woman smiled softly, jumped onto the subway, and soon disappeared at the station. Her movements were very fast, but they were not similar to Shunpo's footwork, but rather like some kind of light skill, breaking the wasp. She wanted to give chase, but was stopped by Yoruichi. She asked Zaihou to return to Soul Society and report to Kyoraku Shunsui and the others.

Kyōraku Shunsui also opened the boundary gate at the same time. Yoruichi also returned to Urahara shop. Lingbai and the others were also here. His face was solemn. Even Urahara Kisuke realized that something big was going to happen. She didn't even drink her saliva and stood there. At the table, he said slowly: "I have something to tell everyone. Bawent seems to have appeared."

Except for Urahara Kisuke, no one knows what Bawent is. Even the current captain of the second division, Rukia Kuchiki, doesn't know. Urahara Kisuke shook the spirit in the test tube collected by Yoruichi in his hand and told them The history of Bawent is even older than the birth of Uroush.

It was very early on, when Kisuke Urahara had just founded the Technology Development Bureau. He had seen a spirit child similar to that in a test tube. It was an incredible spirit child that could react with a special substance in human spirit children. At that time, he Feeling curious, I investigated and discovered the existence of the Bawent clan.

Chapter 338: Doll

The number of Bawent is very small, but they are also humans with special abilities like the Quincy. The difference is that the Quincy only has the ability to destroy Hollows that will bring disaster to themselves, while Bawent absorbs Human souls serve as their own food, and, except for Quincies like Yhwach, other Quincies have the same birth, aging, sickness and death as humans, but Bawent is different. They absorb human souls and gain eternal life. Just like a vampire.

At that time, although the Urahara Xi tribe had investigated all this, they had never seen Bawent. However, they usually came to seize the souls of dead humans when they were buried, so they did not pay much attention to them and thought it was unnecessary. He went to clean it up, but this time it was to absorb the souls of living people. There was no reason to ignore this situation.

The current obstacle is that they cannot confirm the location of Bawent. Ling Bai thought that since their target is the soul of a living person, Sadatora Taihu and Inoue Orihime are both human beings with special abilities. In their eyes, they must be They are very good prey, and they are likely to be targeted. However, if they just wait quietly and lure the snake out of its hole, if they act rashly, they may be alerted.

However, the seriousness of the matter exceeded their expectations. Mako Hirako and Toshiro Hitsugaya left the Ninth Communication Room and went to the Central Academy to search for records about Bawent, but found that all records about Bawent were lost. It can be seen that, Someone must have sneaked into Jinglingting and stolen relevant information.

The first person to sense the reaction of the spirit son was Ling Bai. Near his residence, the woman with a dignified face was absorbing the soul of a living person in the alley. When Ling Bai arrived, the person was already dead. Seeing his appearance , the woman put down the prey and said in a deep voice: "Why is it that the God of Death bothers me wherever I go?"

Ling Bai held down the handle of the knife. After all, he was from a race that had never fought before, so he couldn't be careless. He said slowly: "You plan to absorb the souls of living people. We can't just sit idly by."

The other party seemed to have no intention of fighting. He pushed away the woman in his hand and quickly fled the alley. Ling Bai did not rush to catch up, but took the woman and found that she was not dead, but just unconscious. He gently put her on the From a relatively safe position, she pursued him. After the conversation just now, she felt that the other party was not the vicious Bawent she imagined, but she still couldn't let him go.

The woman's movements were quite agile, but not very fast. After chasing her through two streets, Ling Bai intercepted her in the corner of the factory. He pulled out his soul-cutting sword, pointed it at the woman, and said slowly: "Can you say it now? ? Your purpose.”

"Our purpose?" The woman leaned against the wall and said, "Even if I tell you, you still can't understand it. I advise you not to hinder me."

"If I don't give an explanation, I won't leave."

"It's really troublesome..."

The woman waved her arms, and a raging fire suddenly ignited in front of her. Ling Bai frowned slightly, but did not move rashly. He noticed that the flames were condensing and gradually turned into a huge burning man. The burning man spurted out flames, but Ling Bai did not resist. , but took a step back. What he didn't expect was that Huo Ren would still speak: "Ami, are you calling me?"

The woman named Ami said: "Gate, please, this guy is too difficult to deal with."

"Is he difficult to deal with?" A hot fireball appeared in Huo Ren's hand, and he threw it at Ling Bai involuntarily. Ling Bai jumped up, and the flames swept across his feet. Before he could land, Huo Ren appeared beside him. Before, he knew that he could no longer hesitate. The dazzling sword light tore through the space and cut off Huo Ren's body in an instant.

Even though his body was cut off by him, Ling Bai still didn't care. Since Bawent could survive for a long time, he must have something special about him. Just as he thought, the flames burned brighter, and the burning people The severed body gradually returned to its original shape, and Ami said proudly: "Give up, you have no chance of winning."

Ling Bai sneered, without any wavering, and slashed with the knife again, but no matter how many times he chopped off, even if he cut off the head of the fireman, the fireman would still return to its original shape in the flames. At this time, the factory was full of people. As the flames ignited, Ling Bai discovered that even though he had been slashing at the opponent, he had already fallen into the sea of ​​fire.

Pyrogate raised his hands and condensed a huge fireball. Just when he was about to smash it down, a snake jumped out of nowhere and wrapped around his body. The flames suddenly dissipated, and Pyro couldn't be killed no matter what. , was actually swallowed by a snake, and a man with a mustache walked over not far away, with a striped snake wrapped around his neck.

"That's not allowed, Yoshino." The man said slowly, "No one allows you to act without authorization. Come home with me."

His appearance was hostile, so Ling Bai did not take action, but just waited and watched.

Chapter 339: Ambush

Ling Bai noticed that although they were all Bawent, they didn't seem to be in harmony. There should be various disputes within the race. Soma Yoshino subconsciously took a step back, wanting to call out the Pyrogate again. , the man was obviously not someone to be trifled with, he cut and called out his puppet Fred, the patterned snake around his neck suddenly sprang out and wrapped around Soma Yoshino's hands.

No matter how hard she tried, Souma Yoshino couldn't break free. The patterned snake spat out bright red nodules, with black pupils and cold eyes. Just being looked at by it made her heart freeze. She didn't dare to use any force. She had known for a long time that Udagawa Rei The puppet Fried has a very impatient temper and will be devoured by him if he is not careful. Ling Bai is not interested in their cannibalism and has no intention of breaking into the fight.

Udagawa Rei didn't care about Ling Bai. Fred wrapped around Soma Yoshino's neck and hung him up. He also jumped on the wall, hugged Souma Yoshino who was hanging in the air, and disappeared from Ling Bai's sight. During the process, the flames of the factory were also extinguished. What made Ling Bai confused was what exactly Bawent's abilities were, and he didn't even know their purpose.

They absorb human souls, but have no intention of attacking the God of Death. Udagawa Rei took Soma Yoshino to the building located in the center of Karakura Town, took the elevator to the top floor, walked to a room similar to an office, opened the door for her, and Ma Fangye hesitated for a moment, then walked in. The room was as big as a basketball court, covered with blue carpet. No lights were turned on, and only the moonlight shone in. There was no furniture in the whole room, only a chair in front of the window. A man sat on it, staring out the window.

Hearing someone come in, the man stood up. He had silver-white hair and a not very obvious scar at the corner of his mouth. He had a good appearance and a tall stature. He looked full of majesty. He walked towards Soma Yoshino and said softly: "She's so beautiful. This But we can never become a dazzling light in a scenery that can only be seen by being immersed in darkness."

Soma Yoshino did not speak, looking a little timid. He called the man God, Kariya God. In her heart, he was an invincible existence. The man raised his hand, touched her cheek, and continued: "You have a good meal. Otherwise, it will make you unable to exert your strength, and there will be marks on your neck. You must have made Uda angry again. Is there anything unsatisfactory? "

"It's nothing." Udagawa Rei said: "Miss Yoshino doesn't seem to understand her position. There is nothing I can do to hurt her."

"Position?" Soma Yoshino asked, "What do you mean by this?"

What else did Udagawa Rei want to say, but Kariyagami smiled and said: "Forget it, Uda, don't take it too seriously, but Yoshino, this doesn't mean that I can forgive you for what you did."

Soma Yoshino took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say: "Why should I get your forgiveness? I am not ordered by anyone."

Kariya God didn't pay attention and still smiled: "It doesn't matter, I'm just a little worried. You are too weak and stupid. It has reached the point where I have to protect you. You better not do anything wrong. I don't want you to get hurt."

Later, Udagawa Rei took her to the underground warehouse and locked the door. Soma Yoshino did not resist. She knew that with her strength, there was no way to defeat them. Just like Kariyagami said, if If you insist on fighting, you will only get yourself hurt.

Ling Bai also returned to his residence to discuss how to deal with it. Although he could sense the opponent's existence, he was not an easy opponent to deal with. Their abilities were also very different. There was no information from the Soul Society. Bawent's The appearance was quite a surprise to the Soul Society.

That is to say, from the moment they discovered that Bawent, who always moved at night, suddenly broke into the express delivery company at noon, and also hijacked a woman who was about to go home after picking up the express delivery. Ling Bai and the others appeared in time, and Zheng, who had absorbed the soul, It was Udagawa Rei whom he met last night. When he saw the woman lying on the ground, Ling Bai didn't take any action. Instead, he asked a lot of questions. What happened to the woman last night and what their purpose was.

No matter what he asked, Udagawa Rei had no comment and said in an arrogant tone: "Which one is more delicious, the soul of a god of death or the soul of a human being?"

Ling Bai sneered and pulled out the soul-cutting sword. At the same time, Udagawa Rei took out the golden whip from his sleeve and swept it across. The whip struck with great force. Each strike could cause deep cracks in the ground. Then, blue light emitted from Freed's pupils wrapped around his neck. Ling Bai frowned slightly and pulled them back quickly. More than ten long snakes appeared in the cracks on the ground.

The opponent's ability gradually became clear. He attacked directly just to deceive others, and set traps around him with random swings. Everything he touched turned into a snake.

Chapter 340: Hostages

But he still thought wrong. It wasn't a matter of inaccessibility. Whatever Fried thought of would turn into a snake like him. Inoue Orihime suddenly screamed, and her backpack strap turned into a snake. She He quickly slapped it to the ground, and then all the surrounding ropes and water pipes turned into snakes. As long as they were long objects, they could turn into snakes under his induction.

The snakes rushed towards them, the swords were shining, and the spiritual pressure was flowing around. No matter what, snakes were snakes after all. In a moment, they cut off most of the snakes, leaving corpses everywhere. However, there was no limit to Fried's ability. The snake he created was not even affected by the spirit child. Just before Ling Bai's blade was about to approach Udagawa Rei, a long snake sprang out from the cracks in the ground and wrapped around the woman who fell on the ground. Ling Bai couldn't help but He could only stop attacking.

Whether it was a battle with Quincy or a war with spirit skeletons, they had never seen such despicable behavior, taking humans as hostages. Udagawa Rei also naturally said that he would not kill this woman, but just wanted to Carving countless scars on her smooth skin, turning her into something unrecognizable to anyone, was simply disgusting. Even Ling Bai couldn't guarantee that he could kill Udagawa Rei before the other party harmed humans. Besides, he I don’t know if Fred will still exist after Udagawa Rei’s death.

However, Udagawa Rei's attitude was very clear. He originally wanted to taste the soul of the god of death, but after seeing Ishida Uryuu, he became very interested in the Quincy. Ishida Uryuu stepped forward and wanted to have sex with the human in his hand. There is no other way to carry out the exchange, and innocent people cannot be involved, and Ling Bai also believes that with Ishida Uryū's mind and strength, nothing big will go wrong, and he may be able to infiltrate the enemy. internal.

Udagawa Rei is also very trustworthy. He first released the humans and then entangled Ishida Uryu. Just as he was about to take Ishida Uryu away, red flames suddenly fell in the air. Udagawa Rei quickly avoided it, and Pyrogate appeared in front of him. In the hospital, they raised their heads and saw that the unconscious Ishida Uryu was already in Soma Yoshino's arms.

"Fangye, you actually escaped."

Udagawa Rei said in a deep voice: "Don't think that you can always have special treatment."

Soma Yoshino said nothing, Gate threw fireballs randomly, and the entire courtyard was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire. However, there was no fire, it just blocked their view, and it quickly dissipated. Soma Yoshino also disappeared here, Ling Bai He wanted to pursue him, but was blocked by Udagawa Rei who had not yet left at the gate of the courtyard.

The prey was taken away. Udagawa Rei's mood was extremely bad, and his face was also gloomy and scary. He wanted to kill them here. A large area of ​​snakes surrounded them. Ling Bai was not in the mood to waste time with him here. The fire of hell When it came, flames as black as ink swept across Udagawa Rei, burning all the snakes in an instant. Udagawa Rei's face suddenly turned pale. Only then did he realize that the opponent was not a god of death that he could easily defeat. If he continued to fight, he would only If you can humiliate yourself, you have no choice but to retreat first.

At this time, Kyōraku Shunsui came to the Technology Development Bureau. Although he was the captain, he did not have the majesty of Yamamoto Genryusaku. He thought that there was no one in the research room, and just wanted to check the information in front of the computer. Nirvana He turned around from his chair and said in a very unfriendly manner: "I never thought that Kyoryaku-sama would be so sneaky."

"What you say is really ugly." Kyoryaku Shunsui laughed.

Nie Shuli said: "What's the matter? I'm a very busy person."

Jingraku Shunsui said: "Then let me tell you directly, can you let me see the information about Bawent? The information originally in the Central Library has disappeared, and now I can only rely on the data here. Since it was a long time ago It doesn’t matter if you take it out.”

Nie Yuli raised her chin and said: "This is a matter for me to decide. Even if the captain comes to meddle in others' business, it is an act beyond his authority."

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled and said: "That's why I came here secretly. As the director of the Technology Development Bureau, you are considered the best in Soul Society..."

Before he finished speaking, Nie Shuli interrupted him and said: "If you want to see the information I have here, you have to follow the formal procedures. You are right. There is really nothing about Bawent's information. It’s something meaningful, but I still feel that formal procedures still have meaning and authority.”

"In that case, you won't be able to produce any information." Kyoryaku Shunsui sighed and whispered, "You are so ignorant, sooner or later you will go to hell."

He didn't let Nie Shuli hear the latter words. He turned around and left, walked to the door, and turned around and said: "By the way, I just said that you are the best and so on. I just said it casually, and the worst." I often hear rumors, I will go through the formalities next, so I won’t force you.”

Chapter 341: Space

Without giving Nie Yuli a chance to get angry, Kyoryu Shunsui left the room and closed the door. Nie Yuli was so angry that he couldn't speak. He slammed the table, started the machine, and recorded all the information about Bawent. Delete it. If this is the case, then no one will want to see it. When you come back after completing the formalities, you will not be able to see anything. However, he found that Bawente's information was locked with a password and could not be retrieved. He couldn't remember ever authorizing such a thing, and who did it.

Kyōraku Shunsui sighed outside the door. The matter was far more troublesome than he thought. Not only was the central library stolen, but even the information from the Technology Development Bureau was leaked. The current situation was not much better. Ishida Yu After Ryu was taken away by Souma Yoshino, there was no news for a long time. If he could really escape, he would have sensed the spirit even if he had not returned to Urahara store. But now he can't feel anything, even the other party's I don’t know where my residence is.

Abarai Renji could no longer bear the anxiety of waiting, and planned to go out to search, but was stopped by Ling Bai. He didn't know where they were. Searching in such a huge city was like looking for a needle in a haystack. They just acted separately and had no way of knowing their purpose. , Bawent can just take advantage of them when they are alone. In any case, Bawent's ability to control the doll is better than the soul-killing sword, and each has incredible power. He doesn't even have a plan, so he just goes there blindly. If you look for it, you will play into the enemy's hands.

Since Ling Bai had concerns and they no longer persisted, Urahara Kisuke suddenly said: "I have been hesitating to tell you that the reason why we originally planned to start investigating Bawent was the special ingredient contained in the residue. If that ingredient If the content is small, there will be no problem, but if the amount is increased, it is likely to have an impact on space.”

"Space? What do you mean?" Rukia Kuchiki said, "Can you explain it in more detail?"

Urahara Kisuke said: "In other words, two originally unrelated spaces can be connected like a tunnel. Beyond the real world, the virtual world and the real world can be connected. If this happens, many living people will be killed. And the soul will be sucked away, and Soul Society will deploy the Shinigami when necessary based on the time it takes for the Hollow to appear in the world. If there are no obstacles and it is just a simple move..."

He did not say the next sentence, but he also understood very well that if such a situation really happened, even if all the gods of death were dispatched, they would not be able to deal with it. For Xu, he could absorb souls at will. As for the possibility, Urahara Kisuke held out five fingers. There was a 50% chance that on paper it would be more serious than the incident caused by Hatakage Rōsa. At this moment, there was a sound coming from the Giryo Tessai side. According to the news about Uryu Ishida, he is lying in the ward of Karakura Town Hospital.

What's more, the interior of Bawent doesn't seem so harmonious. At the very least, Soma Yoshino and Udagawa Rei are very difficult to deal with. In fact, their worries are unnecessary. Soma Yoshino has no intention of harming Ishida Uryu. Taking him to a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city, when Uryu Ishida woke up, he saw Soma Yoshino being dignified, without any malice, and with a gentle face.

He was lying on the sofa, adapting to the dazzling sunlight shining through the broken windows. His head was no longer so painful. He pushed up his glasses and said, "Why are you saving me? If you die, your soul will not be able to eat." ”

"You are a Quincy, right?" Soma Yoshino said.

"Everyone wants to know this." Uryū Ishida said, "Does the Quincy's soul have a very different flavor?"

"Yes." Soma Yoshino lowered his eyes and said softly: "But to be honest, it doesn't taste very good, especially the Quincy who doesn't seem that strong. You shouldn't be with the God of Death. Go find Other Quincy."

Hearing this, Uryū Ishida lowered his head. There are no other Quincies in this world. Even the King of Quincy was wiped out by the God of Death. And it was with his assistance that after a thousand years of bloody battles, the Quincy was destroyed. He was the only one of the master's race. Yoshino Soma seemed to understand his heart. He walked up to him and gently pressed him on the sofa. He leaned down and her beautiful face slowly approached him. Uryu Ishida broke into a cold sweat. It was the first time for him to be so close to a woman. He didn't know whether she was absorbing the soul or doing other things.

However, Soma Yoshino did not absorb his soul, nor did he do what he expected or feared. He just looked at him face to face and said softly: "Listen to me honestly, in that case, you will not suffer. , There has been a strange rule among our Bawent clan for a long time, that is, we cannot absorb the souls of living people, do you know why? "

"I don't know." Ishida Uryu shook his head.

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