Hisagi Shuhei didn't know what happened before. After forcing Rukia Kuchiki away, he asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Inoue Orihime explained: "Kuchiki-san was controlled by the doll.".

"Doll? Is this their special ability?"

After resisting Kuchiki Rukia's continuous slashes, Hisagi Shuhei decided that he could only kill Rukia as well. He has always been a person who knows the pros and cons. He also knows that as a god of death, being beaten by other Manipulating and killing companions is more painful than death. As Jushiro Ukitake said, some fights are for survival, and some fights are for dignity.

"You can chop it up and see." Ma Qiao said: "If Lucia dies, Liz just needs to be parasitic on other people. That's it. Next time I enter your body, come on, Lu Qi." Ya."

For some reason, Lucia didn't obey his instructions this time. Although her face was expressionless, she seemed to be in pain. The hand holding the knife was trembling, her eyes gradually became clear, and Ma Qiao's pupils gradually faded. Shrinking, she was actually resisting Liz's will. This was something that had never happened before. How could such a thing be possible?

"Attack me..."

Kuchiki Rukia said in a difficult tone: "Please, attack me."

Hisagi Shuhei said in a deep voice: "Well said, Kuchiki, if you are being manipulated by the other party, hurting your companions is the most painful thing. If you kill her while she still has the dignity of a death god, at least for her , is also a kind of comfort, Kuchiki also expects this. "

"Wait a moment!"

Just when he was about to take action, Inoue Orihime suddenly stopped him. Since there was no other way, she wanted to deal with Rukia with her own hands. At least she could feel at ease and not regret that she had lost Rukia's life and dignity because of her cowardice. Hisagi Shuhei also respected his decision. Inoue Orihime exerted the maximum energy of the three-day shield. The golden light formed a protective film around her body, and Kuchiki Rukia's broken path could not shatter it.

She slowly walked towards Kuchiki Rukia. At the moment when Kuchiki Rukia waved the soul-cutting sword, she suddenly hugged Kuchiki Rukia. Maybe even he didn't know it. Liz couldn't bear her three-day marriage. The shield unexpectedly fell out of Kuchiki Rukia's body and jumped back into Ma Qiao's arms. Ma Qiao gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of power is that, Liz? Go control that woman this time!"

Liz jumped over, but Hisagi Shuhei was faster than him. The sword flashed across the space. Liz was cut off in mid-air and turned into seed bullets and returned to Maqiao's hands. Hisagi Shuhei sank. He said in a loud voice: "I won't let you succeed anymore, let me end you now."

Maqiao couldn't stand this kind of insult, and his doll was defeated. He rushed towards Hisagi Shuhei like crazy. After all, he was a human being. After the doll was destroyed, he had no chance in front of the God of Death. There was no fighting ability at all. The moment Hisagi Shuhei's soul-cutting sword slashed down, Ichinose Maki suddenly appeared and blocked his attack.

"Who are you……"

Hisagi Shuhei's eyes widened. He was one of the oldest vice-captains, so he naturally recognized Ichinose Maki. What he didn't understand was how could Ichinose Maki, who had been missing for a long time, appear here, and why? In rescuing Bawent.

Chapter 375: Whale

Ichinose Maki seemed to have no intention of fighting him. He picked up the unconscious Maqiao, jumped onto the roof, and disappeared into the night. Although Bawent was not killed, thankfully, Kuchiki Rukia was weaving in Inoue. With the help of Hime, he regained his will, and the rescue of Hisagi Shuhei and Kira Izuru showed that Soul Society has taken action, but Matsumoto Rangiku, who also came to the world, was very distressed, let alone Aya. Segawa Yumichika, their 11th Division would never fight together as a team. What made her angry was that Kira Izuru and Hisagi Shuhei also separated from her and investigated alone.

This action in this world was under the instructions of Toshiro Hitsugaya, the captain of the 10th Division. Logically speaking, Rangiku Matsumoto should be the leader, but no one listened to her orders. Rangiku Matsumoto became more and more angry as he thought about it, and decided to go back She had to report to the captain later, but on her way to Urahara Store, the main base of the living world, she saw a familiar figure in the square, so she changed her direction and rushed over.

Chawata Taihu and Sawado were confronting each other. Compared to Chawata Taihu's nervous posture, Sawado looked quite calm. Sitting on the wooden chair he brought with him, Matsumoto Rangiku had never seen Bawent before and originally thought that the other party was A man with an extremely ferocious appearance unexpectedly turned out to be an old man who seemed to be unable to move quickly and was still sitting on a chair. However, a person should not be judged by his appearance. She first confirmed that Zedu did not talk too much nonsense and directly showed him to her. It was Bawent's evidence. The crutch in his hand hit the ground, causing huge ripples in the entire square, like an ocean.

They still couldn't figure out whether his doll was a wooden chair or a cane in his hand. Zedo slowly descended and disappeared into the ripples on the ground. Everything around him also calmed down. Matsumoto Rangiku frowned slightly and followed Zedo. The speed sank to the ground, and his spiritual pressure also disappeared. Relying on instinct, Matsumoto Rangiku pulled Chawata Taihu and jumped into the air. The moment they took off, a huge one suddenly appeared from the ground under their feet. The brown whale seemed to be rolling on the water, but without catching them, it jumped into the ground again and disappeared from their sight.

When they looked down, they could still clearly see the shadow of a whale swimming on the ground. Although the geology had not changed, for Zedo, it was as if he was in the water. Matsumoto Rangiku gritted his teeth, no matter what. Fish, attack first, you can't wait here for the other party's attack. She pulled out the Soul-Slaying Sword and stabbed it into the ground. The Soul-Slaying Sword penetrated into the ground, but it didn't hit anything.

Just behind her, the whale jumped up from the ground again. Just before it was about to swallow her, Matsumoto Rangiku quickly dodged to avoid it. The whale surfaced, and a wooden chair formed on its body. Sawado sat on it, slowly He said: "You have saved a life. Let me introduce you. This is my doll, Paula. Paula can manipulate space, create special alien spaces, and can travel freely in them."

Rangiku Matsumoto was not interested in listening to him show off his doll's abilities. After releasing the soul-cutting sword, the blade turned into smoke and ashes, floating around, but Paula the whale opened her mouth and wanted to absorb it. Such a situation had never happened before. However, Matsumoto Rangiku did not dare to take risks and quickly retracted the soul-cutting sword, but a large amount of smoke and ashes were still absorbed.

"Miss Rangiku, why?" Sadatora was very confused. He thought it would be better to let the other party absorb it, so that he could be killed internally.

"Her judgment is correct." Zedu said: "If the ash is not recalled, all of them will be swallowed by Paula. In that case, she will lose the soul-cutting sword. I thought she could get the soul-cutting sword of the God of Death. The knife is gone."

Only then did they understand that Paula's body could control different spaces. Matsumoto Rangiku frowned slightly, escaped from the small phone from his arms, and said in a deep voice: "Immediately freeze the three hundred spaces around me, and protect the soul, Kira and Shuhei are also begging you."

"Understood." The man on the other side of the phone said, "However, there was no communication from Vice Captain Abarai, and we did not take soul protection measures, so he broke into the battle. According to the report, he was injured while protecting humans."

"I understand." Matsumoto Rangiku put down the phone. Since the space was frozen, she could let go and fight. Chadata Taitora no longer held back, summoning the giant's right arm, and the spiritual pressure shock wave blasted towards Zedo, Paula's The reaction was also very fast, disappearing into the ground, and then jumping out from under their feet. Matsumoto Rangiku jumped into the air and released the No. 4 White Thunder. The lightning was on the ground, but it could not stop Paula's movement. When Paula entered a different space, At that time, the attack had no effect. In the gap between her attacks, Paula suddenly jumped out. Matsumoto Rangiku dodged to avoid it. Paula did not hesitate to fight and sank into the ground again.

Knowing that Matsumoto Rangiku was quick and agile, Paula decided to attack the very large Chado Taihu. She leaned half of her body out of the ground and rushed towards Chadota Taihu as if she was swimming on the water.

Chapter 376: Different Space

Chadota Taihu did not dodge, wanting to receive his attack and then control his actions. The spiritual pressure shock wave roared out again, but Paula opened her mouth and absorbed the entire impact. In desperation, Chadota Taihu could only avoid it. As soon as he jumped up, Paula chased him. In any case, Taihu Sadatora was a human being, and his speed was far inferior to that of the God of Death. Just when he was about to be swallowed by Paula, Tsumuya The rain suddenly appeared and kicked Paula in the stomach. With a bang, Paula's huge body hit the ground, and cracks appeared on the round platform of the square.

However, in the blink of an eye, Paula sank to the ground again, and they disappeared into the square and came to the roof of a nearby building to think about strategies. To deal with such an enemy, it was useless to attack from the front, and they were in a different space. Paula can also clearly know where they are. According to Matsumoto Rangiku's analysis, it should use the characteristics of ultrasonic waves to determine the enemy's position. That is, it can feel the subtle vibrations of spiritual pressure from the ground. However, Chadota Taihu felt that the opponent It swam from the ground, so if you stay high up, you should be fine.

As soon as he finished speaking, Paula actually surged out from the wall of the floor, and was rushing towards the location of Chadu Taihu. Because the distance was too close and the deterrent force was too strong, Chadu Taihu could not avoid it. Just before he was about to be swallowed, Tsumuya Ame rushed over and pushed him away. Chadota Taihu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he just watched Tsumuya Ame being swallowed by Paula and sinking into the rooftop.

Chatatora Taitora clenched his fists. No matter what, Tsumuya Rain was swallowed up just to save him. He had to find a way to save him, but Paula and Watarizawa could no longer be seen. After all, Matsumoto Rangiku was People at the vice-captain level are much calmer than him. Even staying here will not help. The more anxious you are, the less likely you are to save people. It is better to find a safe place and rethink the strategy. She pulled Chadu Taihu, Jump between floors trying to find a relatively safe location.

She also discovered that Paula could appear no matter how high or low it was, as long as it was flat. As soon as they jumped onto the building with the reservoir, Watuzawa's rich voice was remembered in their ears. They quickly stopped and looked for the direction of the sound. , Paula appeared in front of them, Watuzawa sat on it, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, that lady is fine, because Paula's belly is connected to another space, and she is taking a good rest there, but, She can't live too long."

"What do you mean?" Matsumoto Rangiku said in a deep voice.

Wataze stood up on crutches and said slowly: "We Bawente usually only absorb souls. Only Paula and I can suck, decompose and absorb human bodies. Now it's your turn. We will take you one by one." Take turns to be buried in Paula’s space.”

That being said, Tsumuya Rain's identity has always been a mystery. Lingbai once believed that he was created by Urahara Kisuke and was something more advanced than a modified soul. He even thought that in a dangerous moment, Urahara Kisuke would give him something. He stuffed Honyu and various souls to replace the Soul King. However, he did not ask Urahara Kisuke. Urahara Kisuke may not have had this intention when he created Tsumuya Rain and Jinta. As for someone deep in his heart, Whether Corner has thought about it this way is anyone's guess.

Matsumoto Rangiku seemed to have found a way to deal with Paula. Just when Paula was about to pounce, he released the soul-cutting sword. The smoke and ashes drew circular traces on the soles of their feet. They also followed the cut disk and fell. Paula He also smashed it down, stirring up a large amount of dust. Matsumoto Rangiku stood at the bottom and said: "Drilling into the ground is your specialty, but you'd better pay attention to the top of your head."

Watazawa raised his head, and the water tank suddenly collapsed, hitting him where he was. However, Paula came out of the wall of the building to pick up Watazawa. They returned to the square. Matsumoto Rangiku and the others had long been hiding in the alley. She felt that it was safe here for the time being. , if Paula does not have a wide enough surface, she should not be able to open the exit of the space and let her body out.

Because when the space is moving, you can feel huge energy, which cannot be used in a narrow place. However, Chado Taihu kept his head down. Although he didn't need to pay attention to it, it was still Chadota Taihu's fault. , will let Tsumuya Yu be swallowed by Paula. They don't have much time. Matsumoto Rangiku thought that he could make Paula create a different space in his body, and then surround it with the power of ghost. If this is the case, it should be possible to What they swallow moves through space.

After deciding on the tactics, they returned to the square. Matsumoto Rangiku stood in the middle of the square. There was no movement for a long time. At the moment when the ground rippled, she jumped up from the ground, and Paula also followed the trend. She pulled out the soul-killing weapon. The knife slashed across Paula's body. Although there was no wound, it successfully knocked Paula back. Sadata Taihu also came forward, constantly releasing spiritual pressure shock waves.

Chapter 377: Alien Space

Matsumoto Rangiku seemed to feel that Chadata Taihu's attack was too fierce and might ruin the original plan, so she quickly ran over to stop it, but she was tripped by the crutches sticking out from the ground and fell to the ground. Naturally, Paula would not let go. After this opportunity, as long as Matsumoto Rangiku is eliminated, the remaining man looks big, but actually has little strength and a simple mind. Paula jumps out from the ground and pounces on Matsumoto Rangiku. From Watazawa's perspective, , the other party had been swallowed by Paula's open mouth, but Paula did not sink to the ground.

"What's wrong, Paula!" Watazawa said loudly. Only then did he notice that Paula's open mouth was blocked by Matsumoto Rangiku's soul-cutting knife and could not be closed. Naturally, he could not activate the different space. Chawata Taihu Taking the opportunity to rush over, grab Paula's tail, swing it with all his strength, like throwing a shot put, and throw them into the barrier that Matsumoto Rangiku had already set.

Paula bumped into the red barrier, as if she was attracted by a magnetic force. Wataze screamed and wanted to get rid of her. She manipulated the doll and was forced to blush. In order to gain power, he absorbed countless souls of living people. How could it be possible? He would lose to them. Just when he was about to get rid of the attraction of the barrier and smashed the red wall of spiritual pressure, Chadu Taihu rushed up, and the spiritual pressure shock wave roared out, sending him away. Paula and Watari Ze disappeared into the barrier, and the originally chaotic square also calmed down.

Matsumoto Rangiku breathed out, and then she just had to slowly rescue Tsumuya Rain. Just when he was about to chant the ghost path, the space suddenly shook violently. In any case, the different space she could create with the barrier was also How could a limited existence be able to defeat Wataze, who was dominated by such abilities? The red barrier appeared in mid-air in vain, and Paula also jumped out from it, half of her body sinking into the ground.

"Although you guys let me have a lot of fun, it's still a hundred years too early to trap Paula and I in a different space. It's almost time to end." Wataze jumped off Paula and stared at They said in a deep voice.

At this point, they sank into the ground and could no longer capture their position. There was no way or corresponding strategies. Matsumoto Rangiku and Chadata Taihu could only escape. However, as they ran towards there, the ground around them Paula's swimming shadow would appear and hover around them. It seemed that there was no possibility of escape.

Rangiku Matsumoto wanted to use Shunpo to leave here, but then he thought about it, this was impossible. In order not to destroy the balance of souls in this world, their chief officers above the vice-captain level would set certain limits on their spiritual pressure when they came to this world. They couldn't go too far at all, let alone taking Chawata Taihu with them. Even jumping into the sky would be difficult. Now they were in a dead situation. Chawata Taihu suddenly said: "Miss Rangiku, if it were you, , he should be able to handle it, don’t worry about us, just leave here quickly, you can use us as a cover, you will always be able to find a way. "

He was right. Without him, Rangiku Matsumoto could indeed escape from Paula's pursuit. However, it was impossible for him to do so. In a sense, their Shinigami existed to protect human beings, just like the Japanese. As Toshiro Ibanya said, no one told them to fight for their superiors. All Shinigami must fight to protect their companions and humans.

"How could I do such a thing?" Matsumoto Rangiku said without hesitation: "Stop saying such meaningless words, let's think about how to escape together."

While they were hesitating, Paula's swimming speed gradually increased, and half of her body was above the ground. They frowned and increased their vigilance. However, Paula did not make any attack, but instead sank to the ground and swam. The range of movement suddenly shrank, and finally the range of the shadow was limited to their feet, and even disappeared completely. The sudden silence made them even more uneasy. The other party would not give up easily, and might be brewing a killer move they didn't know about.

I don’t know how long it took, but a dazzling white light rose under their feet, followed by an explosion. Rangiku Matsumoto dragged Taihu Sadatora, used Shunpo to distance himself, and ran towards the woods, but he didn’t get very far. Paula jumped out of the woods and rushed towards them. Seeing the black alien space in Paula's open mouth, Chado Taihu fell into despair, Matsumoto Rangiku gritted his teeth, the red light flashed away, and the red cannon slowed Paula down. As she rushed forward, she used all her strength to leave the square and stop at a nearby flower bed in a series of instant steps.

Although they were out of danger, they still did not relax their vigilance. Although they bought time, it was only a matter of time before they were caught up. The reiatsu fighting fiercely in this city were probably the deputy captains who were sent to the present world. And it was still quite far away from them, but Sadatora's idea was very simple, to make the doll unable to fight, then capture it, and then let it release Tsumuya Rain.

Chapter 378: Unable to capture

If only Wataze was left, it would be easy to deal with, and the opponent would just chop the old man who was not very agile.

The reality was far from being as simple as imagined. They could only barely feel the moment Paula appeared, and they had tried their best to avoid it. In that case, aiming and attacking was almost a possible task. If they only attacked dark places, It will not cause harm to the opponent. If you can predict where he will appear, you can attack Paula's vulnerable-looking abdomen. But to do this, someone must act as a bait. In short, they cannot stay there all the time. Here, they need to move as quickly as possible to find a place that is conducive to their fighting.

They came to the wide platform in front of the square. Matsumoto Rangiku thought of a way to deal with Paula, but there was only one chance. She gathered all her spiritual power and launched the largest No. 58 Binding Road Slap Toe Chaser in the center of the platform. Pink light pillars rose from the ground. This kind of binding can sense the other party's spiritual pressure and then track the other party's location. However, no matter how she increased her spiritual power, she could not find Paula. Could it be said that Bawente's spiritual pressure Is pressure an exception? Just when he was about to give up, he finally captured Paula's spiritual pressure, and the other party didn't notice it yet.

Chawata Taihu stood up. He understood that the opportunity created by Matsumoto Rangiku with all his strength must not be wasted. Matsumoto Rangku suddenly raised his head and loudly told Chawata Taihu to pay attention to the top of his head. Chawata Taihu had been prepared for a long time and was seeing Paula jumped from the wall of the floor directly above them. What Watari was thinking was that they would never have thought that Paula would attack from this direction. They were confident of winning. What they didn't expect was that Chadata Taihu seemed to have already As if they were waiting for him, the moment they appeared, the giant's right arm's spiritual pressure exploded, and Sadatora rushed forward like a missile.

There was a loud explosion, and Chadota Taihu's fist hit Paula's abdomen. Paula's huge body fell to the ground, but it was not over yet. Reiatsu shock waves followed, and a strong explosion occurred in Paula's abdomen. Unable to bear the blow, Paula opened her mouth wide and lay on the ground. Tsumuya Rain also jumped out of the alien space in his mouth.

"What a pity." Wataze sat on Paula's back, leaning on his crutches and said, "You guys, that's it for today. Let's have a showdown another day. Paula, let's retreat!"

As soon as the words fell, Paula burst out with a dazzling white light, and the spiritual pressure dissipated instantly. After the light dissipated, they also disappeared on the platform. Matsumoto Rangiku sighed and said: "You, you should be merciful, if you use all your strength , wouldn’t you just kill him?”

Chadata Taihu said: "In that case, Xiao Yu will not be able to be saved."

Matsumoto Rangiku smiled and said: "I knew you would be like this, but you still did a good job."

Chado Taihu did not speak, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he fell to the ground and passed out. The fact that the deputy captain forced Bawent back has not yet spread to Jinglingting, but what is exciting is that Nirvana Finally found Bawent's data. He is the director of the Technology Development Bureau. As long as he wants to find it, there is no information that he can't find. Next, he wants to capture Bawent for research. The most direct way is for him He went to the present world, but he didn't have that time. In order to monitor Bawent's actions, he didn't even have time to contact the deputy captain of the present world.

After he learned the reason why Bawent needed the power of the Quincy, he directly ordered Nirvana to bring the research materials that he had prepared long ago to the world, and handed the materials to Uryu Ishida. He did not want to help him, but just wanted to help him. Interested in Bawent's affairs.

At this time, the streets of Seireitei were attacked. Red light fell from the sky and smashed the walls. It was Madarame Ikkaku who was guarding this place. A black shadow emerged from the ruins. The other team members went to notify Zaraki. Kenpachi and Madarame Ikkaku chased after him. In less than two minutes, the siren sounded in the Seireitei, and each team immediately entered an emergency alert state. Even though he could not feel the spiritual pressure, Madarame Ikkaku was very sure that he was right next to him. There was definitely someone running in front, and even the tiles on the roof were crushed by the opponent, but they couldn't see the other person's figure. Is it because they were too fast or they had the ability to become invisible.

Madarame released the soul-cutting sword, but was pushed out by an invisible force. He landed on the ground and observed the movements around him. As long as the opponent made a move, he was confident that he could catch the invisible enemy. The tiles on the roof suddenly fell, At the same time, Ki Toumaru's three-section whip smashed over and shattered the eaves, but it did not catch the enemy. Instead, pain came from his shoulder, and blood spattered out and fell to the ground.

There was no time to feel the pain. No team members had arrived yet, and it seemed that the enemy's location had not been captured. He could only increase his vigilance to prevent the enemy from attacking him again. But at this time, Kuchiki Byakuya received a secret order from Kyoraku Shunsui. After passing the order passed by his subordinates, he looked up at the bright moonlight and said softly: "It's such a beautiful moonlight. What a pity."

Chapter 379: Foundation

When Zaraki Kenpachi arrived, the enemy had already fled, leaving only the injured Madarame. Regarding his apology, Zaraki Kenpachi just said: "It doesn't matter. Although I don't know who the opponent is, I conceal my spiritual power and attack. He’s really a timid guy, but he’s been really bored lately, maybe you can kill some time for me.”

The battle in this world has ended, and everyone has returned to the Urahara store. Except for Ling Bai, everyone else has been injured to varying degrees, especially Renji Abarai, who is still unconscious until now, and Uryu Ishida still doesn't know what happened. Ling Bai didn't go looking for him. What happened to Soma Yoshino had a huge impact on him. It would be better for him to be alone with this kind of thing.

The boy Renji Abarai rescued was more seriously injured than he imagined. Even Orihime Inoue had no way to make up for his lost soul, and he was in danger of dying at any time. Regarding this, Renji Abarai felt Deeply remorseful, if he had done things more beautifully at that time, this kind of thing might not have happened. Ling Bai just patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "Don't think too much, Matsumoto and the others have already gone to find Ba Winter’s base, being emotional will only be counterproductive, now we should be well prepared for the next battle.”

In the turmoil at the Serenity Court last night, Urahara Kisuke received news from Yoruichi in the early morning. Lingbai, Urahara Kisuke, and Kuchiki Rukia held a short combat meeting. Bawente was better than they imagined. It is much more powerful and cannot be underestimated. Ling Bai believes that no matter how much Nirvana tries to hide Bawent's data, it will eventually be made public. Even the turmoil last night is still a destructive act that cannot be felt. Well, there are betrayers among the Grim Reaper.

After hearing Ling Bai's analysis, Kuchiki Rukia's face suddenly turned pale. It was many years ago that a betrayer appeared among the Shinigami. She subconsciously felt that it was Aizenmono Usuke who was responsible. After all, during the Quincy's battle Finally, Aizenmono Usuke disappeared out of thin air without any news.

"No." Ling Bai shook his head and said softly: "Aizen has not degenerated enough to help Bawent. There should be records of Shinigami who left the team in Jinglingting. Let Yoruichi check it and you should know. When necessary, Kuchiki Byakuya’s assistance may be needed.”

"Brother's assistance?" Kuchiki Rukia asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Ling Bai said: "The Tsunayashiro family of the five nobles in Soul Society has long been in decline. Originally, they would know all the history and information of Soul Society. Now in the history of Soul Society, the longest one is The Kuchiki family will most likely leave a record for Bawent.”

Ling Bai's thoughts were very pure. If he wanted to completely defeat Bawent, it was not as simple as killing Kariyagami and the others. He had to take a long-term view. He always felt that Bawent seemed to be created by others. It was necessary. Understand the opponent's history and eliminate the foundation, otherwise countless Kariya gods may appear one day.

Since there was no captain in the present world, the advance team composed of the deputy captains was left to Ling Bai's command. During their battle with Bawent at night, Ling Bai had already asked Yumichika Ayasekawa to look for Bawent. Te's lair, through the spiritual pressure sensor made by Urahara Kisuke, was deep in the forest outside the city. Ayase River Yumichika found a cave that looked like the place where Bawente gathered.

The next morning, the three vice-captains rushed over immediately. Deep in the cave, after last night's battle, Bawent found nothing. Originally, Maqiao could kill Rukia Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue, but unexpectedly he ran into them. Hisagi Shuhei's support and if it weren't for Ichinose Maki's timely rescue, he would probably have been buried in Karakura Town. Kariyagami is most looking forward to Koga Go's performance. In his heart, Koga Gou has always been the best. As the second candidate of the race, it can be said that by coincidence, Koga just met Ling Bai. If Ling Bai had not moved his heart of compassion, Kariya God would have lost his most powerful assistant.

Kariya God didn't care about the failure of this battle. He still felt that they could exert such a powerful force by absorbing only a small amount of living souls. The performance was already quite good. He was originally opposed to absorbing living souls. But Ma Qiao kept sitting on the ground, muttering that it was not enough. As long as she experienced the power, she would never forget it. Koga Gang advised her not to be too fixed on this, as it might become irreparable. matter.

Maqiao even still hated Ichinose Maki who finally dragged him away, and couldn't wait to go out and make a break with the God of Death. Just as he wished, the God of Death arrived outside the cave, and Ayase River Yumichika did not deliberately hide his feelings. Feeling the fluctuations of spiritual pressure, Kariyagami said calmly: "Don't panic, you continue to absorb souls from Bit, Usaki, if your work is completed, you can deal with them."

Usaki naturally obeyed, he was very confident in his abilities, and he would not let their team get bored, and would definitely create a gorgeous curtain call stage.

Chapter 380: Trap

He was not suitable for fighting people head-on. Instead, he returned to his room and filled the table with tarot cards. Subtle fluctuations of spiritual pressure immediately appeared in the cave. Matsumoto Rangiku and the others stopped because of this, feeling a very bad feeling. , as if someone was watching them. There was no sunlight coming in, and the cave was dark and humid. However, they could still see everything around them clearly. They didn't know where they were going. They were surrounded by stone pillars with strange patterns carved on them.

The light suddenly spread, and a sharp blade shot out from under the stone pillar. With a bang, Ayasegawa Yumichika, who was walking behind, quickly turned around and separated the piercing sharp blade. Then, various types of weapons were shot out from under each stone pillar from time to time. The weapons completely trapped them in the center. In order to avoid being surrounded, they acted separately. Under Uaki's surveillance, he rearranged the cards, and the fluctuations in spiritual pressure became stronger. Matsumoto Rangiku released the soul-cutting sword, The smoke and ashes instantly split the stone pillars in front of them, but there was nothing behind them.

She walked forward cautiously, and the surveillance eye following her quietly released golden light again, disrupting her vision. Suddenly, with a bang, the stone wall directly above her collapsed, and a huge black object crashed down. , Matsumoto Rangiku instinctively rolled forward to avoid the futile attack. As soon as she landed, before she could stand firmly, the black lines hanging from her head instantly tied her hands and feet and hung her up. Matsumoto Rangiku gritted his teeth and pulled out with all his strength. She pulled out her soul-cutting sword and cut off the black thread. This time she dropped it to the ground, but the opponent's attack was not over yet. Sharp blades shot out from the walls on both sides and pierced her body.

Kira Izuru and Hisagi Shuhei acted together. What stood in front of them were countless surveillance balls floating in the air. Even if they were all killed, there would still be a huge number of surveillance balls pouring out from different places. This way Going down was bound to be endless. They fled along the road, but reached a dead end. The golden light struck again, and a shadow rose from the ground. With a bang, it hit them and knocked them to the ground.

When Hisagi Shuhei fell, he noticed that the place where the light emanated was the stone wall above. The white lightning streaked through the space and penetrated it, but it was not that easy. The hole that penetrated released a large amount of black shadow. , and then, the room they were in collapsed, burying them here. Ayase River Yumichika elsewhere also discovered that the surveillance eyes could not be completely eliminated, but they could not stop moving forward. Just when he was thinking of other ways, surrounding The surveillance eyes around him emitted a golden light.

Ayasegawa Yumichika, who was under the light, couldn't exert any strength. It was as if he was trapped by the light. Just where the light did not shine, the angry black hands on the ground tightly grasped his whole body and smashed him. toward the wall.

When Ling Bai and the others arrived, the battle inside the cave had already ended. The four vice-captains didn't even see their opponents, so they all fell into the trap and were wiped out. Ling Bai frowned slightly, but decided to break in. Go, no matter how incredible the scene is inside, this invasion is inevitable. After all, their advance army is also four deputy captain-level figures, and they should not be defeated by Bawent in two or three times.

As soon as they entered the cave, they were stopped by countless surveillance eyes. Ling Bai had seen this kind of thing in Kariyagami's villa. Killing him was ineffective and would only cause them to split more and more, preventing them from attacking Ren Abarai. This time, they ran towards the entrance on the right. The scenery inside the cave looked like ruins. It should be an ancient underground city. There were no surveillance eyes following them, and they did not slow down. They could not be stopped by such things.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations became more and more intense. Ling Bai suddenly raised his head and saw that all the surveillance eyes above were shining with green light. They were densely packed and floating there like fireflies. There was no other way. Ling Bai pulled out the soul-cutting sword, black flames. It roared out and burned out most of the surveillance eyes in an instant. However, the surveillance eyes that were reduced to ashes would split even more as long as any remaining body fell to the ground.

"If this continues, there will be no end. Get out of here first." Ling Bai said in a deep voice, "First lead them into a narrow passage, and then attack together."

As soon as he finished speaking, golden light suddenly shone over, and black rose up from behind Rukia Kuchiki, forming a huge arm, which crashed into Rukia Kuchiki's back. As Rukia screamed in pain, she was knocked away. Ling Bai quickly dodged and caught her in mid-air, so that she didn't hit the wall. After they landed, Ling Bai swung the soul-cutting knife, and the black flames swallowed up the surveillance eyes that wanted to attack them.

The location they were in was too wide, and there were quite a few traps that Usaki could set up. A sharp blade sprang out from the bottom of the stone pillar in front of Inoue Orihime. If she hadn't been on guard and raised her three-day shield, it would have been very difficult. It was possible to be pierced, but defense could never win. Ling Bai dodged over, the sword light tore through the space, and the stone pillar collapsed.

Chapter 381: Persecution

The traps that Ushiki could control did not stop there. A rope suddenly sprang out from the broken stone pillar. Ling Bai frowned slightly. After cutting off the blade and the stone pillar, he turned around to rescue Kuchiki Rukia who was surrounded by surveillance eyes. When there was a gap, Inoue Orihime was instantly entangled with ropes and dragged towards the stone pillar into the rubble pile. Lingbai wanted to save him, but it was too late. Moreover, as long as he left, the surveillance eye would attack Kuchiki Rukia. He began to feel , I really shouldn't have brought them here. Under such a dense offensive, they cannot become a fighting force, but will become a burden to themselves.

Suddenly, with a whooshing sound, smoke and ashes blew over, cutting the rope, and Orihime Inoue was freed. Ling Bai looked back and saw Rangiku Matsumoto standing not far from them, showing an almost forced smile. Before he could say hello, the rope From the broken position, a huge black shadow arm rose up and hit Orihime Inoue sitting on the ground. The smoke and ashes cut it off again, and the broken stones disappeared into the shadow of the ground.

Matsumoto Rangiku had been fighting here for a long time and could probably see the mechanism of the trap. He said loudly: "Don't attack blindly. This thing comes from the shadows created by the group of glowing eyes above. Let's attack collectively. Destroy everything that can create shadows!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Renji Abarai and Taitora Sadatori immediately escaped from the surveillance eye. Shebimaru swept out of the cave, cutting off all the stone pillars, and the spiritual pressure shock wave also exploded on the wall. Then, Black flames roared out, instantly burning out the surveillance eyes hovering above their heads. Knowing that his trap had been blown up, Yu Shi, who was sitting in the room, gritted his teeth tightly and showed a look of resentment. However, he quickly calmed down. , pushing up his glasses, wanting to regain his strength, as long as he is in the cave, he can monitor the other party's actions.

He put away the cards. From his point of view, the opponent was injured to varying degrees. As long as he slowed down and took his time, they would definitely die here. Ling Bai walked to a relatively safe place and stopped moving forward. Instead, she sat down to rest and think about countermeasures. What puzzled her was that even if Rukia Kuchiki had not recovered from the last spirit war, her combat effectiveness would not be so bad. Through Inoue Orihime's explanation , he realized that during the battle between Kuchiki Rukia and Ma Qiao, the soul was directly injured, and it took more time to recover from the wounds in the soul than the wounds in the body.

Kuchiki Rukia shook her head and signaled that it was okay. If necessary, they could leave her alone. Ling Bai sighed and was about to say something when a male voice that he had never heard before suddenly sounded around him. Shi Shi pretended to be mysterious, deliberately slowing down his speech, and said slowly: "My name is U Shi, which is the Bawent you are looking for. My doll is called Kaiseru. Please give me more advice in the future."

Abarai Renji stood up and looked around. They had no idea where the sound came from. The location of the other party was even more unknown to them. He said in a deep voice: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't be anxious, please listen to me slowly first." Usaki said: "We collect countless living souls through bits, and then absorb them. Whether it is the doll or ourselves, the power has been amazingly enhanced."

Renji Abarai said loudly: "We will not allow that strange insect to continue to cause trouble!"

"Strange bugs?" Usaki smiled and said: "You are too rude to say that. That is a new doll born from Yoshino's life. As long as we continue to get the concentrated essence of the living soul, we can reach a further level. evolution, but despite this, we are still sad, because we are human beings, not monsters, but thoroughly human beings. Although this is true, just because we have some different abilities, we are affected by humans and A strong blow from the god of death.”

Suddenly, there was a bang, and he seemed to be banging the table, which was indeed the case. Yu Shi slapped the table, stood up, and seemed to be very angry. He gritted his teeth and said: "Exclusion and persecution, we have no ability to continue the family lineage, racial After the total number is determined, there will only be continuous reduction. This kind of pain is beyond your understanding..."

"Who would understand!" Abarai Renji didn't wait for him to finish speaking, as if he couldn't bear it, and said loudly: "Your situation is not without its pitiable features, but this does not mean that you are You can take other people’s lives at will, but I don’t care what other people think, I will never forgive you.”

Ling Bai smiled softly. He naturally understood that no one can choose how to be born. Yu Shi was right. Bawent did have their difficulties. Despite this, he would not be lenient, as long as it was a race that disrupted order. He wanted to eradicate it, without any reason or emotion. If he wanted to hate it, he would just hate Kariyagami's whimsical ambition.

Chapter 382: Sealing Ability

Ling Bai chuckled and said, "You can wait until you go to hell to find someone to tell these words to."

Ushi seemed to sigh and said slowly: "It seems that I still can't communicate with you in words. There is really no way. Let you use your body to understand. I will wait for you inside. You can reach me. ?"

Abarai Renji couldn't wait any longer and rushed in regardless. Ling Bai also stood up and asked Inoue Orihime to stay here to treat the injured Kuchiki Rukia and Matsumoto Rangiku. The next battle would be completed by him and Abarai Renji, while Chad Taisho would be responsible for the safety of the rear. His words were unquestionable and no one objected.

They moved forward and destroyed the stone pillars that could create shadows, so that Ushiki could not create traps, but they were still wrong. Matsumoto Rangiku did not fully understand Ushiki's ability, and Keserlu's ability was definitely more than that. Ushiki placed cards, and a large number of surveillance eyes appeared around them, releasing dazzling golden light. Under the illumination of the light, black shadows appeared behind them, and sharp blades sprang out of the shadows. Because it came too suddenly, Ling Bai just dodged sideways, but Abarai Renji had not reacted yet. Just before the sharp blade was about to pierce his body, there was a bang, and the sound of blades colliding.

Kirara Izuru and Hisagi Shuhei appeared here to help Abarai Renji block the sharp blade's attack. They seemed to know how to deal with Keserlu. The flash of the knife cut through several surveillance eyes in the center. The light dissipated and the shadow disappeared. Kirara Izuru took back the soul-slaying sword and suddenly spit out blood and knelt on the ground. Ling Bai noticed that the clothes on Hisagi Shuhei's shoulders were stained with blood. It was not that there was nothing wrong. They were still too careless about Bawent.

Similarly, Ushiki did not stop there. The golden light shone down again. This time there was no trap set on the ground. A sharp blade appeared in the air and cut off the stones above. Countless stones with sharp points fell down. They quickly avoided it. Although they were not hit, the stones were inserted into the ground and shadows still appeared. Sharp blades and ropes sprang out from the shadows and rushed towards them from all directions. The blades tore through the space. The dazzling white light even blocked the golden light released by Ushiki. Ling Bai instantly cut off most of the sharp blades and the ropes fell.

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