Kira Izuru saw the right moment and released the soul-cutting sword. Wabisuke slashed at the sharp blade emerging from the middle shadow. He did not cut it off with continuous slashes, but Ugaki's cold sweat flowed down. He noticed that , Kesuru's body was uncontrollable, as if it was pressed under a stone, unable to move. Kira Izuru said in a deep voice: "My wabisuke can double the weight of the thing that is cut. If it is cut twice, , just double it again, your move has been sealed by me."

"What did you say?"

Usaki wiped the sweat from his forehead and reassembled the cards. A meteor hammer appeared in the shadow behind Kira Izuru. At the same time, Ling Bai appeared behind Kira Izuru and held the meteor hammer with one hand. Kira Izuru took the opportunity. He cut countless knives on it, and the meteor hammer hit the ground, creating a huge deep pit. Usaki gritted his teeth in anger and almost overturned the table. If Kasuru was not allowed to come back once, he would not be able to benefit from Kira Izuru's ability. Escape from.

The light suddenly dissipated and the surveillance eyes disappeared. They originally thought that Yu Shi's ability had lost its effect and fled. Just as they were about to pursue him, the cave suddenly collapsed and gravel fell down. Ling Bai said in a deep voice: "Get out of here quickly. Let's split up. Yumichika should still be inside. We will find you on other roads. The guy just now should be the gatekeeper guarding here. If we break through him, we should be able to reach Bawent's location."

They broke into the depths of the cave, and in the narrow passage, countless surveillance eyes rushed over. A small number of surveillance eyes released golden light, and the other parts were piled together to form connected stone pillars. The images emerging from the stone pillars A huge black monster emerged from the shadows, and the monster roared. They noticed that the monster's hand was holding Ayasegawa Yumichika, who seemed to be unconscious.

With Abarai Renji's roar, the monster was thrown out by Ayasekawa Yumichika. Ling Bai quickly dodged and caught him. Ayasekawa Yumuchika opened his eyes and said softly: "What I did is really a little bit... Not all beautiful..."

Ushi sneered and said, "You're not dead at all! The God of Death's vitality is really tenacious."

Ling Bai pulled out the soul-killing knife. Since he couldn't come out, he could only knock down his doll first, and then force him to come out. Such a huge monster should be the doll's body. As long as the body appears, what happens next will be Well, just when he was about to take action, Abarai Renji suddenly said: "Lingbai, can you leave this place to me? Although it is good to fight side by side, I can't always attack head-on. It's always been this way recently. I It seems to have become careless.”

Chapter 383: Faith

"I remembered, our approach is to fight casually, defeat means death."

Abarai Renji said slowly: "If I am going to die, it is better to die magnificently in battle. I can't even protect human children. At that time, I was even thinking that it would be great if someone came to help me. Because of this, I put that child in danger. After relying on you for so long, I have become a little lax. If I don’t pick myself up here, I can’t go back to the past. And after this, there will be many bad things. Wendt has to deal with it, so you have to conserve your strength.”

Ling Bai didn't stop him. If he wasn't allowed to fight, he wouldn't let go. In any case, he was also a deputy captain. If he couldn't even deal with this kind of enemy, the Gotei 13 would not exist. It was necessary. After receiving the order, Kesuru turned on the attack mode and smashed his fists on the ground. The entire cave shook violently. Renji Abarai did not hesitate and directly used the swastika. The red spiritual pressure filled the cave. Colliding inside, the huge baboon king snaketail king hovered around him.

Hebimaru whizzed out and rushed straight into Katheru's chest. Katheru did not hesitate, his arm turned into an ax blade and slashed at Hebimaru's joints. Hesitantly, Hebimaru's body was huge. As long as he activated it, there would be no room to dodge. With a bang, the ax blade struck the joint, but did not cut in. The red spiritual pressure slanted out from the joint, blocking his slash. Shebimaru's joints were connected to Renji Abarai's spiritual pressure, whether it was scattered or not. Opening or connecting depends on his will. Unless his spiritual pressure is suppressed, his Shebimaru cannot be broken.

Usaki regrouped the cards. He knew that if he played according to Abarai Renji's method, it would be of no benefit to him. Kesel suddenly disappeared from Abarai Renji's sight. It was not the difference in speed. It wasn't like entering some kind of space, it was like disappearing out of thin air. Just when Renji Abarai didn't know how to attack, Kesuru's arm suddenly appeared from the shadows, and the arm turned into a sharp blade, stabbing Abarai instantly. Renji's arm.

Abarai Renji screamed and flew out, and it was not over yet. Under the golden light, Keselu's arm kept falling, hitting the position where his body was rolling. If he was rolling, If he was slower, he would probably be crushed into meat pie. Even though Abarai Renji was seriously injured, no one came to help. As he said, the purpose of the 11th Squadron is to fight casually. Abarai Renji used to He is also a member of Team 11. Even if he has left the team, anyone who joins Zaraki's team will never forget this.

"That's right, just watch quietly, I'm going to fight back now!"

"Really?" Yu Shi's voice echoed in the cave: "What are you going to do? Now you are at the end of your rope."

At this point, he suddenly stopped. Through his surveillance ability, he saw that the God of Death appeared at Uryu Ishida's place. Nirvana came to the real world and found Uryu Ishida under the waterfall where he was training. She did not speak. She was originally a taciturn person. She hit the person directly. With her tall figure and swift movements, she did not deliberately choreograph her attacks. Her attack method was like a gorgeous dance, which was pleasing to the eye and made people even want to resist.

Ishida Uryu did not have the strength to parry. After being kicked to the ground, Niyinmu's fist stopped less than five centimeters in front of his face, then stepped aside and said softly: "You have indeed lost your strength. ?"

He originally came here to retrieve his lost spiritual power. He just saw a familiar person and was beaten before he could figure out what was going on. Ishida Uryu was a little confused and leaned on the stone, gritting his teeth and said: "Then what? Well, why would you do such a thing?”

Niyinmeng didn't answer, just looked at him and said softly: "Do you want to get power?"

Hearing this, Ishida Uryu's pupils shrank suddenly. Of course he wanted to gain power, and he dreamed of regaining the lost power, but he couldn't find a way. Thinking of Souma Yoshino's appearance before his death, he hated his own incompetence even more. , then he raised his head and said loudly: "I don't want this, I can't do anything, it's over!"

"I understand." Niyinmeng said softly, "Let me help you."

"What did you say?" Ishida Yuryu opened his eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief. He didn't expect that the one who came to help him was actually Nie Yinmeng who had never spoken to him, and in his impression, the other party had always been very kind. The cold existence, if it was Nirvana's order, would be even more difficult for him to understand. He had always been at odds with that strange scientist.

Without giving him a chance to refuse, Niyinmeng took out the silver bracelet from his arms. Seeing the pattern engraved on it, Ishida Yuryu took a breath of cold air. Niyinmeng said softly: "This is the bracelet that was made hundreds of years ago. Some of the battle decorations circulated among the Quincy have been researched and kept by the Technology Development Bureau."

Chapter 384: Combat

"Ability Subordination and Spirit Son, although they cannot restore the power of your holy words, they can still restore your original power."

Although he couldn't hear their conversation, Ugaki could still see the God of Death handing something to Ishida Uryu, and he immediately reported it to Kariyagami. Kariyagami received the information and said: "The situation has changed, Ugaki, hurry up and get it They solve it."

Usaki stopped playing with them. The huge Kaiser emerged from the shadows on the ground and let out an angry roar. Usaki was still laughing at Renji Abarai's fighting spirit. He knew he would die, but Still so desperate, he thought it would be easy for Katheru's power to crush him. He placed the last card in the middle. Before Katheru could launch an attack, the roaring Shebimaru suddenly split and disconnected. The joints fell from mid-air, and the red spiritual pressure penetrated into Keselul's body. As if he felt intense pain, Keselul hit the wall like crazy and roared like a beast.

Even Usaki had never seen Kesuru like this before. He completely lost control and wanted to retreat first. Suddenly, there was a strong vibration in the room. He pulled the card and fell to the ground. The table where the cards were placed also fell. Usaki showed a look of horror and gradually retreated. Due to Keselu's random hammering, the outer wall of the room where he was hiding was shattered. Usaki was exposed and the cards were blown away by the strong wind.

Kariyagami appeared in his lenses, and Kariyagami just smiled and said: "Usaki, thank you for your hard work, goodbye."

Ugaki shouted: "Kariya-sama, please wait a moment!"

But there was no response, and Kariyagami also disappeared from his surveillance range. Keseru's body was filled with red spiritual pressure light pieces, and he still entered a berserk state. He was unable to control and did not obey orders. He just screamed and hammered on the wall. , Usaki jumped up angrily and said loudly: "Kariya God, do you think you will be forgiven for doing this? I am fighting perfectly!".

Before he could finish his words, Ketheru suddenly turned around and approached him. In his frightened eyes, Ketheru stretched out his hand and pinched him. As he screamed, Ushi's body was pinched. The doll will be destroyed due to the death of its owner, and Keseru's body will release a dazzling white light, as if it is about to explode.

Seeing such a scene, Yumichika Ayasegawa suddenly said: "Ling Bai, you go first, I will help Abarai, I still owe him a favor."

Before Ling Bai could answer, a strong explosion suddenly occurred in the cave, and rocks fell down, instantly separating them. Ling Bai shook his head gently. Whether they could survive or not, they could only rely on themselves. However, what happened next He could only go forward alone, but it was okay. If he brought his injured companion with him, it would inevitably affect his battle. There were collapsed rocks all around. Just when he didn't know where to go. , a dazzling golden light suddenly emitted from behind. He thought it was Yu Shi's resurgence, and turned around suddenly. The moment he turned around, everything around him returned to calm.

The wall that emitted light also became transparent, or it could be said to have completely disappeared. The scene in front of him was like an underground palace. On the steps in the distance, stood the only remaining Bawent in the world. Kariya God said lightly: "Only you Can one person survive? How many of our companions do you have to kill before you are willing to do it? You have already killed very few of our noble race."

Ling Bai walked into the cave where they were and said with a chuckle: "The rest of the Bawent should be here, saving me the trouble of searching for them one by one."

Kariya God walked down the steps, stood in front of Ling Bai, and said slowly: "It seems that you buried Keselu alive. Forget it, it seems that it will take a while to fulfill your wish."

After hearing this, Ling Bai realized that the place where Usaki was hiding was not destroyed by Kaiseru, but destroyed by Kariya God. Kaiseru, who had lost control and entered a berserk state, found him and killed him. , but Kariyagami didn't care. He felt that the foundation of the cave had been weakened by Renji Abarai's attack, and the walls would collapse naturally no matter what. , Ling Bai sneered in response. The noble race he called was a race that didn't care about the life and death of its companions. It was really ridiculous.

"I have no intention of killing him." Kariyagami said slowly: "It's just that the plan is a little ahead of schedule. We have to be ready to leave this world. It's okay here. Koga Tsuyoshi, you start preparing."

Just as Koga was reciting a spell that Ling Bai couldn't understand, he seemed to repeat it several times. A black door appeared on the wall. This was Bawent's world-traveling door. Bawent, who had absorbed a large number of human souls, could control it. In space, in this case, they can only be destroyed together with the door. Ling Bai pulled out the soul-cutting knife, and black flames roared out, but stopped in front of Kariya God, and then, a small area of ​​​​fire was blown. In the powerful whirlwind, the flames seemed to be absorbed and disappeared.

Chapter 385: Sin

I couldn't see the whereabouts of the doll, but what I knew was that Kariyagami's ability should be related to the wind. Their battle also ignited the fighting spirit of Ma Qiao, who lost in Karakura Town. He stared at Ling Bai, ready to make a move. Koga Gang suddenly said: "Maqiao, if you have time to indulge in the living soul, why not take a good look at that battle, which is the essence of Bawent who has gained strength."

Ma Qiao snorted coldly and said nothing. No matter how dissatisfied they were, in their hearts, Kariya God was invincible. No matter who the opponent was, he would never lose. Kariya God also chose to take the initiative to attack and charge at an extremely fast speed. When he arrived in front of Ling Bai, he didn't have any weapons, but the arm that was thrust straight towards him was filled with strong wind force. Ling Bai just tentatively raised the soul-cutting knife, and there was a bang, making an explosion-like sound. If it weren't for his strong wrist, The God of Death and the Soul-Slaying Sword may have to be thrown out of his hands. Kariyagami's movements have not stopped yet, his whip legs are swept out, and the whirlwind that is blowing makes people feel slight pain in the body.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and black flames and whirlwind exploded between the two people. Before they calmed down, they both retreated, opening a distance suitable for the current battle. Kariyagami clapped his hands and said slowly: "Use all your strength. Well, if it's just this level, it's not enough for me to test my strength. But I know that you are the only one in this world who can perform swastika without being restricted by strength."

Ling Bai shrugged and chuckled: "If I kill you with the swastika, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for you?"

Having said this, he said slowly with the soul-cutting sword Kariyagami: "If you tell me your true purpose, I can consider it."

"Then I'll tell you." Kariya God said without hesitation. Hearing this, all the Bawent showed surprise. For their Bawent race, what they have to do is absolutely impossible. Let others know whether Kariya God said it here, whether it was confidence or arrogance, but Kariya God said: "Don't panic, I didn't intend to hide it in the first place. Haven't you heard people say it, but we are going to leave this world Connecting to another space is just the idea of ​​Yoshino and Soul Society. What does it mean to me to do that kind of thing? The place we are going to is not a different space, but Soul Society. "

At this point, Kariya God's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his speech slowed down, almost word by word: "We want revenge against the man who gave birth to Bawent and then didn't properly place our corpses." Soul Realm Revenge."

Ling Bai put down his soul-cutting knife and looked at him expressionlessly. Although he had already guessed that Bawent was probably a race created by a scientist in the Soul Society, but after hearing Kariya God say it himself, he still There is a different feeling. The scientist is definitely not Urahara Kisuke or Nirvana. It is very likely that he is an existence similar to Inaba Kagerouza. Is he waiting in Soul Society to prepare for the cooperation with Bawen Tri? They have been doing some kind of secret operation for a long time, which is not yet known.

However, Ling Bai suddenly felt that it might be a better choice to let them go to Soul Society, so that he could find out the real culprit behind the scenes, which was the Death God who created Bawent. He did not speak, and Kariya God continued: " Soul Society conducted some kind of experiment a long time ago. No one knows what the purpose of the experiment was, but it is known for sure that they used humans as materials to conduct the experiment. The only records recorded were serious crimes. The name of the person responsible, in short, the experiment was started because of that guy’s motivation.”

Hearing this, Ling Bai frowned slightly. Using human beings as materials for experiments was something he had never heard of before. Even Nirvana would not do this. Besides, in a sense, the God of Death is It exists to protect mankind. No wonder there is no record. It should be eliminated by the people above. Kariyagami said: "However, the experiment failed due to many factors. A big explosion suddenly occurred in the laboratory. Certain substances were produced due to this unexpected event. , causing some souls related to the reincarnation of cause and effect to mutate, so races with super powers appeared in various places in the world at a certain era. That is us Bawent. From the beginning, we were worried about being different from others, and we were worried every day. Afraid of others finding out."

Thinking of this kind of thing, the corners of his eyes jumped. They were originally an abandoned race. Their appearance in this world was a mistake. Ling Bai could understand them, but they must be eliminated. They have different positions and have no choice. Kariya God Still said: "That's it, we can't hide it forever. We are both humans and demons, living in a dark world. I don't know when it started. We know the existence of Soul Society and have extended a friendly hand to us. , but that’s just their combat strategy.”

Chapter 386: Road

"Death is deceiving us."

Kariyagami said: "There are still many naive companions among us. They do not understand the intentions of the God of Death, and decide to live with them, and are eventually persecuted. This cave is where our companions hide to avoid persecution. It is very wide, right? In this way, we can survive, but only a few of them remain.”

Ling Bai could hear that he was full of hatred for the God of Death. This was resentment accumulated over the years and it was difficult to eliminate. They also had to make a break with the God of Death. Even death was inevitable. Kariyagami took a deep breath. He took a breath, turned to look at his companions, and then said: "They use despicable means to eliminate us from history. We cannot forgive them, and we can never forgive the Soul Society. Our Bawent's long-cherished wish is to eliminate the zombies." Soul Realm, this is the truth of the matter and our true purpose.”

"You're so stubborn." Ling Bai shook his head gently, with black flames flowing on the blade. He said softly: "Soul Society persecutes you, you can also go to Soul Society for revenge. I am always waiting for you, but you can't do it because of this." Take human life."

As soon as the words fell, black flames roared out, but the moment they swept in front of Kariya God, the whirlwind blew up again inexplicably, and the flames were rolled into pieces. It must be said that the soul of a living person did give Bawent a powerful power. If they are allowed to absorb the power, they will inevitably be unable to control it. Kariya God also feels that their power is infinitely powerful. Bawent, who has gained the power, is not worth mentioning as a god of death. But before he could be proud, his pupils suddenly shrank, Ling Bai's figure suddenly disappeared from his sight, and he rolled forward subconsciously. With a bang, Ling Bai's soul-killing knife was stabbing him from behind to where he was just now.

Kariyagami's expression at that moment lost his previous calmness. Ichinose Maki shouted and wanted to go over to support, but was stopped by Koga Go. He said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, you go control the wearer." Kaimen, don’t interfere in Mr. Kariya’s battle.”

It seems that Ling Bai's speed was not expected to be so fast. Kariya God also felt that he was too careless and decided to take a preemptive strike. He shook his body and rushed forward like a cannonball. With a bang, the two of them collided with each other, and a whirlwind surrounded them. Then, they dodged in the same direction again. In the continuous collision, no one seemed to have the advantage. Kariya God did not have any weapons and did not summon a doll. Every time he attacked, he could roll up a strong whirlwind. , the whole cave trembled, and the crystal above fell down and smashed into pieces.

Bloodstains appeared on Kari Yagami's cheek, and Ling Bai sneered. Since he had no backup plan, he would end the battle. The moment their figures intertwined, the crystal in the middle suddenly exploded, as if someone had detonated it. The two stopped at the same time. He got down, stepped back, and raised his head to see Uryu Ishida standing at the entrance of the cave above, and there was also a spiritual bow. He was the one who shot the arrow just now.

The rest of the people also rushed over. Seeing his strength restored, Ishida Uryu pushed up his glasses and said slowly: "I can't always hold back. Although I can't fully recover, it's enough."

Having said this, he gathered his spirit sons, opened his spiritual bow, and aimed at the Kariya God. Seeing him struggling, the Kariya God just smiled and said: "Don't miss the shot this time, Quincy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ishida Uryū suddenly dodged behind him and pointed the arrow at his back. The two were less than five steps away from each other. At such a close distance, Kariyagami didn't even dodge, and he still looked at ease. Ishida Yulong said: "It's not that I missed the shot just now, it's that I didn't use my full strength."

"Hibiscus." Kariyagami chuckled and said, "It seems that you have really recovered your strength. Ichinose, how are your preparations over there?"

"You can do it at any time." Ichinose Maki stepped aside from the gate. Koga touched the blue light emitted by the gate with both hands and chanted an unknown spell. A strong wind suddenly blew out of the gate. Ishida Yulong frowned and wanted to shoot a spiritual arrow, but Ling Bai held his shoulder down. Ling Bai said in a deep voice: "Don't act rashly. Even if you let them enter Soul Society, don't care."

Ishida Uryū was stunned for a moment and looked at Ling Bai. Ling Bai nodded and asked him to let go. Ishida Uryū then gritted his teeth and loosened the bow string. He shot the spiritual arrow towards the boundary gate and the arrow was immersed in the blue light. , like raindrops falling into the sea, disappearing without even causing ripples. Bawent looked at Ishida Uryū in surprise, not expecting him to do this at all.

Kariyagami chuckled and said: "Thank you very much, Quincy. In this case, we can finally go to Soul Society."

"What do you mean?" Kuchiki Rukia asked loudly.

Ling Bai said without looking back: "The arrow just now opened the way to the Soul Society. They are so persistent in wanting to get the power of the Quincy, that is, the Quincy can help them open the gate to the world."

Chapter 387: Revenge Battle


Hearing this, Kuchiki Rukia was stunned. She didn't understand why Ling Bai would let Ishida Uryu do this, but she also knew the reason why Bawent hunted Ishida Uryu. Ling Bai explained: "They soul hunt Or, that is, after Bawent obtains a high concentration of souls, he can open other dimensions. However, if he wants to go to Soul Society, he must turn his body into a spirit son. Ironically, they do not have that ability. However, the Quincy can freely control the spirit son, and can use the spiritual arrows released by this ability user as a medium, so that we can realize the transformation of the spirit son. "

Kuchiki Rukia asked loudly: "Ishida, why do you want to help them!"

Ishida Uryu didn't answer. He also had a reason to do this. Even without Ling Bai's instructions, he would have done this. However, Kariya God chuckled and said: "I knew you would come. Soul Society has a lot of respect for the Quincy." We are both enemies with Bawent, but when I knew you lost your Quincy ability, I was still quite disappointed. However, Yoshino brought you back. I really want to thank her, not only He gave birth to Bit and brought us the power of the Quincy, so let us go together, the last Quincy, Uryū Ishida.”

"Don't misunderstand me." Uryū Ishida suddenly said: "I'm not helping you. I let you go to Soul Society because I don't want you to bring harm to the world and I want to end it with you there. "

Kariya God seemed to have expected such an answer for a long time. There was not much surprise, and he just smiled and said: "Do you want to avenge Yoshino? It's really boring. What is it about her that makes you so obsessed with her?"

Rukia Kuchiki and Renji Abarai gritted their teeth and seemed to want to fight here, using their bruised bodies to fight Bawent, but they were stopped by Ling Bai. Since Uryu Ishida had blocked the Quincy's Dignity, if you want to end things with Kariya God, don't let him do nothing. What's more, with their current bodies, even if they fight hard, they will die.

Kariya God dodged to the stairs, and the portal emitted a dazzling golden light. Their figures gradually disappeared into the light. Kariya God's voice came over: "The Quincy and the Shinigami, if you want to chase them, Just come over, I will wait for you in Soul Society."

As soon as they finished speaking, they disappeared into the cave along with the boundary gate. Abarai Renji ran up and questioned Ishida Uryu. Ling Bai patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "Since you have decided something, don't talk about it anymore." "If Ishida doesn't end things with him, he won't be able to sleep."

Ishida Uryu pushed up his glasses and said nothing. In fact, this was also what Nie Yinmu meant. When Nie Yinmen gave her the bracelet, she also specifically told him that it could force the spirits in the atmosphere to concentrate, and then in The props that are launched can only be used to a limited extent in this world where spirit particles are scarce. However, in Soul Society, where the density of spirit particles is very high, their effectiveness will be greatly improved.

However, what is worrying is that it is not only the Quincy and the Shinigami whose power has increased in the Soul Society, but also the power of Bawent. In the Soul Society, which is almost composed of souls, Bawent You can absorb the surrounding spirits at will. Ling Bai chuckled and said: "Ishida, you just need to do it according to your own ideas. Leave the rest to us. Let's go to Soul Society."

Having said that, the one who originally created Bawent was the God of Death. Regardless of bloodshed or death, this responsibility must be borne by the Soul Society. The world-traveling gate left by Bawent still has the remnants of the spirit child. As long as it is slightly adjusted It can still be used, and without any hesitation, they set off to Soul Society.

At the same time, Jing Ling Ting sensed strong spiritual pressure fluctuations. Bawent was like a fired cannonball, traveling freely in the sky of Soul Society, drawing white light. Kyoryu Shunsui received the message from Ling Bai. After receiving the intelligence, they knew not to be careless and immediately held a temporary response meeting. Each team entered the second preparation state. Considering the importance of this mission, as a special measure, the captain of the 10th division, Toshiro Hitsugaya, was appointed to capture Bawen. Special person in charge.

It’s not that Hitsugaya Toshiro is very strong among the captains, but it’s just that it’s difficult for Kyōraku Shunsui to hand over such a task to other captains. Byakuya Kuchiki goes out to perform secret missions, Soho is responsible for the Xing army, and Kenpachi Zaraki Not to mention Niruri, they are all people who do their own thing. They were originally the Seventh Division of the Imperial Guard, but the current captain Tetsuzaemon Kiba has not yet reached the level that a captain should have. Besides, the Tenth Division was originally a patrol guard. .

Compared with the previous Quincy War and Invasion Army War, the Bawent incident was not very dangerous, but the situation was quite complicated. Coupled with the leakage of intelligence from the Technology Development Bureau, it was necessary to obtain correct information during the battle and convey it to The other squads are the key to this war.

Chapter 388: Preemptive Strike

Kyōraku Shunsui also specifically ordered that all the Shinigami who encountered Bawent did not need to ask for instructions and were killed without mercy. After the meeting, Hitsugaya Toshiro sent an advance team, and Ōmaeda Kichiyo led part of the Xing army to go out first. I also went to Rukongai to collect information.

Bawente also knew that the Seireitei would definitely be on alert, and breaking into the enemy's base camp first would be a foolish move. Kariyagami and Koga formed a team and fell into the Rukongai near the Seireitei, because they After the intrusion, the residents suddenly fled in panic. The vendors also abandoned their stalls and hid in their houses. In less than two minutes, not even a cat could be seen in the originally bustling street.

They shook their heads and looked helpless. They had no intention of dealing with civilians. Their target was the God of Death. Just as they were about to leave, there were rapid footsteps all around. Maeda Kichiyo led the team to face the enemy head-on, shooting at the shooting range. Tetsuzaemon intercepted from behind, knowing that his opponents were not that easy to deal with, otherwise they would not have broken into Soul Society. Tetsuzaemon was not careless at the shooting range, he pulled out his soul-cutting sword and said in a deep voice: "It's actually like this. You are really not afraid of death when you barge in so arrogantly.”

Koga just asked Kariya to leave first, leaving this place to him. Countless iron balls formed a spider-like Darkura. The Shinigami had never seen such a thing before, and he was still very surprised. Darkura had never experienced the atmosphere of the Soul Society. , in the atmosphere full of spirit children, she almost jumped with excitement, but Ohmaeda Kichiyo mocked Koga Go, not daring to use his own power to fight. Koga Go just smiled lightly and snapped his fingers. , the tiles of the nearby houses, and the wood of the clock tower all turned into spiritual seeds and flowed towards his body.

"Don't look at me like a monster." Koga said slowly: "I am also a human being, but I have abilities that ordinary people don't have. Darku, kill them."

Due to different combat environments and different density of spirit particles, Darku's fighting method also changed. She threw her arm, which turned into countless iron balls in mid-air and hit the members of the second division, attacking like a hail of bullets. The God of Death, who had no fighting ability, suffered terribly. In less than half a minute, they were all knocked to the ground.

Seeing that all the team members had fallen, Kichiyo Omaeda lost his confidence and retreated. He actually regretted that he would go out first for the sake of merit, but because of his face, he did not run away. He prayed for someone to come and save him. After experiencing After so many wars, his cowardly character has not changed. Darku once again shot a large number of iron balls. Ohmaeda Kichiyo only blocked it with his Soul-Zanbing Sword, and the Soul-Zanbing Sword came out without even the strength to strike. .

Kiba Tetsuaemon couldn't stand it anymore. Although he had been in the 11th Division, he was not limited to fighting alone. He jumped up high and slashed at Koga Tsuyoshi from top to bottom. He thought , as long as Koga Tsuyoshi is knocked down, the doll he summons will die. His idea is right, but he underestimated Koga Tsuyoshi's strength. Koga Tsuyoshi just raised his hand and grabbed his blade, Darku Following closely, the iron rope quickly wrapped around Kiba Tezaemon's neck, making it impossible for him to dodge, and countless iron balls hit him.

Unable to bear the pain in his body, Tetsuzaemon fell to the ground and rolled to Kariyagami's feet. Kariyagami said unceremoniously: "Are you a Shinigami at your level? You seem to be the captain? You are really too weak. "

He just raised his hand and did not touch Kiga Tezaemon. Kiga Tezaemon's whole body flew out, as if blown out by the strong wind. His body smashed into the wall before stopping. The captain and deputy The captain-level figure was defeated in less than five minutes. As soon as Koga took back Darku, he said slowly: "It feels pretty good. There are infinite and high-purity souls here."

When Hitsugaya Toshiro arrived with his team, they had not yet woken up from the coma. He quickly called the rescue team to investigate the damage. Matsumoto Rangiku also returned to Soul Society. She did not bring any useful information, but Knowing that it was extremely difficult to determine the location of Bawent, Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth after hearing the news. The situation was more difficult than he imagined. He immediately ordered the team members to expand the search area. If they encountered Bawent, Try to avoid direct confrontation with them and call for support immediately.

Ling Bai and the others entered Soul Society at the same speed. They did not enter the Serenity Court, but first went to the residence of Shiba Kongkaku. After all, they were nobles. Even though they had declined, they were also among the five nobles in the past. The history she could know should be It's a little longer. According to what Shiba Kukaku knows, the leader who initiated Bawente's research a long time ago was a guy named Randao. After the laboratory explosion, she was killed by Jing Ling Ting Liu Fang. According to now, more than a thousand years have passed. Years ago, it was said that she was still alive somewhere in Rukongai. She did not pose any threat, and Seireitei did not go out of its way to find her whereabouts.

Chapter 389: Sword and Fan

That is to say, as long as they find Landao, they can learn more about Bavent. Yoruichi also understands that this incident is definitely not as simple as killing all Bavent. The most important thing is to eliminate its root. After all, it is the god of death who has been exiled by the Seireitei for a thousand years. No one knows what he is doing now. However, Shiba Kūkaku still feels that they have something to say. In her opinion, they don’t go to the Seireitei just because it is more convenient.

This is indeed the case. Ling Bai smiled lightly. This woman is much smarter than he thought. Speaking of which, in the previous Quincy War, they were able to break into the Soul King Palace thanks to the Shiba Cannon made by their family. Ling Bai explained the reason. They received information from Kyoraku Shunsui that there is a Shinigami who protects Bavent. His spiritual pressure and power are very strong, and he also has the ability to hide his figure. He has now sneaked into the Seireitei. The recent theft of the data room and the database of the Technology Development Bureau should be the work of the defected Shinigami Ichinose Maki.

And Kurotsuchi Mayuri seems to be very interested in Bavent. He also specially investigated their data. The Quincy device he gave to Ishida Uryu was to ask Ishida Uryu to help Bavent enter the Soul Society. He wanted to capture a few for research. Although Soi Fong secretly strengthened the security of the Seireitei, from the details so far, it should be difficult to stop Bavent from sneaking into the Seireitei.

The next morning, after breakfast, they left Shiba Kūkaku's residence. Under Ling Bai's instructions, Kuchiki Rukia returned to the team first. After all, there was an invasion by the Ryūho, and the 12th Division could not be without the captain's command. The others acted separately. If they encountered Bavent, they should not attack rashly, but let the weak spiritual pressure let others know first.

What they didn't expect was that the first person to discover Bavent was Kuchiki Rukia, whose soul was damaged and had not yet fully recovered. She had no team members to help her. If she wanted to return to the Seireitei, she had to pass through Rukongai, and it was a dilapidated Rukongai with few people living on it. The street was not long, with only a dozen families on both sides, but for some reason, there was not even a single person on the street, and the doors and windows of the houses were dilapidated and covered with a lot of dust.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, rolling up the dust on the ground. Rukia Kuchiki subconsciously raised her hands to cover her eyes, but she quickly cheered up. After countless battles, her instinct told her that there was an enemy. The wind and sand blew past her. She raised her head with a surprisingly calm expression. The person who appeared in front of her was Yuki, the Baventer who had fought in the present world.

"It's you again, what a coincidence."

Yuki's doll was simple but very practical. It was two weapons in both hands, a fan and a long sword. They seemed to lead Yuki to attack. Yuki jumped into the air, crossed the sword and fan, and stabbed Rukia Kuchiki. Perhaps it was the battle in the present world that made Rukia Kuchiki timid. She did not collide head-on, and did not draw the soul-slaying sword, but chose to jump back, which gave Yuki a chance. She raised her foot and kicked Rukia Kuchiki out directly.

"What? You don't even draw your Soul-Zan Knife?"

Even though they only met, Kuchiki Rukia could still feel that Yuki had become stronger, much stronger than when he was in the real world. Just as Ling Bai said, the high density of spirit particles in Soul Society had improved their strength qualitatively. Yuki was not in a hurry to attack, but said almost teasingly: "I heard that you seemed to have been well taken care of by Ma Qiao once. You look so cute when your soul is damaged."

"Shut up!"

Kuchiki Rukia drew out her Soul-Zan Knife and prepared to fight, but Yuki's sword and fan didn't seem to be in a good mood. The fan thought it was still time for afternoon tea. But she still wanted to fight, Jian also complained, don't call him out when she was most excited, Youxi didn't care about their emotions, just said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, just listen to me, fight seriously!"

At this point, he posed in a strange shape and took the lead in attacking. The fan flew over and hit the soul-slaying sword of Rukia Kuchiki. Then, she turned on the spot and swept the blade out. Rukia didn't seem to have any ability to parry, so she could only bend down to avoid it. Although she reacted quickly, she was still kicked to the ground by Youxi, and she rolled out. Youxi's attack was very fierce, throwing out the long sword and stabbing Rukia's body.

In any case, Rukia Kuchiki was also a captain-level figure. Even if her strength had not recovered to its peak, she had to turn from defense to offense. If she kept escaping, she would never win. He dodged the inserted blade, jumped up, and chopped at Youxi's head from top to bottom. Youxi sneered, opened the fan, and easily blocked her attack. While waving the fan, he threw it out to her.

With a bang, Rukia Kuchiki's body smashed through the wall and was submerged in the ruins.

Chapter 390: Documents

"You can't win."

Yu Xi walked over and said slowly: "You can't even touch me."

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