Kuchiki Rukia stood up from the ruins and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She could not be looked down upon by Bawent. It seemed that she did not expect that her opponent was so weak. The doll's interest also increased, and she let out a contemptuous laugh. She heard the voice outside. With the sound of fighting, nearby residents opened their doors and watched their fight with fear. Rukia Kuchiki also understood that if the fighting continued, it would inevitably affect the surrounding residents. She gathered all her spiritual pressure, but still could not free Zhan. Soul Knife, he could only grit his teeth and rush forward, swung his knife and looked at Yuxi.

Yuki jumped up to avoid her slash. Suddenly, there was a bang. She didn't expect that Kuchiki Rukia didn't choose to dodge, but rushed straight up. In addition, she underestimated the opponent's strength, and the Blue Fire Pendant It exploded in her chest, and Yuki flew out. There were burnt marks on her body. Rukia Kuchiki was also very surprised that it could cause such serious damage to her. However, after thinking about it, after all, Bawen Te is also a human body, so it is difficult to withstand the ghosts of death head-on. However, they still cannot be careless. If they can be defeated in this way, they will not come to Soul Society easily.

As she walked over cautiously, Yuxi raised his burned arm, and a white light appeared in the air. The tiles of the surrounding houses turned into spirits and flowed to her body. In less than five seconds, Yuxi was covered by the white light. She was shrouded in a protective shield and after the light dissipated, she recovered as before, curing her injuries just by absorbing the spirit.

The opponent has the ability to absorb souls. Kuchiki Rukia also understands that she may not be able to defeat it on her own. It seems that she can only delay time until Lingbai and the others come here to support. Thinking of this, she ran towards the end of the street. Yuki naturally couldn't help but Will let him go, throw out the long sword, and insert it into the door panel where she ran. Then, the fan shot out a large blade and inserted it into the position where Kuchiki Rukia ran like a violent storm.

Although she ran away quickly, her shoulder was still scratched by the sharp blade. Yuki used the rope to retract the sword and directly forced Rukia Kuchiki into a corner. Rukia Kuchiki risked being cut and jumped onto the roof with all her strength. , as soon as she landed, the fan hit her. With a bang, the eaves were smashed into pieces. She had to return to the ground. The two blades collided. Whether it was strength or speed, Yuxi had an absolute advantage and raised her foot. , was directly carried into the house opposite by Kuchiki Rukia, and the soul-cutting sword also fell to the ground.

The residents who were in the house were so frightened that they fled outside. Yuki ignored them, kicked away the broken wood, and walked into the room, but did not see Rukia Kuchiki. However, she still could not escape from this dilapidated house. , hearing the noise coming from the cabinet in the corner, she sneered, walked over, did not open the cabinet door, but directly thrust the sword into it. While piercing, her pupils gradually shrank, and there was no feeling of piercing the flesh. She knew she had been fooled, and her vision suddenly went dark. Rukia Kuchiki appeared behind her, a light green rag covering her upper body, and White Thunder No. 4 came out.

As Yuxi screamed, Yuxi, who was covered in rags, fell down. However, this level of destruction could not defeat the opponent. She still had to run away and delay until Ling Bai arrived here and was about to leave. In the house, the spirits gathered again. Yuxi threw away the rag and stood up. The flowing spirits gradually healed her shot-through shoulder.

Ling Bai's request was responded to, and Kyōraku Shunsui held a captain meeting. From the ancient documents of the Kuchiki family, they got the latest information about Bawent and informed the captains. It was a long time ago, when many captains had not yet been born. , unaware of this, Seireitei conducted many experiments that are now banned. This was long before Kisuke Urahara founded the Technology Development Bureau, and most of the experiments were carried out by scientist Ranjima, all of whom were Regarding the experiment on eternal life, such an experiment also received the tacit approval of Yamamoto Genryuzai and the Central Room 46.

But at a certain period, an unexpected accident happened that people could not imagine, and it had an impact on some souls during the reincarnation process, producing mutated superpowers in this world. This is what they see now. Bawent, after that, Lan Dao took all the responsibilities and was exiled by the Jinglingting. Bawent was also eliminated because of the harm he caused to the world.

It is said that it is harmful to the present world. In fact, Bawent did not do anything too extreme in the past. To a large extent, it was because the superiors concealed the truth in order to protect themselves. The captains also understood that Bawent came to Soul Society. , they are here for revenge, but no matter what the reason is, they must eliminate all the soul hunters and find Orchid Island.

Ling Bai also returned to Soul Society because of this matter. He did not return to Jinglingting, but he was looking for the whereabouts of Orchid Island and completely eliminating the source of Bawent.

Chapter 391: Delay

While the meeting was being held, the correspondent responsible for collecting intelligence broke in, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly: "Just now, we sensed the movement of Bawente's soul and the movement of Captain Kuchiki Rukia of the Thirteenth Division. Reiatsu.”

The situation was urgent. They knew that Kuchiki Rukia's physical condition was absolutely unable to fight Bawent head-on. They immediately stopped the meeting and sent reinforcements. The target was the 43rd area of ​​Rukongai. At the same time, Ling Bai also went to that area. While rushing over, due to the long distance, he could only pray for Rukia Kuchiki to hold on. White lightning shuttled through the streets. Rukia Kuchiki kept releasing white lightning with only her little spiritual power left, trying to stop Yuki. I don’t know whether it was her spiritual power that decreased or Yuxi’s spiritual power that increased. The white thunder hit Yuxi’s fan, but there was no reaction.

"What's wrong? The power is much lower than before."

Yuki turned over and jumped, blocking her at the end of the street. The blades collided with each other. There was an obvious difference in strength. Rukia Kuchiki was kicked out again. Before she could stand still, the chain connecting the sword and the fan was wrapped around her. Pulling her right wrist forward, even though Kuchiki Rukia's left hand kept dripping blood, she still separated and persisted. Yuki also felt incredible that her soul was damaged and her body was injured, but she still had such strength left.

As if it was the power of the doll, Kuchiki Rukia was gradually pulled over. The sword blade swept across the iron chain. Just before it was about to cut into her body, Kuchiki Rukia jumped up to avoid the fatal blow. While breaking free from the chains, she used the No. 1 Binding Plug to seal Yuxi's hands and feet. She jumped up to the eaves and saw Yuxi standing there struggling behind his hands. She released the Canghuo Pendant without hesitation, and the light blue flames The blast hit Yuki right where she was, causing smoke and dust to rise up, blocking her view.

With such a huge disparity in strength, Kuchiki Rukia didn't expect to be able to defeat her like this, but she didn't run away because of it. It didn't matter if she could be seriously injured. The smoke gradually dissipated, and she opened her eyes wide. Unexpectedly, the folding fan actually It can grow bigger and block the blast of fire for Yuxi. Yuxi hides behind the folding fan and is unscathed, and also breaks free from the shackles of the bound road.

Kuchiki Rukia had no choice but to run away. She covered her injured arm and ran towards the street. Looking at the blood dripping on the ground, Yuki sneered: "I really don't know how to give up, but let me play." A little longer would be good.”

She didn't chase after her intentionally. Rukia Kuchiki also ran to the room at the end of the street to bandage her wounds. Her remaining spiritual power was not even able to heal the wounds with Kidou. When she heard a slight noise in the room, she opened the door. In the cabinet in the corner, there was hiding a girl who was holding her legs and trembling. She realized that she couldn't hide here, otherwise it would affect the child. But just as she was about to leave the room, the board was suddenly pierced, and Yuxi broke in. When she came in, Yuxi kicked her out of the room without her having to leave.

Kuchiki Rukia knelt on the ground and vomited out a lot of blood. Yuki grabbed the girl's head, lifted her up, and threatened: "Throw away the knife. Whether she can survive or not depends on you. Although I am patient. , But my patience is about to reach its limit. If you dare to do anything strange, I will crush this little girl’s head.”

There was no other way. As the captain, she couldn't just die without saving her, so she had no choice but to throw down her Zanzantō. Yuki slowly walked toward her, pointing the blade at her chest. Her life was threatened, and Kuchiki Rukia subconsciously took a step back. , Youxi said in a deep voice: "Doesn't it matter what happens to this child? Although you are the captain, you are still unsophisticated. It's really exciting. I was still thinking about how to deal with you, but I didn't expect it to be this way. "

She exerted force on her hand, and the child suddenly screamed. This was indeed the case. Rukia Kuchiki had never experienced this kind of thing before. It was inevitable that she would feel confused and cover herself. The blade of the sword cut through the space, and a large amount of blood poured out of Rukia Kuchiki's body. , Yuxi didn't seem to want her to die so simply. The blade of the sword pierced her thigh, and he shouted excitedly: "Let's do it together, until she loses her human shape!"

Yuki pulled out her sword, and blood spurted out. She raised her leg and kicked Kuchiki Rukia into the air. Then, she also jumped into the air, and the two weapons in her hands were also very excited. Just as they were about to kick Kuchiki into the air. At the moment of Lucia's fatal blow, a tearing pain suddenly came from his body. Countless cherry blossoms surrounded him and they fell from mid-air.

Byakuya Kuchiki caught the falling Rukia Kuchiki. Ling Bai also rushed over at the same time. After confirming that Rukia Kuchiki was not in danger, he wanted to chase Yuki who was about to escape. At this time, Yuki had already absorbed the nearby Lingzi allowed her injuries to heal. Even so, she was not a fool. Ling Bai would be difficult to deal with. Plus there were other captains, so it was better to retreat first. Besides, her mission had been completed.

At this moment, there was a loud bang and a huge noise came from the Jingling Court. Ling Bai looked back and saw a strong explosion near the Confession Palace.

Chapter 392: Gambling on Life

At this time, the Jingling Court was also in a panic. Almost all the captains rushed to the Confession Palace. The building that had just been repaired not long ago was on the verge of collapse again. Looking at the ruins in front of them, everyone looked puzzled. Who did this? of? They were able to break into the Palace of Confession and cause an explosion. What on earth did those guys want to do?

In Ling Bai's view, there is no doubt that this is a declaration of war. The four-deep prison made of murderous stones will not be damaged if attacked with spiritual power. It is conceivable that they deliberately used such means to declare war. Knowing that they had strong hatred and did not take death seriously, Kyoryu Shunsui immediately ordered to search all team members and find the hiding place as soon as possible.

As the combat commander, Hitsugaya Toshiro took the lead in taking action. He felt a fire in his heart. He was actually invaded inside. It was really embarrassing. Ling Bai also brought the injured Kuchiki Rukia back to the Seireitei without sending it to the seclusion chamber. Team 4, instead received treatment at Kuchiki's house. Although it was not life-threatening, the wound was very deep. Before recovering, she was allowed to rest at home.

Just when they were trying to restore order, Kariya came to a casino somewhere in Rukongai. It was said to be a casino, but in fact it was just a simple wooden house. Here were very low-level civilians, wearing Their clothes were also in tatters, and they did not feel inferior because of it. They all looked very comfortable and enjoyed their current situation. There was a middle-aged man sitting on the innermost table, surrounded by two people wearing clothes. A woman in a kimono with a low collar.

"I seem very happy. Can I join?" Kariya God walked up to him and said with a smile.

The middle-aged man said: "What are you betting on?"

"Is this okay?" Kariyagami took out a short knife, threw it casually, and inserted it into the table next to him. Without any surprise, the people in the room laughed almost mockingly. In their place, there was gambling and everything. , there are not a few people who gamble their lives. When they were alive in this world, most of them were desperadoes. This kind of thing has not scared them for a long time. They just think that Kariya God is bluffing and grandstanding.

"Are you betting on your life?" The middle-aged man said with a smile: "You are new here, and you still play the tricks of the real world. This is the Soul Society."

Kariyagami didn't pay attention to their ridicule, but said: "The pain should be the same."

Before the middle-aged man could speak, the man sitting at the table said, "It's really interesting. Let's play with you. Why are you being cool? I'll poke your teeth."

He was full of confidence in his card skills and couldn't wait to see Kariya kneel down and beg for mercy. With everyone watching, the man took out the cards. There were only three rounds and the man lost them all. He suddenly became panicked. Pointing at Kariya God, he said loudly: "You must be a cheat!"

Kariyagami said almost mockingly: "What's wrong, you're not afraid, are you? As far as I know, this is the lowest level of Rukongai, the Kusuka area. A place where ordinary people don't dare to come. You are still afraid of losing it." Life?"

Unable to bear his ridicule, the man took out a short knife and stabbed it, but Kariyagami held it with only two fingers. Kariyagami sneered: "Is this all your power?"

Then, with a bang, Kariya God threw it out like a garbage bag. The man hit the wall and lost consciousness. Except for the God of Death, no one had ever dared to provoke them like this. The wooden house The men inside swarmed up and surrounded him, but no one dared to make the first move. In any case, they still knew the rules. The man just now had lost the card and should give his life to others. If he made the first move, it was also his. No, it's just that they still can't stand outsiders intruding on their territory. In the final analysis, it's still a matter of face.

"Stop." Koga just walked in and said in a deep voice: "You are no match for him, Ichinose, you can come in too."

Seeing Ichinose Maki, everyone was even more panicked. This was the most chaotic place in Rukongai. Shinigami rarely appeared. Some people asked why people from the Seireitei came here. Ichinose Maki He just said: "Jinglingting? I'm not from there. I'm no longer the God of Death."

"Stop saying such incomprehensible things!"

"There are only three opponents, just kill them!"

Since someone took the lead, they swarmed in. They were all young gangsters. They had no professional training and naturally had no fighting ability. In less than half a minute, dozens of people in the room were knocked to the ground, and most of them were thrown out of the house. , after the battle, Koga Tsuyoshi advised: "Mr. Kariya, you should still act cautiously in the future. After such a big fight, even in the vast Rukongai, your whereabouts will be discovered immediately."

"That would be fun too."

Kariya God waved his hands indifferently and walked towards the middle-aged man sitting on the table. He seemed to be so frightened that he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He asked in a hoarse voice: "Who are you?".

Chapter 393: Going wild

"I'm going to lead you to do something you've been waiting for."

Kariyagami smiled and said, "How about it, come and play together?"

The middle-aged man asked: "What on earth is going on?"

Kariyagami said softly: "Let us turn Soul Society upside down."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and shocked. They were all gangsters from Rukongai. Although they all felt disgusted with the Shinigami to varying degrees, no one dared to resist the Seireitei. Although Kariyagami spoke softly, But he was full of confidence. He said that trampling on Soul Society was as simple as going home for dinner. Even so, no one matched it. They admitted that the other party was strong, but the God of Death was stronger. In their hearts, Jinglingting is an irresistible existence.

When Lingbai and the others returned to Shiba Kūkaku's residence, it was already evening. After a whole day of searching, nothing was found. There was no useful information from the Gotei Thirteenth Team. Bawent came to Soul Society and found The Penitent Palace caused an explosion, and it was as if they disappeared out of thin air. If they didn't appear deliberately, they wouldn't even be able to feel the spiritual pressure.

However, what is surprising is that Shiba Iwajiu's younger brother brought unexpected news. They were originally idle wanderers, collecting protection fees in various areas. When Kariyagami was causing trouble in the casino, they happened to be there, even though they They didn't know Kariyagami, but they came back to complain to their boss. They were just new here, so they were really arrogant. However, this was the first time they had seen a guy who could deceive the Kusuka area.

Hearing their descriptions, Ling Bai became even more convinced that it was Kariyagami who caused trouble at the Solu Casino at noon. The Solu area is a gathering place for homeless people. In other words, there is a force that cannot be underestimated. If Kariyagami takes them all If they gathered together, they would be a considerable force. Ling Bai decided to go there and have a look. No matter what, this was a clue.

Without delay, they set out immediately, not giving Kariya too much time. However, in Kusaka's casino, Kariya had already begun to gather his companions. Just as the middle-aged man said, no one in this area dared to disobey them. Tomorrow, they could gather the number of people Kariya requested. Everyone could feel that Kariya was very excited since arriving in Soul Society. Kariya did not deny this excitement, as if his body, which was tightly locked up, was free for the first time.

After they sent the middle-aged man away, Kariya God asked Ichinose Maki to gather the hooligans in Kusaka District, and he went to meet the Shinigami who were about to arrive here. No one expected that the first to arrive here was Byakuya Kuchiki. They met in the woods of Kusaka District. The moonlight was bright. The two stood opposite each other. Byakuya Kuchiki said indifferently: "Are you Kariya God? You really do whatever you want."

Facing the head of the five nobles in Soul Society, the head of the Kuchiki family, and also the powerful captain of the Gotei 13, Kariya God still had a calm attitude, put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, tilted his head, and smiled: "The one who was previously chopped by Yuki That god of death seems to be called Kuchiki Rukia, right? I heard that she is your sister. Are you here for revenge? "

"It doesn't matter at all." Kuchiki Byakuya said expressionlessly: "No matter who it is, as long as he is running wild in Soul Society, I should eradicate him."

Kariya snorted coldly, absorbed the souls of living people, and came to Soul Society. With his greatly enhanced strength, he did not take anyone seriously. He waved his arms, and a strong storm blew up in a radius of dozens of meters. The tornado emitting pale white light rushed straight into the sky. However, he did not have any way to attack. After the storm stopped, he still stood in the same place.

Feeling the aroused spiritual pressure, Ishida Uryu stopped. They were not far from where Kariya was. He wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Ling Bai. Ling Bai's idea was that since Kuchiki Byakuya had already joined the battle, they had no need to support him. What's more, Kuchiki Byakuya would not allow others to interfere with his battle. He said that he was eradicating those who came to Soul Society to run wild, but in fact, to a large extent, he was killing those who hurt Kuchiki Rukia.

Ling Bai chuckled and said, "If he loses to Bavent, then he is not Byakuya Kuchiki."

"You won't make a move?"

"You won't make a move either? Anytime."


As soon as he finished speaking, Byakuya Kuchiki suddenly appeared behind Kariya. He was a man who used speed as a weapon, and his flash step flash flower was his most difficult skill. Many vice-captain-level Shinigami would be defeated by this move. Kariya was just surprised. The moment the sword blade slashed out, he jumped forward to avoid the slash, and put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, appearing calm and unhurried.

Byakuya Kuchiki did not put down his soul-slaying sword, but he did not continue to chase. Instead, he said in a cold voice: "I really didn't expect that Bavent and his ilk could match the speed of instant step."

"I was still scratched." There was a scratch on Kariya's windbreaker. He took his hands out of his pockets and said slowly: "Next, it's my turn to attack.".

Chapter 394: Tornado

Just as he was speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew in front of him, and he disappeared in the whirlwind. Byakuya Kuchiki looked grim, standing in place, not moving, but always paying attention to the movements around him. After an unknown amount of time, an air bomb condensed by wind rushed out of the woods, rolled up the surrounding gravel, and bombarded him. Byakuya Kuchiki dodged, but Kariya appeared in front of him, and his body smashed down like a cannonball, with a bang, stirring up a large piece of dust.

The blade flashed across the space, and dust scattered. Kuchiki Byakuya slashed twice, but was avoided by Kariya God. A huge deep pit appeared on the ground in front of him, which was smashed by Kariya God. Kuchiki Byakuya said lightly: "I heard that Bawent can control dolls. Is the invisible thing just now your doll?"

"Who knows?" Kariya God said.

"In that case, I have to chop your doll together."

The two seemed calm, neither of them relaxed their vigilance, and both had a considerable degree of confidence. For Kariya God, this was a battle of life and death. For Kuchiki Byakuya, his dignity would not allow him to lose to Bawent. Suddenly, two figures intersected like lightning, and kept passing through the woods. Wherever they passed, trees were neatly cut. The speed of the two was comparable, and the spiritual pressure and the blade kept colliding. Kariya God's weapon was the blade-like whirlwind on his fist.

"As expected of Byakuya Kuchiki..."

The two stopped at the same time, Kariya God put his hands back in his pockets, and said slowly: "You are even more powerful than the legend says. It is really exciting to be your opponent. Among the four famous nobles in Soul Society, Byakuya Kuchiki, the current head of the Kuchiki family, is known as the strongest in the history of the Kuchiki family. It is natural for people who are confident in their own strength to want to compete with you, and your strength also satisfies me very much.".

His praise did not make Byakuya Kuchiki fluctuate at all. Maybe in Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes, being praised by Bavent was like insulting him. He stared at Kariya God and said lightly: "What is your purpose?"

"Purpose?" Kariya God raised his head, looked at the deep blue sky, smiled lightly, and then said: "Among the 13 Gotei Squads that protect Soul Society, apart from Ling Bai, you are the most famous. As long as you are defeated, the Shinigami of Seireitei will begin to waver."

"How ridiculous." Byakuya Kuchiki said coldly.

Kariya laughed and didn't care. He was serious. If he didn't have enough confidence, he wouldn't have come here specially. However, what he didn't expect was that Kuchiki Byakuya was more naive than the intelligence said. When Yuki wanted to kill Kuchiki Rukia, he desperately protected his sister, and came here alone to avenge his sister. He thought that Kuchiki Byakuya would not accept the provocation so easily.

In fact, he thought too much. The correct thing was that, as Ling Bai said, Kuchiki Byakuya did come here for his sister. The wrong thing was that Yuki exaggerated his strength. Just when Kuchiki Rukia was about to be killed by Yuki, Ling Bai and Kuchiki Byakuya arrived at the same time. There was no desperate fight at all. They just released the Soul Slashing Sword and repelled Yuki. They didn't deliberately chase Yuki.

However, no matter what the reason was, for the great goal of Bavent, Kariya God had to kill Kuchiki Byakuya here. Kuchiki Byakuya didn't seem to want to waste time talking to him. He released the Soul-Slaying Sword, and the blade scattered countless cherry blossoms, which rolled towards Kariya God in all directions. Kariya God showed an unprecedented surprise and flashed into the air, but the speed of the cherry blossoms was faster. Countless cherry blossoms rotated and wrapped him. However, Kuchiki Byakuya was not careless. He noticed that the flow speed of the cherry blossoms suddenly increased, and then exploded and fell to the ground.

As Kariya God landed on the ground, a shallow pit was created under his feet. He pinched a petal with his fingers and smiled, "I finally saw it. Is this your soul-slaying sword Senbonzakura? It's a really gorgeous move, but it doesn't work on me. It's my turn to attack next."

As soon as the voice fell, three tornadoes blew around Kuchiki Byakuya, and they were quickly approaching him, as if they had the ability to tear the body apart. With Kariya God's cry of death, the three tornadoes merged into one, and Kuchiki Byakuya was swept into it. In the blink of an eye, he was blown into the sky. Kariya God lowered his eyes, without even looking at it, and turned to walk towards the direction of the casino.

"Hadao No. 33, Blue Fire Falling!"

With a bang, the tornado exploded in midair. Kariya God raised his head and realized that Kuchiki Byakuya was not swept up, but jumped up and smashed it with Hadao in the center of the wind. Before he could launch the next attack, the sword light tore through the space, and Kuchiki Byakuya slashed from top to bottom. Kariya God could only jump back to avoid his slash.

With a loud bang, white thunder passed through the woods, and the trees collapsed and exploded in front of Kariya God.

"It's really not easy..."

The whirlwind blocked the lightning, and the next moment, the two collided again.

Chapter 395: Incitement

The collision of power and spiritual pressure, the two separated as soon as they touched each other, and it was unknown where the information came from. Kariya God knew the characteristics of Senbonzakura very well. Kuchiki Byakuya's blade could be decomposed into countless tiny blades that could not be seen by the naked eye. When the blades were flying, they would be illuminated by light, and it looked like cherry blossoms dancing. However, his ability was wind, not limited to puppets. He could control the wind in this world, and it existed in unlimited quantities. He was very confident that whether it was the ghost way or the soul-slaying sword, or the opponent's direct attack, although it was gorgeous, it was ineffective against him.

He raised his hand and condensed a whirlwind that spun like a blade. The two of them moved forward slowly, testing each other. When they were only a dozen meters away, there was a bang, and the two collided again. The spiritual pressure exploded instantly. The two stopped their movements at the same time and froze there. Kariya God's palm was only a few millimeters away from Kuchiki Byakuya's neck. If he moved forward again, he could penetrate the opponent's neck. Kuchiki Byakuya's soul-slaying sword was also placed on his neck. In the instant of the contest, they were evenly matched.

"I never thought that someone like Bavent would have the courage to challenge Senbonzakura barehanded. This is really commendable."

After saying this, blood started flowing from the necks of the two men. Kuchiki Byakuya said calmly, "At this distance, I only need to swing my blade lightly and your head will fall to the ground."

Kariya God just smiled lightly. They were under the same threat, and he was confident that he would kill the other party before his head fell to the ground, or at least die together. However, they did not stab, but dodged left and right, and then collided with each other, blood splattered, and each move was fatal. Kariya God's palm once again rested in front of Kuchiki Byakuya's neck, and his left hand grabbed the blade he chopped over.

The next moment, flowers rained all over the sky. Kuchiki Byakuya's soul-slaying sword was suddenly released. Countless cherry blossoms surrounded the two people. The spiritual pressure exploded in vain. The cherry blossoms formed a pink tornado and spread wantonly in the woods. Kariya God was still full of confidence. As long as he was in this storm, no one could hurt him. He could win. Suddenly, the cherry blossoms scattered, as if they were burned to ashes, and the petals withered and slowly fell from the air.

The black flames hit the pink tornado and burned it out instantly. Ling Bai felt the spiritual pressure nearby and didn't want to let it spread. Kariya God himself had strength that was not weaker than the captain level. In this soul society full of spirits, it was difficult to defeat him. Even Kuchiki Byakuya might not be able to kill him easily. If it was delayed, it might affect the progress of Hitsugaya Toushirou.

A huge deep pit appeared between the two people. Ling Bai slowly walked out of the woods, looked at them, and said nothing.

Zhiba Ganjiu and the others did not come over. Ling Bai asked them to find out what happened in the Caolu area. This was not easy for Zhiba Ganjiu. He was a well-known local gangster and had a younger brother. He On the way, he robbed two gangsters from the Solu District. The gangsters refused to obey him at first, but after being beaten up, they honestly explained what happened in the casino, saying that they were going to turn Soul Society upside down. Now, People are being gathered, and now everyone is gathering at the casino. As long as they go, there will be benefits. This is all they know.

Since there was no particularly useful information, it was useless to keep them. Shiba Ganjiu was knocked unconscious by him and wanted to go to the casino to have a look, but was stopped by Chado Taihu. Now Lingbai was not here, and the other party was still recruiting people. It might be dangerous if he went there rashly. Finally, Shiba Ganjiu decided to go to his old friend in Solu District to ask about the situation. He said he was an old friend, but in fact he was also a mortal enemy. But there was nothing he could do now, since he was from Solu District. For things, it would be faster to definitely ask people in Caolu District.

But his younger brother was very worried. If Blue also became Bawent's companion, their situation would be very dangerous. Shiba Ganjiu still insisted that they couldn't just do nothing if Lingbai wasn't here. That way If he goes back, he will definitely be beaten up by his sister Shiba Kongkaku.

At the same time, most of the homeless people in Kusuka District have gathered in the casino. There are about a hundred people, all sitting on the ground. Two candle lamps are lit, and the room is dimly lit. Only Koga Go and Ichinose Makoto are there. The platform where Itsuki was sitting was illuminated by the fire, and the rest of the place was dark. Koga faced everyone and said slowly: "Kariya-sama wants to fight with you."

They didn't understand who Goga Koga was talking about fighting against. When Goga Koga said the words "Jing Ling Ting", there was a lot of discussion. They hated the God of Death, but at the same time they were afraid of the God of Death. They had never wanted to Against the idea of ​​resisting the Quiet Spirit Pavilion, someone suddenly said that they would lead them into the Quiet Spirit Pavilion, which really shocked them. At the same time, they were also considering the pros and cons of this matter. If they failed, they would only die.

The discussion for a long time came to no result. No one dared to support them, but no one left. After all, the power of Kariya God left a deep impression on them.

Chapter 396: Wind Blade

The casino owner, the middle-aged man from before, said: "Are you really going to go to Jingling Court to cause trouble? No matter how many lives you have, you won't be able to lose it."

"No, we can win."

Koga Gang said slowly. His tone did not sound confident or arrogant. It was like he was talking about what he usually did. Moreover, he also said that they had their own plan. The casino owner asked everyone to calm down and wanted to Listen to his plan. What kind of ghost and god plan can give them the courage to resist the Serenity Court. However, Koga Tsuyoshi said that before explaining the plan, they must get their consent, otherwise, he I won't say it.

"Do you want to fight with us?"

Koga stared at them and said in a deep voice: "You should all understand that souls should be sent to Soul Society equally, but in fact, this world is controlled by the Shinigami of Seireitei, which is only a part of it. The phenomenon of poverty like Rukongai should not exist. This is a desolate place where people will never know about it even if they die. We also have similar experiences in this world. No, it should be in a certain sense. In general, we have survived in worse situations than here, so I understand your feelings very well, don’t you want to see the light of day again? Don’t you want to live freely without being looked down upon by others?”

His words were sonorous and powerful, and they indeed spoke to everyone's hearts. In the eyes of outsiders, Caolu District is the poorest and most panicked area. No one cares about them, and no one wants to come. They even have to isolate them when they see them. They all want to hide far away. Of course they don't want to live like this, and they also want to see the light of day again. They are also souls, so why should the Soul Society be controlled by the God of Death instead of everyone being equal.

Everyone looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, they all seem to be making some kind of determination. If Ling Bai were here, he would definitely talk nonsense. These are the reasons of the weak. Only the weak will hate the unfairness of the world. , you have no ability, you only complain about the injustice of the world all day long, why should you control the world? The captain of the 10th division, Toshiro Hitsugaya, came out of Rukongai. Needless to say, Kenpachi Zaraki, he is The Solu Yaqianliu picked up in the Solu District relied on his own ability to fight step by step.

However, these unemployed vagrants naturally did not understand this truth. In addition, they were all fanned by Koga Go, and they all shouted, We all thought so. Koga heard the sound, faced everyone, stood up, and said loudly : "Kariya-sama will subvert the entire Soul Society. Let us fight side by side and go to a new world together."

They looked at the casino owner, waiting for him to make a decision. The casino owner was also very interested in this kind of thing, but he wanted to see evidence that Kariyagami and the others were serious. Anything was fine, and they didn’t want to wait till the end. They all ran away, leaving only them, a bunch of unemployed vagrants, who were really dead at that time. Koga Tsuyoshi naturally understood, and asked Ichinose Maki to pull out the soul-cutting sword and chop his arm.

Ichinose Maki was stunned for a moment, but seeing Koga Go's determined attitude, he still chopped it down. Under everyone's surprised eyes, a deep wound appeared on Koga Go's arm, and blood flowed from it, but his face Without showing the slightest pain, the spirit seeds gathered in the wound and healed quickly. Koga Gang said slowly: "We are stronger than the God of Death and are invincible existences. You don't have to worry about anything. We will completely eliminate the spirit spirit." Court, let’s purify this Soul Society into what it should be!”

However, their leader's actions were not so smooth. The arrival of Ling Bai made Kariya God's heart gradually sink. Kuchiki Byakuya was already difficult to deal with, and now another captain-level Shinigami appeared. He had not been with Ling Bai in this world. Bai officially fights because he is worried about Ling Bai's strength. Is it really going to be a hard battle? What's more, if a battle breaks out here, it will only attract more and more Death Gods.

Kariyagami quickly absorbed the spirit son and allowed his wounds to heal. Ling Bai did not give him much time and pulled out the soul-cutting sword. In an instant, the two of them collided with each other. The collision of spiritual pressure and power caused the entire forest to tremble. Trembling, Kuchiki Byakuya looked at the intertwined figures in front of him, let go of his hand, and the soul-cutting sword sank into the ripples on the ground. At the same time, countless huge blades rose up, and the blades disintegrated into cherry blossoms all over the sky.

He used his swastika at this time because he didn't want to give anyone a way out. Kariyagami had no choice but to stop his movements and distance himself. Ling Bai didn't pursue him. Since it was a melee, he couldn't disrupt the rhythm of his companions. They stood opposite each other, about five Seconds later, without any warning, Ling Bai disappeared from the spot. By the time Kari Yagami sensed his vision, the other party had appeared behind him. In desperation, he raised his hand, and the whirlwind rising on his arm blocked Ling Bai. The cutting blade.

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