The battle was a long one, but the battle was a long one.

If the God of Time were to turn the clock back a little, there would be a fierce battle on the other side of the square.

Compared with the fist-to-fist and fierce frontal battle between Lao Qiaoxi and Wabona, the battle between Darrow and Sneijder seemed more sinister.

Darrow kept moving around in the square, as agile as a butterfly flying into the flowers, but without getting a single leaf on his body. The revolver in his hand could not be idle either, and bullets were fired from various tricky angles, one by one, directly at Sneijder's vital points.

Of course, Snyder was not a pushover. The long whip in his hand stuck to Darrow like a poisonous snake. If you were caught by the poisonous snake without paying attention, you would be greeted by the poisonous fangs.

The two fought evenly, and neither could do anything to the other.

At this time, Darrow found a row of lights on the back mountain, and thought of the group of pirates who had rushed to the back mountain before, which made him a little worried about Lu Jiu's situation.

"Boy, you dare to be distracted while fighting with me."

While Darrow was not paying attention, Snyder quickly swung the whip in his hand and whipped Darrow.


The whip cut through the air with a clear sound, and flew towards Darrow's head as if it had eyes.

Fortunately, Darrow reacted in time. In the dead eye state, Darrow clearly saw the trajectory of the whip, dodged it sideways, and the whip hit the ground, leaving a deep mark.

"You can only sneak attack?" Darrow collected his thoughts and sneered at Snyder in front of him.

"Little brat, let's see if you can laugh later." Darrow's teasing words made Snyder angry and he whipped his whip to attack Darrow.

"Bang, bang, bang."

This was the opportunity he wanted. Darrow raised his revolver and fired three shots at Snyder. One of the bullets flew straight to Snyder's temple, and the other two blocked Snyder's dodging position.

It should have been a foolproof attack, but unexpectedly, Snyder twisted his upper body like a snake and dodged the bullets with this anti-joint twist.

"Damn kid."

Snyder was a little angry. The bullets almost got him into trouble. He shouted angrily: "Come and die."

Then he swung his whip vigorously. The long whip in his hand hummed like a giant snake, and then he whipped it hard at Darrow.


Darrow jumped into the air to avoid the whip. Just as he was about to land, Snyder flipped his wrist, and the whip turned back as if it had come alive and hit Darrow.

Darrow was not panicked at all. He took a step in the air and actually flew up a distance. While avoiding the whip, he also pulled a considerable distance away from Snyder.

"You have flaws all over your body."

Darrow used his dead eyes to scan Snyder's body and found dozens of flaws of various sizes. He raised his hand and swung it at one of the weaknesses, and two more bullets shot out.

[Snake Wave - Dancing Wildly]. 】

The angles of the two bullets were too tricky for Snyder to dodge. He could only swing the long whip in his hand vigorously. The whip slapped in the air and finally shot down the two bullets.

Seeing that Darrow's consecutive shots had caused trouble for him, Snyder did not dare to continue to be arrogant. He wanted to fight Darrow in close combat. He took two steps at a time and jumped forward to approach Darrow.

Darrow was not afraid at all. Instead, he went forward and raised his back foot like a scorpion, then kicked hard and kicked Snyder in the waist and abdomen.

The force of this kick was not light. Snyder staggered back and left a huge scratch on the ground before he stabilized his body.

But Darrow took advantage of the situation and did not let him go. He squatted down and gathered his strength and kicked Snyder again.

But unfortunately, Snyder, who had been prepared for this kick, dodged it again with his unusual twist.

Snyder was a little annoyed after being repeatedly defeated. A sharp voice came from the depths of his throat: "Boy, don't be too proud."

"I am the user of the Snake Snake Fruit•Snake Fruit. Let me show you my strongest form."

After saying that, Snyder's tongue actually split into two snake tongues, and his lower body completely turned into a snake body coiled on the ground.

After completing the transformation, Snyder's waist and tail swung, and the snake tail with scales attached to it kept waving like a golden snake dancing.

Daro was also a little confused by this sudden situation. Just as he reacted, he quickly dodged to the side, and saw the snake tail sink down with great force and hit it.


[Snake Tail • Heavy Fall]

When the snake tail was about to fall on Darrow, something strange happened.


There was a gunshot, and a large bullet flew towards Snyder's eyes. Snyder didn't dare to hesitate, and dodged it with his upper body tilted back.

Darrow fell to the ground and saw that there was a gap in Snyder's attack, and he dodged Snyder's attack with a side roll.

"Hiss, who is ruining my good thing." Snyder's tongue spit out, making a hissing sound.

The belly snake fruit not only gave Snyder powerful physical ability and the ability to spray venom.

What's more terrifying is that the belly snake is one of the few snakes with a temperature-sensing organ. It can sense the heat in the environment and use it to determine the enemy's position.

Snyder spit at the balcony on the second floor of the square hall, and a pool of venom flew out.

The belly viper is a highly venomous snake, so the venom spit out by Snyder is extremely toxic. The balcony on the second floor was corroded little by little by the venom.

A short figure rolled out from behind the corroded ruins.

"Hmph, a guy who hides his head and shows his tail." Snyder said as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"I have been hunting for so many years, but I still don't have such a big snake. Darro, can this snake be used to make wine?"

The man came out with a double-barreled shotgun on his shoulder and a tin wine pot on his waist.

Darro looked closely and saw the iconic red wine-grooved nose in front of him. Who else could it be but old Dutch?

"Boy, why are you so surprised? Didn't I say I am a sharpshooter?" Dutch laughed as he weighed the shotgun in his hand.

"Bang!" Before he finished speaking, Dutch raised the shotgun, aimed at the lower part of Snyder's waist and abdomen, and suddenly pulled the trigger.

As a hunter, old Dutch knows this very well.

Snyder dodged and was about to dodge the bullet.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Darrow was not idle either. Several bullets shot out from the gun barrel, blocking the position where Snyder could dodge.

"Damn it." Snyder saw that these bullets just blocked his position and he couldn't dodge, so he could only use his body to take these bullets.

"Hiss, it hurts so much." Although covered with thick scales, Snyder still felt the severe pain from his body.

"Not bad, kid, you have some of my style back then." Dutch saw Darrow's spiritual shooting and said in amazement.

"Just brag, old Dutch, you haven't hit a single shot so far." Darrow saw that the current situation was very good and couldn't help but joked.

"You kid, if he didn't dare to take my shot, how could you hit him with those shots?" Old Dutch was a man with a sense of shame. Seeing that the kid looked down on him, he said unconvincedly.

"Unconvinced, huh, Old Dutch? Then let's see who can hit him more times next time." Darrow said with a smile, seeing that it was now two against one and the situation was good.

"Let's compete. I'm not afraid of you, a stinky boy." Dutch replied unconvincedly.

Seeing that Darrow and Old Dutch didn't take him seriously at all and played with him like a target, Snyder couldn't help but get angry.

"You two, both of you, die."

With a roar, the scales on Snyder's body gradually attached to his whole body. After a while, Snyder turned into a giant snake coiled on the ground, with green eyes showing a fierce light.

In the perception of Darrow's dead eyes, the number of flaws on Snyder's body is even smaller, with only a few weak points located at the seven inches and the snake head. It seems that this complete animalization has greatly improved Snyder's defense.


Snyder took the lead in attacking, and saw the parotid glands on both sides of his snake head bulge, and a huge amount of venom was sprayed out from his open bloody mouth, flying straight towards Old Dutch.

But Old Dutch was not panicked at all, like a drunk fairy looking at the moon, taking a swaying step, and actually dodged it very "coincidentally".

"Boy, see, a qualified gunman must be able to walk on the edge of the blade, but still be unscathed." Old Dutch said proudly.

"Come on, with your steps, I sprinkled rice on the ground, and chickens can walk out."

Just as the two were bickering, the huge cannon on the pirate ship fired a cannonball, which actually pointed directly from the dock to the back mountain.

"Swish... Boom."

The huge shell hit the hillside behind the mountain, igniting the trees nearby. Soon, a raging fire broke out on the hill, and the red flames were like a bright spot.

"The range of this shell is too outrageous."

"Haha, this is a giant cannon made by Sam using his fruit ability. Also, let me tell you, Sam has also rushed to the hillside, and the residents of your town are going to suffer."

Always passively endured

Snyder, who was beaten, saw that the situation had improved and swept away his previous depression, and said to Darrow.


Hearing Snyder's words, and looking at the flames on the back mountain, Darrow showed a worried look.

"Boy, if you want to go, go ahead. Let me take care of this snake." Seeing that Darrow was worried about Lu Jiu's safety, Dutch said.

"Don't worry, I'm an old hunter. This snake can't be a problem for me, old Dutch."

Before he finished speaking.


Another shell was set at the back mountain, and this time the landing point was closer to the top of the mountain. He remembered that Lu Jiu was still waiting for him in the back mountain.

Darrow took a deep breath and said to Old Dutch beside him: "Okay, Old Dutch, I'll leave this to you. I'll treat you to plenty of drinks after the job is done."

Hearing this, Dutch grinned, "Then you have to prepare more wine, I want to drink enough."

"Boy, take it."

Dutch threw out a bag of things, "Sam is not simple, don't leave it there, remember, you still owe me some wine."

Darrow reached out and took a look. It turned out to be a small bag of bullets, but the size was slightly larger than usual.

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