The road to the back mountain has been walked for more than ten years, but there is no doubt that this time is the fastest.

"Damn it."

Looking at the burned trees on both sides of the mountainside, and thinking of Lu Jiu who was not sure of his safety on the mountain, Da Luo's eyes showed a trace of anger.

On the pirate side, Sam led a group of people to the back mountain, but he couldn't find where the residents of the town were hiding.

This made Sam a little annoyed, and he took out a red cockscomb-headed Den Den Mushi from his arms: "Moses Moses, the next shell, shoot it at the top of the mountain." Sam held up the Den Den Mushi and said to the gunner on the pirate ship.

"Yes, Captain, the cannon has been calibrated. The next shot will definitely hit the top of the mountain." The gunner said while holding up the Den Den Mushi and raising the barrel.


Another shell was fired from the barrel and flew straight to the training ground on the top of the mountain. Then, with a "bang", it hit the middle of the training ground. The huge explosion blew everything in the training ground to pieces.

On the other side, in order to avoid the bombardment, Lu Jiu and his party hid in a cave halfway up the mountain behind the back mountain.

"I don't know what's going on with Da Luo." The huge cannon sound from the top of the mountain scared Lu Jiu, and when he thought of the fierce battle situation at the bottom of the mountain, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Finally caught up." Da Luo, who was hiding behind him, looked at the enemy who was searching everywhere in front of him. When he learned that the pirates had not found Lu Jiu and the others, his heart slowly returned to his stomach.

At this time, several pirates were searching around with torches, trying to find Lao Qiao Xi, but they didn't know that their target was still at the bottom of the mountain.

At the front of the group, the guy wearing a fancy leather coat and a red cockscomb on his head was the captain of the Giant Cannon Pirates - Sam.

"Damn, where are these people hiding?"

"Damn, there are so many mosquitoes."

"Boss, why don't we set fire to force them out."

"Set fire, set fire, just set fire, if the fishery owner is burned to death and the Black Pearl cannot be found, I will burn you." Sam said while slapping the subordinate who came up with the bad idea.

While a group of pirates were still discussing how to find someone, Darrow hid behind a tree in the distance, slowly raised the gun head, and pulled the trigger at Sam, trying to catch him by surprise.


A tongue of fire shot out of the muzzle, and the bullet made a sound of breaking through the air, shooting directly at Sam from a very tricky angle.

There was a crisp sound, and the bullet reached Sam, as if it was blocked by something.

This strange scene was of course noticed by Darrow.

"What kind of ability can a devil fruit user have?" Darrow, who was hiding in the tree, looked at Sam who was safe and sound in front of him, and thought of the strange abilities of the devil fruit, and Darrow also had a headache.

"Who is it?" The pirates reacted quickly.

Yes, if they were slow to react in this life of licking blood on the edge of a knife, they might have been buried in the sea, so they held torches and knives and searched around.

After missing a shot, Darrow didn't dare to stay where he was, and immediately changed to a more hidden position, waiting for the next opportunity to appear. At this moment, he was like a cheetah lying in wait for prey, and as long as the prey came to the door, he would show his sharp fangs.

Finally, Darrow seized the opportunity and fired several more shots, each of which hit the head. Blood and brain matter spurted out, and the red and white intertwined and bloomed, like the red spider lilies blooming on the other side.

The god of death came to collect people.

The bloody scenes in front of them stimulated the pirates, and everyone was worried that they would become the next target of headshot.

For a while, they were unable to make any plans, and they could only gather together and look around, trying to find the god of death hiding in the mountains and forests.

"Who, who is it."

"Come out quickly."

"Damn bastard, you only dare to sneak around."

"Find him out for me quickly, don't waste time here, if you let the fish farm owner run away, you will all die." Seeing that his men were standing still and dared not move, Sam was angry. He not only wanted to find the fish farm owner, but also to kill the entire town.

Otherwise, if the navy knew that he destroyed the town of Batlila, they would probably send warships to catch him.

Money can move people's hearts. Sam only wants to find Lao Qiaoxi and ask about the whereabouts of the Black Pearl. He doesn't care about the life or death of his subordinates. If he has money, he will want as much as he can get from his subordinates.

How much.

This forest is neither big nor small, and it is definitely more than enough for Darrow to hide. Moreover, the biggest advantage of this place as the main battlefield is that Darrow knows it very well. He knows the location of every tree and every place where he can hide.

Instead of rushing to take action, Darrow hid himself. On the one hand, it was because the pirates were already prepared.

On the other hand, after experiencing the battle in the small town and the raid all the way, Darrow was a little overwhelmed. Taking advantage of the time when the enemy was afraid to act rashly, Darrow leaned on the tree trunk to rest and wait for the perfect opportunity to make a move.

What is the perfect opportunity? It is the one in front of him.

Seeing that three more pirates were left alone and entered a blind spot that others could not see, Darrow raised his gun and shot the three people dead in a blink of an eye.

The night and terrain here provided the best cover for Darrow, and the torches raised by the pirates made them a bright target.

After knocking down several more pirates, there were only a few pirates left in the back mountain. Among the remaining few, the most difficult one was Captain Sam.

The shot he fired at Sam just now was blocked by something unknown, which made Darrow very concerned. He touched a tree near Sam and looked at Sam below carefully with [Dead Eye] again.

"Sure enough, there is something strange." In his sight, Sam's position and movements were obviously very loose. If it were normal, he would definitely have weaknesses all over his body, but in fact, he only had a few weaknesses on his body. What's even more strange is that there is always a circle of faint aura around Sam.

"Let me try to see what's going on." Darrow fired a shot at one of the weaknesses.

Unfortunately, the bullet was still the same as before, and it was bounced away as soon as it flew beside Sam.

"Damn, it still doesn't work." Looking at the bullets that were bounced, Darrow was a little annoyed. After all, he was a gunman, and bullets were his strongest reliance. But the two shots didn't work, which made Darrow very passive, and he didn't even know what the opponent's means were.

"Tsk." Suddenly, a faint sound came into Darrow's ears.

It seemed like the sound of a balloon being deflated, which attracted Darrow's attention.

Using the dead eye to observe, Darrow saw that Sam had a few more weaknesses, and the breath flowing around him was also a little weaker. More obviously, Sam's body sprayed a burst of gas around, blowing away all the dead branches and leaves around.

"So that's it. I don't know what fruit it is, but there should be something like... air armor next to him."

"So the weaknesses seen by the dead eye are actually the weak points of the air armor. As long as these weak points are hit, the air armor will escape and weaken the thickness of the air armor." After two risky shots, Darrow still tried something out.

"Then, the next bullet."

Daro glanced at the white bag hanging on his waist. It was a bag of bullets that Dutch had given him, special bullets.

In the battle with Snyder, Snyder would rather take three shots from Daro than take Dutch's bullets head-on. The power of this bullet can be seen.

After Daro changed the bullets, a great opportunity also appeared. He aimed at Sam's heart, where there was a weak point. As long as this special bullet could penetrate Sam's air armor, there would be a chance to hit Sam's heart and kill him with one shot.

"Bang!" The special bullet shot straight out, flying towards Sam like a death angel, with the red spider lily symbolizing death about to bloom, as if the battle was about to end here.

Why is it as if, because the scene that Daro expected did not appear. The bullet did shatter Sam's air armor, but it seemed to be blocked by something harder.

"Damn, what is it this time? Should we be so cautious?"

The depressed Darrow even doubted whether Sam was from the Shenyong School. Why did he have so many bullet-blocking things on his body? Was he targeting him, the gunner?

Fortunately, Sam answered his question the next second. Sam reached into his chest and pulled out a giant cannon of more than one meter from his pocket.

"Oh my god, is it really that outrageous!" Seeing that his ultimate move failed, even Darrow, who had such a good heart, couldn't help but swear.

Today, Darrow had seen the cannon that could fire from the dock to the top of the back mountain, and had seen Snyder's great snake transformation. Now he had to look at this non-mainstream Doraemon with a red cockscomb.

Oh~, you said this is a devil fruit, then it's okay.

At this time, Sam was holding a cannon, standing in the middle of the woods, looking down on the world. Darrow on the other side was not in such a good mood. This Sam was really not that easy to deal with.

Move after move.

Because he couldn't find Darrow, Sam bombarded the surrounding area in anger, and the grove was also affected.

As Sam's shells continued to be fired from the muzzle, the range of the bombardment covered the entire grove around, the roar was deafening, and the tree debris stirred up by the shells was stirred up in the air. Darrow could only flee in embarrassment.

After a while, only a few trees were still standing in the dense grove.

Darrow looked at the bare terrain around him and could no longer provide him with cover. He didn't hide anymore and appeared in front of Sam.

At this moment, the king met the king.

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