The enemy was in danger, and the enemy was in danger.

Boy, why don't you hide?" Sam raised the cannon in his hand and said proudly to Darrow in front of him.

"Ah, because it's not necessary." Darrow replied while loading the revolver with special bullets, ready for this final battle.

This battle can only succeed and not fail, because behind him are the residents of the town, and his only relative in this world, Lu Jiu.

"Since you are good at fighting, I will give you a chance. Join my Giant Cannon Pirates, and I can spare you. How about it? "

Sam said he would spare Darrow's life, but the muzzle of the gun in Sam's hand was slowly raised, and it seemed that he wanted to take advantage of Darrow's relaxation to launch a sneak attack.

"Alas, the tricks of pirates." Looking at Sam's clumsy little action, Darrow couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the pirates of this era are basically those vicious people who kill, burn and plunder. Unlike the great pirate era opened by Roger, there are still a small number of people who go to sea in pursuit of freedom. They are pirates in name but in fact they are more adventurers, such as Wang Luffy.

Without thinking any more, Darrow decided to take the initiative. He just swung his right hand up, and several special bullets flew out and hit Sam's vitals.

[Air Wall]

Sam must be no ordinary person to have been rampant in the South China Sea for so many years. He just clenched his left hand in the air, and a transparent air wall appeared in front of him.

"Ding, ding, ding! "

Several special bullets seemed to hit the steel plate and were bounced off by the air wall.

Seeing that his special bullets could not break the air wall, Darrow's eyes became solemn. These bullets were special bullets given by old Dutch, but now they did not work.

"Boy, my air wall is much harder than my air armor. Are you desperate?" Sam was very angry about the previous air armor being broken by Darrow, and said to Darrow proudly at this moment.

"What's there to be desperate about? Your air wall can't be moved." Darrow didn't want to lose the upper hand in words. In the battle, the confrontation of momentum is also very important. The stronger the enemy's momentum is, the weaker his momentum will be.

"Oh! Can you see my air wall? "Sam was also very surprised to hear Darrow point out the shortcomings of his air wall. This invisible air wall has always made Sam's battles invincible.

Darrow is a person with rare observation Haki. Not to mention the air wall, even Sam's every move can not escape Darrow's perception, and even the position of the next second can be predicted by Darrow in advance.

Young people can be unethical. While talking, Darrow fired a few more bullets.

{Left} Darrow thought silently in his heart.

Sure enough, the next second Sam flashed to Darrow's left, and after dodging, he wanted to pull away and take the opportunity to fire.

But he didn't expect to be caught in advance by Darrow's dead eyes The position was blocked, and Sam had to raise the gun barrel to resist the bullets.

[Damn, this guy really has some tricks. ] Sam thought.

But soon, Sam's counterattack came as expected. Sam raised the cannon in his hand and aimed the barrel at Darrow.

He took out some special shells from his pocket and stuffed them into the mouth of the barrel, and began to bombard Darrow.

These shells were the same as the cannon in Sam's hand. At the beginning, they were all very small, but they could suddenly become larger after being taken out. I really don't know what kind of devil fruit ability Sam has.

"Damn, what kind of devil fruit is this, air shield, and it can grow bigger and smaller." Seeing this magical scene again, Darrow couldn't help but swear.

"Boom boom boom. "

It happened so fast that the overwhelming artillery fire soon covered the area where Darrow was.

With a bang, a wave of air suddenly rose from the place where the fire exploded, and the ground was scraped away by half a foot. Sand and gravel mixed with sand and gravel flew out in all directions, and the impact of the explosion carried these sand and gravel to Darrow.

Fortunately, Darrow reacted quickly, leaped into the air with a [Blue Bird], and then stepped twice to continuously raise his position, thus avoiding this round of artillery fire.

But even so, Darrow was still injured. It was really that the artillery fire was too dense and the range of the explosion was too large, so he was more or less affected.

"How is it, does my shell that has been strengthened by my ability taste good?" Looking at Darrow's embarrassed appearance, Sam said proudly, and said a few more

The shells were coming.

"I have to get closer and fight him in close combat, otherwise I can't withstand his shelling." Darrow thought while dodging the shells.

Darrow dodged and activated [Instant Step] to forcefully approach Sam. Darrow's center of gravity sank slightly.

At the same time, he activated [Dead Eye] to firmly lock the position where Sam was about to dodge.

"{Right front}"

[Kui Niu]

Towards the right front, Darrow kicked out with a powerful kick, as if he had accumulated a huge force, with terrifying destructive power.

The next scene was a bit funny. When Sam saw Darrow approaching, he didn't know if he panicked or something. Just as Darrow predicted, he rolled to the right front, but when he stood up, he didn't expect that he was facing Darrow's kick.

"【Double Air Wall】" Seeing that the kick was about to land, Sam quickly used a double-layer air wall to block the power of the kick, but the first layer of the double-layer air wall had been shattered by Darrow.

Darrow did not dare to neglect it, and quickly stuck to it with a 【Instant Step】, fighting with Sam at close range.

Yes, seeing Sam's terrifying firepower, Darrow dared not let Sam pull away again. If he was allowed to fire a round of artillery fire, it would really be a death sentence.

Facing Darrow's close entanglement, Sam had no way to deal with it and could only retreat step by step. There was no way, when it came to close combat, Sam would never be Darrow's opponent.

Not to mention Darrow's long-trained leg skills, even Sam himself, because of his fruit ability, others were often killed before they even got close to him. Relying on his air armor, Sam did not take physical training seriously at all.

Darrow was getting more and more aggressive, punching and kicking like a storm to suppress Sam. Sam could only use his cannon to barely parry, but was still hit by Darrow several times, looking very embarrassed.

On this side, Darrow jumped into the air and was about to land a flying kick. Seeing that the situation was not good, Sam waved his cannon randomly to hit Darrow in the air.


Like a gust of wind and thunder, Darrow evaded several times in the air, and dodged Sam's waving cannon while turning and moving. His figure was as fast as thunder and as graceful as the breeze.


With a loud bang, Sam was kicked away by Darrow along with his cannon, and his body flew backwards dozens of meters like a kite with a broken string.

"That's it?" Darrow was an old tactical master, trying to tease Sam with words. If he could take the opportunity to close the distance and have another round of close combat, this old guy would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Damn kid, don't be too proud." Sam stood up with a look of rage, and it seemed that he was really angry. "Let me show you my strongest form!"

[Air Fortress]

With a loud shout, the air around Sam rushed towards him frantically, gradually condensing to tightly surround Sam, and soon a fortress was built out of thin air.

He also put the cannon in his hand outside the fortress, and the black gun barrel was staring at Darrow.

"..." Looking at this scene like a Transformer, Darrow was also stunned and couldn't speak for a while.

Looking at Darrow's surprised look, Sam said complacently. "Boy, it's okay to tell you. I'm a compression man who ate the compression fruit. I can compress everything. Next..."

"Just turn to ashes under my special shells, boy."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the gun barrels extending from the fortress being heated and gradually turning red. With a bang, several shells came at high speed, whistling, dragging a fiery red tail light, and bombarded Darrow.

I saw the several shells that were shot out hit the ground, and the explosion set off a sky-high fire, leaving a big hole in the ground, and billowing smoke came out of the hole.

"Fuck." Seeing this huge power, Darrow smacked his lips. On the other side, Darrow saw the solid air fortress, and his eyes couldn't help but become solemn.

All along, Darrow has been smooth sailing with his rare observation Haki "Dead Eye". Even if he cannot fight head-on, he can avoid danger and find opportunities to counterattack by relying on the foresight and weakness perception of "Dead Eye".

But now, Sam's various methods really make Darrow complain. At least the [Air Fortress] in front of him makes him have nowhere to start.

"It seems that I can only fight." Thinking of Lu Jiu behind him and the magnificent era of the pirate world, Darrow is more determined than ever.

The battle is pulled into the second half.

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