The story of the pirate king is about the origin of the Chinese nation.

There are three ancient weapons in the pirate world, Uranus, Poseidon and Pluto.

Among the three, Uranus is the most mysterious. There is almost no mention of it in the whole article, but it should be in the hands of Lord Im on Pangu City. Judging from the name, it should be some kind of space-based weapon. If you draw a cross on the map, you can use a pulse to directly destroy the entire area.

Poseidon, the Poseidon, has already pointed out that it is Princess Shirahoshi. His power is to control the sea kings in the deep sea, and even those terrifying creatures thousands of meters long will obey his orders.

As for the last Pluto, it is said to be a huge battleship that can destroy a small island with one blow. According to Dr. Clover, there is more than one Pluto.

"Red Desert, Crescent River." Darrow touched his chin and thought, and turned his head to look at Dr. Clover: "Doctor, do you have any clues?"

The doctor shook his head, kept looking through the notebook in his hand, and said: "This sentence should describe a place eight hundred years ago, but so much time has passed, how can it be so easy to find it."

The doctor's words made Tikola frown, but he also knew that what the doctor said was true. Eight hundred years of vicissitudes have long made everything impossible to find.

"As for the red desert, I seem to have seen this statement in some classics. It should be an ancient ballad, but this ballad is widely sung, and it is impossible to lock a specific area." Dr. Clover said while putting away the magnifying glass for observation.

"Is there an ancient map?" The clever Olbia looked at Cobra on the side.

"As for the ancient map, there should be one in the palace, but I don't know if there is one of that year." Cobra thought for a while and answered.

After saying that, Cobra subconsciously glanced at the time. Seeing that the time was approaching four o'clock in the afternoon, he began to get anxious because he had already made an appointment to go with Blackie to apply water.

Compared with those inexplicable archaeological excavations, he still wanted to solve the current refugee problem more.

"There is no clue in a short time, why don't we go out first." Darrow saw that Blackie and Cobra were absent-minded and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go out first." Dr. Clover nodded.

Then, Darrow and his team withdrew from the underground palace and returned to the palace.

Two more days passed.

Under the leadership of Dr. Clover, Darrow and his team searched the entire library of the palace, while Cobra and Blackie were responsible for helping civilians in the western suburbs of Albana.

Although Darrow had few seawater grenades left, the application of water could not be stopped in a short time, otherwise the public opinion that had just been suppressed would soon come back.

Cobra also knew that the "magic jar" was not worthy of its name. Although he was a little disappointed, he did not say much. He also knew that with the current domestic situation, they could only wait.

When the military expenditure of Yuhe was used up first, the other party would definitely be in disarray.

In the luxurious hall of the palace.

"Any clues?" Darrow took an apple from the fruit basket on the marble coffee table and handed it to his mouth, and asked Olbia who was leaning over the desk with a magnifying glass to check the map.

"Go, go, don't get my map wet." Olbia waved his hand and said to Darrow as if to drive away mosquitoes and flies.

After a few days of getting along, Olbia and Darrow became familiar with each other.

"After two days of investigation, it is certain that the ship should be in this area, that is, the desert we passed before." Olbia put down the magnifying glass in his hand, and then drew a circle around a certain area on the map.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Darrow took a bite of the apple and asked.

"The doctor said that the red desert is either a strange rock landform or some special algae." Olbia said.

"Algae!?" Darrow asked in confusion.

Darrow could understand this special landform. In fact, he had also thought about whether the red desert could be the Danxia landform in his previous life, but what about algae?

Seeing Darrow's puzzled face, Olbia explained:

"Look, this map from 500 years ago, there are many oases and lakes in this area, and even a large inland sea, so do you think it is possible that the red desert is formed by some algae mixed in the sand."

After Olbia said this, Darrow really had some impression of the previous

When he passed by Ranwu Lake during his graduation trip, he actually saw a lot of similar red algae on the rocks on both sides.

Combined with the next sentence of "red desert" "Crescent River", this possibility is not small.

"Then can you look at the map to see which lake is called Crescent River, or looks like a crescent." Darrow put down the apple in his hand and said to Olbia.

"We have looked for everything we can find, and there is no such place at all. Moreover, this map is from 500 years ago, and it is still more than 300 years away from the era of the first queen. God knows how many oasis lakes have disappeared during this period." Olbia rolled his eyes at Darrow and said.

"Found it, it should be it." On the other side, Dr. Clover ran in excitedly holding an algae illustration book.

"Red pearl algae."

Darrow looked at the page of the illustration book that the doctor opened, and indeed saw some algae that looked like red balls. From this point of view, this red desert may really be caused by these algae.

"Doctor, why are you looking for it?" Olbia asked in confusion. What they are looking for now is obviously the hiding place of the Ark of Hope. Even if they know the names of these algae, it will be useless.

"Hehe, Olbia, this is where I am smart, Doctor." Dr. Clover waved his fingers and said very arrogantly.

"You see, this red pearl algae is a kind of seaweed, which means that [Namib] should be hidden in a desert that used to be a sea." The doctor stroked his beard and explained.

"Sea? Olbia, look at the map of the desert. Is there any place that is an inland sea?" Darrow looked at the map and said.

"No!" Olbia responded simply, and then said: "If there is an inland sea in the desert, it would have dried up long ago. How can it be seen on the map three hundred years later."

On the other side, an O'Hara scholar sat up suddenly after listening to the conversation between several people.

"I know, I know where there is a sea in the desert!" the male scholar said excitedly.

After the voice fell, Da Luo and several others looked at each other at the same time and asked, "Where?"

"It's near where we were deceived by the big talker bird and took our luggage. When I was picking up firewood in the big talker bird habitat, I saw a lot of shell fossils left on the ground. At that time, I was wondering how there could be shells in the desert." The male scholar pushed his glasses and said.

"Big talker bird nest, it's really possible." Da Luo pondered for a while and really felt that the possibility was not small. Those strange big talkers were somewhat similar to seagulls. Maybe the other party really evolved from seagulls.

"Well done!" Olbia patted the male scholar on the shoulder and praised happily.

"Hurry up and look at the map to see where it is?" Tikola urged.

"Shahua! It should be near Shahua." Dr. Clover said with certainty.


At the same time, in the home of Minister Youhe, several water merchants were surrounding Youhe with sad faces, complaining bitterly.

"Sir, now even Prince Cobra has mixed up with that group of travelers. What should we do now? If this continues, no one will come to us to buy expensive water." A rat-faced and pointed water merchant pulled Youhe and said.

Looking at the other party's bitter face, it is clear that they must have lost a lot in the few days of Daro's water supply.

Youhe pondered for a while. He didn't care about the life and death of these merchants. He cared more about the reputation of the royal family. Originally, under the condition of water shortage, the public opinion of the royal family had fallen to the bottom. Originally, when the reputation was so popular, Youhe only needed to raise his arm and call for it, and he could rebel with a legitimate reason.

But unexpectedly, Cobra appeared halfway. The kid personally did a lot of water supply in the past few days and saved a lot of reputation for the royal family.

"No, we can't go on like this, we have to get rid of that group of travelers!" Yu He's eyes flashed with a sinister look.

He knew very well that the current situation could not be delayed. If it was delayed any longer, the public opinion of the royal family would improve, and he would lose the justice to do something big, plus the logistics were in a hurry...

If it continued like this, his rebellion plan would probably be aborted before it was implemented.

"Go, call the commander of the guards, go to the palace together, and kill the traitors!" Yu He stood up from the chair and looked at the white wall of the palace in the distance viciously.

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