The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

The Darrow Pirates destroyed the Wald Pirates with a nearly crushing attitude, which was a good test of the strength of each member of the group.

This was also intentional by Darrow, who specially let these three crew members who had not yet shown their strength face an opponent each, so that Darrow could better grasp the strength of each crew member and have a better control of the next voyage.

Especially the two newcomers, Brig and Sophia, who had just boarded the ship not long ago, showed their strength in this battle, which made Darrow look at them with admiration.

Darrow also saw the situation of Blackie at the beginning, and he was even ready to rush to help at any time, but fortunately Blackie changed his mentality in time, especially after entering the Moonlight Lion form through special potions, he directly crushed the powerful Sebastian with his strength.

There is no need to say more about Sofia. The whole battle was almost a playful crushing of the opponent. The opponent did not even force Sofia's devil fruit ability to be used. It seems that her strength is quite good.

As for the intern Xiong, his performance has made Darrow quite satisfied. After several months of training, he has been able to exert the true power of the meat ball fruit. Even his future famous skill [Bear Impact] has been mastered.

Of course, he is still a long way from the future Shichibukai Xiong who has mastered the awakening of the fruit and can eject conceptual matters such as memory and pain.

However, there is always a future to look forward to. I believe that Xiong can maintain this improvement speed. I believe that in the near future, he can take the lead and become a strong man.

Just when Darrow was about to learn from Mr. Deng in his previous life, patting the bear's head and saying "the future is yours", a noisy sound suddenly came from Olbia.

It turned out that Cobra had led the army. When the Kingdom Guards arrived, they directly took over the remaining tens of thousands of rebels. It must be said that Cobra was still capable. After an impassioned speech and appeasement, the refugees who made up the vast majority of the rebels completely gave up resistance.

And this scene naturally fell into the eyes of Tikola, who was chatting with Dr. Clover not far away.

"It seems that you have an excellent son!" Dr. Clover looked at Cobra surrounded by soldiers and said to his old friend, and patted his shoulder meaningfully.

Tikola, who was alert, naturally understood what his old friend meant. He took a deep breath and moved his lips, but did not speak.

Indeed, he had been the king for too long, and had been separated from the people at the bottom for too long, so long that he had forgotten the ambition he had made when he was still a prince to benefit the people.

"..." After a long sigh, Tikola put down the long sword in his hand and inserted it into the sand dunes. The afterglow of the setting sun reflected the armor of the old monarch, shining with warm yellow light.


A country cannot be without a king for a day. After Cobra and the old king Tikola hastily greeted each other, they led the army back to Albana without stopping. It is worth mentioning that Tikola did not go back with the army.

Logically speaking, the old king should return to the capital and settle them as soon as possible after the surrender of the 30,000 or 40,000 refugee troops to win the hearts of the people, but Tikola did not. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the old king was planning to abdicate.

As for Tikola, the only obsession he had left was to find the lost "Boat of Hope".

Fortunately, the O'Hara expedition team did not disappoint him. After a night of rest, Olbia brought good news to Darrow early the next morning.

"How is it? Did you find it?" Darrow asked Olbia with a smile while holding a piece of barbecue and leaning into the campfire, and handed her the barbecue that was 70% to 80% cooked.

"Hu... Hu!... Why are you not in a hurry at all... at all?" Olbia, who had been jogging all the way, panted and did not take the barbecue, but looked at Darrow with surprise and asked.

"What's the hurry? Could it run away?" Darrow saw that Olbia had no intention of eating the barbecue, so he stuffed the barbecue into his mouth without hesitation.

"Oh, stop wasting time, follow me." Unexpectedly, Olbia was still impatient, and pulled Darrow to a deep pit on the sand dune without saying anything.


At the bottom edge of the pit, several O'Hara scholars gathered together, and Dr. Clover, who was at the innermost, was holding a flashlight and constantly exploring a small hole half a person's height at the bottom of the pit wall.

"Tikola, Darrow, come and see." After seeing the people coming, Dr. Clover immediately pulled the two people to his side and pointed at the hole and said to them:

"The deep pit that the pirate leader blew up with a bomb yesterday, we found the red algae soil layer recorded in the historical text from it. In the morning, we dug down three meters along this red soil layer, and found this hole."

"I guess this should be the culvert used to moor ships in the waters near Shahua 800 years ago. The Pluto is likely to be docked inside." Dr. Clover spoke quickly like a machine gun and gave a general idea of ​​the situation.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go in." Tikola was anxious when he heard that the "Ark of Hope" from the ancestral era was likely to be moored inside, and he couldn't wait to say it.

"We don't know what's going on inside, and this cave is too dangerous. It may collapse at any time. We must reinforce the cave entrance first." Olbia said to Tikola and Darrow.

On the other side, several other people from O'Hara had already come over with a wooden stick, and it seemed that they were going to build a support at the cave entrance for support.

It's just that it will take a long time to build a support frame from the cave entrance, and Darrow doesn't have the patience.

"Get out of the way, I'll handle it." Darrow stopped several people, and at the same time walked quickly to the front of the cave entrance, opened his arms, and controlled the surrounding air to continuously compress, forming a compressed air block as hard as steel in front of the cave entrance.

Soon, the narrow cave entrance was propped open by countless air bricks, forming a flat passage leading to the depths of the cave entrance.

As the situation in the cave entrance was unclear, Darrow did not adhere to the principle of ladies first, and walked into the depths of the cave entrance.

Just as described in the Peach Blossom Spring - "It was very narrow at first, but only people could pass through it. After walking a few dozen steps, it suddenly became clear."

When Darrow and his team walked completely into the cave entrance, they found that there were dozens of ancient merchant ships moored in this empty cave, and they were sunk into the sand in a decayed posture.

Dr. Clover, holding a torch, stroked these merchant ships that had been sleeping for 800 years with his hands, while searching for physical evidence that could prove their identity.

As expected, he saw a clue from the mark on the sail of a huge merchant ship: "This is the logo of the Oasis Chamber of Commerce. It seems that this is the most prosperous port in Shahua 800 years ago, Port of Rotterdam!"

"What are you waiting for? Look for it quickly, the ship must be here." Tikola obviously couldn't hold back, holding a torch and searching around.

As the excavation went deeper and deeper, Daro and his team had almost counted all the ships in the port in the cave, but still did not find any traces of ancient weapons.

Just when everyone was discouraged, suddenly a vague and ethereal voice sounded in everyone's heart at the same time:

"Traveler from afar, welcome to your arrival, this is the ship of hope - Namib!!"

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