The sound of a whirlwind came from the corner of the eye.

"Listen! Someone is talking!" After hearing the inexplicable voice in her heart, Elsa shouted to everyone and looked around cautiously.

After hearing Elsa's words, the remaining few people looked at each other in surprise and doubt. Obviously, they all heard the strange voice, but no one dared to believe it. After all, this place has been uninhabited for more than 700 years.

"Doctor, what is that?" Olbia looked at Dr. Clover, wanting to get an answer from this knowledgeable old man.

Unfortunately, even the wisest people are not omniscient. Dr. Clover shook his head and said, "I don't know either. Maybe it's some kind of intelligent creature."

"Intelligent creature? How is that possible? What kind of creature can live for more than 700 years?" Olbia rolled her eyes, seemingly not believing the doctor's statement.

"More than 700 years?" Darrow touched his chin, thinking about the creatures in the One Piece world that can live for more than 700 years.

First of all, it was ruled out that the other party was a human. After all, even the longest-lived giants among the human race only have a lifespan of more than 300 years. If the other party was not a human, then it should be an ancient existence that spanned the vast river of time, just like the elephant master.

Just as several people were racking their brains to figure out who the other party was, Aisha and Darrow discovered the clue at the same time. In their eyes, the direction where the voice came from suddenly glowed with green light.

"Look? There seems to be something there!" Aisha excitedly pointed to the front, a pyramid-shaped building and shouted.

Sure enough, two or three hundred meters in the direction of Elsa's finger, a spire with a completely different architectural style slowly rose from the sand, and then the dome of the pyramid began to slowly unfold, revealing the figure of an ancient warship.

"It appears! The Ship of Hope!" Tikola gasped excitedly at the tall mast exposed at the top of the tower in front of him, and his face turned red due to congestion.

Another person who was equally excited was Daro. After all, this was Pluto, the most powerful ancient weapon in the pirate world. It was not only incredibly destructive, but also the dream ship pursued by pirates. With it and the ability of Daro's compression fruit... the picture was simply too beautiful.

Daro could even imagine himself driving Pluto, overthrowing the navy, and pushing Rocks sideways.


As the gears inside the pyramid made a tooth-grinding sound, the dome of the pyramid fell completely, and the long-awaited Pluto finally revealed its dignity.

This is an ancient wooden ship that is three or four hundred meters long. The tall masts are full of sails with various patterns, and the sides of the ship are full of cannons. But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the cannon with a caliber of several meters standing on its deck.

Even after a long time, it is difficult to hide its sharp edge, and this world-destroying weapon should be the real reason why Pluto can destroy an island with one blow in the legend.

"It seems to be broken!" The sharp-eyed Elsa used her third eye's extraordinary perception to detect the unusualness of the warship.

After hearing Elsa's words, Darrow's heart sank, and he quickly activated his vision to the greatest extent, and used the powerful perception of [Dead Eye] to explore the warship not far away.

As expected, the next scene still disappointed Darrow.

In his perception, a circular hole with a diameter of 20 meters was blasted out in the middle of the deck of the battleship, and it directly penetrated the hull, and even the most important keel was broken into two pieces. The whole ship was like an apple pie with a big hole bitten by a naughty child.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to get it."

Daro smiled bitterly, and at the same time adjusted his mentality of worrying about gains and losses. After all, even if he really got this Pluto, it was just an external object. Only when he was strong, he could be a real strong man.

"Let's go, we will know what the situation is." Sophia, who was born in a shipbuilding family, was also very interested in Pluto. She took the lead with a torch.

In a few minutes, Daro and his scholars from O'Hara boarded the deck of this legendary ship. The group touched here and there, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's amazing, this is an amazing shipbuilding technique!"

Sophia looked at the various energy transmission pipelines buried on the deck and exclaimed in amazement, while opening the memory card on the high-tech combat suit.

Recording device, recorded everything on the ship.

On the other hand, the scholars of O'Hara were not interested in these strange technologies. They wanted to explore the truth of the blank hundred years.

"Doctor, look, there is a huge straw hat pattern and a sunbird pattern here." Olbia pointed to the strange pattern painted on the sail and said.

The knowledgeable Dr. Clover also quickly gave an answer: "The sunbird is the symbol of the royal family of Alabasta, and the straw hat pattern should represent the great liberation fighter-Joey Boy!"

"Joey Boy!" Olbia repeated unconsciously. Although it was the first time she heard this name, she felt that Joy Boy, who could be called a liberation fighter, should be a very remarkable person.

"Huh!" Just when Olbia was about to break the casserole to get to the bottom of it, Aisha and Darrow exclaimed at the same time. In their vision, the bow lit up the dazzling green light again.

Then, the green light slowly converged and turned into an exquisite girl wearing a green cloak.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Olbia asked anxiously, looking at Elsa, whose mouth was open enough to swallow an egg, and the others also looked at the two, wanting to find out what was going on.

Obviously, except for Darrow and Elsa, the others could not see the little girl in front of them.

"Hey, can't you see? There is a little girl sitting on the bow." Elsa pointed at the bow and said in surprise.

"Ah, she slept for a long time!" On the other side, the little girl suddenly stretched and stood up slowly, and at the same time looked at Darrow who was staring at her not far away and asked: "Are you the destined person that Joy Boy said? Why don't you wear a straw hat, but a cowboy hat?"

"Destined person? Straw hat?" Darrow raised his eyebrows when he heard this strange name, and then he realized that the other party should be talking about the future Luffy, so he shook his head.

After seeing Darrow's reaction, it was the little girl's turn to be surprised. She asked Darrow a series of questions: "Isn't it 1522 now? And if you are not the destined person, how can you see me?"

"It is 1483 now, and there are still more than 40 years before 1522. As for why I can see you? Actually, I don't know, but can't she see you too?" Darrow answered truthfully.

After listening, the little girl looked at Elsa, who Darrow pointed at, and shook her head to deny Darrow's statement: "She is the descendant of the witness, it is normal for her to see me, but you, who are not the destined person, can hear my call, that's strange!"

"Forget it! Never mind this, it's good to wake up early. I've been sleeping for so long, I'm almost bored to death." The little girl patted her cheek and jumped onto the deck excitedly.

After she saw the big hole on the hull, she couldn't help but mutter, "Uranus is really cruel! He beat me like this!"

"Uranus? Beat you?" Darrow seemed to have heard something incredible. He looked at the little girl in front of him in surprise and gradually understood the identity of the little girl.

"You mean? You are?" Darrow pointed to the dilapidated Pluto warship around him and asked the little girl.

And the little girl's words also verified Darrow's guess very well. The little girl lifted her skirt and performed a standard aristocratic etiquette, and then slowly said to Darrow:

"That's right, I am the ship spirit of this ship. My name is Namib... Please take care of me!"

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