The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

"Are these robots crazy?"

In the square below the altar, Recte and his companions looked at the robots that had entered the state of self-detonation, and their faces became very ugly.

The combat effectiveness of these robots was quite mediocre, but there were too many of them, and they almost kept coming out of the underground ruins.

And after entering the state of self-detonation, each one had almost the power of a regular grenade. Once it was touched, it would be a continuous explosion, which was very tricky.

"Damn it, this won't work! Rabbit, follow me, let's go down and take a look."

Rect quickly turned into wine, and at the same time pulled over the blown-up La Beti, and threw him towards the round hole that kept spewing out robots, and he also turned into a wine arrow and followed closely.

Seeing that the two were about to fall into the ruins from the hole, the robots on the field also realized that someone was going to destroy their nest, so they turned their guns and rushed towards the hole in a blinding manner.

"Damn it." Rect looked at the robot in front of him that was about to explode, and he was almost scared to death. If it was blown up by it, at least hundreds of others would be detonated.

At this critical moment, Izumi Reiqian took action. He saw that his right wrist turned slightly, causing Izumi no Mamoru Kanesada in his hand to tremble in an extremely strange movement.

If there was a kendo master present, he would be able to see that the high-frequency vibrating sword tip was actually drawing countless circles, and those countless circles gave birth to countless circular sword qi.

"Sword Qi Tower·Poshayu!" Izumi Liqian's squinting eyes slightly opened.

In an instant, strands of sword qi fell from the air, forming countless circular ripples like rain falling on the surface of a pool, and within the ripples, the densely packed robots suddenly broke in half from the middle.

With one sword, the scene was cleared directly.

"What a group of reliable guys." Gwent on the altar couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

At the same time, he was also glad that he joined the Daro Pirates. If it weren't for them, Gwent would have to face Iht alone with such a trump card, which would be unimaginable.

"Well done!" Recte praised, and quickly took advantage of the gap created by Izumi Liqian for him, and jumped into the underground ruins from the cave entrance with La Beti.

It is called a ruin, but it should be called an arsenal to be more precise. There are densely packed production lines for producing mechanical soldiers here, and as long as there is enough energy, mechanical soldiers can be produced endlessly.

Perhaps, for the former moon people, the person who ate the thunder fruit was really like a god.


"Hahaha, destroy them all."

Above the sky, Iht, who has completely fallen into madness, stood in the clouds, constantly urging the power of thunder and lightning. Countless violent thunder snakes jumped around her, rubbing against the air and making crackling sounds.

Above the sky, countless thunder snakes continued to gather and rush towards the huge thunder ball hidden deep in the clouds. The dark clouds flashed with silver flashes one after another, accompanied by a low roar, like a terrifying monster lurking in the clouds.

"My goodness, this Thunder Fruit is too powerful. It can actually make a guy who hasn't eaten the fruit for a long time use this move."

Daro looked at the lightning ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters above his head, and he couldn't help but feel a headache. As a person who has read the original book, he also knows something about the natural type of ball-rolling moves.

Just like Ace's ultimate move, Emperor Yan, and Blackbeard's ultimate move, Dark Water, the Thunder Fruit also has its own unique move of the same kind, and its name is...

"Thunder Welcome!!"

Looking at the huge thunder ball full of oppression, Daro didn't dare to despise it anymore. After all, it was an existence that could destroy the entire Bika with one blow, and he had to deal with it seriously.

"Dust to dust, earth to earth. You guys who disobey the gods, all die, and destroy all Bika, and I will go to the infinite land alone!"

Iht screamed hysterically, his two red eyes staring at Daro and the people who were fighting off the field.

After eating the Thunder Fruit, Ihet, who thought she was as powerful as a god, was easily defeated by Daro. The huge gap between them made her almost crazy, and she decided to destroy Daro and Bica together.

Only in this way can she eliminate the shame brought to her by Daro.

Lightning is still gathering from Ihet's body to the sky, pouring down the lightning ball

To thrive, Daro knew that he had to get rid of Iht before the move was formed.

But Iht also learned to be smart, no longer fighting with Daro, but using the high mobility of the Thunder Fruit to constantly change positions, only occasionally throwing one or two lightning balls to harass.

"What? God can only dodge?" Looking at Iht who escaped to the distance again, Daro sneered, trying to use the same trick to disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

"Hmph, sharp-tongued little devil, you won't be so proud later." Iht also learned to be smart, just not losing the upper hand in words, but no longer confronting Daro head-on.

"In that case, let me show you the gap between you, the so-called god, and me." Daro raised his eyebrows, took out a series of grenades from his pocket and threw them into the air.

Countless grenades rose into the sky, forming a star array, and were lined up in the sky. This was the grenade combination that Darrow used to defeat Captain John, and it was also the strongest move Darrow had mastered.

[Supreme Sky·Red Sky·Dragon Han Great Tribulation]

Accompanied by the terrifying dragon power formed by the compressed Overlord Color, the dragon head formed by the collapse of the thermite grenade [C3·Purgatory Furnace] began to appear, and the scorching high temperature caused the air to begin to distort...

Immediately afterwards, a series of fire-attributed grenades such as magma grenades and burning gasoline grenades began to explode gradually, and under Darrow's control, they slowly transformed into dragon bodies, dragon scales, and dragon claws...

The giant dragon hundreds of meters above slowly rose into the sky, hovering and flying directly above the huge lightning ball, looking down at everything like a world-destroying dragon god.

At the same time, the huge lightning ball condensed by Iht had also reached its peak. The dazzling blue-white light almost made it impossible to open one's eyes. It seemed that it had reached the limit of collapse.

Almost at the same time, the two men's moves were ready.

"Come on, head-on collision!!"

Daro looked at the terrifying light ball that fell like a meteorite, let out a vomiting roar, and then controlled the fire dragon to hit the thunder ball at a faster speed like a rocket.

The dragon roared in the air, and the terrifying overlord color spread out, dispersing the electric light ball that was in a plasma state but almost condensed into substance.

Taking advantage of this gap, the more than 3,000-degree thermite faucet directly hit the center of the ball, and the sky of the entire Sky Island let out a wail, followed by a huge explosion that could not be described.


The sky began to be divided by thunder and fire, half of which was dazzling like daylight, and the other half was red like the sun in purgatory, one blue and one red, competing against each other, tearing the sky in half.

Thunder and fire in the sky

Afterwards, an unprecedented violent shock wave formed a huge spherical wave visible to the naked eye, and even from the outside, the space within the shock wave was violently distorted.

The ground beneath his feet could no longer support it and began to crack inch by inch, and the entire Bi Ka began to shake violently!

"Hey, hey, hey, this is too... a monster." Under the altar, Gwent sighed while controlling Yun Tiebei to form a unique shield, looking at the sky that was about to be torn apart.

Next to him, Rekt, who had just taken La Beti to destroy most of the underground ruins, shrugged his shoulders with a look of indifference, indicating that for the monster Captain, this scene was already commonplace.

The explosion continued, and the flames continued to devour the lightning ball and forced it to break. Countless arcs began to escape from the surface of the lightning ball and shot out in all directions.

Even these "surviving" energy aftermaths fell on the ground like electromagnetic cannons, and what was more deadly was that these arcs carried tens of millions of volts of high voltage.

Fortunately, as meteorologists, Haredas and Gwent anticipated this situation as soon as they saw the lightning ball shatter.

So they immediately used Yuntiebei to make a series of peculiarly shaped cages. Although Yuntiebei is conductive, it can completely intercept the thunder that strikes down.

"Faraday cage!" Looking at the round cages on the ground that looked like steamed buns, Darrow raised his eyebrows, and then praised: "It seems that our meteorologist is not bad!"

As the arc continued to dissipate, the big lightning ball in the sky could no longer maintain a stable shape, and continued to fall behind in the confrontation with the "Fire Dragon", until only a dazzling red was left on the sky.

"Impossible, I will not lose, and the gods will not lose." Exhausted, Iht knelt on the ground, and his originally ambitious eyes became dim, just repeating this sentence.

She was unwilling and dared not believe that the plan of forty or fifty years turned out to be in vain.

Iht's already aging body

, after the previous battle, he had been pushed to the limit, and with the huge sense of disappointment and unwillingness in his heart, the prophet who had ruled Bika for hundreds of years actually died.

So far, the battle of Bika has completely ended.

The old god is dead, and the new god should be established.

Sky Island is also about to usher in peace and unification.

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