The dead are gone, and the dead are gone.

Iht is dead.

She went to the illusory "Infinite Land" with her ridiculous ambition.

The shadows covering Bika, Angel Island and Shandia were lifted, and no one would provoke war in secret. Peace and unification will become a new chapter for Sky Island.

"It seems to be over!" Outside the sky of Bika, Ganfor, riding Pegasus Pierre, turned his head and said to Siklos riding the Sky Bird behind him.

Behind them, there was a team of reinforcements estimated to be 30 to 40 people. Some of them were drawn from the Angel Island Divine Guards, and the rest were warriors from Shandia.

Ganfor and Siklos led the team to come, intending to rush to the aid of the new god and help her stabilize the situation. Later, they could also rely on this achievement to seek some say in Sky Island.

Unfortunately, after seeing the noise caused by the battle between Daro and Iht, the two retreated. It was indeed unrealistic for them to participate in this war with their strength.

But more importantly, they did not want to rashly stand on the side before the victory or defeat was decided. Otherwise, if Iht won, Angel Island and Shandia would be madly retaliated by that crazy woman.

This is the world of pirates, the helplessness of small people. Lacking strong strength, they can only rely on some cleverness to get along with powerful forces.

"Let's go over quickly and see if there is anything we can do to help." Siklos, who was immersed in the "original shares", seemed a little anxious. After all, the relationship between Shandia and Bica was even worse than that between Angel Island.

On the other side, the third floor of Bica Island.

Since Bica is not a land-based island, it is basically built on a special cloud layer with buoyancy, so it is very unstable. Otherwise, Enelu in the original book would not have destroyed the entire Bica with a single thunderbolt.

Although Daro tried his best to stop it, under the strong collision between him and Iht, coupled with the commotion caused by Rekt and La Beti in the underground ruins, the entire third floor was directly hit like cheese with big holes.

Around the altar.

Dense spider web-like patterns spread all over the ground, and large pieces of brick and stone floors fell down from the holes in the clouds. On the temple side, the entire building complex had collapsed and turned into a meteor shower and fell towards the second floor.

"Damn, rabbit, you are too fat!" Rekt turned into wine and flew in the air, while struggling to pull La Beti's two rabbit ears to prevent it from falling.

When he turned his head and looked down, he found that Labetti's stomach was round and his mouth was still chewing. It seemed that he had just swallowed something in the ruins.

"You guy, what did you eat? Come on, vomit it out! I can't hold it anymore!" Rector's forehead was crisscrossed, and at the same time, he patted the rabbit's head with his right hand, forcing it to vomit out the contents of its stomach.

Labetti screamed and vomited out golden things full of strange patterns and pipes from his mouth, and then the whole person suddenly became lighter and thinner.

The other members of the Daro Pirates also showed their magical powers, either flying or jumping between boulders. Elsa, who was powerless, was carried on Sofia's shoulders. As for Gwent...

"Help! I don't want to die!!"

The hundreds of people who were covered in the giant Faraday cage with Gwent wailed. The weightlessness brought by falling from a high place made them feel terrified. They curled up in the cage with their heads in their hands and shivered.

What's worse is that since this sacrificial ceremony almost summoned most of the people in Bica, there are still more people scattered outside and falling down without any protection.

"Damn it, there are too many people and they are too scattered." Daro, who was flying in the air, cursed with an ugly face. In the current situation, it is difficult for him to take care of everyone, so he can only do his best.

[Compressed Air Floor Tile]

Daro grasped the void and activated the fruit ability with maximum power. In an instant, a huge piece of air ground continued to spread with Daro as the center, and lifted up most of the falling people.

Sophia landed lightly on the air ground generated by Daro like a civet cat, and Elsa, who was carried on his shoulders, stumbled and fell flat on the ground, while holding her knees with her hands in embarrassment and gasping for breath.

"Saved." After a while, Elsa patted her barren airport and sighed after surviving the disaster.

But only some people were saved. Some people were too far away from Darrow and failed to land on the compressed air platform.

, and these people will become victims of this war.

Next to Darrow, Gwent looked at the dozens of Bika residents who were still falling in the distance, his eyes full of guilt.

"Don't think too much! There will always be victims in war, we can only do our best." Darrow patted Gwent on the shoulder and comforted him in a gentle tone.

Just when hundreds of human tragedies were about to take place, a sharp sound of horses suddenly came from the sky, followed by a group of reinforcements riding on the Sky-Pointed Bird.

"Quick, go save people!" Now Siklos on the back of the Sky-Pointed Bird waved the scepter in his hand and shouted loudly to the Shandia soldiers behind him.

At the same time, the old man grabbed the reins with one hand, controlling the bird under his crotch to turn and gallop in a clever posture, and came to the bottom of the mother and child who were falling continuously.

"Got you!" Siklos, who was still strong, lifted the mother and the baby onto the back of the bird.

It is said that mothers are strong. After the woman felt that the danger was gone, the energy in her heart also disappeared. She collapsed and gasped heavily.

"Thank you!" The woman, who had recovered a little, thanked her savior, but saw Siklos who also turned his head.

"Shandian!" The woman was shocked and covered her mouth with disbelief. In her opinion, they were mortal enemies. How could they help him?

Besides, shouldn't Shandians be savages who eat raw meat and drink blood?

The magical thing is that the baby in the woman's arms stopped crying the moment she saw Siklos.

He just opened his two black eyes and looked at the dark old man in front of him with oil paint all over his face and strange feathers tied on his head.


Looking at this cute little guy, Siklos suddenly made a face, but he didn't think about how scary it would be to smile at his old face that was painted with oil paint and full of wrinkles.

Then, he successfully scared the child to tears.


Two days later, the second floor of Bika.

"A little to the left, a little closer!" The residents of Bika were carrying beams and carrying out post-war reconstruction work in full swing.

After the Bika Temple was destroyed, the residents of Bika re-demarcated a piece of land where the temple fell and rebuilt a new temple, or... the Queen's Temple.

It is worth mentioning that with the active rescue of the Shandia people and the people of Angel Island, the disaster of the collapse of the third floor did not cause too many casualties.

Taking this opportunity, Gwent actively promoted the reconciliation process among the three parties. The three tribes finally put aside their prejudices and shook hands.

Coupled with the evidence of Iht's guilt in Windsor's hands, everyone immediately came to their senses and stood on Gwent's side, electing him as the new leader.

So far, Gwent has been recognized by Angel Island, Shandia people and Bika, becoming the true master of Sky Island, and Sky Island has thus achieved true unification.

Gwent, who became the queen of Sky Island, also issued a summons that puzzled everyone at the first time:

[In order to reward Qinghai adventurers who have made outstanding contributions in the battle, all the fruits on the island will be given to them as rewards according to their preferences. Please gather all the fruits in the square on the second floor, no mistakes! ]

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