The two of them were very busy, and the two sides were busy.

"Sanqiao, teach this kid a lesson."

"Hehe, this kid thinks he is great after defeating Daomu. Daomu is just a teacher in the basic class, while Sanqiao teaches the advanced class."

"Teach this bastard a lesson, don't let him look down on our Wuding Sword Hall."

"Sanqiao, come on."

"You must defeat him, Sanqiao."

In the crowd behind Sanqiao, several teachers cheered Sanqiao up. This look of a common enemy made Da Luo look like a villain.

"Are you ready? Don't say I am a sneak attack then." Da Luo was the first to break the silence and said to Sanqiao.

At the same time, he followed suit and took a mid-section stance. Although Darrow's movements were not very standard, he could even be said to be an amateur.

But he was still very threatening, and he had a more awe-inspiring aura than Sanqiao.

Aura is something mysterious, but it is very important in a battle.

The aura exuded by Darrow made Sanqiao put away his contempt. After looking at Darrow solemnly, he tightened the wooden sword in his hand again.

When facing his teacher Izumi Ji, Sanqiao also felt an invincible aura. This aura will not only make you lose confidence, but also disrupt your rhythm in battle.

And now this annoying brat exudes an aura that is not inferior to his teacher.

Although he was a little worried about turning over, Sanqiao had already had his arrow on the string and had to shoot it. Instead of hesitating, it is better to take the lead in attacking and take the initiative.

Sanqiao stepped out with his right foot, leaning forward slightly, aiming the tip of his sword at Da Luo's shoulder, and then he stepped down in a series of small steps.

Thumb! Thumb! Thumb!

In an instant, three steps were taken in succession, approaching Da Luo like lightning, and then the sword was thrust forward fiercely, stabbing at Da Luo's right shoulder.

Da Luo was also not vague, and activated [Dead Eye] to capture the trajectory of Sanqiao's sword swing, and dodged the stab by a millimeter with a side step.

Then Da Luo raised the wooden sword in his hand, wanting to do the same, and hit Tang Zhu to end Sanqiao directly.

"......!!" This sudden change scared Sanqiao.

But he has been immersed in kendo for many years, of course it is not that simple. Although all this happened in an instant, Sanqiao still reacted.

He even cleverly dodged Daro's attack with the power of his stabbing, and then immediately distanced himself from Daro.

"Huh!" Sanqiao's clever response was a bit beyond Daro's expectation.

Sure enough, no one can be underestimated. Even an ordinary kendo instructor has such fighting wisdom.

If Daro was surprised, then Sanqiao should be described as astonished.

From Sanqiao's perspective, Daro seemed to teleport and suddenly appeared behind him at a terrifying speed.

And although Tang Zhu's posture later was not standard, the terrifying momentum was definitely not a joke.

The test just now made both of them put away their contempt, although in terms of combat power, Daro was definitely far superior to this Sanqiao instructor.

Not to mention the ability of the compression fruit, the physical gap alone is a gap that is difficult to bridge between the two.

But now they are competing in kendo, which is not Darrow's area of ​​expertise. Darrow doesn't want to capsize in the gutter, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

And Sanqiao doesn't want to lose in front of so many apprentices.

The two men re-positioned themselves and prepared for the next round of competition.

"It seems that I can only use that move." Sanqiao thought silently, it seems that he has to take out the moves at the bottom of the box.

Sanqiao raised the sword in his hand to the right side, no longer in the conventional middle section structure, as if he wanted to give up attacking from the center line, and at the same time slightly twisted his waist to the left, as if to leave enough space for the right hand to cut.

Then he led the sword to the right, and after accumulating sword power, he suddenly rushed forward and approached Darrow's side in an instant.

"Kanesada-ryu Secret Sword • False Slash."

After approaching Darrow, Sanqiao first aimed at Darrow's neck with a cassock slash from right to left, and Darrow could only dodge sideways.

Of course, this move is not that simple. The previous cassock slash is just a feint, and the real killer move is still to come.

False slash, false or real, all false.

Sanqiao's cassock slash suddenly paused, and the fierce cassock slash suddenly turned into nothing. At the same time, he suddenly led the knife to the left, changing the move into a left horizontal cut, attacking the center line of Da Luo's waist and abdomen, as if to cut Da Luo in the waist

Cut off.

From the perspective of [Dead Eye], Darrow certainly saw this left horizontal cut and reacted.

But at this time, in order to avoid the first cassock slash, Darrow's center of gravity had not yet adjusted. If he dodged normally, he would definitely reveal a bigger flaw.

[Instant Step]

In desperation, Darrow could only use instant step to forcibly distance himself and dodge this sudden sword.

Darrow's move, which was like teleportation, shocked everyone present.

Sanqiao also saw this scene, and at the same time recalled a naval commander that the owner had fought before. The naval commander also used the same move in the battle.

And the naval commander was said to be a major general stationed in the South China Sea.

The owner won the battle between the naval commander and the owner, but the devastating battle scene shocked him for a long time, so is this kid in front of him a monster that can fight his teacher?

"You really think highly of me." Sanqiao touched his nose and thought helplessly.

"I admit defeat." Then he smiled bitterly and raised the bamboo sword in his hand to Da Luo.

Da Luo saw that Sanqiao had already admitted defeat, so he didn't bother to argue. He put away the bamboo sword in his hand and looked at Sanqiao quietly.

"So what do you want to do in the sword hall?" Sanqiao changed his previous attitude and said respectfully.

This sudden change of attitude made Da Luo a little confused. Why did the atmosphere that was tense a second ago suddenly ease up?

"Da Da Da."

Just when Da Luo was a little at a loss, Miss Suzuki, the young lady at the front desk, came over. After taking a deep look at Da Luo, Suzuki said, "Mr. Da Luo, our owner wants to see you."

The owner should be Izumi Nori. Sure enough, I made such a big noise outside, and Izumi Nori would not be indifferent.

If you want to prevent these apprentices from causing trouble in the tavern in the future, you still have to give orders to Izumi Ji and discipline his subordinates.

Darrow met Suzuki's gaze and touched his nose awkwardly. Who made him pretend to be harmless when signing up, but now he almost overturned the training hall.

The greater the contrast, the greater the embarrassment.

"Let's go."

Suzuki didn't pay attention to Darrow's embarrassment, and said softly, motioning Darrow to follow, and then turned around and walked straight to the back door of the training hall.

Darrow put down the bamboo sword in his hand and followed silently.

Izumi Ji couldn't use the bamboo sword, but he was a strong man who won six consecutive championships in the Gyu-Kaku qualifying competition.

If he went in with the bamboo sword, if he was dragged over by Izumi Ji for another kendo duel, Darrow would have nowhere to cry.

Walking to the back of the training hall, Suzuki pushed open the back door, revealing a wide courtyard, and behind the courtyard was a magnificent Japanese-style house.

The wooden three-story structure was magnificent and solemn.

It seemed that this was the residence of Izumi Ji. As expected, he was one of the strongest men on the island, and this house was indeed up to his style.

Suzuki walked quickly, and soon led Darrow into the interior of the mansion. After passing through several entrances, Darrow and Suzuki came to a tea room.

Suzuki knocked on the door and said softly, "Master, Mr. Darrow is here."

"Okay, come in." A deep voice came from the room, and it sounded like a man in his thirties or forties.

"Please come in." Suzuki waved his hand, indicating that Darrow could go in, and then slowly retreated.

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